"With the Imperial Forest Army patrolling continuously, even if that guy has wings, he won't be able to fly in in the future. Don't worry anymore." Shangguan Shaochen stroked her hair caressingly.

Ling Mu'er decided that Shangguan Shaochen misunderstood that she was afraid, and stuck out her tongue mischievously, "Then you should be careful outside, now there is not only Amu De, but also Qin Ruochen."

Speaking of this, she suddenly remembered something, "Do you think the two of them will conspire and secretly collude?"

In one sentence, he successfully made Shangguan Shaochen nervous, and he patted her hand, "If Lao Liu colluded with the Western Regions, then we have found evidence to suppress him. Mu'er, it's still early, you should play by yourself first." After a while, I'll go back."

This time I will go back, fearing that I will bury my head in the study all night again, but she doesn't want to disturb him.

"Ok, I will wait for you."

After confirming that Shangguan Shaochen had entered the study, Ling Muer ordered someone to call Shang Zhi.

"Girl, are you looking for me?"

"Is there any progress in the matter that asked you to investigate?" She went straight to the point.

"I found it, it took a lot of effort." Shang Zhi looked around, and moved to her side mysteriously, completely packaging himself as a new spy, "It is rumored that there is a national flower in the Western Regions, The flower blooms every ten years, blooms and bears fruit, and one flower only bears one fruit, and it is rumored that the fruit is very curative for the pulse of the human body. I heard that there was a martial arts prodigy in the Western Regions a few years ago, but his meridians were cut off due to an accident , the pulse condition was weak and he almost died, and the king of the Western Regions rewarded him with a fruit, that person not only recovered his meridians immediately, but also greatly increased his power."

"Really?" Ling Muer was very surprised.

It wasn't that she doubted Shang Zhi's ability, but that the information she got was so comprehensive that it made her suspect that someone had deliberately told her these things, "Where did you find out about this?"

"black market."

Shang Zhi shuddered when he said these two words.

Hearing this, Ling Muer immediately dispelled the doubts in her heart, and poured Shang Zhi a cup of hot tea, "Thank you for your hard work."

"The girl broke the Shang branch."

Shang Zhi was about to burst into tears holding the hot tea, "Girl entrusting such an important matter to Shang Zhi is because she trusts Shang Zhi. You taught me how to be a man and how to treat you. Shang Zhi has nothing in return, and finally found someone who can do it." The way to repay the girl, why should the girl be so polite to Shang Zhi?"

Ling Mu'er pursed her lips, and smiled slightly, "The black market is full of fish and dragons, and there are all kinds of people. You were able to inquire about such a place and get such comprehensive information. You must have had the courage to go in at that time, right?"

Hearing the ridicule, Shang Zhi lowered his head, his face was flushed, and he still felt terrified, "Isn't that true, it's rumored that the black market is full of bloody transactions. When I walked in and took a look, it turned out that there was nothing wrong with any transaction. Now, why doesn't the government care about it?"

Ling Muer shook her head, "It's not that I don't care, it's that I can't care."

Let alone at the feet of the emperor, there is a black market in every city in the world, and all the transactions are shady.

Or buying a person's head at a high price, or stealing some people's privacy, the government has also taken care of it, but those people's abilities are really strong, and they can't control them over time. Moreover, those bounty hunters can even take away the brains of officials. It's just a mere government office. Who dares to really go deep into it?

"Big fish eat small fish, and small fish eat dried shrimps. This is a very standard ecological chain. It's like everyone persuades prostitutes to be good. But without the efforts of those people, wouldn't there be many more women being killed in this world? Come on? There are some things that cannot be seen in the light, so they have to be handled in private, if they are brought to the surface, the world will really be in chaos."

Ling Muer explained, with mixed feelings in her heart,

It seems that Amu De didn't lie to her. There is a national flower in the Western Regions, but since it is such a precious thing, is he really willing to give it to himself?

It seems that she is bound to go all the way to the Western Regions.

"Miss knows a lot. Miss, I heard that our master is going to be crowned prince, and that girl is the crown princess, the future empress." Shang Zhi looked extremely happy.

Ling Mu'er heard the words, and quickly covered her mouth with her hand, "How can you talk about illusory things casually, be careful that the misfortune comes out of your mouth."

"But I heard it was the Holy Majesty's intention?" Shang Zhi didn't understand.

"Girl, don't you want to be a queen? The mother of the dynasty, the mother of the world, one person under ten thousand, how many women's dreams." Shang Zhi's tone gradually became weaker, but as long as he remembered that his girl had become Queen, she and Jiangxiang will also be servile, thinking about it makes me feel very happy.

If there is such a day, she must go back to her original teeth and let those who looked down on them take a good look at them. They will also fly on the branches one day!

Just ask, who would have thought that an ordinary girl with some medical skills would suddenly become a queen!

"In no mood."

Ling Mu'er replied simply, "What's so good about being a queen, you have to share your man equally with hers. If I want to, I would rather be a princess and concubine for the rest of my life. At least she can only have me in her backyard!"

Only then did Shang Zhi realize the distress of his master, "Yes, but didn't the second prince promise you that he would only be with you for the rest of his life?"

