Shangguan Shaochen refused to follow her this time, and threatened to go out only when accompanied by him.

And he was going to supervise the country with the sixth prince, so he was even more busy on weekdays. It was not until the third day after Ling Muer woke up that he accompanied her to Chaoyang Residence.

"Look, my niece is beautiful, her eyes and nose are like sister-in-law's, and her mouth and ears are like her elder brother's. She just took advantage of the two of you and grew up to be a typical beauty!"

Ling Mu'er held the little baby in her arms, she couldn't put it down.

Xu is also pregnant because I never thought that I should treat children so tenderly and like them so much, but now I feel a sense of warmth rising from the bottom of my heart when I see them.

"You're coming soon, you're going to give birth in more than eight months, and you will have such a lovely child."

As Chaoyang said, he took back his treasure with a smile, and gave the maid a look, signaling her to serve tea to Ling Muer.

"Sister-in-law knows?" Ling Muer was very curious.

Yang Shi came in at the time of saying this, she was holding the freshly boiled millet brown sugar porridge in her hand, and while handing it to the maidservant, she blamed Ling Muer, "Muer, you are really serious, pregnancy is such a big deal Why don't you talk to your mother! Although Chaoyang's situation was critical that day, you also cared about your own discomfort. In case... bah bah bah, luckily nothing happened, otherwise how would you let your mother survive ah!"

Hearing this, Ling Mu'er's eyes felt warm, and sure enough, her heart became glassy when she was going to be a mother.

"Mother, you also said that my sister-in-law is in critical condition. How can I care about other things? Besides, I know my body well. Isn't this the only way I'm pregnant? It's fine."

"It's okay, why did you faint suddenly, do you know the rumors outside..."

"Mother, why is this porridge cold?" Chaoyang exclaimed.

Yang was stunned for a moment, "Is it cold? I was afraid of scalding you, so I put it in ice water to dry on purpose. It's all in this cold winter. Come on, I'll go change another bowl for you."

Seeing her mother leave in a hurry, Ling Muer's eyes followed her out and then backed away.

The bowl of brown sugar porridge is still steaming.

"Mu'er, what are you doing standing up, come and sit down." Chaoyang patted her side, motioning her to sit by the bed.

"I'll just sit here." Ling Mu'er went straight to the guest chair diagonally opposite her, "Sister-in-law, you had a difficult labor that day, and the women were helpless, so I had to use a laparotomy to operate on you in desperation. do not blame me."

"Strange? Oh my god, it's too late for me to thank you. How could it be strange?" Chaoyang looked surprised.

"I've heard what happened on that day from Zixuan. If it wasn't for you, I'm afraid the child and I can only choose one. Although the result has been decided, if there is no child by my side, I might as well let me die! So Mu'er, you You are my benefactor, you are the benefactor of my whole family!"

Chaoyang became more and more excited as she spoke, and even wanted to get up. Seeing this, Ling Muer rushed over to hold her down, "Don't move! It's only been a few days since your caesarean section, you have to lie down, otherwise it will be bad if you disturb the wound."

"How many days?" Chaoyang smiled slightly, "Didn't the Second Prince tell you that you've been in a coma for half a month?"

"Really? I seem to have mentioned it, but it's really strange. How could I sleep for so long, sister-in-law, did you feel this discomfort when you were pregnant?"

Chaoyang shook his head, "There are some discomforts, but fainting at any time has never happened, and besides, your fainting is a bit strange."

Her voice became smaller and smaller, and in the end she even regretted using that word.

Ling Mu'er frowned slightly and then stretched, "What kind of evil method? Did the people outside say something?"

"No!" Almost subconsciously, Chaoyang shook his head and waved his hands.

But for fear that Ling Muer would see the flaw, she tried her best to calm herself down, "I guess, you probably fell into a coma because you donated blood for me. It's just a normal reaction, what else can people outside say?"

If she really didn't say anything, why would her eyes dodge?

"Mu'er, tell me quickly, how do you know the technique of caesarean section? It's simply amazing!" Chaoyang looked over with adoring eyes, trying to divert her attention.

"Really, do you know? At that time, I was dying of pain, and I heard Wen Po say that again. I really thought I was going to see Lord Yan! But you came in, and you gave me hope. Never heard of it, but you saved me, saved me and Zixuan's flesh and blood. Mu'er, how can I thank you!"

Seeing her moved as if she was about to cry, Ling Muer smiled and shook her head, "The doctor is benevolent, whether you are a pregnant woman or not, whether I have ever given birth or not, if you encounter difficulties in front of me, I will naturally not refuse to help you! As for the caesarean section..."

She paused, "I saw it in an ancient book, and it was a coincidence. The situation was critical at the time. If I didn't use this method, your life would be in danger, so I made a bold attempt and you don't blame me." .”

"It's not strange, it's not strange, how could it be strange, and it's the first time I said about the blood donation. I heard Zixuan tell me later that even the imperial doctor said that if the blood supply was not timely, I would not be able to survive that night." , and even the imperial doctor doesn’t know how to donate blood to save people, but you know. You are simply too powerful, saying that Sai Huatuo buried you.”

