"Mother, mother, do you think the flower the boy picked looks good?"

"It's beautiful. The flowers that Da'er picked are the most beautiful flowers in the world."

"If mother likes it, I will give it to mother, and the child will wear it for you."

Standing on tiptoe, the small body desperately placed the colorful flowers (◎_◎;) on her head.

Ling Mu'er looked carefully through the bronze mirror, "My son is so powerful, he can even find Bailingxian."

"What's the matter, the child is a true biography of the father, let alone Bailingxian, no matter how powerful it is, as long as the mother likes it, the child will be given to the mother!" The little man raised his head proudly, the inborn The temperament of the king is exactly the same as his father.

Seeing him running away in a wild manner, Ling Mu'er pursed her lips and smiled contentedly.

Dream, is this a dream?

But if it's not a dream, why is it so real?

Ling Mu'er stepped up and wanted to chase out, to catch up with the child who resembled her husband by seven cents, but her legs seemed to be tied with a thousand catties, and she couldn't move.

Her head shook dizzily, and she seemed to be falling asleep.

"Mu'er, I'm sorry, our marriage will be postponed for a while, but don't worry, I will marry you after I return from the border."

"Okay, I'll wait for brother."

She waved her hand and bid farewell to the man in military uniform. Seeing him riding on a thousand-mile horse, he looked so heroic and majestic. The corners of her lips twitched proudly. This was her man.

"Brother, do you really not know me? I'm Mu'er!"

"Girl, please respect yourself!"


Ling Muer shouted, trying to catch up with the familiar person in front of her, but she was in the hot spring, but she couldn't catch up no matter what

Damn, is this another old dream?

But why did he suddenly dream of the time when his eldest brother lost his memory?

She struggled desperately, she wanted to escape, she wanted to go to her elder brother to clarify, she wanted to wake up from this nightmare, but she seemed to be trapped, and she couldn't escape no matter what.

"Come on, help!"

She yelled helplessly for help for the first time, but it was strange to find that she couldn't make any sound.


She opened her voice and tried to let the voice come out of her throat, but her throat seemed to be choked again.

Breathing gradually became tense, as if to suffocate, as if to leave this world completely.

"What's going on?"

It was dark again, she thought she had fallen into a coma again, but in the blink of an eye, she came out of the hot spring.

No, this is not a hot spring, this is not a battlefield, and this is not the place where I met my brother outside the battlefield, this is her space!

That's right, the huge space has been expanded by more than three times. The herbs she planted in the past have already become a small forest, and the harvest is simply extremely good. As for the small animals she cultivated, they also bred new offspring one by one. And the original dilapidated hut has also become resplendent and resplendent, like a gorgeous castle.

bang bang

bang bang

There were bursts of violent jumping sounds, which made her feel tense for breathing, but the sound was so close, but she couldn't see anything.

She searched desperately, searched every place in the space but still couldn't find anything, but she found strangely that there was an invisible door behind her gorgeous castle.

"Strange, why didn't you find these before?"

She tentatively opened the door, but was stunned by what she saw.


There are large areas of food and weapons everywhere, isn't this a gift from her to Shao Chen?

Is this his space?

After discovering this in surprise, Ling Muer hurriedly confirmed it, but as expected, she discovered that her space could communicate with his!

How can there be such a strange thing in this world!

Ling Muer felt very puzzled, she tilted her head and thought carefully, yes, she can travel through rebirth, space is something that the world cannot believe, so what else is impossible?

"Mu'er, can you wake up?"

A familiar voice seemed to come from next to her ear, pulling Ling Mu'er back to her thoughts.

She paused slightly and listened carefully, it seemed to be Shao Chen's voice?

"Mu'er, you have been in a coma for more than half a month, when will you wake up?"

half moon? Had she been in a coma for so long?


"Mu'er, as long as you wake up, I am willing to promise you anything, or lie down for me, okay?"

Shangguan Shaochen's affectionate voice came, and when the last two words fell, there was warmth in her eyes for some reason.

Sudden fainting for half a month, how worried should Shao Chen be?

But why did she hear Shao Chen's voice?

That's right, it's definitely not his voice, it's the voice from his heart. Could it be that she can hear his thoughts in his space?

Omg this is just incredible!

Ling Mu'er didn't dare to think about it, she hurriedly ran back to her own space, but when she came back, the violent thud sound came again.

That's right, she knew what it was, it was a heartbeat, so, could it be the heartbeat of the fetus in her womb?

No matter what, she felt incredible, Ling Mu'er dared not think whether her thoughts were true or not, she tilted her head to think hard, suddenly, all around her seemed to be quiet.

The familiar ancient wood carvings are in sight. This is her room?

She actually woke up?