Ling Mu'er smiled, "That's the truth, but as the emperor, don't you have any difficulties? Even if Shao Chen is willing, those courtiers can't stop their mouths! They will constantly be reminded that they should fill the harem , people will continue to send women to the harem. I will eventually grow old, won't I?"

What's more, her pulse condition suddenly became special, and she didn't know when she would fall into a coma again, and she didn't know whether the child in her belly was healthy or... let alone whether it would be delivered smoothly. With her like this, how could all civil and military officials support her as a queen? How could he agree to Shangguan Shaochen's empty harem?

"Even if a girl is seventy or eighty years old, she is still the most beautiful woman in the world."

Shang Zhi said with sincerity on his face.

"Shang Zhi, I'm afraid I'll bother you with something else." Ling Muer suddenly thought of a more important matter.

"Only by the girl's orders."

"Go get some men's clothes."

Ling Muer got up, and showed her her figure, "It suits me."

"Men's clothing? What is the girl going to do?" Shang Zhi was puzzled, but she was the one who followed Ling Muer after all, so she quickly understood what she meant, "Could it be that the girl wants to..."

"Hush, this is a secret between you and me, you will keep it a secret for me, right?" Ling Muer put her index finger between her red lips.

Shang Zhi was stunned. Although she was just an ordinary girl, she had learned a lot in the past two years with the girl.

The master is the second prince of the current dynasty, if the girl really took that step, she would hardly dare to think, "Miss, although Shang Zhi doesn't know why you must go to the Western Regions, but the master loves you so much, you can go with him, The Western Regions are far away and very dangerous, I heard that the people there are quite barbaric, you will be very dangerous."

"Since you asked, I'm not going to hide it from you. My pulse condition is abnormal. Since the national flower of the Western Regions can regulate the pulse condition, I have to figure it out. Don't you want your girl to have a pulse condition one day?" One day I fainted because of this disease, can't afford it?"

"Of course not." Shang Zhi became more and more flustered, "But how can the girl do it alone? How can you get the national flower in the Western Region Palace?"

"I have my own way."

Ling Mu'er's eyes brightened, "I treat you as my own sister, if you also treat me as my own sister, then do as I tell you, prepare a suit of men's clothing, but put it in your room first, and wait for me Just take it when you need it. However, this matter should not be let a third person know."

Clutching her shoulders tightly, Ling Muer carefully looked into her eyes, "God knows this matter, you know it, I know it, is it possible?"

Shang Zhi hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded heavily, "Since it's for the sake of recuperating the girl's body, Shang Zhi will definitely take care of this matter and never disclose it to anyone."

"Thank you."

The Sixth Prince's Mansion.

In the study.

Qin Ruochen casually played with the gifts sent by the court officials.

"The night pearl sent by the servant of the Ministry of War, well, it is big, so please accept it." He ordered the servant, and immediately a servant stepped forward to put the transparent purple night pearl in the packing box, intending to send it to the warehouse .

"Congratulations to the sixth prince, you have another loyal minister by your side!"

Beside him, in the dark corner, if he hadn't made a sound, no one would have noticed that there was still a living person in this position.

The man's back was facing him, his face was covered by a black robe, and his face could not be seen, but the candlelight reflected on half of his face, making the cold mask even more mysterious and terrifying.

Qin Ruochen sneered, "It's just another piece of grass on the wall, it's just falling on both sides. Such a person is the most likely to gain power, so there is nothing to congratulate."

Indeed, since he was reused by his father, there have been many civil and military officials wanting to take refuge in him, all kinds of gifts have been sent to the government, accompanied by letters of their loyalty, but whether these people really want to take refuge in him, or pretend to want him His blessing, they themselves know it in their hearts.

"One more person means more chances of winning, why not congratulate?" Amu De got up and handed Qin Ruochen a glass of spirits.

"I heard that girl has sent people everywhere to inquire about the whereabouts of the national flower of the Western Regions. I have to thank the sixth prince for this matter!"

Qin Ruochen took the wine glass, raised it high in his direction, and drank it down, "Second prince, you are welcome, you and I help each other, such trivial matters are nothing to worry about, but you are sure that as long as you let the wind out, that woman Can you obediently throw yourself into the trap?"

Amu De raised his eyebrows, and pressed the empty wine glass on the table, "As long as she wants to live, she will definitely go."

Seeing his confident appearance, Qin Ruochen didn't take it seriously, "I'm afraid that even if she wants to go, someone won't agree. Don't forget that there is my brother."

How could Amu De never have thought that Shangguan Shaochen would stop Ling Mu'er, but it was because of this that he deliberately let people let the wind out and exaggerated the role of the national flower to the maximum.

Besides, he knew Ling Mu'er so well, how could a person who was so obsessed with medical skills allow his body to have abnormalities without being resolved?

Even if Shangguan Shaochen disagrees, she will definitely find a way to go to the Western Regions by herself, and what he needs to do is to do everything possible to strengthen her belief and help her successfully leave the Celestial Dynasty.

As long as she arrives in the Western Regions, it's his territory. It's not like she can come and leave whenever she wants.

"I'm afraid that the sixth prince's assistance will be needed at that time."

When Amu De turned around, Qin Ruochen suddenly laughed when he passed his dark and deep eyes.

"Ha, hahaha, you and I are on the same boat. If you say that you can help, you will be born. Prince Amu, I promised to help you get what you want, and don't forget what you promised me!"

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