Ling Mu'er never thought that it would be fine if there was a prison in the Seventh Prince's Mansion, but there would actually be hidden weapons in the prison.

If Shangguan Shaochen hadn't taken her away in time, the whip and arrow in the prison would have hit her.

In the ears, Sheng'er's screams kept coming.

In front of her eyes, there were countless long whips waving. Although it was all in the blink of an eye, Sheng'er seemed to have experienced a torture that was more cruel than death.

"Bastard, Lin Lesheng, you are courting death!"

Ling Mu'er couldn't understand at all, how could she hurt a pregnant woman like this when she was also a pregnant woman?

She couldn't care less about other things, she immediately rushed towards Lin Lesheng, even if she was strangled to death, it would not be enough to quench the anger in her heart.

And Lin Lesheng seemed to have discovered something, she frantically looked in a certain direction and yelled, "Mother Concubine save me, Mother Concubine is Le Sheng!"

"Stop, everyone stop this Gong!"

Concubine Min's roar fell, and the traps in the room also disappeared, and Sheng'er was tortured too badly.

"Why are you still standing there, let him go!" Ling Muer yelled at the guards.

Seeing this, the guard rushed over to open the cage, Xiaolan and Ling Muer pushed the weak Sheng'er out from left to right.

"If anything bad happens to Sister Sheng'er and the fetus in her womb, I will let you be buried with her!"

Ling Mu'er walked past Lin Lesheng in front of the market, and said threateningly.

I have to admit that Lin Lesheng was frightened by these words, she hastily knelt down in front of Concubine Min, "Mother Concubine, save me, Mother Concubine, it's really not Le Sheng who is vicious, it's Sheng Er, it's this bitch who wanted to kill me first of."

"My master, she doesn't have one!"

After all, Xiaolan couldn't bear it any longer. After she placed Sheng'er on the ground, she boldly walked up to Concubine Min, "My lady, the master has been tortured and destroyed by the imperial concubine all these days. She threatened my master not to see the master, not only that, but also murdered the master, and begged the mother to be the master for the master!"

"She's talking nonsense!" Lin Lesheng retorted.

Afraid Concubine Min would listen to the words of a slave, she pinched her thigh to let the tears fall, pleading pitifully, "Mother Concubine, you have to listen to Le Sheng's words, Le Sheng will not lie to you, it is Sheng'er, it is Sheng'er who not only pushed me down just now, but also poisoned the tea I drank, she wanted to kill my unborn little grandson, that's why Le Sheng taught her like this Yes, I beg my concubine to be the master of Le Sheng!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Lesheng kowtowed heavily, tears falling down like beads with a broken string, and anyone who saw it couldn't help feeling pity.

Sheng'er, who was given the pill, only felt that her energy and blood had replenished a lot, as if she had saved her life.

Looking at Lin Lesheng's hateful face, she tried to resist for the first time, "No, the truth is not what she said, I never thought of murdering her, it was a lie she deliberately made up to put me to death, please believe me I."

"Bah, you're nothing more than a lowly maidservant from a lowly background. The Lord honored you to make you a side concubine. Can you also call me concubine mother?" Lin Lesheng interrupted Sheng'er, and ruthlessly humiliated Sheng'er in front of Concubine Min. identity of.

Concubine Min Gui, who originally had some pity for Sheng'er, remembered Sheng'er's identity, looked at Lin Lesheng who was crying with pear blossoms and rain, and finally chose to believe the latter.

"It's unreasonable, someone dared to hurt my unborn grandson!" Concubine Min said, she had already turned around, "Sheng'er, what should you do!"

She was about to die, yet she was framed like this, Sheng'er just felt that this kind of feeling was simply worse than death.

Where is her master? Why didn't he come out to save her even though Concubine Min Gui appeared?

"Mother and concubine! I admit that my status is humble, but I am my master's woman after all. Can't you really see that I am devoted to you? I love you and like you, so how can I hurt his children?" Sheng'er roared. , as if exhausted all strength.

Lin Lesheng was afraid that Concubine Min would believe Sheng'er's words, so she hastily added, "Then how do you explain your poisoning me today?"

"I never poisoned you!"

"Hmph, isn't it you? Could it be me?" Lin Lesheng sneered.

But when her eyes returned to Concubine Min Gui, she became a weak and pitiful victim again, "Mother Concubine, you watched Le Sheng grow up, how could Le Sheng be the kind of villain who framed others? Besides, I can tolerate Sheng'er marrying the Lord, so is there still a need to harm her? Even if she wanted to harm her, why wait until now? It's because she went too far this time, and dared to treat the emperor and grandson Do it, that's why Le Sheng taught her a lesson, the mother concubine wants to make decisions for Le Sheng!"

Seeing Lin Lesheng crying, Concubine Min's heart ached surprisingly.

Looking back at Sheng'er, she was about to order someone to take her away to teach her a lesson, but Ling Muer had already spoken first.

"Who is trying to murder who? You can find out if you investigate it. Since the Seventh Prince's concubine is so perverted, it must be the side concubine who harmed you. I believe you are not afraid of being investigated, right?"

Hearing Ling Muer's words, Lin Lesheng shuddered at first, it was because her eyes and voice were too cold, but how could she deny that she was afraid?

"Of course!"