Chaoyang was full of praise for her, wishing to use all the powerful words on her.

Ling Muer just smiled.

In her previous life, she was the heir of a medical family, and she was the pride of everyone in the family. She has excellent medical skills, rejuvenation, and high-tech medical equipment. It can be said that she can indeed be called Sai Huatuo.

In this life, although there are no such high-quality tools, a simple laparotomy is considered a minor operation, and it is nothing to her.

"The caesarean section seems scary, but as long as you recuperate well, there won't be any adverse reactions. Are you resting according to the method I told you?" Ling Muer asked.

"Although I don't remember clearly, but with Niang and Zixuan here, they didn't let me do anything, and I rested much better." Chaoyang blushed when he said this.

To be honest, she was somewhat embarrassed to be served by someone who opened her mouth and stretched out her hands like this.

"For a woman to give birth, it's like going through the door of hell. Our Ling family should thank you." Although Ling Mu'er has not experienced childbirth personally, she is a doctor, and she understands the difficulties and hardships involved.

Especially for a princess like Chaoyang who was born with a golden spoon in her mouth, she shouldn't have to bear this, but she endured it without any complaints.

"Princess, it's time for a lunch break." The personal maid came to report in time.

Seeing Ling Muer who was sitting beside her, the servant girl was curious, "My servant has greeted the second princess, why is the second princess still sitting here, rumors outside..."


Chaoyang suddenly yelled again, causing Tweety to shiver immediately, "What's wrong, master?"

"What's the news from outside? But the slave told me that the second prince is in a hurry to ask the second concubine to go back?" Chaoyang asked, winking at her in a corner where no one else could see.

The servant girl was stunned for a moment, and nodded quickly, "Yes, master, the second prince has been waiting outside the door for a long time. He said that this is a woman's boudoir and it is not convenient to come in, so he has been waiting outside the door."

Hearing this, Chaoyang immediately turned his head. "Since the second prince is waiting for you outside, then you can go back, Mu'er, I will remember your life-saving grace forever, don't worry, when I get better, I will come to thank you in person."

"Why do you have to talk about two different families? Since Shao Chen is waiting for me, I'll go back first."

Ling Mu'er gave some instructions on the precautions after the caesarean section, and then left her room.

Outside the door, Shangguan Shaochen and Ling Zixuan were standing together talking about something, seeing her coming out, the two hurriedly shut up, as if there was something she couldn't listen to.

"What are you two whispering, even I can't hear you?" Ling Muer deliberately teased them.

"Why, shouldn't men have some man's secrets?"

Ling Zixuan pinched her face dotingly, "I heard that you woke up, and I'm relieved now. If you have troubles because of saving Chaoyang, how can you let my brother feel at ease in this life?"

Ling Muer stuck out her tongue, "How can I be so weak?"

"If you're not delicate, why would you faint?" Ling Zixuan rolled her eyes, "Be obedient, go back and rest well, since you're pregnant, take care of yourself, take it as a rest for yourself, you've been busy these few years Take care of your family, you should also stop and take a break, huh?"

If she still can't tell that these people are hiding some secrets from her, then she is not Ling Mu'er.

"Well, anyway, in the eyes of people outside, I'm just a monster. If I don't have to go out to scare people, then it's no big deal to hide at home."

After she finished speaking, she deliberately lowered her head, not looking into anyone's eyes.

But sure enough, Shangguan Shaochen and Ling Zixuan immediately looked at each other, and they panicked.

"You, you already know?" Ling Zixuan asked in disbelief.

"My sister-in-law told me, how long do you plan to keep it a secret?" Ling Mu'er suddenly raised her eyes, her originally calm eyes were moist with red circles, as if she had been wronged so much.

Ling Zixuan was at a loss for a moment, "Mu'er, don't worry about what the outsiders say, if the mouth is on their face, they are farting! You are obedient, you are not a monster, you are the lucky star of our Ling family, you are the second Concubine, you are a medical fairy girl, you are amazing, right?"

Shangguan Shaochen also hurried over, took out a handkerchief from his bosom to wipe the teardrops from the corners of her eyes, stretched out his hand and was about to wrap her in his bosom, "Mu'er..."

However, Ling Muer refused his hug, took a step back, looked at the two big men who were panicking in front of her, she raised her lips evilly, "So I guessed it right, someone really said I was a monster?"


Only then did Ling Zixuan realize that she had been tricked by her younger sister.

"So Chaoyang didn't say anything to you?"

"Tell me, my dear brother, what happened during the half a month I fainted? How did I become a monster?"

"What nonsense are you talking about, what kind of monster is not a monster, I can't understand what you are talking about!"

Not knowing whether he was angry because he was teased, or because he didn't want her to be angry, Ling Zixuan shook his sleeves and planned to leave in anger.

Ling Mu'er didn't force her, but fixed her eyes on Shangguan Shaochen, "It's okay if you don't tell me, Mr. Xianggong?"

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