"No, it's impossible. Lord, he is very skilled in martial arts. Although he is on death row, how could he..." Sheng'er obviously didn't believe Ling Muer's guess.

"I really don't believe that Qin Xuanting will be murdered, but what if he has been poisoned beforehand and cannot resist?" Ling Muer finished speaking, opened his palm, and there was a silver needle lying quietly inside.

"This is not mine, but I found it from the back of Qin Xuanting's head. This silver needle was smeared with poison, that is to say, the murderer pierced the silver needle into the back of Qin Xuanting's head in advance to block his meridians, and let the toxin invade his body. Then, taking advantage of his unpreparedness, he strangled his throat so that he could not resist, and then killed him."

Hearing Ling Muer's guess, Sheng'er was overwhelmed by the blow, her weak body couldn't bear such a bad news, so she took a few steps back and fell straight to the ground.

Grandpa died, or was he killed?

She never dreamed that the man she had always been proud of would have such a tragic end.

"It's not true, it's not!" she yelled, her voice piercing the cell.

Soon, Wu Zuo appeared, but after some inspection, Wu Zuo's statement was consistent with Ling Muer's, the Seventh Prince did not hang himself but committed suicide.

"The decree has arrived!"

The sharp voice of the chief eunuch came from behind everyone, and everyone in the death cell immediately knelt down to listen to the order.

"The seventh prince, Qin Xuanting, died in the death row for no reason. The cause of his death is strange. I order the second prince, Shangguan Shaochen, and the sixth prince, Qin Ruochen, to investigate the matter thoroughly. The truth will be found out within three days. There must be no mistakes, I respect you!"

When the imperial edict fell, the eunuch handed the imperial edict into the palm of Shangguan Shaochen.

Although Shangguan Shaochen didn't want to, but after all, the dead are the most important. It's no big deal for him to conduct a thorough investigation, but what made him strange was that his father never reused the sixth prince, so why did he let him assist him in the investigation this time?

"Second prince, although the emperor is seriously ill, he attaches great importance to this matter. It happened that the sixth prince learned about this when he was paying his respects to the emperor, so he took the initiative to ask Ying for help. The emperor also said that you two brothers must help each other and find out as soon as possible. Make clear this matter. The dignified prince died in prison, this matter is no small matter, remember to find out the murderer as soon as possible!" The chief eunuch conveyed the emperor's words, which happened to explain his curiosity to Shangguan Shaochen.

Such a coincidence to go to say hello?

Why does he feel that this sixth brother is not a coincidence.

"Eunuch please reply to the emperor, I will catch the murderer as soon as possible."

The eunuch nodded, and had already led the people away, but Ling Mu'er's exclamation came again from inside the prison.

"Sister Sheng'er?"

When Shangguan Shaochen looked back, he saw that Ling Muer had already embraced Sheng'er in his arms.

Sniffing her breath and making sure it was just fainting, Ling Muer sighed, "Qin Xuanting's imprisonment in the death row has dealt a big enough blow to Sister Sheng'er, I didn't expect him to die so suddenly, I'm afraid that Sister Sheng'er will die in a short while. It's hard to digest at this moment, so let's take her to the second prince's mansion first."

"Okay." Shangguan Shaochen hates his Mu'er the most. As long as she is happy, he will not object to whatever she wants. Besides, it is Qin Xuanting who is hostile to him, and it is not his wife. .

"What's going on, what's going on, Qin Xuanting is dead?" Nangong Yi's voice came before he arrived.

Seeing that Qin Xuanting, who was lying on the ground with his eyes wide open, was really dead, Nangong Yizhi gasped and jumped up, "My God, I can't die with peace in my eyes. What's going on?"

"Yizhi, you came just in time. Please send sister Sheng'er to the second prince's residence." Ling Muer felt that she was not at ease entrusting Sheng'er to anyone, and only Nangong Yizhi was able to handle this matter.

"I just came here, and I haven't figured out what's going on, so you let me go?" Nangong Yizhi was a little dissatisfied, besides, he was not interested in Qin Xuanting's women.

"You don't have to go, then stay and watch Mu'er open Qin Xuanting's body together, maybe you will be lucky enough to see his internal organs, just let us see if that heart is black." Shangguan Shaochen intentionally scare him.

Sure enough, Nangong Yizhi's face gradually turned from red to black, and soon, he shuddered in fright, "Send it off, don't you just send it off to a woman, I'll be back soon, and you can tell me clearly about it when you come back." what is going on."

Seeing Nangong Yizhi take Sister Sheng'er away, Ling Muer heaved a sigh of relief.

At this time, there was no one else in the death cell except for a few guards.

Since the emperor has given Shangguan Shaochen the right to thoroughly investigate this matter, it means that they have the right to stay here. It just so happens that she needs to investigate further.

"Why, is there anything else that doesn't make sense?" Shangguan Shaochen asked curiously.

"Sister Sheng'er just reminded me that Qin Xuanting is a master of martial arts, who can poison him without anyone noticing, and yet there is no trace of resistance on his body?" Ling Muer sighed after finishing speaking.

"All the jailers have been imprisoned, and he is the only prisoner on death row. The murderer must be among the jailers. Don't worry, there will be a conclusion before dark." Shangguan Shaochen patted her on the shoulder to signal her not to worry too much.

Ling Muer nodded and checked Qin Xuanting's body again, but found nothing new, so she had to follow Shangguan Shaochen to leave the prison.

