The emperor is seriously ill and did not give an answer today, but he will give an answer sooner or later when he wakes up.

The country, the country, the common people, which one is not the one that the father misses the most?

How could the great fame of his father, the country that was fought on horseback, be willing to be handed over to a mediocre and incompetent person?

I'm afraid...

"You go to the Prince's Mansion first, the sooner the better." Shangguan Shaochen ordered.

"Do not worry."

When Nangong Yizhi turned to leave, Shangguan Shaochen had already returned to Ling Muer's side, she was still asleep and not awake yet.

For some reason, her drowsiness was even more nervous than he was when he learned that the sixth prince was going to deal with them. A heart hung in his throat instantly, up and down, as if it could hinder his breathing.

"Mu'er?" Shangguan Shaochen tentatively called, but there was still no response.

I checked her forehead and there was no sign of fever.

"What exactly happened here?"

There was a drum in my heart, and there was a sudden feeling of being lost.

No, he does not want to lose!

"Come here!" He couldn't bear it anymore, he had to find a doctor.

"I don't know what orders the Second Prince has?" The servant appeared outside the door.

"Immediately call the best imperial doctor in the palace, and also, go to Aifei's clinic and call Shangzhi Jiangxiang." Shangguan Shaochen's voice was urgent and worried.

The slave heard the clue, and trotted out hurriedly, not daring to delay for a moment.

Which of the imperial physicians in the palace doesn't know Ling Muer's identity and name? Hearing that she was seriously ill, when they came to ask them to come over for consultation, all of them raised their jaws proudly, as if they had begged them. At that time, they bowed their heads knowingly.

"The old minister greets the second prince." The three of them knelt in front of them, very respectful and humble.

"Thank you." The second prince's signature succinct words, as if he would always talk less and not speak to others.

After the three imperial doctors looked at each other, they hurriedly gathered around Ling Mu'er, feeling the pulse, observing and observing, none of them dared to neglect her.

After about a stick of incense, the judge of the Supreme Hospital got up after reaching an agreement with the other two, and reported as a representative, "Go back to the prince, congratulations to the second prince, the pulse of the second prince's concubine is exactly the pulse of joy."


Shangguan Shaochen was completely stunned.

He, who had never spoken and laughed easily in front of outsiders, raised the corners of his lips almost uncontrollably. He tried desperately to suppress it, but he couldn't control it.

"How dare the old minister deceive the second prince." The court judge laughed, with a flattering and flattering expression on his face.

"But why does Ximai look so uncomfortable? And unconscious?" Shangguan Shaochen looked at the person on the bed, his brows were still tightly frowned, like two caterpillars, extremely ugly.

"This—" the court judge looked back and exchanged glances with the other two, "This is exactly what the three of us imagined the second prince would report."

"The second prince's concubine's pulse condition is very special. The veteran admits that he has never seen such a pulse condition after studying medicine for so many years. If she has symptoms, but she is asymptomatic. It is very violent, but it stands to reason that even if it is affected, such a strange phenomenon will not appear, Second Prince, look..."

The court really couldn't find an answer that could be explained.

But Shangguan Shaochen's mind suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and two words came to mind - space.

That's right, there is such a big secret hidden in Mu'er. Her physique is already different from ordinary people. Could it be that she is also different from her when she is pregnant?

"Second Prince, Shang Zhi sent incense to see you." Outside the door, a servant came to report.

"Come in!" Shangguan Shaochen didn't turn his head, his thick voice was full of spirit.

"What's the matter, girl?" Shang Zhi walked in first, and saw Ling Mu'er lying on the bed with a pale face, and was about to rush over while talking, but was stopped by Jiang Xiang.

"Shang Zhi, don't be rude." Jiang Xiang shook her head, then pointed to Shangguan Shaochen with her eyes.

Only then did Shang Zhi realize that this was not the Ling Mansion, but the Second Prince's Mansion, with many rules.

"Shang Zhi drops incense to meet the second prince."

"Go and see your girl first." Shangguan Shaochen ordered, turning sideways.

Shang Zhi and Jiang Xiang were a little shocked by their master's attitude, but they didn't dare to delay and rushed over.

They are all people who are appreciated by the girl's side. In their hearts, the girl is their benefactor, a lady, a master, and a biological sister.

Although it's only been a few years by my side, where have I ever seen a girl so weak?

Shang Zhi was overwhelmed with worry, and tried to feel her pulse, but the strange pulse also made her helpless, "Jiangxiang?"

Jiang Xiang received the look of asking for help, and immediately took Ling Muer's hand.

Beside him, the court judge saw that the second prince favored the two little maids to see the second prince's concubine. He just felt that the second prince looked down on them, his face was damaged, and there was resentment in his heart.

"It's just two yellow-haired girls who are still young. Even if they study medicine at a young age, what kind of accomplishments can they achieve?" The court judge snorted coldly.

"The two girls don't seem to be very old. I didn't expect to be appreciated by the second prince. But girls, look carefully. The person under your command is the second prince's concubine." One of the imperial physicians also said bitterly.

Shang Zhi and Jiang Xiang had already been trained by Ling Mu'er, so how could they fail to hear the disdainful tone of these two old men, they looked at each other, and insisted on researching why.

"Back to Second Prince, Miss is not seriously ill." Shang Zhi got up with a confident expression.

"Sick? Are you really sick?" What he got was not 'Youxi' but 'sickness'. Shangguan Shaochen seemed to have fallen from heaven to hell. Although his heart was a little empty, it didn't matter, Mu'er's safety was important.

