"I don't know how the Second Prince of the Western Regions plans to help me? Kill him?" Ling Muer's tone was very contemptuous.

"Qin Ruochen, it seems simple, but in fact it is hidden. He has done a lot of things secretly because of his humble status! Otherwise, why do you think he has evidence that Qin Xuanting secretly trained soldiers? How could he send someone to sneak into the cell and kill him?" killed him?" Amu De didn't take her contempt seriously.

He is used to being looked down upon and despised by her

"How do you know that Qin Xuanting was killed by him?" Ling Muer became nervous instantly.

It's not that he didn't suspect that Qin Ruochen did it, but if even Amu De can figure out the mystery, it means that many people in the palace can figure it out, including Shao Chen?

"It's not him, is it me?"

Amu De was about to sneer, but looking at Ling Muer's careful eyes, he shrugged needlessly, "You don't really think it's me, do you?"

"Aren't there too many unconscionable things you've done? It's not too many." Ling Muer said, her right hand reached into her pocket again.

Amu De naturally saw her little tricks in his eyes, but he didn't care, "Believe me, Qin Ruochen is more troublesome than Qin Xuanting, and his methods are more vicious than mine. It is not easy to deal with him. Only I can help you."

"I don't believe you!" Ling Muer glanced at him.

"Unless you stand still and let me kill you!"

After the words fell, Ling Muer planned to make a move. Amu De almost instinctively raised his right arm to resist.

"Ling Mu'er, don't be mean!"

"Zi Yu almost lost your life, and Su Ce's reputation was completely ruined because of you. Tell me who doesn't know what to do!"

Ling Mu'er was not in the mood to argue with him anymore, at the same time as the three silver needles pierced into the crook of his arm, he flew forward to knock her down, but before she could make a move, the person in front of him suddenly fell down in front of him with a 'thud'.

Her silver needle was not poisoned, why did this guy fall down?

Looking up, I saw Su Ce retracting the palm behind where Amu De had been standing.

"Why are you here?" Seeing him so late at night, Ling Muer was very surprised.

"Girls, be careful when you go out in the future, and try not to be alone." Su Ce's voice was dull and serious. After finishing speaking, he looked around again, raised his chin, and pointed to the carriage not far away, "Send you back?"

"Then what should he do?" Ling Muer pointed to Amu De who was lying on the ground.

"Although this is an empty alley, wild cats and dogs occasionally pass by. If it is really unfortunate that they are taken away, I can only sigh that his life is bad." Su Ce left the words half-jokingly and walked ahead.

Ling Mu'er smiled, and kicked him hard before leaving. Seeing him like a dead pig, she was really curious, if the wild cats and dogs really came, would this guy wake up.

"Although he makes things difficult for you, he is the prince of the Western Regions after all, and my status as king is not enough to kill him casually." Su Ce's voice came from the front, as an explanation for not standing up for her.

Ling Muer hurriedly waved her hands, "Don't do anything unworthy for me, Su Ce..."

"Anything is worth doing for you!"

Su Ce interrupted her unfinished sentence, his eyes were cold but determined.

The moonlight shone on his shoulders, as if it had coated him with a layer of halo, and his innate aura of king seemed to be able to illuminate the whole street in this dark field.

He is indeed the number one son of the capital, even though he is dressed in black casually, it shows his luxurious temperament.

Looking back on the past three or two years of knowing him, it seems that something has changed in him, but it seems that he has not changed.

"Why are you on this street so late?" Ling Muer tried to break the embarrassment.

"I said I was passing by, do you believe me?"

Su Ce raised his eyes, but his eyes just passed by her and didn't linger too much.

He did pass by, but not just now, but an hour ago.

On the way back to the palace from the palace, he saw her running towards this side in a hurry, he was curious, how could she be alone so late at night? That guy Shangguan Shaochen is really assured that his Meijiao Niang will act alone, if it were him, he would definitely not be willing to do so.

He kept watching in the dark, wanting to protect her safety. When he saw her enter the safe house, he realized that she was going to Ben Xiong and Qiguang. He kept waiting until she came out, planning to protect her back Ling Mansion, who would have thought that Amu De would appear suddenly.

He planned to come out to help her at the first moment, but Amu De suddenly talked about Qin Ruochen's problem, so he simply hid and listened. Unexpectedly, this girl was extremely impatient, but the thief Amu De still didn't intend to let her go. How can such a nonsense be worthy of being a man? It really forced him to make a move!

"Get on the sedan chair, I have something for you." Su Ce lifted the curtain of the sedan chair very gentlemanly, and pointed her up.

Seeing how mysterious he was, Ling Muer was really curious, and got into the carriage briskly.

"Qin Ruochen's whereabouts these years?" Ling Muer was shocked.

I still remember that Shangguan Shaochen had asked Nangong Yizhi to investigate this matter. Nangong Yizhi knew many people in the world, but he hadn't found out why, Su Ce had prepared everything?

"Qin Ruochen really surprised me, so I made up my mind to check it out. I guess you need these too, so I'll give it to you." Su Ce generously motioned her to accept it.

Ling Mu'er counted, there were ten booklets, she flipped through them casually, and found that each booklet was marked with the time and the whereabouts of the key points. It was obvious that Su Ce had worked hard and done his homework.

