"Come on, come on, I want to see my father!"

"If you don't go pass the transmission, on the day this prince goes out, I will cut off the heads of all of you and punish your nine clans. Hurry up and pass the pass!"

"Damn it, didn't you listen to my prince's orders? Who rewarded you a few days ago, you ungrateful things!"

"The prince is willing to agree to any of your requests, and I can give you a large sum of money so that you will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of your life, okay?"

A loud rebuke gradually turned into a begging. Qin Xuanting never dreamed that one day he would be reduced to such a humble situation, begging a group of prison guards humbly, but these people turned a deaf ear, as if they didn't listen To the same, very proud.


"Forget it, Seventh Prince." One of the jailers couldn't listen any longer. He shook his head impatiently while holding a chopstick in his mouth, "Bah, calling you Seventh Prince is flattering you. Are you afraid? Did you really forget what this place is?"

It's death row, what's the big deal?

Qin Xuanting slandered in his heart, if it was yesterday, no, even an hour ago, these people would not have dared to talk to him like this if they had given them ten guts.

Well, he remembered.

"Two thousand, how about gold?" Qin Xuanting's eyes were firm, and his attitude was very sincere.

Seeing that the jailer was stunned for a moment, knowing that his heart was moved, he immediately struck while the iron was hot, "I want to see the emperor, as long as you finish this matter, I will add an official to you as soon as I go out, and your relatives will also Rewards one by one, you'd better think carefully."

"Really?" The jailer accidentally dropped the chopsticks in his mouth in surprise, and he immediately stretched out his hand. "Bring the gold first? No, you don't need gold. All of them will be exchanged for silver notes."

Who in the world doesn't want to be named a marquis and worship a minister, but who is the Seventh Prince, now he is a prisoner who begs you and rewards you, once he really gets out, maybe he will kill you. So, compared with the official position, as long as the money given is enough, of course it is the money.

Seeing the jailer's outstretched hand, Qin Xuanting frowned, "I came in suddenly, so I don't have so much silver on me, I'll give it to you after I go out."

"Damn, what are you pretending to be like if you don't have any money!" The jailer was so angry that he spit out a mouthful of saliva and sprayed all of it on Qin Xuanting's chest.

Feeling the condescending hostility emanating from him head-on, the jailer gasped in fright, and was about to admit his mistake in a hurry, and then realized that he was locked in the cell, and there was nothing wrong with him, the jailer gradually heaved a sigh of relief.

"However, since you don't have 10,000 taels, you can give a deposit of 1,000 taels first." The jailer stretched out his hand again, as if giving him one last chance.

Qin Xuanting's eyes were wide open, he endured it, and if he endured it any more, he would have stretched out his hand and strangled him to death, but now is the time when he is needed.

"My prince never brings money with me when I go out. However, I always keep my word. As long as you help me, I don't care about your rudeness to me today. As for whether the ten thousand taels will be more or less, you need to immediately Just take a message and let me see Father." Qin Xuanting's voice was cold and heartless, but very loud.

For a moment the jailer was almost moved.

"No money?" He sneered, "Ghosts believe what you say, and waste my time, I'm sorry!"

He spat again on Qin Xuanting's body, even though he dodged in time, the dirt still insulted his robe.

The majestic Seventh Prince was trampled on by slaves like this. Where has he suffered such humiliation since he was born?

Qin Xuanting had a murderous look in his eyes, and secretly exerted force in his palms, trying to take advantage of the jailer walking past, strangle him by the neck and strangle him to death, but this guy was on guard and ran away before he could strike.

No one helped him deliver the letter, and he couldn't see his father, so he couldn't convince the old man to believe him and let him go.

When he was locked in suddenly, he didn't take any precautions or instructions, what should he do now?

"Come on, I want to meet Royal Father, no, I want to see Concubine Min, pass the news for me, I want to see Concubine Min!" Qin Xuanting roared, and with his already strong inner strength, his roar seemed to spread throughout the prison. up.

"Come on, come on...!"

"Stop shouting." An extremely weak voice came from the corner, interrupting Qin Xuanting's roar.

Qin Xuanting raised his eyes, looked forward coldly, and saw a cowardly jailer standing not far away, wanting to approach but dared not, he was overjoyed, "I am the Seventh Prince, even if I enter There is also a day when you get out of death row, as long as you are willing to help me, I will repay you, are you willing?"

The timid jailer shrank his head, looked behind him again, fearing that others would find out that he was behaving the same way, and made sure that there was no one around him, he swallowed, took three steps forward cautiously, and then took another step back.

"You, from the moment you step into the death row, it is impossible to get out again, and you are no longer a prince. You should save yourself." The jailer said tremblingly.

"Who said that this prince is not only a prince, but also a prince in the future!" Qin Xuanting was very proud. I still remember that when he was demoted to Pingcheng five years ago, he had a divination. Although the divination said that he had no destiny with the prince in this life, he did not believe in this evil.

Looking at the cowardly jailer again, I don't know why such a cowardly person works in the death row, but only such a person can be persuaded by him, this is his last hope.