"What happened to Mu'er?"

"Second prince, don't be nervous, the girl is indeed happy, but if the servant's guess is correct, because the girl has a special constitution and has been taking medicine all year round, her body is different from ordinary people. With dilated heart vessels and being pregnant, it is difficult for the body to adjust for a while, which will lead to a short-term coma." Jiang Xiang explained in detail, her pretty face was calm and unwavering.

Seeing what she said clearly and logically, the judge of the imperial hospital shot over her incredulous eyes, "What kind of heart expansion, don't talk nonsense at such a young age!"

"If the doctor can't see the disease, it doesn't mean that we can't see it either." Jiang Xiang was not angry with the court's disdain, but was even more arrogant than him, "Shang Zhi and I are the girl's favorite disciples, and the girl will definitely have medical skills It’s all taught to us, how can we talk nonsense?”

"That's right, you can't see the symptoms yourself, even if you are sick, others can't see it. You are not ashamed at such an age!" Shang Zhi looked down on such people the most.

She looked back and didn't intend to talk to the old man. When she looked at Shangguan Shaochen, she took out a medicine bottle from her arms, "Don't worry, the second prince, the girl is really fine. This medicine was newly developed by the girl a few days ago. It just relieves the girl's illness, why not give it to the girl."

Hearing that there was such a coincidence, Shangguan Shaochen was very happy, "Then what are you waiting for?"

"No!" The court judge hurriedly jumped out, "How can a conceived person take medicine so easily, you two little girls, if you don't know how to save people, you must never harm others. Who gave you the truth!"

"Who said that pregnant people can't take medicine?" Jiang Xiang was also a little anxious, "The pregnant person has a fresh life in his belly, and the child is still young, so it is true that he can't take medicine, but it doesn't mean that any medicine can't be taken! The girl prepared it Pills are non-toxic and harmless tonics, if this imperial doctor doesn't understand, we can give you one for you to go back and study carefully, but you must not delay the girl's waking up."

Unceremoniously knocking the judge's body away, Jiang Xiang gave Ling Mu'er the pill.

Sure enough, after a while, the sleepy person woke up slowly.

"Miss, are you awake?" Shang Zhi was overjoyed.

"Mu'er!" Shangguan Shaochen rushed over when he heard the voice.

"Dam, are you really awake?" The judge of the Supreme Hospital and the other two imperial doctors looked over in disbelief.

According to their diagnosis, this drowsiness would last at least ten hours, but they woke up after taking the medicine just now?

What kind of magic pill is that?

"What's wrong with me?" It seemed that she fell into a very deep sleep, but when she woke up with so many people in front of her, Ling Mu'er didn't realize it.

"The body is happy, why didn't you even notice it? If I knew that you were heavy, how could I let you follow me to toss around these days. Silly girl, you are so worried about me."

Regardless of the outsiders around, Shangguan Shaochen hurriedly hugged her in his arms.

Ling Mu'er was just about to lean against his chest to listen to the strong heartbeat, when she realized what he said was happy?

"What did you say? Are you happy?"

She, a reborn person who traveled from the outside world, was pregnant in this strange time and space?

"Yes girl, congratulations girl!" Shang Zhi and Jiang Xiang congratulated in unison.

Ling Muer hurriedly took her own pulse, although the pulse was very weak, it was indeed different from usual.

There is really an independent heartbeat in her body?

"No wonder I always feel unwell recently, why didn't I expect..." Ling Mu'er stuck out her tongue, only thinking that there might be too many things to do recently, and she neglected herself.

"Silly girl, when did you become so sloppy, fortunately you are fine."

Shangguan Shaochen tightened his arms and held her tightly in his arms. For some reason, he suddenly felt a feeling of regaining what was lost.

"Yes, girl, you are too sloppy, you don't even know you are pregnant, but fortunately, there is a pill you developed, is it God's will? What you developed a few days ago, was sent out a few days later. When it comes into use, the girl is indeed a medical fairy girl, even God is protecting her."

Shang Zhi's clever mouth became more and more eloquent.

She was obviously a madman, she couldn't even remember her own menstrual events, and she didn't even know about her pregnancy, but she still praised her like nothing in the sky or on earth.

Ling Mu'er said something mischievous, and then looked at the old men beside her. Although they didn't know their identities, they could be distinguished from the uniform clothes on them. It seemed that Shao Chen was the imperial doctor who was worried about her health.

"I would like to trouble the three imperial physicians. Since Mu'er has woken up, I don't need to bother you." Ling Muer lowered her words and looked at Shangguan Shaochen, implying that these three people can be invited out.

Shangguan Shaochen's original good mood suddenly turned livid when he saw the three of them.

"The Tai Hospital is not as good as the two yellow-haired girls, so this prince can also think that your father's condition is also delayed by you!"

In a word, the voice is neither loud nor small, but the strength is very heavy.

The three hurriedly knelt on the ground, "Please spare your life, Second Prince!"

"You didn't kill anyone, so why spare your life?" Shangguan Shaochen sneered.

"This..." The court judge raised his head and looked at Ling Muer again. He was brave enough to say, "Going back to the prince, it is really because of the special pulse of the second prince and concubine that caused me and others to make a wrong judgment. Why don't the second prince tell me again?" Waiting for someone to have a chance, let us check the second princess's pulse again, and I will definitely find out the strangeness later."

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