"Second brother, is it true that the emperor is not satisfied with finding out the murderer who murdered the seventh brother?"

When Shangguan Shaochen turned around abruptly, Qin Ruochen had already come to his ear precisely, with an evil voice, as if he was deliberately speaking to him alone.

"Is it the real murderer or the scapegoat? Why did you do this, Sixth Emperor Brother?"

"To help you?" Qin Ruochen said very easily.

If he is not familiar with his temperament, Shangguan Shaochen will definitely think that this person in front of him is wholeheartedly for his elder brother, and he also sincerely relies on him.

"Imperial Brother has always believed that Imperial Brother is the one who takes on the big responsibility. As for the one in the East Palace, how can he compare to you?" Qin Ruochen smiled treacherously.

"You are not allowed to mess around!" Shangguan Shaochen suddenly turned his head, his eyes just met his.

The two people looked at each other, as if they could feel the fire from each other's pupils.

Qin Ruochen took the lead to look away, "Brother Huang, Brother Huang really wants to help you. This game has only just begun."

When Shangguan Shaochen returned to the carriage, his expression was uncontrollably ugly.

"What's the matter, cousin, what did that guy say?" Nangong Yizhi was about to lose control, and he swore that as long as his cousin made a complaint, he would immediately jump out of the carriage and settle accounts with that guy.

"It's nothing, but he has already set his sights on Prince Xian's mansion." Shangguan Shaochen didn't even think about it, concealing the fact that the sixth prince still wanted to do something.

Thinking of how much Su Ce had helped him, he immediately looked at Nangong Yizhi, "Find a reliable person and tell Su Ce, don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case, beware of everything."

Cousin suddenly became serious, and Nangong Yizhi couldn't help but get serious, "What the hell does this Qin Ruochen want to do? It's fine for him to stare at Qin Xuanting, but what threat can Su Ce pose to him?"

"Su Ce's ability is not as simple as what you see. Although Su Ce is a virtuous king, there are far more people who support him than the sixth prince. Qin Ruochen is staring at Su Ce, just like the emperor. It's the same as other vassal kings." Ling Mu'er's weak voice faintly uttered the mystery.

"That's right, if Qin Ruochen really wants to get that seat, he not only wants to get rid of the crown prince, but I, the third person is Su Ce!" Shangguan Shaochen sighed deeply.

"Yizhi, immediately dispatch half of the hidden guards to guard outside the palace of the virtuous king!"

"Half of the people?" Nangong Yizhi refused, "Isn't that obviously weakening our troops? What if you and Mu'er are in danger? Besides, since Su Ce is so powerful, the people around him may not be better than yours." No, why should we meddle in our own business? Su Ce still treats her..."

Nangong Yizhi spoke quickly, and his eyes flashed past Ling Muer.

Shangguan Shaochen's face turned even darker, but in the next second, he suddenly became furious, "Nangong Yizhi, I don't care what kind of messy things you are thinking in your head! The virtuous king has helped me many times, and I am kind to you. As for him What he thinks in his heart is his own business, and he will do as I tell him."

"...I really lost to you."

Nangong Yizhi sighed, "No, Qin Ruochen can't really deal with Su Ce at this time, can he? No matter how powerful Su Ce is, it won't delay his fight for that seat. Shouldn't the person he should deal with now be the crown prince?"

"As long as the prince doesn't get caught by him, he will have nothing to do with the prince. Su Ce is different." Shangguan Shaochen's voice became colder and colder.

"Su Ce is the son-in-law of the Western Regions, and his main concubine is the princess of the Western Regions. If Qin Ruochen really wants to deal with him, he can find any excuse, and he can be sent to death row for the crime of framing her and collaborating with the enemy and traitorous country. Prince..." He paused, "If you hold the sand too tightly, it will lose more. As long as we don't act, at least he won't mess around. It's better to fight against the dark than to see the enemy."

Unfortunately, Shangguan Shaochen was wrong.

When he stayed up all night taking care of Ling Mu'er and asked for leave to go to court early, Nangong Yizhi broke in without notice.

"Cousin, something is wrong!"

Nangong Yi didn't even knock on the door, and broke into Shangguan Shaochen's bedroom.

At this moment, Shangguan Shaochen was washing Ling Mu'er's hands intimately, when he heard a loud 'bang', he swung his long arms and immediately lowered the bed curtain to prevent outsiders from spying on his beautiful wife.

"Presumptuous!" Shangguan Shaochen shouted angrily, but he didn't get up, the cold voice came through the bed curtain, like a sharp sword, shot at Nangong Yizhi's chest.

Shocked all over, Nangong Yizhi instinctively took a few steps back, turned around and hid outside the door, but he was eager to report what happened in the morning, and he didn't dare to delay for a moment, "Cousin, the incident happened suddenly, and I also Didn't mean to break in, today, this morning, what do you think Qin Ruochen did?"

Qin Ruochen?

This name suddenly broke into their world half a month ago, and it seemed that everything was related to him, like the smoggy weather, annoying but helpless.

"You'd better finish speaking in one breath, otherwise, I'll let you come in vertically and go out horizontally!"

Shangguan Shaochen glanced back at Ling Muer who was still in a coma, seeing that she hadn't been awakened by this incident, his frowning brows gradually relaxed.

Gently put her hand back into the quilt, and probed her forehead, and found that it was not as hot as imagined, then lifted the bed curtain and walked slowly outside the door.

"what is going on?"

