Shangguan Shaochen ordered people to bring Xiong Qiguang and Song Yicheng to the second prince's mansion. They really had no words other than gratitude for Su Ce's life-saving grace.

But Su Ce just shook his head and let them go about their own affairs. Before leaving, he said, "If you need help from me, please feel free to ask. After all, you and I are already on the same boat."

Shangguan Shaochen appreciated him, turned his eyes and got into the carriage with Ling Muer and Nangong Yi.


Just as he was seated, Shangguan Shaochen's stern voice came.

"Go and find out what happened to the sixth child when Xiong Qiguang and Song Yicheng were killed."

"Do you suspect that Qin Ruochen has a part in this matter?" Nangong Yizhi suddenly felt his hair stand up when he said this, why did he feel that the capital city is not a safe place now.

Shangguan Shaochen's expression became more serious, "The men in black have all been specially trained, but how could they be recruited at the first trial? If you hired a murderer to kill someone, would you tell the killer your true identity?"

"I'm stupid!" Nangong Yizhi gave him a blank look, but almost as soon as he finished speaking, he reacted instantly, "It is possible that both Concubine Min and Qin Ruochen sent people to this matter, and the ultimate goal of Qin Ruochen and those people is Identify Concubine Min!"

Shangguan Shaochen did not speak, obviously acquiescing to his guess.

The man in black who was caught by Su Ce was a killer in Jianghu and belonged to a certain organization. At that time, he asked Nangong Yizhi to check it out. It turned out that Nangong Yizhi knew this organization very well.

It is rumored that all the killers of this organization have been trained, and all of them take bloody business.

Among the people in the rivers and lakes, who is not ready to die when they are licking their lives on the tip of a knife? But just now that person was recruited at the first trial, and he was so clean and thorough, how could he not make people suspicious?

"All the facts will be known after investigation."

Shangguan Shaochen calmed down, and his eyes signaled Nangong Yizhi not to be impetuous.

Qin Ruochen, obviously a brother who grew up together, looks like a strange person who suddenly appeared in this world.

"What's wrong? His face is so ugly?" Shangguan Shaochen noticed that Ling Mu'er beside him was pale, like an eggplant beaten by frost, without vitality.

In all the years I've known her, I've never seen her like this.

"Maybe I've been tired recently. I will take a good rest after avenging Xiong Qiguang and Concubine Min Gui." Ling Muer said, suddenly felt a little difficult to breathe. Leaning on the shoulder of the man beside him.

Nangong Yizhi originally wanted to tease her, but seeing that she was really tired, he held back after thinking about it.

Shangguan Shaochen's eyes were full of distress, he only thought that she was stimulated by Concubine Min's hurting others, and didn't think much about it.

While holding her pale five fingers, he took the opportunity to feel her pulse, and found that she was indeed weak, but unfortunately he is not a doctor, so he couldn't see any other difference, so he had to turn half of his body on his side and let her lean as far as possible. Be more comfortable.

"Woo~" The carriage stopped suddenly and braked suddenly, causing several people in the carriage to be thrown out because of the momentum.

Seeing Ling Muer screaming instinctively, Shangguan Shaochen was annoyed, "What's going on!"

"Master Hui, it's the sixth prince." The slightly trembling voice of the coachman came from outside the car curtain.

Shangguan Shaochen paused, gave Nangong Yizhi a look, motioned him to take care of Ling Muer, and got out of the carriage alone.

He purposely opened the car curtain so narrowly that Qin Ruochen couldn't tell who else was in the carriage.

Although he looked around very curiously, he still couldn't see a gap.

"Second Emperor Brother, what a coincidence." Qin Ruochen greeted with a smile, a pair of beautiful almond eyes were wrinkled, and he leaned closer as if the two of them were very friendly.

Shangguan Shaochen looked at the gate of King Xian's Mansion not far away. Although the mansion of King Xian was on the main street, there was nothing around that could attract Qin Ruochen. The only explanation was that he also came to see Su Ce.

"It's a coincidence that the Sixth Brother also came to find King Xian?"

"Father ordered you and my brother to supervise the country. The emperor knows that the emperor is not as smart as the emperor, but how dare the emperor hold back the emperor's hind legs for such a difficult task, so he has to be a stupid bird to fly first and do more things that he can do. Coincidentally We have dealt with the affairs of the marriage between the capital and the Western Regions, so I came to the King Xian to check some information." Qin Ruochen explained, not only praising himself, but also praising others.

What a clever mouth.

"However, how come the second brother is also in the Xianwang mansion, I don't know why the second brother is looking for the Xianwang?"

Seeing his curious face, Shangguan Shaochen suddenly had the illusion that his whereabouts were under Qin Ruochen's surveillance.

That's horrible.

"My prince and the virtuous king have always been on good terms. It is common for me to come to the virtuous man's residence when I have nothing to do. Doesn't the sixth emperor know?" Shangguan Shaochen casually made an excuse.

"Oh?" Qin Ruochen nodded belatedly, "Indeed, in the early years, I heard that the virtuous king and the second emperor's wife had a private friendship, and I also heard that the virtuous king admired the second emperor's wife, although the virtuous king is not as good as the second emperor's brother. I am very lucky to marry the second emperor's wife, but there is no righteousness in business. It is also very good to be a friend."

Qin Ruochen provoked the relationship between the three of them with a few words.

It is even more humiliating.

Ling Mu'er in the carriage had already turned pale from the sudden torture, but hearing this, she couldn't help but want to rush out.

