"Ling Muer, stop for me!"

An angry roar came from behind, stopping Ling Mu'er from getting into the carriage.

When Su Ce finished talking about Xiaolan's request for help, she almost didn't even think about getting into the carriage immediately to rescue Sister Sheng'er, but the angry voice behind her seemed to be a bad person.

Looking back, she saw that it was Concubine Min who passed out just now, she was a little displeased at first, but after thinking about it, she came just in time.

"Ms. Concubine Min came just in time. I will send someone to inform you. There is a big incident in the seventh prince's mansion. If you have anything to say, you should save it and tell me later. Now let's go and solve your housework first." After saying that, Ling Muer planned to get on the horse again.

"I want you to stop!"

Concubine Min couldn't hear what Ling Muer said just now, she rushed over to stand in front of Ling Muer, glaring at her fiercely, "Well, you Ling Muer, you caused my emperor to be imprisoned to death, you Still want to stay out of the matter? What can happen to the Seventh Prince’s Mansion? It’s not all because of you! And today, if it weren’t for your appearance, how could I interrupt my conferment, otherwise I would already be the empress at this time, go, I want you to follow me into the palace immediately, beg the emperor to restore the holy will, and follow me!"

After all, Concubine Min rudely tugged on Ling Muer's sleeve, intending to drag her away.

It's a pity that she didn't move for a moment.

"I'm sorry, didn't someone tell you that I'm as strong as a cow when Niang Niang was investigating me?" Ling Mu'er laughed, "Your Majesty, don't try too hard, you can't hold me back."

"You—" Concubine Min was in a hurry, she raised her wrist to strike, but was stopped by a person who suddenly appeared behind her.

"The Seventh Prince has just been demoted to the death row, and the concubine Min Gui's imperial decree has been revoked again. Madam, if I were you, I would never bully my concubine at this time, otherwise, even you would go in together, you can believe it ?”

Shangguan Shaochen gritted his teeth for the last three words, and when he finished speaking, he threw her away fiercely.

Concubine Min was unsteady and bumped straight into the carriage, screaming "Ouch", and looking back to see Shangguan Shaochen and Ling Muer gloating, she wished she could pull out the hairpin on top of her head and puncture their throats .

"You two, you two are bullying too much! This imperial concubine will not let you go, just wait and see!" Glaring at them angrily, Concubine Min intends to confess and return to the palace.

Ling Muer didn't intend to let her go back.

Thinking of Lin Lesheng's dealing with Sister Sheng'er yesterday, I am afraid that only Concubine Min can suppress this matter.

At this moment, the matter of the Seventh Prince's detention has not yet reached the Seventh Prince's residence, it would be best for Concubine Min to come forward.

"Is your empress worried about the life and death of your future grandson?"

Hearing this, Concubine Min's hurried steps stopped instantly, she suddenly looked back, "What did you say?"

"I'm afraid your future emperor's grandson will die, so if you don't go to the rescue." After leaving the words, Ling Muer and Shangguan Shaochen exchanged glances and hurriedly boarded the carriage.

Concubine Min hadn't figured out the meaning of Ling Muer's words, she saw that the two of them had already left on horseback.

"Imperial grandson?" Concubine Min Gui was thinking, "Could it be that after they killed my Ting'er, they are going to kill us Le Sheng again?"

Concubine Min cursed secretly and immediately ordered the servants to prepare the carriage, "Quickly, prepare the horse and go to the Seventh Prince's Mansion!"

When Ling Muer and Shangguan Shaochen arrived at the Seventh Prince's Mansion, Su Ce had already brought Xiao Lan to wait outside the mansion.

Looking at Xiao Lan who was covered in injuries and serious injuries, Ling Mu'er guessed the situation of Sister Sheng'er.

"My maidservant greets the second prince and concubine, please..." Xiaolan gestured to kneel down.

"Get up, take me to find someone first!" Rejecting Xiao Lan's salute, Ling Mu'er walked ahead with an anxious expression on her face.

After Xiaolan was stunned for a moment, she finally came to her senses and rushed forward, "Go back to the second prince and concubine, the master is being imprisoned, please come this way."

"There are still prisons in the Seventh Prince's Mansion?" Ling Muer was shocked.

"This..." Xiaolan didn't know how to explain, she lowered her head.

"Okay, that guy has added another crime, take me to see someone first." Ling Muer sneered and nodded to Xiaolan.

Coincidentally, Concubine Min's sedan chair also appeared outside the gate of the mansion at the right time. Ling Mu'er glanced sideways and didn't plan to wait for her to go forward together, but she didn't go far when there were hurried footsteps behind her. , Concubine Min and others also followed.

"Second concubine, you must absolutely save my master, she's afraid, I'm afraid..." Xiaolan didn't dare to think about it.

"Don't worry, I gave Sister Sheng'er the petal extract of Bai Lingxian before, even if the injury is serious, it won't hurt the root, unless..." Ling Muer paused, and quickly put aside other thoughts, "No, no matter how vicious Lin Lesheng is, he would not dare to casually take someone's life. Don't worry, today I will make the decision for Sister Sheng'er."

After the words fell, a group of people had already arrived outside the prison.

The news of the Seventh Prince's arrest has not come back, so the Seventh Prince's mansion was as quiet as ever. The guards outside the prison saw Ling Muer and took out their wooden guns to block her out.

