"Wow~ wow!"

An extremely loud cry of a baby came from the room.

Everyone waiting outside the door was stunned for a moment, and soon the tension on their faces disappeared instantly.

"Did you give birth? Chaoyang gave birth?" Yang couldn't believe her ears at all.

"How is it possible? According to my experience, this child had already been with the princess when she fainted..." Aunt Wang dared not say the four words in the stillborn womb, after all, she could not offend anyone present here.

"Yes, Sister Wang, the princess has a difficult delivery, let alone a child, the princess's life is in danger, you and I can see this clearly. What kind of abilities does the second prince and concubine have?" Taking the lead in delivering Chaoyang The stable woman was also curious.

"Impossible, how can a woman who has never given birth know how to deliver a baby? In such a difficult situation, I think she probably made the decision to keep the baby!" Aunt Wang thought for a long time and couldn't find a suitable reason. It was the only answer she could convince herself.

"Hug the little one?" After the eldest princess repeated these words, she rolled her eyes and almost fainted.

"Mom!" Su Ce had quick eyesight and quick hands, and hurriedly helped her stabilize her body.

The eldest princess hurriedly raised her head from the shock. She stared at Su Ce seriously. Since what happened last time, where has this child called her mother again?

She was about to get closer to Su Ce, but saw his eyes look away again.

"The person hasn't come out yet, how can you make a judgment?" Su Ce's voice was cold, and his eyes shifted to the surroundings. "If you are a stable woman, you will chew the root of your tongue, so you are not afraid of rotten tongue?"

When Aunt Wang heard this, she gasped in fright, and couldn't help but stand up straight.

"No, I believe in Mu'er!" Ling Zixuan's slightly trembling voice broke the tension, he dropped his words and rushed to the door, putting his ear close to the door to try to hear the movement clearly.

At this time, the door opened.

"Congratulations, Mr. Junma, it's for the little princess." Shang Zhi stood at the door holding the wrapped baby, smiling all over his face, not knowing how to restrain himself.

Everyone rushed over immediately.

"Where's Chaoyang?" Yang asked, her face extremely nervous.

It's not that she doesn't trust her daughter, but after all, this is childbirth, and her daughter doesn't have any experience, so how dare she expect her to keep both adults and children.

But she didn't dare to think that if her daughter really kept the young one on her own initiative, what would Zixuan do, and how could the county prince's mansion let Ling's mansion go? The point is, she really treats Chaoyang as her daughter!

"Ma'am, don't worry, mother and daughter are safe, Princess Chaoyang is fine!"

As soon as these words came out, a warm current flowed through everyone's hearts, and goose bumps all over their bodies followed.

Even Aunt Wang couldn't help rushing to the front, "What are you talking about, the princess is okay?"

"I just said our girls are amazing, right?" Shang Zhi raised his chin proudly, not looking at those who looked down on their girls.

"Young girl is rejuvenated. With the girl here, of course the princess will be fine!" After Shang Zhi finished speaking, he handed over the little princess to Mrs. Yang, "Madam hold on tight, the girl still needs help."

After leaving the words, Shang Zhi had already gone back, but everyone's hearts relaxed the moment the door closed.

"Is it all right? They said that Chaoyang is all right?" Mrs. Su finally came to her senses, and tears fell from the corners of her eyes instantly.

"Grandmother?" Su Ce comforted, and handed over the handkerchief.

"Amitabha, thank you Buddha for your blessing, thank you Buddha for your blessing!" Tang quickly knelt on the ground and began to kowtow in all directions.

Seeing this, Yang hurriedly followed, and even the eldest princess, who had never believed in anything, also knelt down, saying that her daughter would be blessed if she survived the catastrophe.

"Look, it looks so much like our Chaoyang, but this nose and small mouth are very much like Zixuan, she is really a beauty." Mrs. Su liked it very much. Seeing Mrs. Yang and the others get up, she He hurriedly greeted, "Quick, come and see who looks more like you?"

The three women hurriedly got up and followed around, not daring to look but wanting to look, seeing the little people being scrubbed clean, looking at the crowd with bushy eyebrows and big eyes in confusion, all of them were extremely happy.

"You silly boy, why are you still standing there, why don't you come to see your daughter?" The eldest princess found Ling Zixuan who was standing at a loss, and waved to him to indicate that he could come over.

Ling Zixuan didn't even move, "I want my wife to come out!"

In a word, it seems to pluck the string deep in everyone's heart.

The Eldest Princess, who was dissatisfied with Ling Zixuan in the past, after seeing his decision and reaction, from this moment on, she decided that the man in front of her would be her son in the future, and she would never look down on him for a moment.

"Chaoyang's original decision was not wrong!"

Wiping her tears, she looked at Ling Zixuan full of emotion, feeling proud of her daughter from the bottom of her heart.

"Chaoyang will be fine, as you heard just now, Mu'er is very powerful!" Yang was also proud of having such a son, she hugged his arm and waited quietly with him, her eyes unblinking Blinking at the closed door.

"But, why hasn't the second concubine come out yet?"

Su Ce's unhurried voice broke the excitement of the crowd.

That's right, the baby was born, why didn't Ling Muer come out? Does Chaoyang have other symptoms?

"A laparotomy, take out the baby and sew it up again, it's that easy?" Aunt Wang's voice came from behind everyone at the right time.

"What did you say?" As soon as this remark came out, everyone was really shocked.

The eldest princess roughly grabbed Aunt Wang's arm, "What are you talking about? What about caesarean section?"

