"Second brother, where are you going to drink and celebrate? Can you bring your brother?"

Qin Ruochen's voice was excited, as if he really wanted to drink.

Shangguan Shaochen and Ling Muer looked at each other, and they both looked back, only to see Qin Ruochen looking at them with a smile on his face.

The so-called stretching out his hand and not hitting people with smiling faces, Qin Ruochen was so friendly, as if they were so close, it would be impolite to make them serious.

"Liu Huangdi heard it wrong. Today is Yizhi's birthday. He just invited us to the Marquis of Ningguo's mansion to celebrate his birthday." After Shangguan Shaochen said, he politely refused his joining.

The Sixth Brother had never had any contact with them in normal times, but he suddenly showed such intimacy that one had to be suspicious.

Besides, everyone said that he was ambitious, but because of his humble background, he was considered a translucent existence in the palace, but suddenly it was this translucency that overthrew the man who had always been favored and had a chance to get the crown prince. Seventh Emperor Brother, people have to guard against it.

"What is the birthday of Prince Nangong?"

The sixth prince obviously didn't believe Shangguan Shaochen's words, "How can I remember that Nangong Shizi's birthday is later in the year, because last year Nangong Shizi's birthday coincided with the Plum Blossom Festival, and this prince personally went to Ningguohou's Mansion to congratulate him and appreciate it by the way. The beautiful scenery of stepping on the snow and looking for plum blossoms, so the special memory is still fresh."

"This year's son's birthday is coming earlier this year, isn't it okay?" Seeing that Shangguan Shaochen was very embarrassed because someone exposed the lie, Nangong Yizhi hurriedly made up an excuse.

Qin Ruochen was stunned, but soon he burst out laughing, "Ha, hahaha, it's good to be early, good to be early, although Nangong Shizi's birthday has been moved up by a whole month, but as long as you are happy, why not. However, I don’t know if Prince Nangong will invite me to participate in this year’s birthday? After all, I helped your cousin a lot in the court just now!”

It was completely unexpected that Qin Ruochen would speak so bluntly about his behavior just now, and attribute it to helping them.

"I have very little communication with Liu Huangdi on weekdays. I have never asked Liu Huangdi to help me. I don't know what Liu Huangdi said?" Favor.

Qin Ruochen's face turned pale, but he quickly returned to normal, "Second Brother is right, we do not move around on weekdays, so I am afraid that Second Brother has misunderstood me."

He smiled, smiling very humbly and politely.

Just like a white-faced scholar, innocent and harmless, people can't take any precautions.

Shangguan Shaochen, who has seen countless people, knows very well that the more inconspicuous an existence is, the more often it will kill you at the last moment.

"Oh? How did the sixth emperor know that I misunderstood, and what did I misunderstand?" Shangguan Shaochen pretended not to understand.

"Brother Two Emperors, we are all smart people. Ming people don't speak dark words. I have always stood by your side for the matter of Seven Emperor Brothers plotting to rebel and frame you. There will be no evidence to identify him in front of the emperor! Everyone knows that Concubine Min Gui will soon be crowned Empress. Although the Seventh Emperor Brother has been demoted to death row, he may come out intact one day just like you. There is one more enemy, isn't it? So, the second brother really doesn't know what the younger brother wants to do?" Qin Ruochen said.

Hearing Qin Ruochen's words, Shangguan Shaochen curled his lips, "The one who is clear is himself. From the day I was framed by the Seventh Emperor, this prince believes that my father will return my innocence sooner or later. Thank you, but I don't know if I, Muer and Yizhi have searched for evidence for so long, but found nothing, how did you find it?"

The letters Qin Xuanting wrote to the Hero Pavilion and his training of soldiers are not ordinary evidence.

He would never believe that Qin Ruochen's words were just obtained this morning.

Then can he boldly guess that Qin Ruochen has been secretly monitoring Qin Xuanting all along, maybe Qin Ruochen knew what he did a long time ago, but why didn't he expose it, didn't expose it, and wait until today?

If you think about it, this Qin Ruochen is too scary!

"Coincidence, pure coincidence!"

Qin Ruochen smiled and said, "Second Brother also knows that the Emperor and the Seventh Brother don't have much contact with each other on weekdays. At most, they are just idle and bored bickering, but this morning, on the way the Emperor came out of the mansion and came to the palace, suddenly there was a The cold arrow shot over, the emperor did not know, the cold arrow flew past the neck of the younger brother, and almost hit my vitals! Just when the emperor was about to get angry, guess what? I found out that the cold arrow was hiding There is a letter, coincidentally, it is written by Seventh Emperor Brother."

The more Qin Ruochen spoke, the more realistic it became, as if the scene of the crime was right in front of his eyes, "Seventh Emperor's handwriting was praised by his father, and I still remember that he always used it for us to practice when he was a child, so his handwriting is natural to me. It’s still fresh in my memory, and after careful inspection, I was even more shocked, I didn’t expect that the mastermind behind all this is the Seventh Emperor Brother!”

After saying that, he looked at Shangguan Shaochen with great emotion, "Speaking of which, I really wronged the second brother. He was framed and lived in the death row for so many days. I didn't expect that the enemy was the one who exposed it at the beginning. Brother Second Emperor, you have suffered!"

