Rejecting Nangong Yizhi's request to stay overnight, Shangguan Shaochen and Ling Muer just returned home after a simple meal in Ningguohou's Mansion. Although they succeeded in overthrowing Qin Xuanting today, the final verdict has not yet been handed down. Variables, they don't want to be happy too early.

In the early morning of the second day, Ling Mu'er immediately ordered someone to report to the Seventh Prince's Mansion. She thought that Sister Sheng'er didn't want to see him, but when it came to being able to visit Qin Xuanting, she came here dragging her sick body.

Outside the carriage, Sheng'er was holding that pale face, her frail body seemed to fall down when a gust of wind blows through her.

"Sister Sheng'er..."

"Take me to see him!" Sheng'er's voice was cold and serious, as if they were not good sisters at all, but strangers.

"Okay." Ling Muer sighed, gave up the idea of ​​persuasion, and let Shang Zhi help her into the carriage.

Because Shangguan Shaochen had already arranged everything, when they arrived outside the death cell, there was no one guarding it, only the jailer was waiting outside the door with a smile on his face.

"Second Prince Concubine, although the Second Prince is responsible for it, the time should not be too long. How about half an hour?"

"Thank you!" Sheng'er passed Ling Muer, nodded to the jailer, and hastily stepped into the death cell.

"What's wrong with Miss Sheng'er now?" Shang Zhi couldn't see it, pouted his mouth, and felt worthless for his own girl, "It's not the girl's fault that the Seventh Prince was imprisoned, besides, what did the Seventh Prince do by himself?" , did she really not know about it? Now Dong Chuang deserves what she committed, and she blames the girl."

"Shut up!" Ling Mu'er yelled angrily, "Sister Sheng'er is still the concubine of the Seventh Prince's House no matter how she is, so be careful to speak out."

Although Shang Zhi was still unwilling, but after thinking about his identity, he had to retreat respectfully, but suddenly a scream came from his ear.


Ling Muer and Shangguan Shaochen were taken aback for a moment, and they rushed into the death row without saying a word, only to see Sheng'er lying powerlessly on the ground, shaking his head while looking in a certain direction.

"What's wrong, Sister Sheng'er?" Ling Muer hurriedly helped her up.

"Go away!" Sheng'er ruthlessly pushed Ling Muer away.

Unprepared, Ling Mu'er took a few steps back, and if Shangguan Shaochen hadn't caught her waist quickly with sharp eyesight, she would have fallen down.

"Presumptuous! This matter is Qin Xuanting's own fault, but you have hurt Mu'er several times, Sheng'er, I have tolerated you many times, you know that as long as I give the order, you will die in an instant!" Shangguan Shaochen gritted his teeth and shouted angrily.

Sheng'er didn't turn her head back, "Master is already dead, what's the point of me living, kill me, save me if you have the ability!"

The moment Sheng'er roared, tears fell down.

"Dead?" Ling Muer looked back in disbelief.

Sure enough, in the death cell, Qin Xuanting's back was facing the cell door, his right hand drooped weakly, and he still held a dagger in his hand. The most eye-catching thing was a deep bloodstain on his fair neck.

"Hang yourself?" Ling Mu'er absolutely did not believe that Qin Xuanting would commit suicide in the death row, but his death status was undoubtedly suicide.

"Sister Sheng'er..."

"Get out, get out!" Not listening to what Ling Mu'er wanted to say, Sheng'er pushed her away and ran to the prison door, trying to reach Qin Xuanting's body.

"Grandpa, please wake up, look at Sheng'er," tears fell from the corners of her eyes, and Sheng'er finally managed to grab his sleeve, but when the cold stiffness came, she was covered in cold sweat DC.

Grandpa has no temperature.

After all, he really left her alone.

"Master—" Sheng'er's eyes darkened, and she fell into a faint.

Seeing this, Ling Mu'er rushed up to support Sheng'er from behind, took out a medicine bottle from her pocket and put it under her nose to smell it.

Only then did the fainted person wake up slowly.

Clearly seeing the murderous look in Sheng'er's eyes, before she could speak, Ling Muer hastily explained, "It happened so suddenly, we didn't expect it to be like this, I know you can't accept this fact, but for your sake Child in the womb, in order to find out the truth, you have to persevere."

After finishing speaking, Ling Muer got up, "Come on, come on!"

When the ignorant jailer rushed in, he was stunned by the scene in front of him, he knelt down on the ground with a 'plop', "Second Prince, spare your life, Second Prince, spare your life, slave, slave doesn't know what's going on. "

"I don't know?" Shangguan Shaochen's face was full of anger, "The seventh prince died in the death row, and you said you didn't know, come here, bring this jailer down, and investigate thoroughly with all your strength."

Although the Second Prince's Mansion and the Seventh Prince's Mansion had a deep blood feud, it was really disturbing that a person died suddenly, and then died strangely.

Soon, news of the Seventh Prince's Mansion's death spread throughout the palace, even the emperor was alarmed.

Sure enough, after the emperor who came in a hurry saw Qin Xuanting's body, his condition that had been improved relapsed again, and he had to be taken away temporarily as a last resort. Only Concubine Min Gui who hurriedly followed was crying.

"My Ting'er, my Ting'er!"

