Concubine Min looked at Sheng'er, and then at Lin Lesheng. Although she did not want to believe Ling Muer's words, Lin Lesheng's performance just now and Sheng'er's performance made her suspect that she had misjudged the wrong person all along.

"Lin Lesheng, you let me down so much!"

"Concubine Mother!" Lin Lesheng was extremely nervous when she heard this, and she tightly tugged on Concubine Min's sleeve. "It's not me, it's really not me, why don't you trust Le Sheng? It's this Ling Mu'er, she and Sheng'er conspired to frame me, concubine mother!"

"If I could invite the second concubine to conspire to kill you, how could I be bullied like this? If the second concubine hadn't given me medicine to nourish my body, I'm afraid I would have been killed by now. Sister, why have you been Put me to death!" Sheng'er's faint voice pierced through, filled with endless sorrow.

"Because I hate you, I only love you!" Almost without thinking, Lin Lesheng regretted it

Oops, is she admitting what she did in disguise?

She was terrified and turned around hastily, "Mother Concubine?"

"Come on, take Lin Lesheng down!" She really couldn't bear such a vicious woman staying beside her Ting'er, Concubine Min reluctantly ordered.

Seeing the guard approaching her, Lin Lesheng raised his heart in his throat. "No, it's not me, it's Sheng'er, the person you want to arrest is Sheng'er!"

It's a pity, no matter how she resists, how can a woman who has no power to restrain a chicken be an opponent of a guard?

"I want to see you, I will make the decision for me, you can't treat me like this, I haven't come back yet, I won't allow you to hurt me, I want to meet you!" Lin Lesheng roared.

Seeing her self-righteous appearance when she was about to die, Ling Mu'er couldn't help feeling amused, "It's a pity, your grandfather is also in prison right now, you won't be able to see him?"

Hearing the last few words, all Lin Lesheng's hopes seemed to be shattered at this moment.

Her eyes widened in disbelief, "What did you say?"

Soon, she looked at Concubine Mu, seeing that Concubine Mu also looked distressed and hated, she knew that Ling Muer was not lying.

Could it be, could it be that the plan that the Lord has been planning all along has really failed?

"Ling Mu'er, you deliberately let me see what happened today, just wait and see, I won't let you go!"

Flicking her sleeves, Concubine Min said harsh words and walked away fiercely.

Even though Lin Lesheng was also taken away together, Ling Muer knew that although Lin Lesheng would not have such a tragic end, she would never have the chance to bully Sheng'er again.

She hurriedly walked up to Sheng'er, "Sister Sheng'er..."

"Tell me if what you just said is true!"

Sheng'er held her wrist tightly, raised her eyes, and looked into her eyes in disbelief.

Looking at this dying woman, but with the brilliance in her eyes when the word Qin Xuanting was mentioned, Ling Muer knew that she was doomed to lose the only good sister she had been in time travel.

"Sister Sheng'er..." Her voice was weak.

"You don't need to say any more!" Again, Ling Mu'er was not given a chance to finish speaking, because she already knew the final result just from the guilty tone.

But all of a sudden, she seemed to go crazy, and rushed towards Ling Mu'er, "Mu'er, you promised me, you promised me that I would give him a way out, why, why did you go back on your word, yes I helped you, I was the one who provided you Liu Changyu's trace, you promised me to make an exchange with me, that is my husband, my lifelong belief is my white moonlight, why are you!"

Because her movement was too sudden, and Ling Muer was not on guard against her, so she was thrown abruptly.

Although Shangguan Shaochen reacted immediately, Ling Muer's neck was still scratched by her.

Seeing that Shao Chen was about to get angry, Ling Mu'er hurriedly held her down, and shook her head at him, then looked at Sheng'er, she said guiltily, "Sister Sheng'er, calm down first, let me heal you first, okay? "

"Don't touch me!"

Completely refusing Ling Mu'er's approach, Sheng'er slapped her hand off ruthlessly, "I treat you as a good sister and save you several times, but I only begged you this time and you didn't agree! You put him in jail Do you know that he will live like a year!"

"But if I don't do this, other innocent people will die. Sister Sheng'er, do you know that you have been injured in this world, and you still miss him, but when he already knew what happened in the house, you didn't know Don't you care about your life? Do you know that someone reported your tragedy in the court today, but he only said one word, let that person go!"

Ling Mu'er roared, hoping that Sheng'er could see Qin Xuanting clearly.

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it!"

Not believing Ling Mu'er's words at all, Sheng'er struggled to get up and wanted to pounce on her again, but it was Xiao Lan who stopped her.


The crisp slap slapped Sheng'er's face so hard that everyone was stunned.

Sheng'er also looked at her personal maid in disbelief. "You maidservant, you..."

"Master! Are you really crazy? Look clearly, the person standing in front of you is the second concubine who saved you. If she didn't save you today, I'm afraid you and my master and servant would have died long ago." Also, what she said is correct, I did know about the situation in the house long ago, but I have been ignoring you all the time, I don't love you that much in my heart!"

"You're talking nonsense!"

As if to roar out his throat.

Sheng'er refused to believe such a fact at all, she took a few steps back, squatted on the ground and hugged her arms tightly, "No, I won't treat me like this, I won't!"