"The idlers in the prison are not allowed to approach, and you should get out of the way quickly!"

"Presumptuous!" Before Ling Mu'er could speak, Shangguan Shaochen was the first to reprimand angrily, and took out his identification badge.

The two guards glanced at each other, then hurriedly knelt on the ground on one knee, "My servant greets the second prince and concubine."

"Since you know the identities of the two of us, don't get out of the way, get out!" Shangguan Shaochen shouted angrily in a cold voice.

Just the stern look in his eyes was enough to scare the two of them, and they stepped back obediently.

Seeing this, Ling Mu'er rushed in, but before they got close, she heard familiar screams.


Sheng'er's scream pierced the sky, echoing in the empty prison.

"It's not me, I never thought of murdering your child, you... why did you treat me like this, why!" Sheng'er continued to growl.

"Hmph, don't you? I see that you clearly want me to die all the time! Because only after I die can you be the concubine of the Seventh Prince's Mansion, and you can take my place and stand by the Lord's side forever. But as long as I'm here, you won't succeed!" After Lin Lesheng's sharp voice fell, it seemed that he had done something again.

I only heard Sheng'er's horrific scream again from inside the prison, "Ah!"

Ling Muer's ears felt extremely worried after hearing the short dialogue, she couldn't help speeding up her pace, and shouted, "Stop!"

Lin Lesheng, who was about to torture Sheng'er, stopped his movements.

She thought it was someone who had the guts to obstruct her from doing things, she raised her eyes and looked forward, it turned out to be Ling Mu'er, she sneered, "So it's the second concubine, why, just because she is the second child, she wants to control our seventh prince Is there any household chores?"

Looking at Xiaolan next to her, she knew it was the letter from this lowly maidservant, Lin Lesheng was in a hurry, "You lowly maidservant, how dare you find a helper, today I will teach you a lesson together!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Lesheng waved the long whip in Lin Lesheng's hand mercilessly.

Xiaolan screamed and dodged, but the long whip never reached her side and Ling Muer grabbed it with her bare hands.

Ling Muer exerted a slight force, and Lin Lesheng, who was holding the other end of the long whip, was dragged away.


Lin Lesheng screamed and clutched his stomach tightly, "My stomach, my stomach..."

Looking up at Ling Mu'er again, she widened her eyes angrily, "Ling Mu'er, it's okay for you to hurt me, but you dare to hurt the fetus in my womb, this is the blood of the royal family, you... you are doomed!"

"So you also know that you have royal blood in your belly, but you still bully Sister Sheng'er like this?" Ling Muer completely ignored her threat, and approached Lin Lesheng on foot, looking down at her.

"Lin Lesheng, you are the main concubine but suppressing the side concubine. This is indeed your family business, but you also said just now that you are pregnant with the blood of the royal family. How dare you torture Sister Sheng'er without authorization? But you know that if you touch her again, not only her, but also the fetus in her womb will die, can you bear the responsibility for this?"

After saying that, Ling Mu'er grabbed her by the collar and threw her to the side again, but her strength was extremely measured, except for making her scream and fearing accidents, there would be no physical reaction.

After Lin Lesheng screamed again, she wanted to find a maidservant to help, but Shangguan Shaochen had already dispatched the guards to stop everyone.

Seeing that the second prince brought so many people and such a big battle, Lin Lesheng was afraid for a moment, but she only regretted that she didn't kill Sheng'er earlier, causing her to wait for the rescuers.

An hour ago, the servant informed her that the courtyard where she lived was on fire, so she temporarily spared Sheng'er, otherwise, Sheng'er would have died by now!

But it doesn't matter, she had already guessed that this bitch would not die so happily, fortunately she was prepared in advance!

"She is indeed a slut, but after all, she still has the flesh and blood of the master. How could I put her to death, but she murdered me, I must teach her a good lesson today!"

Lin Lesheng's eyes were ferocious, and he looked at Sheng'er viciously.

"I didn't, I didn't think of harming her, I didn't!" Sheng'er Youyou, who was knocked out, just heard this when she woke up, and she resisted instinctively.

Looking at Mu'er and the second prince standing in front of her, she knew she was saved.

"Mu'er, she was the one who wanted to harm me from the beginning to the end. I never had the slightest intention of harming her. Mu'er, save me, save me!"

Hearing Sheng'er's hysterical cry for help, Ling Mu'er felt extremely distressed.

When she looked over, she was even more distressed and her heart was bleeding.

I saw that Sheng'er had already been tortured beyond recognition, not to mention the wounds all over her body, she was tied to a cross while she was five months pregnant, and her lower body was soaked in ice water.

"Lin Lesheng, you are too cruel!" Ling Mu'er gritted her teeth, cursed "Damn it" and was about to rush over, but Lin Lesheng hurriedly blocked her in front of her.

"Ling Muer, what are you going to do?"

"What do you say?"

"No!" Lin Lesheng refused, "She murdered the fetus in my womb, even if I let her apologise with death today, it's not enough to calm my anger, you can't let her out!"

"I'm afraid it's out of your hands!"

Ling Muer didn't give her room to discuss at all, and after she gave the guard behind her a look, she hurried over.

Lin Lesheng was so angry that he didn't care and shouted into the air, "Come here, turn on the mechanism!"

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