Nangong Yizhi poked his head out to look behind him, and found that the bed curtain was still covering him, he was a little curious, "What's wrong with Mu'er?"


"I ask you, Mu'er..."

"She is your sister-in-law!" Shangguan Shaochen repeated angrily!

Nangong Yizhi shuddered all over, and looking at the eyes of the person in front of him, it was as if a cold knife was falling on his neck.

"Yes, yes, sister-in-law, my cousin's woman is my sister-in-law. I don't know what happened to her sister-in-law?" Nangong Yizhi has always been a flexible master.

Especially in front of my cousin.

This man, when he started to be ruthless, he was even more terrifying than Lord Yan. Lord Yan could at least keep him until the fifth watch. Cousin, this guy didn't bring more for him at one watch.

But it was beyond his expectation that Ling Mu'er would fall ill.

Fairy doctor girl, Ling Muer in my impression is a very magical and powerful woman. To be honest, he sometimes envies his cousin, but what happened to such a powerful girl?

You must know that my cousin has never been absent from the morning court for more than 20 years since he was born, otherwise how could he miss such an important event today.

"Yesterday I felt unwell, and fell asleep here after I came back, but it's okay." Shangguan Shaochen simply explained.

"Didn't find a doctor?"

"Mu'er is the doctor."

"So what if she's a doctor?" Nangong Yizhi smiled, and the tense atmosphere just now seemed to relax at this moment, "I said cousin, so there are times when you are stupid? If she doesn't let you find a doctor, you just follow her." Let me find it? You really don’t know the reason why doctors don’t heal themselves?”

Shangguan Shaochen's face darkened.

How could he not know, after returning home yesterday, he proposed to call the imperial doctor, but Mu'er insisted on refusing, saying that it would be fine to rest. But after a while, she fell into a coma and kept holding on to his hand not to let him go. He was not willing to leave her alone, so he just stayed with her all the time.

Unexpectedly, it would be dawn in no time.

Of course the recent morning court is important, but nothing is as important as being with his wife.

"What happened early today?" Shangguan Shaochen asked flatly.

"It's nothing, it's just that Qin Ruochen participated in the prince's book." Nangong Yizhi also imitated his tone of indifference, as if he wasn't the one who collapsed in a hurry.

"Speak human!" Shangguan Shaochen was annoyed.

Nangong Yizhi was immediately beaten back to his original form, and his face became serious, "The sixth prince proposed to the emperor to abolish the position of prince in the morning court, and recommended you as prince!"


The big rock in the bottom of my heart seemed to burst suddenly following his words.

"Today is the first day after the father was seriously ill to go to court?"

"Yes, in my opinion, Qin Ruochen did it on purpose!" Nangong Yizhi was indignant, and he looked down on the sixth prince more and more from the bottom of his heart.

"That's why he said that the game has just begun." Shangguan Shaochen muttered to himself.

"What? Cousin, what are you talking about?"

"Where's the father? Did you agree?" Shangguan Shaochen was pulled back from his thoughts and hurriedly asked.

"The emperor's situation is very bad. It was rare to come here this morning when he was sober, but after Qin Ruochen proposed, the emperor vomited blood and even fainted. Although he didn't agree, he didn't object." This is the best of Nangong Yi. place of concern.

"Cousin, what should we do now? We didn't intend to compete for the position of the crown prince, but Qin Ruochen did this, and we were passive. We are not very friendly with the crown prince's house, but it is not considered a birth share. In this way, we They have become enemies! Qin Ruochen's two birds with one stone are really beautiful!" Nangong Yizhi felt the atmosphere when he thought about it.

He really wished he could rush to the Sixth Prince's mansion right now, grab the guy by his collar and ask, you are so vicious, does your dead mother know?

"Prepare the horse, you go to the Prince's Mansion." Shangguan Shaochen immediately made a decision without hesitation.

"Okay, I'll prepare the horse for you now." Nangong Yizhi didn't hear his words clearly, and didn't realize it until he walked to the door. He looked back and pointed to his face, "You want me to go to the Prince's Mansion?"

"Otherwise, Mu'er is still sick." Shangguan Shaochen made a gesture to go back to the room.

He had been out for a quarter of an hour, and he was worried that Mu'er's situation would be bad.

"The sixth prince recommended you and not me. Shouldn't you be the one who should explain to the prince? Besides, I'll figure out what's going on. I'm not sincere." Nangong Yizhi didn't want to be cannon fodder.

Cousin didn't go to court today, but he could see clearly that after Qin Ruochen recommended him, the prince's face turned dark instantly, and there was a strong murderous look in his eyes.

Now he went to the prince's mansion to explain to his cousin, why should the prince treat him as cannon fodder and pour all his anger on him?

How aggrieved he is.

"Qin Ruochen sows dissension, and wants to watch me and the prince fight each other, so that he can catch the fisherman. Although the prince is moderate, he is not elm-brained. He must be able to see the details thoroughly! I let you go only for someone It’s just for personal viewing. Remember, since he wants to watch the excitement, we will put on a big show for him!”

"What play? How?"

Nangong Yizhi didn't understand what Shangguan Shaochen meant at the time, but after he finished speaking, a picture suddenly appeared in his mind, he nodded proudly, "Oh~ I understand, you want to pretend to break with the prince, and then look at what Qin Ruochen thinks What are you doing, cousin, you have learned badly."

"All Qin Ruochen can do is continue to instigate the relationship between the two of us, but what I am most worried about is Father."

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