"Shaochen?" She called tentatively.

The originally quiet room became even quieter for a moment, and the next second, her whole body fell into a tight embrace.

"Mu'er, are you awake? Great, you're finally awake!"

Feeling Shangguan Shaochen's familiar warmth and strong heartbeat, Ling Muer let him hug her tightly, and she lazily absorbed his familiar smell, "I seem to have a dream, dreaming of our baby born."

Seeing her face full of maternal love and tenderness, Shangguan Shaochen kissed her forehead forcefully, "Silly girl, you have only been pregnant for more than a month, and you are still too early to be born, but are you impatient?"

"Why don't you ask me, is our baby a boy or a girl, what's his name, and is he good-looking?"

"It doesn't matter what it is, what matters is that you were born!"

Shangguan Shaochen said, carefully probed her forehead to make sure that there was no fever, and that the pulse that had disappeared had returned, but his brows frowned even tighter.

That's right, during the half month that Mu'er was in a coma, she didn't have a heartbeat.

This is also the second time she has fainted, and the fainting time has been longer. What is going on?

"Then why don't you ask me what else I dreamed about?" Ling Muer tilted her head to look at him.

Looking at the lit candles on the table again, she realized that it was late at night, "How long have I been in a coma?"

"Ban Yue, you scared me to death." Shangguan Shaochen said, and gently brought her tea, "Mu'er, all the imperial doctors can't see your illness, even Shang Zhi and Jiang Xiang can't tell. ,what on earth is it?"

"If I don't know, are you trustworthy?" Ling Mu'er's voice was so soft that even she didn't dare to say it herself.

She really didn't know what was going on, but one thing she was sure of was that it must have something to do with pregnancy.

For some reason, she suddenly panicked, very flustered.

If pregnancy makes her fall into a coma and makes her have delusions, will it affect her child because of the space? What will happen to the child?

"Shaochen, it's space. There is space in my body, that's why I have physical discomfort during pregnancy, but this discomfort can't be solved by any means. It can't be controlled by medicine and strong internal strength. That said, I might faint again, or something worse."

As she spoke, her body couldn't help but feel cold.

If she really couldn't get an explanation and a cure, it would be equivalent to being deprived of sunshine and hope, and without knowing it, she would fall into a faint again without warning one day, that would be too bad and terrible.

After Shangguan Shaochen clearly saw the fear in her eyes, he couldn't care less about visiting her, and hugged her tightly in his arms again in a hurry.

"With me here, don't be afraid!"

He rested his chin on her shoulder, trying to warm her up.

Ling Mu'er stretched out her arms and hugged his body tightly, but she was afraid of what to do.

From the first day she was reborn into this world, she had been thinking about a question, whether she would suddenly go back one day.

The real Ling Mu'er is dead, she came from time travel, her appearance disrupted everything and God's original arrangement, so will God use the child's arrival as an excuse to punish him? Take everything from her.

No, she would rather die in this illusory time and space than go back to her previous life, even if she is a descendant of a medical family, even if she is already famous!

"Shaochen... Do you think our child will be born safely?"

"Don't think about it!" Shangguan Shaochen's domineering voice came.

He held her face in both hands, carefully looked into her eyes, and saw the fear that had never appeared in her eyes, and his heart ached so much.

"Since the child is here, it will definitely be born, just like Chaoyang and Zixuan's child." He said, the corners of his lips suddenly curled up.

If it hadn't been mentioned, Ling Mu'er would have forgotten that she fainted while delivering Chaoyang's baby. In other words, she fainted due to excessive blood loss this time, not because of her abnormal body?

"How is Chaoyang? I don't know if she has remembered the enough things I told Shang Zhi temporarily. After caesarean section, she needs to cultivate well. Come on, take me to have a look."

Seeing her running without shoes on, Shangguan Shaochen waved her long arm and brought her back again.

"Ling Mu'er! Have you forgotten your current physical condition? It's fine if you're pregnant to donate blood for her. You'll rush out as soon as you wake up. If something goes wrong, you've thought about my feelings!"

Shangguan Shaochen had never been so fierce to her, let alone read her name by name.

Feeling an inexplicable grievance in her heart, Ling Mu'er hurriedly sat on the bed, lowered her head admitting her mistake, like a child who knows his mistakes and corrects them.

"I, I'm also worried about my sister-in-law's safety."

"Then who will worry about my worries!"

Shangguan Shaochen scolded angrily, and forced her to be pressed on the bed regardless of objections, "I don't care if it's because of the space, but until you give birth safely, you are not allowed to leave the house at will, and you must follow me wherever you go. Otherwise, you can only stay in the room!"

Is this going to be under house arrest?


"Because I am your husband, you man!"

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