"Su Ce..."

"No, don't look at me with such affectionate eyes. You really want to thank me and treat me to a meal." Su Ce said easily, his eyes froze for a few moments and then moved away.

It seems that since she and Shao Chen got married, Su Ce has never looked at her infatuatedly.

With this respect, she has to invite this meal.

"I heard that when the emperor gave you the palace of the virtuous king, he also gave you an imperial cook. It seems that the virtuous king is really tired of eating those rare delicacies. It just so happens that I have recently researched a new set of food. I don't know when the virtuous king will be free. ?”

"Available now."

Su Ce didn't know if he was joking or serious, but after he finished speaking, the corners of his mouth were always raised, and it looked even better with those peach blossom eyes.

"...Alright." Ling Muer thought for a while, and readily agreed.

About half an hour later. In the garden gazebo of the Second Prince's Mansion, the stone tables are filled with all kinds of food, but they are all raw. In the middle surrounded by the dishes, there is a large pot with a gossip-shaped mouth and a milky white middle There is a light soup with a few chopped green onions floating in it, while on the other side is a hot and spicy soup full of peppers.

The boiling water was boiling, and the soup was bubbling and bubbling. Although there was nothing in the pot, an aroma wafted out for no reason.

Nangong Yizhi couldn't bear the temptation, and swallowed his saliva, "I said, why did I suddenly think of drinking wine late at night? I have changed my clothes and planned to go to bed, but, what is this food? Why are the slices of meat raw?"

Nangong Yizhi frowned, he is an authentic southerner, he can't eat these raw things, and he loses his appetite when he looks at them.

But this gossip pot looked fresh, so he was forced to stay.

"If the hot pot is cooked and waits for you to eat, then it won't taste good." Ling Mu'er made a gesture of invitation, signaling for everyone to sit down, and then flirted with the maid, signaling her to distribute the chopsticks and fill up the wine.

"Since you haven't eaten it, try it!"

Ling Mu'er raised her eyebrows, seeing everyone's curious looks, she took the lead in making a show.

First, grab a piece of raw beef, rinse it up and down in the spicy soup a few times, and stuff it into your mouth.

Looking at her contented appearance, it seemed that the piece of raw meat was worth more than thousands of delicacies, "Well, it's delicious, why don't you eat it?"

After Shangguan Shaochen, Nangong Yizhi and Su Ce all looked at each other, it was the former who picked up the chopsticks and ate like a gourd.

"Shaochen, you can't eat spicy food, so you can eat clear soup." Ling Muer hurriedly instructed.

"Okay." Shangguan Shaochen really can't eat too spicy food, but he saw that Mu'er's food was delicious, so he planned to try it too, but the little woman seemed to be warning something, and finally he chose to put it on the side without pepper .

"I didn't expect raw meat to be so delicious? Mu'er, how did you think of it?" Shangguan Shaochen's facial features were too little to be moved when he encountered something delicious.

He had never eaten anything like this, but the taste was very unique.

After listening to him, Nangong Yizhi and Su Ce moved their chopsticks.

Sure enough, Nangong Yizhi was full of praise next.

"It's delicious, it's so delicious. I said, Mu'er, how did you come up with these weird ideas? If it was in the past, I wouldn't even touch it, but I didn't expect it So tasty!"

Nangong Yizhi was happy to eat, and kept rinsing down the sliced ​​meat. He was the one who disliked it at first, and he was also the one who ate the happiest.

"The hot pot needs to be spicy to be delicious. If it is paired with this beer, it will be even more delicious. Do you want to try it?" Ling Muer mysteriously took out a huge glass cup from under the table.

When everyone was surprised to find that the wine in her hand was yellow, they were once again deterred, but when Ling Muer opened the sealed lid, the aroma of the wine overflowed, and the three of them almost rushed to hand over the glass.

"Give me a sip, hurry up!" Nangong Yizhi was the most greedy drinker, so he rushed ahead of the two of them.

Ling Mu'er was not polite to him either, "Drink more if you like, but if you drink too much in a while, I will leave you here alone, be careful not to freeze to death by the lake at night!"

"You woman, you are so vicious..." Before the word 'heart' was finished, Nangong Yizhi was already gagged by the beer he had never drunk before, and his eyes widened excitedly, "You just said this What is the name of the wine? Why do I feel familiar when I drink it?"

"Beer. It's grain**. It's made of grain. You're naturally familiar with the taste, but it has a lot of stamina. You should be prepared!"

While Ling Mu'er was talking, she had already poured money for Shangguan Shaochen and Su Ce respectively.

Along with the steaming hot pot, she held up her wine glass, "Although the Seventh Prince's case is strange, but fortunately, we have eliminated the biggest threat to us, Mu'er respects everyone!"

"My son has long said that he will have a big meal. You always say that Qin Xuanting's case is gone, and it's over. Today we won't go home without getting drunk!" Nangong Yizhi liked everyone's drinking work the most, and he took the lead in raising his eyebrows. The head drank the wine in the glass.

But Shangguan Shaochen and Su Ce couldn't get interested.

"The death of the seventh child is strange, but why does the sixth child admit that he is the murderer?"

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