But before returning to the Second Prince's Mansion, Nangong Yizhi hurried over on the way.

"It's not good, it's not good, your sister Sheng'er is gone."

"What?" Ling Mu'er was shocked, "I didn't ask you to bring her back to the Second Prince's Mansion, where did she disappear?"

"I brought her back to the Second Prince's Mansion, but she woke up when she first arrived in the guest room. You explained that she was a pregnant woman who was pregnant for five months. Why is she so powerful? She is born in the year of the ox? Besides, she has a special body. I couldn't fight her hard, so I let her run away." Nangong Yizhi shrugged with a helpless expression.

"Sister Sheng'er couldn't digest the fact of Qin Xuanting's death, and she was tortured by Lin Lesheng with injuries all over her body. Her body will be unable to hold on at any time, Shao Chen?" Ling Muer looked at Shangguan Shaochen anxiously.

"Come on, search the Seventh Prince's side concubine closely inside and outside the capital, and if you find any traces, immediately bring them to the Second Prince's Mansion!" Shangguan Shaochen sent someone to look for it without delay.

Ling Muer breathed a sigh of relief, but Nangong Yizhi couldn't wait any longer.

"What's going on? How can a good person die? I heard that he didn't hang himself?" Nangong Yizhi asked curiously.

"Your news is fast enough." Ling Muer mocked.

Unexpectedly, this matter spread so quickly in less than half an hour. It seems that the murderer is not a simple person.

"It's true that he didn't hang himself. Someone poisoned Qin Xuanting first, then strangled him by the neck, knocked him unconscious, and then pretended to hang himself. But who the murderer is and why Qin Xuanting didn't show any signs of resistance are still unknown." Ling Muer explained.

"Bah, who is the murderer? You are the murderer!"

Before Nangong Yizhi could reply, Concubine Min's familiar voice came from behind.

When everyone looked back, they saw Concubine Min standing on the spot aggressively, her eyes were as big as copper bells, and when she looked at Ling Mu'er and the others, she seemed to be killing her father and her enemies.

"It's you, it's you who thought it wasn't enough to imprison Ting'er on death row, so you conspired to murder him! Shangguan Shaochen, Ling Muer, and Nangong Yizhi, you are the murderers who murdered my Ting'er. Let you go, just wait and see, I will never let you go!"

Concubine Min's eyes of hatred swept over everyone, as if she had already decided that her guess was the truth.

"Hey, old woman, I respect you and call you Concubine Min on weekdays. Don't push yourself too hard! We have already sent the person who conspired against the rebel to the death row, so why bother to get dirty with your hands, what about your son? You don’t know about virtue? From my point of view, it’s definitely some hero who is righteous and awe-inspiring, who is doing justice for the sky!” Nangong Yizhi unceremoniously contradicted Concubine Min, and even raised his jaw, arrogantly don’t want it .

"You..." Concubine Min was anxious, she pointed at Nangong Yizhi, then looked at Shangguan Shaochen and Ling Muer, her eyes closed and opened again in grief, "I will go and ask the emperor to investigate you thoroughly, if you are caught I learned that Ting'er's death is related to any of you, even if I risk my life, I will drag you to be buried with me!"

After the words fell, she flicked her sleeves and left in the opposite direction.

"Hey, I didn't get any explanation from the emperor just now. It seems that the emperor doesn't intend to help you anymore. Concubine Min, who lost her throne and lost her beloved son, is still standing here with such arrogance to show off her might. This prince really admires you!"

Concubine Min Gui has long been disliked, and today it is rare to have the opportunity to hit her sore spots, how could Nangong Yizhi let go of this opportunity.

"Nangong Yizhi!"

Concubine Min gritted her teeth, her eyes were sharp, "How long do you think the Marquis of Ningguo can protect you? Do you think that without Ting'er, this concubine will have nothing to do with you?"

Clearly seeing the murderous look in Concubine Min Gui's eyes, and seeing that Nangong Yizhi wanted to speak back, Ling Muer hurriedly held him down before he could speak.

She gave him a look, signaling him to be calm and not to be impatient, and then looked at Concubine Min, Ling Muer suddenly had the illusion that this woman was more difficult to mess with than Qin Xuanting.

"Qin Xuanting privately trained soldiers, attempted to rebel, framed others, and assassinated the second prince many times. These few crimes alone are enough for the emperor to order him to die! Even if he is not murdered today, what will happen to him? There will be no change. It is understandable for Concubine Min to lose her beloved son, but if you frame innocent people casually, even if the emperor recovers, you will not be allowed to mess around. If I were you, I would only find a way to find out who was the real murderer. The murderer, instead of catching one and yelling at the other to waste time."

After finishing speaking, Ling Muer gave Nangong Yizhi a wink, "Let's go!"

Ignoring Concubine Min's cannibalistic eyes, when the three turned around arrogantly, the sixth prince somehow appeared behind them.

"The second emperor's wife is right. The most important thing right now is to thoroughly investigate the real murderer who murdered the seventh emperor brother. He dared to kill people in the palace. This matter is no small matter."

Qin Ruochen looked at Shangguan Shaochen with a full smile, "Second Brother, since Emperor Father ordered you and me to thoroughly investigate this matter, should we find a place to discuss how to conduct a thorough investigation?"

But when he approached Shangguan Shaochen, he whispered in a voice that only two people could hear, "I don't know if Second Emperor Brother likes this big gift I gave you?"

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