"Master, if I treat you sincerely, even if Lin Lesheng is eloquent, I won't see you. It can be seen that I have changed my mind." Xiaolan said, and told her all the things that happened during this period. .

It was as if a healed scar had been ruthlessly uncovered, bloody.

The more Sheng'er listened, the more excited she became, but the more she listened, the sadder she became. Her tears couldn't stop flowing down her cheeks. She wanted to rush out to ask her master, but she didn't have the strength. She fell straight down as soon as she stood up.

"Sister Sheng'er." Ling Muer hurried over.

"Go away!" Ruthlessly pushed Ling Mu'er away, this was probably the first time she told Ling Muer to get out.

But after she finished speaking, she also regretted it.

Sheng'er is not a person who doesn't distinguish between right and wrong, no matter how excited she is, she still knows who treats her well and who doesn't treat her well.

She rushed towards her just now because she lost control of her emotions, but when Xiaolan said all that, she understood, maybe, in fact, she always understood in her heart.

"Ling Mu'er, you are too heartless, I don't want to see you..." After finishing speaking, Sheng'er was about to turn around, but she couldn't bear the weight of her body and fell into her arms.

"Quick, put her down!" Ling Mu'er didn't remember her angry roar, but healed her immediately.

After half an hour, Ling Muer breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, the foundation is not bad. Although there are many wounds on the body, the fetus is still fine. Then I will give you a prescription. You must serve her personally these few days, and keep an eye on her to take the medicine on time, understand? "

Ling Muer confessed to Xiaolan.

"Second Imperial Concubine, are you really not angry that Master treats you like this?" Xiaolan was a little worried.

"Angry, but she is my good sister, I believe she will understand me." Ling Mu'er said, and got up, "I'm afraid the last person she doesn't want to see now is me, so please take care of me during this time." Take care of her."

"Don't worry, the master is the slave's master, and the slave will definitely do a good job as a slave, but..." Xiaolan hesitated to speak, "Second concubine, sir, he really..."

"That's right, Qin Xuanting has already been imprisoned in death row by the emperor's order. I'm afraid he won't come out again in this life. So, after taking care of Sister Sheng'er, send someone to notify me, and I will arrange a new residence for her."

Hearing this, Xiaolan was a little excited for some reason, but also very sad.

If the master is gone, the Seventh Prince's Mansion will no longer be the Seventh Prince's Mansion, so the master will no longer be the master, and according to the laws of the Celestial Dynasty, I'm afraid everyone in this mansion will be buried with him.

It was only now that Xiaolan understood Ling Muer's voice. It turned out that Ling Muer was trying to protect the lives of her master and servant.

"My servant thanked the second prince and concubine on behalf of the master." Xiao Lan knelt on the ground respectfully and kowtowed to her to thank her.

"I'll see you again in seven days."

Ling Muer nodded and left the Seventh Prince's Mansion with Shangguan Shaochen.

She wanted to accompany Sister Sheng'er, and even more wanted to bring Sheng'er back to the second prince's mansion to take care of her, but she was afraid that Sheng'er didn't want to see her at all.

Besides, Qin Xuanting has not been convicted yet, and I believe the emperor will not murder innocent people, after all, she still has Qin Xuanting's seed in her stomach.

"Shaochen, did I really do something wrong?"

Sitting in the carriage, Ling Muer leaned on Shangguan Shaochen's shoulder, as long as she thought of Sister Sheng'er's behavior just now, she would feel extremely guilty.

"Silly girl, you are right."

Shangguan Shaochen's dull and gentle voice came, as if carrying strong power.

He stretched out his long arms to wrap her tightly in his arms, and pressed his chin against her hair, "You're right, Qin Xuanting is full of evil, he will pay the price sooner or later, Sheng'er is just obsessed with her own world Forget it, I believe she will understand soon."

"But Qin Xuanting is indeed Sister Sheng'er's everything. If something happens to Qin Xuanting, Sister Sheng'er's world will really fall." Ling Muer regretted a little, and she was considering whether to ask the emperor to change the result.

"Then isn't the Lord your God? If Qin Xuanting doesn't die, the Lord will die. Why, do you hope that the person staying inside is me?" Shangguan Shaochen asked, his voice a little uncomfortable.

"Of course not!" He almost didn't want to raise his eyes to explain, but before he finished speaking, his red lips were blocked.

Ling Mu'er instinctively wanted to struggle, but was pressed even tighter by this guy.

Yeah, how long has it been since they had such a good kiss?

Since the man in front of them was suddenly arrested, they lived in anxiety every day, and were eager to find evidence of Qin Xuanting. They never relaxed for a day.

Feeling Shangguan Shaochen's enthusiasm, Ling Muer couldn't bear to let the people around her down, so she stretched out her arms around his waist, turning passive into active.

After the kiss was over, she no longer had any strength, and nestled in his arms as if her soul had been drained.

"Shao Chen, but I still feel sorry for Sister Sheng'er in my heart."

"Then what do you want to do?" Shangguan Shaochen knew that even if he didn't agree, his little girl would do it. Instead of letting her take risks alone, it's better to be with her.

"People in death row are not allowed to visit. However, the person Sister Sheng'er wants to see the most right now is Qin Xuanting. I want to take Sister Sheng'er to see him."

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