"I heard it with my own ears. The second concubine said that she would cut open the princess's abdomen and take out the child. Although I don't know whether this is true or not, but now that I think about it, if I don't do that, the child will definitely be a child. It's impossible to survive. It seems that the Second Prince and Concubine is not lying, but, can a living person live if his stomach is cut open?"

In the second half of the sentence, her voice was as thin as a mosquito, but it was just right so that everyone could hear it clearly.

Cut open a human stomach, take out a child, and sew it back on?

Leaving aside the question of whether it can be sutured, can this person live?

Yes, can I still live?

"Mother Concubine!"

Seeing that the eldest princess was about to rush into the door. Su Ce stopped her in time.

Calling her again moved the eldest princess again, but she was even more worried about Chaoyang's safety, "Didn't you hear that they said that Ling Mu'er was going to cut Chaoyang's belly, that is a human, a living person, not an animal? What stitching, did she think she was embroidering?"

"Since she can even keep the child that the stable wife can't keep, it proves that she is fine. We should thank her." Not doubt.

Shangguan Shaochen gave Su Ce a grateful look, and then looked at the eldest princess, his face was serious, "Mu'er says he can do it, so he can do it, but I am very worried about Mu'er's body."


Suddenly there was a scream in the room!

Even the usually calm Shangguan Shaochen couldn't help rushing to the door this time.

"What's going on?" Mrs. Yang and the eldest princess slammed on the door.

"Girl, girl!"

No one answered the questions of Yang Shi and the eldest princess, but Shang Zhi's screaming voice came out.

Shangguan Shaochen and Ling Zixuan looked at each other, they both kicked open the door and rushed in, no longer caring about the word bad luck.

"What happened?" Although Shangguan Shaochen was the first to break in, but after all, it was a woman who gave birth, and his identity was different, so he covered his eyes with a face scarf.

But Ling Zixuan saw everything in front of him, the moment he saw Chaoyang lying weakly on the bed, his eyes felt warm, and hot tears fell down.

"Thank you for your hard work, Chaoyang?"

"I, I'm fine, quickly look at Mu'er..."

Hearing Chaoyang's weak voice, realizing that she should have protected herself, Shangguan Shaochen immediately took off his scarf and rushed over.

He happened to see Ling Mu'er lying in Jiangxiang's arms.

Her complexion is no better than Chaoyang's!


Shangguan Shaochen picked up Ling Muer, but the woman in his arms had fallen into a deep coma, and her symptoms were the same as last night.

"What's going on? Why did Mu'er faint?" Yang Shi and the others who hurried over were also startled.

It stands to reason that Chaoyang should be the one who passed out after giving birth to a child. How could he be a doctor who saved people?

Shangguan Shaochen faced the door with scarlet eyes, "Look for the imperial physician, hurry up, find the imperial physician!"

The men outside the door didn't come in and were about to rush out to look for it, but they were blocked by the steady women rushing over.

They all wanted to see what was going on in the room, and they wanted to find out what happened to the C-section.

Seeing that Ling Dazhi couldn't get out, Su Ce nodded to Shangguan Shaochen, flew over, tapped Granny Wen's shoulder with his toes, and left the courtyard smoothly.

"Use this for the girl first?" Shang Zhi once again took out the special fumigant that woke Ling Muer up last night from his arms.

Shangguan Shaochen thought for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

But this time Ling Muer did not wake up.

"How could this be?" Jiang Xiang was very different, and put the fumigant under Ling Mu'er's nose again, but there was still no response for a while.

"What happened just now?" Shangguan Shaochen asked the two angrily.

Shang Zhi and Jiang Xiang immediately knelt on the ground, "Back to the second prince, just now the girl gave birth to Princess Chaoyang by caesarean section. Everything was fine, but the princess suddenly collapsed, and the girl cut her own arm in desperation to bleed for the princess." , Said that this would restore the princess' vitality, but the result, the result..."


Shangguan Shaochen was furious, his scarlet eyes seemed capable of killing people. "Others don't know, don't you two know that she is pregnant? How can you let her shed blood for others?"

"Pregnant?" Yang's mouth grew wide.

Mrs. Su and the eldest princess were also shocked. They never expected that Ling Mu'er would shed blood for her daughter when she was pregnant.

This is a danger of death.

"Second prince, spare your life. I have already persuaded the girl, but the girl said that the caesarean section is very dangerous, and it might be the danger of death. She can't just watch the newly born little princess without a mother. This, this can't stop Ah." Shang Zhi was terrified, she didn't dare to look at Shangguan Shaochen's fierce eyes,

His face was filled with anger from the bottom of his heart, and his whole body was filled with endless air-conditioning. At this moment, Shangguan Shaochen was like a tiger that had been starving for three days and three nights. To provoke him at this time would be to pull his teeth out of the tiger's mouth.

"Wait, the medical skills of the two of you were trained by Mu Er himself, and they are better than thousands of imperial doctors. Could it be that even the two of you couldn't figure out why she fainted?"

When Shang Zhi and Jiang Xiang heard the words, their pale faces became even paler than before, "Back, back to the second prince, we checked the girl when she fainted, but the girl's body..."

"The judgment of the Supreme Hospital is correct. The girl's body is abnormal, different from ordinary people, and she is pregnant. The pulse condition is something I have never heard of or seen before. After the girl fainted, the pulse condition could not be visited. I don't know why the girl would. Faint, when will I wake up?"

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