"I guess there must be an old man in your family and a young man in your family. You also want your family to live a good life. Only I can help you!" Qin Xuanting said, "The emperor will probably not see me anymore, but Concubine Min will definitely find a way Come here, this way, if you do something for me, even if I can't go out in the future, the concubine mother will take care of you outside, how about it?"

I have to admit that this is indeed a very attractive condition.

Who is Concubine Min? That's the celebrity in front of the emperor recently. I heard that he will be named the queen. If he really helped the seventh prince in front of him, will Concubine Min Gui really appreciate him and give him an official title? Woolen cloth?

The timid jailer wrote all his thoughts on his face, and Qin Xuanting, who had seen countless people, just saw it clearly.

"Don't worry, I will do what I say, and my concubine will also thank you." After speaking, he waved to the jailer. His time is running out, and he must seize every minute and every second, otherwise The two sluts, Shangguan Shaochen and Ling Muer, were outside thinking of some way to kill him as soon as possible.

He can't die, what he wants to do has not been completed, and the position of the crown prince is close at hand, and he must not fall short at this juncture.

"Are you serious about what you say?" The jailer was moved, and he approached tentatively and cautiously.

Qin Xuanting did not speak, but nodded sincerely.

"Okay, you find a way to write what you want to say on this piece of paper, and I'll send it to Concubine Min Gui's residence for you." The jailer seemed to have gained ten courage, he took out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it over.

Qin Xuanting, who was eager to ask for help, didn't realize that the situation was wrong. He hurriedly accepted the paper, picked up the charcoal on the ground, and wrote two sentences as fast as he could.

"Be sure to deliver it to Concubine Min in person." After writing, Qin Xuanting rolled up the letter, and while speaking, he planned to hand it over to the jailer without raising his eyes.

Unexpectedly, the jailer had already opened the cell door without making a sound.

And when Qin Xuanting stretched out his long arms and raised his eyes, he happened to bump into a pair of fierce and vicious eyes.

It was still that innocent and harmless face, and it was still the timid and fearful jailer just now, but in the blink of an eye, this person's eyes seemed to have been ingested with a new soul, like a different person, but not like him, But those eyes were fierce and wild, and before he could react, the jailer suddenly reached out and strangled his neck...

"go to hell."

Second Prince's Mansion.

Shangguan Shaochen inquired about everything and came back in a hurry, "The arrangement has been made, and I can take Sheng'er to see Qin Xuanting tomorrow."

"Thank you, Shao Chen." Knowing that Shao Chen has the ability to enter the death row, Ling Mu'er stood up, "I'll send someone to inform Sister Sheng'er right away."

Shangguan Shaochen nodded, and sat on a chair beside her to wait for her. After she arranged for Shang Zhi to go to work, he gently held her hand, "Auntie is still waiting at the mansion to congratulate us. If you don't want to go I can send someone to report."

"It's a great event, why don't you want to go?" Ling Mu'er smiled, and clasped his fingers tightly. The two left the Second Prince's Mansion and boarded the carriage to Ning Guohou's Mansion.

The news that the Seventh Prince was on death row spread throughout the capital and inside and outside of the capital after an hour. Sitting in the carriage, he could vaguely hear the common people talking about it.

Most of them were unbelievable voices. After all, Qin Xuanting did not do anything harmful to heaven and earth during the year when he returned to the capital. Everyone naturally attributed the reason to the fight between the princes for the crown prince. Naturally, it was indispensable. The voice of complaining about the Second Prince.

"Stop the car..." Ling Mu'er couldn't take it anymore, she wanted to get off the carriage and announce the truth to the public.

"No need." Shangguan Shaochen refused.

Seeing Ling Mu'er's angry face, he pinched it pamperingly, "The truth is at ease, if you go down at this time, the common people will only think that we are forcing excuses, and the description will only get darker and darker. After Qin Xuanting, the truth will be made public, so why rush?"

"But how could they humiliate you like this! You are obviously the victim in this matter."

"It's enough for you to feel distressed. What does it matter what others think?"

Shangguan Shaochen seemed to be in a very good mood today, even though he was wronged, he was still smiling, especially when he looked at her, his eyes seemed to be shining.

"Brother~" Ling Mu'er couldn't help being coquettish, and couldn't bear his fiery eyes.

"Mu'er, how about giving birth to a dragon for me?" Shangguan Shaochen suddenly reached out and hugged her on his lap, buried his red lips in the hollow of her neck, and breathed hard.

The hairs all over his body that were teased by him stood on end, Ling Muer wanted to dodge, but he increased his strength, "Why do you want Long Si all of a sudden?"

"The prince and concubine's son is one year old, Ling Zixuan and Chaoyang's baby is about to be born, even your sister Sheng'er is more than five months pregnant, and you and I have been married for some time..." Shangguan Shaochen's voice It became more and more dull, and the deliberately exhaled breath seemed to be implying something.

Sure enough, the big trouble in my heart has been solved, do you want to settle down?

Did this guy forget that another unfathomable opponent appeared in the court today?

"However, this matter has not been completely resolved."

"I will protect you mother and child."

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