"Very good," Ling Mu'er smiled again, and after confirming that Sheng'er was fine, she walked in front of Concubine Min. "Concubine Min, I believe you have seen and heard just now, both of them claim to be victims, but who is telling the truth and who is lying, you have to use evidence. ?"

Concubine Min didn't know what Ling Muer wanted to say, but although she hated Sheng'er, the child in her belly was indeed innocent.

"What can you do?"

"Simple, didn't the concubine Zheng just say that Sister Sheng'er poisoned her, dare I ask, what kind of poison was poisoned on you, and when did you poison it? Sister Sheng'er has been locked here by you since the early morning, what happened to her?" What about poisoning you?"

Hearing these words, Lin Lesheng's face instantly turned from green to white.

She was about to open her mouth to find an excuse for herself, but was interrupted by Ling Muer.

"It doesn't matter whether Sister Sheng'er poisoned you or not, just because when she was hurt by the mechanism that rushed out just now, she desperately protected the child in her stomach. A person who is about to die wants to use his last hope to protect the unborn child." Baby, it is enough to see how great the mother's love is in her heart, but how can a person who cares so much about the life of the child hurt the fetus in your womb?"

Hearing this, Lin Lesheng was instantly dumbfounded.

Ling Mu'er looked at Concubine Min again, "The imperial concubine is also the blood of the Seventh Prince's House, don't you think this matter should be investigated carefully?"

Concubine Min was caught in a dilemma instantly, she especially didn't want to listen to Ling Muer's words, but the emperor's grandson was innocent, he was Ting'er's child.

"Come on, check!"

"Concubine Mother!" Lin Lesheng was extremely shocked, she never thought that Concubine Mother would be instigated by Ling Muer, she was about to say something wrong about Ling Muer, but unfortunately she spoke again.

"Of course we have to investigate, but if I were you, I would first investigate from the concubine's courtyard."

"What do you mean by that?" These words successfully aroused Lin Lesheng's displeasure, "Ling Muer, I respect you as the second concubine, and I don't care about some things with you, but do you mean that I will harm myself? "

"You said that." Ling Mu'er curled her lips sideways, and only gave her an inexplicable smile.

Lin Lesheng was terrified, if Ling Muer's people really went to investigate, then everything would be over.

She originally planned to simply kill Sheng'er, but after thinking about it, it's not easy to explain to the master if a living person is really dead, so after putting out the fire, she thought of a countermeasure, poisoning her drinking tea, Then Sheng'er did the framing, when the time comes when Grandpa asks, she will show evidence to convince Grandpa.

But Ling Muer and Concubine Mu came so suddenly, she hadn't had time to destroy those things...

"Mother and concubine, Le Sheng is the main concubine of the Seventh Prince's Mansion after all. How can those bastards be allowed to search Le Sheng's room casually? There are a lot of emperor's and grandson's clothes in the room, if it gets dirty..." Lin Lesheng tried to persuade Concubine Min to help her.

"Don't worry, since the concubine mother is here, she is here to make decisions for you." Concubine Min patted her on the shoulder to comfort her, but after thinking about what Sheng'er did just now, indeed, when all the long whips and cold arrows passed by , she clutched her stomach tightly, this is the instinct of a woman and a mother!

Such a woman who is dedicated to her children, she doesn't believe that she is that kind of vicious person.

"Go and check."

When hearing these two words, the servant rushed out immediately, and Lin Lesheng was also instantly stunned.

"Mother Concubine, how can you listen to Ling..."

"Presumptuous!" Ling Mu'er angrily interrupted her, "I am the second concubine, your second concubine, do you know that you don't respect my fate?"


Lin Lesheng wanted to say something, but Concubine Min had already left her side and walked to Sheng'er, she panicked even more.

"Mother... Concubine mother?" Seeing Concubine Min Gui approaching, Sheng'er, who had just gotten better, couldn't help trembling, as if this person was coming to kill her.

"Hmph, don't think I'm here to save you. I didn't agree with Ting'er when he brought you in. If he hadn't used a trick, do you think I would admit your identity?" Concubine Min Gui snorted coldly, "However, you And tell me the truth, have you ever done it?"

"I didn't!" He shook his head almost instinctively.

Although it was only three simple words, it was enough for Concubine Min.

"Go back to your mother, I found this at the residence of the seventh prince and concubine..." The personal nurse had already found something to bring back.

Concubine Min immediately walked over when she heard the words, and just when she was wondering what the unpleasant smell in the baggage was, Ling Muer's voice sounded, "It's mercury that can cause abortion, and special materials are also paid, Seventh Prince Concubine , I don’t know if I’m right?”

Lin Lesheng only felt that she lost her face when the evidence was found and exposed in public, but the only thing she can do now is to refuse to admit it.

"This is not mine, this is not mine, Ling Muer, you hurt me!"

"I'm standing here all the time, how can I hurt you?" Ling Muer felt amused.

Seeing this, Lin Lesheng immediately changed direction, "It's Sheng'er, this bitch hurt me, it must belong to her, she put it in my room!"

"But you just said clearly that it was she who poisoned you. Since she poisoned you, you would naturally not be able to find out. Then why would she put such a large bag of poison in your room? Why, I have to remind you before giving you the medicine." Are you on guard?"

Ling Mu'er gave her an idiot look, then looked at Concubine Min, Ling Mu'er sneered, "Miss Concubine Min, should we know who is the real villain now?"

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