Concubine Min couldn't believe this fact at all. Fifteen hours ago, she was begging the emperor to spare Ting'er's life at the sick bed. She was willing to take Ting'er back to the fief of Pingcheng. It's good to come out alive.

But who would have thought that news came from the death cell that the person was already dead.

No, how is this possible, her Ting'er will never hang herself, absolutely impossible.

"Ling Mu'er, it's you, it must be you!" Concubine Min Gui who went mad suddenly stood up and pointed at Ling Muer, "Say, what trick did you use to harm me, Ting'er, I want you to pay for Ting'er's life !"

With that said, Concubine Min stretched out her arms and rushed towards Ling Muer, trying to pinch her neck.

It's a pity that before the person arrived, he was already stopped by Shangguan Shaochen's men.

"Concubine Min, the Seventh Emperor's younger brother hanged himself and died for more than three hours, and Mu'er was always with me during that time, how could she enter the death row to kill people? Besides, we have already put him in the death row, so we can wait for his father to die." The emperor ordered him to be killed, so how can we dirty our hands with unnecessary actions." Shangguan Shaochen snorted.

"Then you, why are you in death row?"

Concubine Min still couldn't believe that Ting'er would hang herself. He understands Ting'er's temper. Even when he was demoted to that backward place in Pingcheng, he never had any thoughts of committing suicide. Although the incident this time was a big mess and the end would be miserable, how could Ting'er have never tried? Will easily throw in the towel.

"It's me who wants to see you." Sheng'er, who had been dazed all along, suddenly said.

When Ling Mu'er didn't think of how to defend herself, Sheng'er slowly raised her eyes to look at Concubine Min Gui, "Dead, concubine mother, is Master really dead? Did Sheng'er really not even see Master for the last time? He hasn't had time to name our baby, he hasn't known whether the baby is a boy or a girl, he hasn't touched him yet, he hasn't touched him yet!"

Sheng'er roared and yelled, tears streaming down her face.

She had never seen such a gaffe, Concubine Min was also taken aback.

In my memory, this side concubine was always submissive because she didn't like her, and it was okay to be humble. Today was the first time she yelled at her.

"Shut up! It's not all about you, you bastard, it's because you're the one who won my family, you're not allowed to touch him, get out!"

Even at this point, Concubine Min still didn't want to see Sheng'er, she tried to drive her away.

"I don't want to, I want to be with you, I want to be with you for the last time, I want to die with you!" Sheng'er slammed her head against the opposite wall as if she had made up her mind.

Ling Muer quickly grabbed his arm, "Sister Sheng'er, don't you want to find out the real cause of death for him?"

For a moment, the death cell fell into incomparable silence, but soon, Concubine Min's disdainful ridicule broke the silence.

"The truth? Your partnership killed my Ting'er, and now you still have the face to find out the truth?" Concubine Min Gui sneered, "The truth is, you are murderers. I am going to report to the emperor, and I will let the emperor rule you. Sin, I will let you be buried with my Ting'er!"

Watching Concubine Min Gui stumbling out of the death cell, Ling Muer didn't want to stop her, but immediately rushed into the cell to check for Qin Xuanting herself.

Although this man's death was well deserved, his sudden death must be investigated.

"Are you sure that no one has entered the death cell during this period? Have contact with the Seventh Prince?" While Ling Muer was checking, Shangguan Shaochen had already begun to interrogate the jailer.

"Back, back to the second prince, the death cell has been guarded by me and others, and since the seventh prince was imprisoned yesterday, except for you, no one has visited or approached, slave, I really don't know what's going on. !” After the jailer finished speaking, he kowtowed again to beg for mercy.

And the group of people behind him also begged desperately for the second prince's life.

"It's best that you didn't lie, otherwise, not only will your family members be exterminated, but the entire death row will be hard to escape."

After Shangguan Shaochen uttered harsh words, he flicked his sleeves and entered the death row. At this time, Ling Muer had already finished the inspection.

"How?" he asked.

"It's not hanging yourself." Four simple words, the words are firm.

Shangguan Shaochen immediately shouted angrily. "Come here, take down all the jailers inside and outside the death row."

"Second prince, you are wronged, you are wronged, second prince!" All the jailers were screaming desperately, but Shangguan Shaochen didn't look back.

He trusts his little woman.

"Are you sure the master committed suicide?" Sheng'er, who hadn't spoken for a long time, opened her mouth, her voice was already extremely hoarse and deep.

When Ling Mu'er raised her eyes, she happened to bump into her injured eyes. Seeing that those bright eyes in the past were now completely silent, she felt very distressed.

This made her feel much more painful than the month when Qin Xuanting married Lin Lesheng.

At that time, she at least still had hope, hoping that Qin Xuanting could look back at her more, and hoping that one day she would also be able to step into the Seventh Prince's Mansion openly.

But now, the person she was looking forward to the most died, her dream was shattered, and her sky collapsed, as if she would not be able to hold on anymore and would fall down at any time.

"That's right, although the fatal wound is indeed the knife on the neck, but I can be sure that he didn't do it himself, but that someone first squeezed his neck to hinder his breathing, made him pass out for a short time, and then Putting a dagger in his hand creates the illusion of hanging himself."

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