Was Qin Xuanting killed by someone sent by Qin Ruochen?

Before Shangguan Shaochen could digest the news, Qin Ruochen shrugged with a smile, "Why didn't the second brother answer the younger brother? Ah, the younger brother knows, it must be the second emperor who thinks that the younger brother is not capable enough to hold you back , that would be good, you and I will investigate separately, and whoever gets the news first will send someone to inform the mansion, I don't know what the second emperor's brother wants?"

"Sixth Brother?" Shangguan Shaochen carefully looked into his eyes and wanted to say something.

"Second brother's silence is tacit consent, then the emperor will go to investigate thoroughly. After all, human life is at stake, and it is our emperor's brother who died again."

After saying these words with a smile, Qin Ruochen swaggered away, as if he had never been here before.

It's just that when he walked around Concubine Min Min, he said very gently and with a smile on his face, "Concubine Min, my condolences and condolences."

Although it was a comforting word, but when he was smiling and falling down, he felt a little more gloating, the corners of Concubine Min's mouth twitched violently in anger, and she wanted to slap her hand down.

"Hey, who is the imperial concubine trying to beat? Although the father is seriously ill, he is still alive. If the imperial concubine beats the prince, how should I deal with it according to our dynasty's laws?" Qin Ruochen asked deliberately.

"You guys, just wait and see, I will definitely not make it easy for each of you!" Flicking her sleeves, Concubine Min left angrily.

Seeing the person he didn't want to see leave his sight with satisfaction, the sixth prince winked proudly at Shangguan Shaochen before leaving, as if to say: I helped you again.

"This Qin Ruochen, what does he mean?" Even Nangong Yizhi realized that something was wrong.

"I'm afraid we all ignored his existence in the past." Shangguan Shaochen sighed, "Yizhi!"


Before he could order, Nangong Yizhi had already patted his chest, "This matter is on me, don't worry, this son will definitely check everything about him from birth to the present."

"As soon as possible." Shangguan Shaochen said, thinking of the news that the sixth prince had just delivered, and the flashing evil eyes, he had to be cautious.

"It has long been rumored in the palace that the sixth son is ambitious, but due to his humble background, he has not been reused, but now it seems that he is more than just ambitious!"

When Shangguan Shaochen looked at Nangong Yi, his eyes were a little more complicated, "Be careful when doing things."

"Don't worry, the young master has a sense of proportion."

Although Nangong Yizhi seemed cynical and always seemed out of tune, he was never ambiguous when it came to serious matters. Shangguan Shaochen believed in this very much.

The Seventh Prince is dead, logically speaking they should be very happy, a usual enemy has finally disappeared, how worth celebrating with a big banquet? But none of them are happy.

Because his death was too strange, too easy!

Qin Xuanting assassinated them many times, although they all ended in failure, but his plans were different every time, his methods were astounding, and his resourcefulness was admirable.

Shangguan Shaochen occasionally felt that if he was really head-to-head, would he be Lao Qi's opponent, but he was such a powerful existence, but he died so easily, which shows how powerful this striker is.

There is such a powerful character hidden by their side all the time, how can they relax?

"There is not much time in three days, and I have no clue. It seems that I can't be with you these few days. Don't worry, I have ordered Sheng'er to go down and investigate thoroughly. I will find her. How about you go back first?" How long will you stay in the Ling residence?" Shangguan Shaochen's voice was gentle, and these words were obviously addressed to Ling Muer.

Ever since Shao Chen was arrested, she has been struggling to find evidence, and she did not go home to spend time with her family for some days.

"Okay, mother and grandma must be thinking too hard about me, and I haven't been to the hospital for a while, so it's time to go back and take care of it." Ling Muer readily agreed, and before Shangguan Shaochen put away his smile, she Touching his palm, he said softly, "Don't worry, I will protect myself."

Others don't understand him, Shangguan Shaochen, so how could she not? He didn't want her to get involved in the murder of the Seventh Prince, because he wanted to protect her in a disguised form.

I'm afraid that this time he acted alone again, Shao Chen will definitely assign all the hidden guards who stay by his side to her side.

But no matter how much she said, it was useless. This guy is very stubborn, and he can't bring back the decision. So instead of having a verbal argument with him and ending up on both sides, it's better to be obedient. , Let him go about his own business with confidence.

"The one who knows me is Mu'er."

He kissed Ling Mu'er hard on the cheek without any shyness, making Nangong Yizhi feel disgusted, but he had no choice but to hold back and dare not make a sound.

After leaving the palace gate, the three left in opposite directions, but only Ling Mu'er was followed by a large number of hidden guards.

It wasn't until she walked far away that the shadow of the imperial city could not be seen, Ling Muer chose to stop in a deserted alley, and she shouted high into the sky, "Come out!"

The surroundings were empty and silent, only the sound of a few leaves falling, but there was no one in front of him or behind him.

