Amu De smiled, "The sixth prince has endured for many years, all he wants is the land under his feet, and Shangguan Shaochen is your greatest enemy, but as long as Ling Mu'er is brought to our Western Regions, even if he covers the sky with one hand, he will still be able to return!" Don't you want to let you take everything from him?"

Seeing the satisfaction in Qin Ruochen's eyes, Amu De nodded, "As long as the sixth prince helps me get Ling Mu'er, I, the Western Regions, will help you get this Great Heavenly Dynasty!"


Qin Ruochen patted the table with his palm down, and said with a final word, "Prince Amu is indeed a straightforward person, so wish us a happy cooperation!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he held two wine glasses in his hands, one for his partner and one for himself.

"Master, Prime Minister Lan is out to see you."

The slave cautiously came over to report, and wanted to say something, but held back because of Amu De's presence.

Qin Ruochen glanced at the side, the corners of his lips raised, "They're all our own, but it's okay to say."

"Prime Minister Lan said that he came here for the matter of King Xian."

"Then why are you still standing there, please hurry up."

Qin Ruochen was sitting on the chair, looking at Erlang's legs. When Lance He came in, he happened to see him and Amu De one on the left and one on the right, like two kings, looking down on the aura of the world.

Compared with them, although he is a prime minister, he is a prime minister after all, and he cannot lose in his aura. "It turns out that the sixth prince is entertaining distinguished guests. I wonder if the old man can bother you?"

Qin Ruochen was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that the old man had just lost his daughter, but he suddenly became proud because of the loss of his daughter. Forget it, let him be considerate of the white-haired man sending the black-haired man, and don't care about him.

"Second Prince of the Western Regions, Amu De, I believe that Prime Minister Lan is no stranger." Qin Ruochen pointed to his side, "We are all on our own, why Prime Minister Lan came late at night is important, but it doesn't matter."

Lan Sihe really didn't expect that the sixth prince would even collude with the Western Regions. If this was spread, he would be accused of collaborating with the enemy and traitorously.

But now, they are grasshoppers on a rope. Isn't it equivalent to sending themselves into the fire if they report him?

"The Sixth Prince is really capable, even the Western Regions are on your side, I admire you." He praised while sitting down.

Who in the world doesn't like flattery, a clever mouth can make people laugh, so why hide it to make people angry?

"You old man, when did you learn the despicable tricks of slaves? Tell me, what do you want to do with the prince tonight? Could it be that the second prince is doing something?" Qin Ruochen's eyes suddenly changed. Gotta get nervous.

Although his people have already been placed in the second prince's mansion, but the news came from the servant just now that Shangguan Shaochen actually changed the blood of the second prince's mansion, and all his people were sent to the military camp. It seems that he will find an opportunity to sneak in again in the future, otherwise There is no news at all, so passive, it is not good for him.

"It's not an important matter. It's just that the sixth prince said that if he wants to solve Shangguan Shaochen, he must first solve the trouble of the virtuous king. The old man just wanted to ask when the sixth prince plans to do it!"

In his eyes, his majestic prime minister was on par with a slave. Lan Sihe was angry, and all his anger was blamed on Su Ce.

"It's still under planning, why is Prime Minister Lan so anxious all of a sudden?"

Qin Ruochen asked curiously, but just as he finished speaking, he suddenly realized something. "My prince understands, it's not that I sprinkled salt on Lan Xiang's wound, it's all because of Ling Qianjin, right?"

The tone of his speech was very mournful, with the same regret as himself.

When his daughter was mentioned, Lan Sihe's complexion suddenly changed. His originally calm brows were furrowed, and the corners of his mouth twitched. Mansion, Second Prince's Mansion, King Xian, none of them can escape the relationship!"

After saying that, Prime Minister Lan suddenly knelt down in front of Qin Ruochen, "I implore the sixth prince to act as soon as possible."

Qin Ruochen didn't expect him to give him such a big gift, so he quickly helped him up with both hands, "What is Lan Xiang doing, you get up first."

