"The support has fallen, the faith is gone, and there is no place for me to commemorate me in the capital. Mu'er, although you and I are sisters, but you broke your word, I will never forgive you in this life! I am grateful to you for saving my unborn baby, But from then on, my orphan, widow, and mother depended on each other for life, and traveled all over the world to accumulate virtue for him, which is very good. No need to search again, no need to meet again, see you in the next life." Signed, Sheng'er.

While closing the letter, Ling Mu'er had mixed feelings in her heart.

Could it be that she really did something wrong?

Shouldn't she put Qin Xuanting to death? Then sister Sheng'er won't blame her?

But that person had murdered Shao Chen several times, and almost killed Ling Zixuan.

She, no regrets.

Putting away the letter and the purse under the letter, Ling Muer took a deep breath.

"Since she doesn't want to see me, then there's no need to look for it anymore, and order everyone to withdraw." Ling Mu'er's voice was flat, but when the guards were about to leave, she thought of something. "etc."

"What other orders does the Second Princess have?"

"Since she knows that I'm looking for her, it means she's still in the capital, but she doesn't want to see me, so I can't force it. If I see her in the future, I can entertain her and order someone to accompany her to protect me." This is her identity The last thing sisters can do.


The guards took the order to leave, and Ling Mu'er also returned to the dinner, as if everything had happened, but it seemed like nothing had happened.

Early the next morning, on her way to the clinic, she went to a restaurant first. Sure enough, the common people were all rumoring that the death of the seventh prince was related to the second prince, which caused the restaurant's business to be very sluggish.

He immediately came up with a solution for his uncle, to hold a thank you event, and even hung up a banner for the first anniversary of the store. All guests who come to eat will get a 50% discount, and those who recharge can enjoy a free meal. services.

Almost half an hour after the slogan was posted, the originally empty restaurant was instantly full of guests.

Ling Mu'er looked at the scene in front of her with satisfaction, left the restaurant in a good mood, and went to the medical clinic.

Compared with the loneliness of the restaurant, the medical hall seemed much more balanced, especially when the common people learned that the medical fairy girl had returned to sit in town, the common people all crowded over as if they had made an appointment.

After Shang Zhi and Jiang Xiang have taken the lead in the past few months, they are already fully qualified for the task of receiving patients. Ling Muer hastily arranged for people to buy two girls who are proficient in medical science from Yazi, and they will be responsible for entertaining patients. Zhi Jiangxiang set up three offices to serve the common people respectively.

Until dark, the medical center was still as full as ever before, and Shang Zhi couldn't help complaining to her while eating, "Girl, this medical center hasn't been so busy for a long time, and I can't get used to it, but what's wrong with you today, girl?" It came suddenly, where is your apprentice?"

"Apprentice?" Ling Muer was dumbfounded.

Oops, how did she forget about Song Yicheng?

After Xiong Qiguang and Song Yicheng identified the Seventh Prince yesterday, in order to protect their safety, she asked Shangguan Shaochen to take them to the safe house to wait for news. It was originally planned to send Qin Xuanting and the two of them out of Beijing after he was formally sentenced, but in the end Qin Xuanting died suddenly, and she actually forgot about those two benefactors.

"You two stay here, I'll come back as soon as I go." Ling Muer left the words and ran away without a trace.

She ran to the safe house in one breath. Although Xiong Qiguang and Song Yicheng were leisurely in the house like uncles, she was still very guilty. She thanked and apologized. Although the two did not complain, but in his heart Always feel sorry.

"Although the Seventh Prince is dead, the danger for the two of you has not been completely eliminated. In this case, I will ask Shao Chen to send someone to protect you. You should stay in Beijing for a few days before returning to Pingcheng." Ling Mu'er finished speaking, already Instruct the guards outside the door to inform Shangguan Shaochen.

"Second Concubine, you are being polite." Xiong Qiguang was embarrassed to bother Ling Muer, after all, her status was there.

"Yes master, the seventh prince is dead, there is no danger for the two of us. Brother Xiong and I were discussing just now, I plan to go back to Pingcheng to take care of the family affairs, and come to the capital to learn art with you in a few days. I don't know if the master thinks it is good?"

"Since I promised to accept you as a disciple, I will naturally not break my word. You can arrange these. As for Xiong Qiguang?"

Ling Mu'er thought for a while, "To tell you the truth, we have secretly investigated the Xiong family's salt when we were in Pingcheng, and it is indeed good salt. Don't worry, I will recommend it for you when the case of the Seventh Prince is over. In other words, whether you can pass the examination in the palace depends on your ability."

In other words, it is a certainty that his Xiong family will move into the capital.

Xiong Qiguang immediately knelt on the ground happily, "Thank you, Second Princess."

"It is I who want to thank you. I never thought that you would come prepared to help Shao Chen wholeheartedly this time. If it wasn't for you yesterday, the emperor might still not believe what the seventh prince did. The second prince's mansion always owes you once. In this way, if there is any help in the future, come to the second prince's residence at any time." Ling Mu'er said generously, which was an additional promise she had made to them.

Can make the prince owe them a favor, that can't be exchanged by countless treasures.