Seeing Qin Ruochen blaming himself and feeling distressed, it gave everyone the illusion that this was their good brother who had been separated for many years! Look at how much he knows how to love others, how warm-hearted he is.

"The sixth prince's luck is really good. We searched for it for a long time but couldn't find it, but when this thing came across the sixth prince, he took the initiative to deliver it to his door. But since the sixth prince has the evidence, he also knows what the letter can bring to the seventh prince. , why didn't you take it out early in the morning?" Ling Mu'er asked, explaining the main point of the matter in one sentence.

Qin Ruochen's expression changed immediately, but soon he returned to normal, but his relaxed energy just now disappeared in an instant, and he turned into a gloomy and sad image of a little prince.

"The second emperor's sister-in-law didn't know when she first arrived. Although this prince is the sixth prince, he is not favored by his father. Because of his humble background, his mother and concubine were not only born as maidservants, but also died at the hands of others. How can I dare to be enemies in this palace?" ,so……"

He paused, sighed again, as if he had put all his troubles behind him, and suddenly cheered up again, "But don't worry, sister-in-law, from now on I believe that the second brother will protect me. , if I find any evidence in the future, I will definitely not hide it again. I will definitely hand it over to the emperor's father as soon as possible. Don't even think about coming out again!"

Seeing Qin Ruochen's complacent arrogance at the end, Ling Muer fell into deep thought.

This Qin Ruochen has such a good brain. In a few words, he easily expressed his difficulty in not providing evidence in the first place, and also expressed his position and future plans. Not only did he show that today's victory came from His merits allowed Shao Chen to protect him and ensured that he would not become an enemy of Shao Chen.

As for what he just said about being attacked on the way into the palace, is it true or not? Isn't his mouth full screen?

Ling Muer took a few glances at him, but didn't speak, and took a few steps back. She really didn't want to have too much contact with such a scheming person.

"Brother Liu Huang can still help my brother in such a dangerous situation, thank you for my brother here!" Shangguan Shaochen saw Ling Mu'er's displeasure, and he deliberately saluted Ling Mu'er with his hands clasped in his fists, keeping the distance between the two of them apart. .

Qin Ruochen hurriedly grabbed his wrists to stop him, "What is Second Emperor Brother doing? Isn't this what I should do? If it wasn't for what happened a few years ago that made you leave the palace for many years, you and my brother might have died a long time ago. Just help each other in the same boat, and you won't suffer such a big wrong this time."

Hearing this, Nangong Yizhi couldn't help but sneer, he opened his mouth to question Qin Ruochen, if he had a good relationship with you back then, wouldn't my cousin have suffered so much?

Do you really think of yourself as an onion?

But he saw his cousin's eyes indicating not to be presumptuous, so he had to change the topic, "Sixth prince is really kind and righteous. If cousin has your help in the future, it will be even more powerful. It's a pity, tonight is a family banquet , You also know the temperament of the concubine mother, she has never liked outsiders visiting the house, so you see..."

Hearing this, Qin Ruochen's expression changed. In the final analysis, wasn't he just not allowed to join their camp?

"It doesn't matter. Mrs. Ning Guohou has a unique temperament. It is a unique style in the capital. Even the emperor often praises her temperament. Of course, I, as juniors, must respect it. Then how about this prince entertaining you when I have the opportunity?" Qin Ruochen Suppressing the anger in his heart, he had a smile on his face.

"Okay, then I will eat the sixth prince's meal some other day!"

After Nangong Yizhi responded readily, he played tricks on Shangguan Shaochen and Ling Muer, and the three immediately bypassed him and left the palace.

Seeing their backs leaving resolutely, Qin Ruochen clenched his cuffed hands into fists, and his face that was calm and happy just now became stern and disdainful in an instant.

"Hmph, wait and see, the game has just begun!"

Twitching the corners of his mouth, he flicked his long sleeves and left in the opposite direction from them.

"This Qin Ruochen, why didn't he see that he still has such scheming before, cousin, it seems that after we solved a small problem, another big problem came!" Nangong Yizhi said with emotion on the way out of the palace.

"I really neglected the sixth child in the past, Yizhi, find a chance, check!"

Shangguan Shaochen's thin lips parted slightly, and a golden light flashed from the corner of Xiemei's eyes, as if he already had a countermeasure in mind.

"Okay, this matter is on me!"

Nangong Yizhi seemed to like doing this kind of thing the most, he patted his chest with a smile, "However, it is a happy event to solve Qin Xuanting today, we have to have a few drinks tonight, I will go back to the house to prepare, you two also Hurry up!"

After finishing speaking, Nangong Yizhi got into the carriage first. But when Ling Muer and Shangguan Shaochen were about to board the sedan chair, Su Ce turned back suddenly.

"Second Princess, stay here." Su Ce's voice was cold, as if calling another stranger.

Ling Mu'er knew that whenever Su Ce became estranged from her like this, it was when there were other people present. He deliberately used this method to keep a distance from her and protect her reputation.

"Xian Wang?" Ling Mu'er asked, "Didn't you leave the palace? Why did you leave and come back suddenly?"

"I almost forgot something important." With a stern voice, Su Ce took a step forward and whispered, "Your good sister may be in trouble."

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