Ling Mu'er was not upset, but stood there more calmly, with one hand behind her back and the other casually playing with the hair on her chest, "Shao Chen asked you to protect me secretly, you should obey me He is your master, so am I not?"

Almost as soon as the words fell, 咻咻咻, only a few extremely small voices fell, and there was a cold wind coming from behind, Ling Muer turned around, and saw about ten dark guards kneeling on the ground together.

"Please atone, master!"

The ten men in black, wearing masks and wearing knives around their waists, breathed lightly, and walked lightly. It was obvious that all of them were masters.

Ling Mu'er couldn't help but marvel in her heart, this man who can only do things but can't talk, is really willing to spend all his money, does he not worry about himself at all?

"Since you also recognize me as your master, can you listen to my orders?" Ling Mu'er's clear voice was not loud. At first, it sounded like a young girl's immaturity, but when she carefully distinguished it, she became more domineering like a king.

It is not to be underestimated.

"But according to the master's order!" Shi Shi said.

"My request is very simple, just leave the four of them to protect in secret, and the rest will all return to Shao Chen's side." Ling Mu'er ordered, with a tone that could not be refused.

"Master?" The leader raised his head and looked at Ling Mu'er in disbelief. Soon he lowered his head again, "I'm afraid the subordinates can't follow orders! The subordinates are following the orders of the master to accompany and protect the master, and they can't evacuate halfway without orders from the master." , those who disobey the order, beheaded!"

"Oh? Then how do you know, I won't kill you!" Almost as soon as Ling Mu'er finished speaking, a bright dagger landed on the neck of the dark guard who had just spoken.

A low-pitched cold air came, causing the dark guard to breathe nervously in an instant.

Damn it, he thinks he is very good at martial arts, but just now he didn't see clearly how this woman made a move.

This seemingly young girl in front of me, does she have such skills?


"Since you call me master, you should obey my orders! I am Shao Chen's wife, and I want you to protect my husband. What's wrong with protecting your master? Don't you want to see him in danger and helpless? ?" Ling Mu'er said coldly, and couldn't help but recall Qin Ruochen's expression when he whispered in Shao Chen's ear just now.

Although it was fleeting, she saw it clearly, and a venomous look flashed in Qin Ruochen's eyes.

She saw more clearly Shao Chen's froze expression after he finished speaking, although Shao Chen didn't tell her what the sixth prince said to him, but she guessed that it was not simple.

A person who had been ignored by them suddenly stood up in a high-profile manner, and grandly demonstrated his means. It can be seen that this person has been suppressed for a long time and is ready to give it a go.

Different from the Seventh Prince's enemy who is in the dark, this sixth child has been hiding in the dark. He has seen each of them thoroughly without being discovered, and has done many unknown things in secret. Such a person is like a time bomb that will explode at any moment, she has to guard against it!

"Do it!" Ling Mu'er shouted suddenly, her voice was full of determination that if she didn't obey, she would definitely be killed.

"Yes!" The dark guard no longer hesitated, and the six of them disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Looking at the remaining four people with satisfaction, she let go of the nervousness in her heart. Ling Muer clasped her fists in both hands, and bent slightly towards the four people, "Then, I'll thank you all for the next step!"

The four of them were stunned. It was their duty to protect their masters as secret guards, but no protected target had ever respected and thanked them so much.

But when they came to their senses and planned to salute Ling Muer, they found that the girl in front of them had already gone far away without knowing when.

When the four people looked at each other, they were very different. They thought they were strong in martial arts, but they didn't find the movement track of a seemingly weak girl. The four of them bowed their heads guiltily and disappeared into the air.

"Mu'er is back?"

Seems like he heard his uncle's voice? Ling Mu'er couldn't help quickening her pace, just as she stepped into the gate of Ling's mansion, her grandmother, Yang Shi and Ling Dazhi rushed out from inside one after another.

Everyone's faces were full of anticipation and excitement, as if they were welcoming a great hero who had returned from victory.

"Grandmother, father, mother, uncle, Mu'er is back!" Spreading her arms, she trotted towards the few people, until she completely fell into their arms, Ling Muer's nervous heart finally relaxed.

"Mu'er misses you so much!"

Who said that a married daughter has no home, look, how much her family misses her.

"You silly girl, your eldest brother came back and told us about the matter in the palace a long time ago. The matter has been resolved. Why did you come back at this time? I don't know that we are worried about you?"

Yang patted her forehead lightly, although he complained, the movements of his hands had already invited her into the room.

Uncle served tea, grandma went to serve food, and father silently took out the stove and put it at her feet, and treated her politely like her elders.

"Father, grandmother, uncle, you're making Mu'er so miserable!"

Ling Mu'er hurriedly stood up, pushed the four of them to sit on the chairs one after another, and finally felt at ease, "Since the elder brother has told you all about it, then I won't hide it, the danger of hiding by my side all the time It finally disappeared, from now on our Ling family no longer has to worry about it, and can finally live a good life in the capital!"

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