"Don't be impulsive." Nangong Yizhi pressed her wrist in time, and used a voice that only two people could hear.

Ling Mu'er tried to struggle, but due to her weakness, she was no match for him, but Qin Ruochen was too much. I don't know what Shao Chen will think after hearing that.

"I don't know where the Sixth Brother heard the false news from hearsay. The Xian Wang and Mu'er are just friends. When the Xian Wang was injured and almost died, it was Mu'er who saved his life. The Xian Wang has always valued love and righteousness. He thought of saving his life. Mu'er is just taking care of her. Besides, the virtuous king has already married the Western Regions, did the Sixth Brother forget it?"

Shangguan Shaochen raised his brows, and shot a cold glance over him without any trace, which seemed to reveal a murderous look.

Qin Ruochen felt a chill down his spine for no reason.

Shangguan Shaochen's eyes were only slightly colder in front of him, but for some reason, he always felt a cold air swimming in the middle of his neck, as if it would turn into a sharp sword and cut him off at any time.

"Hahaha, it's just a joke, why should the emperor take it seriously? The love between the second emperor brother and the emperor's sister-in-law has already spread all over the capital, even if the emperor is not interested in these things, he has heard about it, so how can he doubt the character of the emperor's wife?" Woolen cloth."

Qin Ruochen laughed on purpose.

But the more he said this, the more he felt that Ling Mu'er had misconduct.

Inside the carriage, Ling Mu'er fisted her hands tightly, the palms on top of her slender nails ached, this time Nangong Yizhi couldn't control it anymore.

"Why go?"

Seeing that he was about to rush out, Ling Muer whispered.

"Damn, this guy is too bullying!" Nangong Yizhi couldn't help but swear, "I am the only one who can bully my cousin's sister-in-law, no one else dares to! This guy humiliates you like this, see if I don't give him some color." Look!"

As he said, he rolled up his sleeves and was about to get off the horse, giving people a feeling of 'I'm going to fight to the death and you wait for me here safely'.

Ling Mu'er stretched out her long arms to block his way, "The Sixth Prince was outside the carriage, you didn't show up just now, but now you got off the carriage to ask him to argue, are you afraid that Qin Ruochen won't find a reason to humiliate me again?"


Nangong Yizhi was about to say something, but was instantly dumbfounded.

That's right, he didn't go out to salute the sixth prince just now, but showing up at this time will only give Qin Ruochen more reasons to humiliate her for her misbehavior. I believe that within an hour, everyone inside and outside the capital will know that the second imperial concubine has a very close relationship with Nangong Shizi, and rumors and rumors will spread out of nowhere.

"But you can hold back this breath, I can't help it!" Nangong Yizhi became more and more aggrieved as he thought about it, "What the hell is this Qin Ruochen doing?"

"Shaochen will not let him go." Ling Muer was very confident about this.

"Mu'er has a pure nature and is straightforward and righteous, but she also has a strange problem. She will use a special way to impress anyone who looks down on her. Sixth brother, do you want to know what is the special way?"

After Shangguan Shaochen's evil voice came, he raised his cold eyes slightly, and when they fell into Qin Ruochen's eyes, he shuddered instantly.

"Oh? I don't know what's wrong with the second sister-in-law, but the emperor wants to hear about it."

"He will put a special poison on that person without knowing it, and I will help her!"

The words were cold, and there was a deep threat at the end of the voice, as if they were using some secret signal to the people in the carriage!

Upon hearing this, Qin Ruochen immediately looked past Shangguan Shaochen to the carriage behind him.

Just now, when Brother Erhuang got off the carriage, his movements were intentionally concealed, obviously he was hiding someone, and besides Ling Muer, who else could be in his carriage?

There is only one possibility why Second Emperor Brother protects the concubine he is marrying so much, Ling Mu'er is not suitable to see anyone at this moment! What's wrong with Ling Mu'er to let the second brother hide like this? Some time ago, the spies reported that the second wife of the emperor had a special body, and her blood...

He wanted to go in and find out, but he was also afraid of the poison in her pocket.

Brother Er Huang was right, that woman's medical skills were superb and unpredictable, she heard that she had snatched people from Lord Yan many times, and she was also an expert in using poison, so he didn't want to be the second Princess Lian'er.

"The emperor's sister-in-law is really humorous and affectionate. It is rumored that no matter what the emperor's sister-in-law does, the second emperor's brother will strongly support, and even help from the side. The emperor's doting on his wife is really for us and other emperors." Be a role model." Qin Ruochen complimented quickly.

Looking back at the plaque on Prince Xian's mansion, he slanted his lips, "Compared to the second emperor brother, I heard that King Xian is not generally unfeeling towards Princess Xian, but although he has no interest in Princess Xian, he is very interested in certain things. I am very worried, I heard that he brought two people back from outside Beijing last night, do you know who the emperor is?"

"I didn't expect the sixth emperor to pay so much attention to the virtuous king?" Seeing his probing eyes, Shangguan Shaochen frowned and asked, his voice not very friendly.

"Although this prince is on good terms with the virtuous king, I don't care about the virtuous king's private affairs. If the sixth emperor has nothing else to do, please leave." Shangguan Shaochen turned around, not intending to talk to him, and his tone of alienation seemed to be that of theirs. Not brothers living in the same court.

"Second Brother..." Qin Ruochen looked at his back and shouted lazily, "Why is Brother Huang so strange to me? Don't you like the gift I gave you a few days ago?"

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