Xiong Qiguang and Song Yicheng looked at each other, and they knelt on the ground again, "Xiong Qiguang and Song Yicheng thank you, Second Prince and Concubine."

"Get up, I'm ashamed to be so polite again."

Ling Muer always felt awkward being kneeled in front of two big men like this. She pretended to take out two badges representing her identity from the space in her purse and handed them over, "You guys put this away, on the way out of Beijing If you encounter obstacles, you can reveal your identity, and I will also send someone to send you out of Beijing."

"It's Xiong's blessing that the second concubine is thoughtful." Xiong Qiguang played with his waist badge and hid it in his chest pocket like a baby.

Isn't Song Yicheng like this?

"Master, don't worry, I will finish the family affairs as soon as possible without delay!"

Ling Mu'er just smiled, showing that she was not in a hurry, there was Shang Zhi and Jiang Xiang in the medical hall, and he was really not lacking. Of course, if he appeared, it would be even more powerful, she was very happy.

"There's something I've always wanted to ask you, what happened to that bloody coat?"

When Xiong Qiguang heard this, he parted his thick lips and smiled, "Hey, let's not hide from the second princess, in fact, Xiong has selfish intentions in this matter. I was worried that you would not introduce us, so I made a pre-determined proposal before departure." Ready, I didn't expect it to be really useful."

According to what he said, the bloody clothes are fake?

"You..." Ling Mu'er was about to complain to him, but finally smiled silently, "Well, Xiong Qiguang, you are really a bold person. I'm afraid Qin Xuanting would never have thought that he would be played by you. But , You really never thought that if the emperor really got to the bottom of this matter, do you know the consequences?"

Xiong Qiguang just laughed, scratched the back of his head and smiled honestly, "Who made Qin Xuanting do too much when he was in Pingcheng?"

After exchanging a few words with the two of them, Ling Muer left the safe house and told them to be careful in everything before leaving.

Although Xiong Qiguang and Song Yicheng didn't know why she repeatedly warned them to pay attention to safety, they both paid attention to themselves, but what they didn't expect was that something they didn't want to happen happened.

Going back from the safe house to the medical hall, you have to go through a long and uninhabited path, which is why she chose that house as the safe house.

As Ling Muer walked, she only felt a strange gaze coming from behind her from time to time. She looked back decisively, but there was no one behind her, nothing.

She tightened her eyes, and couldn't help speeding up her pace, but the people behind her seemed to be aware of her awareness, Ling Mu'er's speed was fast, and his speed was even faster.

Seeing that there was a brightly lit place in front of her, Ling Mu'er was careful, and wanted to hide behind the wall at the corner, but the other party seemed to have sensed her intentions, only felt a strong wind blowing, and a figure suddenly stood behind her.

"Ling Muer, long time no see!"

Hearing that evil voice, Ling Mu'er shuddered immediately, and when she raised her eyes again, she happened to meet his ugly mask.

She took a few steps back, "Amu De, you haven't left yet?"

"I haven't successfully brought you back to the Western Regions yet, so why am I willing to leave?" Amud said, his eyes narrowed, and he gradually approached her, intending to encircle her between the long arms and the wall.

"Hmph!" Ling Muer sneered, and successfully threw him away with a powerful grabbing move. When she looked back, there was a cold light in her eyes. , okay, then today you and I will settle the old and new accounts together. Amu De, take your life!"

After finishing speaking, three silver needles appeared in Ling Muer's palm, and at the same time they shot towards him with big strides.

Amu De hesitated to dodge every step, just resisted and did not attack.

"Ling Mu'er, I didn't come here to find you today to fight you. You should know that you are not my opponent at all." Amu De said, his eyes crinkled together, obviously impatient.

Ling Mu'er didn't intend to listen to his words, and quickly hit his Tiantu acupoint with a silver needle, sneered, "If you don't try, how do you know that I am not your opponent, if you die by my hands later, don't you cry!"

But Amu De had been prepared for a long time, he used his internal force to force out the silver needle, took out something from his pocket, and threw it in Ling Mu'er's face.

When Ling Muer dodged, he seized her arm with his backhand and pressed her against the wall.

"Thief, let me go!"

"It's rare to get together late at night, and I haven't chatted with you for a while, how can I be willing to let go?"

Amu De leaned forward and sniffed at her hair on purpose.

Seeing him enjoying himself, Ling Muer was so angry that she was about to take out the medicine powder from the space and sprinkle it on, but he said again, "Okay, I know you don't want to see me, I am really not in the mood to be with you today." You're reminiscing about the past, I'm looking for you tonight to help you?"

Ling Mu'er snorted coldly, and pushed him away suddenly when he was not being caught, "Who is the second prince of the Western Regions planning to use to kill someone this time?"

"How can a woman be so vicious when she opens her mouth and shuts her mouth?"

Amu De frowned, "I've heard about the affairs of the court, Qin Ruochen, the sixth prince who hides his edge, he is not easy, but I can help you!"

It never occurred to me that Qin Ruochen was the reason why Amu De pestered her late at night!

A prince from the Western Regions wants to help them deal with the prince from Kyoto?

It's really a good plan.

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