"If the virtuous king hadn't been ruthless and betrayed me back then, Qianying would not have ended up where she is today, and even died tragically in the nunnery! Sixth prince, pity me for losing my beloved daughter in my sixty years of age. I have to avenge this revenge! Of course, if The sixth prince hasn't thought of a suitable opportunity and method, so this villain will let the truth do it!"

So, Lan Sihe came today to say hello to him, is he going to do something to Su Ce?

Wouldn't that ruin his plan?

If it was usual, Qin Ruochen would definitely turn against him, but today Lance He's face is full of murderous looks, and it seems that he still has the determination to die. I'm afraid that if he refuses now, it will only make things worse.

"Lan Xiang calm down first, the prince knows that the loss of Ling Qianjin is a great blow to you, but how did I hear that her death has nothing to do with the virtuous king?" Qin Ruochen hurriedly added when he saw Lan Sihe's face changing instantly, "Of course, At the beginning, the Xian Wang refused to order the daughter in front of the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, so she was mistakenly married to the Prince's Mansion. It is indeed inseparable from the Xian Wang, but the defeat of Su Ce did not happen overnight, and this matter still needs a long-term plan."

"No, I can't wait!"

Lan Sihe's eyes were scarlet, as if if Su Ce was in front of him, he would do it even if he died with him.

"Su Ce has helped Shangguan Shaochen and Ling Muer many times. Don't tell me the sixth prince didn't want to kill him earlier? I heard that the virtuous king collected the whereabouts of the sixth prince for more than ten years overnight. It can be seen that Su Ce Human ability is outrageous, the sixth prince has to be eliminated!"

"What did you say?" Qin Ruochen was obviously shocked when he heard the news.

"You said that Su Ce is investigating the prince?"

"That's right!" Lan Sihe said indignantly, "From the night you identified the seventh prince, Shangguan Shaochen sent Nangong Yizhi to investigate the sixth prince, but because Su Ce loves Ling Muer, he collected all of them overnight. From all your traces and past, it can be seen that the Xian Wang has to be eliminated!"


Qin Ruochen was out of breath, and his sharp eyes immediately glared at Lance He, "Why didn't you report this matter to the prince earlier?"

Lance paused, "The truth is that the Sixth Prince has a lot of spies, and he already knew about it."


Qin Ruochen slammed his fist against the wall, "Su Ce, it's Su Ce again! I heard that Qin Xuanting's secret account book was obtained by Su Ce secretly breaking into the secret room of the Seventh Prince's Mansion. Back then, I thought it was just a coincidence. , now it seems that Su Ce does have some skills!"

"If you don't have the ability, why did so many people in the court want to win over the Su family?" Lan Sihe was indignant, "To tell you the truth, the sixth prince, Shangguan Shaochen is certainly your worst enemy, so why not Su Ce! Others He has a wide range of knowledge and both civil and military skills, and I heard that he also secretly mastered an intelligence network, as long as he is around for a day, he will spy on our secrets even more, which will be very bad for us, sixth prince."

Hearing this, Qin Ruochen was already frustrated with anger. He didn't have a good impression of Su Ce at first, but when he learned that he was investigating him, it might ruin his good deeds. He instantly regarded Su Ce as a thorn in his side. He originally planned to postpone the plan. It also came to my mind at once.

"Come here..."


Amu De got up, and coldly interrupted Qin Ruochen's unspoken order, "Sixth prince, did you forget that this prince is still here?"

Qin Ruochen turned around, not understanding the meaning of his words, but Lan Sihe's words reminded him.

"What, is it true that the second prince of the Western Regions wants to stop our actions because his sister is marrying the virtuous king? Then Prince Amu is too dishonest!"

As soon as these words came out, Qin Ruochen suddenly realized that Amu De's younger sister, Mo Junyao, had not married a virtuous king and became a virtuous princess, so wouldn't their cooperation be...?

Qin Ruochen didn't speak, but looked at Amu De carefully.

"I don't need anyone to judge my sincerity. I never thought of preventing you from dealing with Su Ce, but it's definitely not now."

Amu De shook his sleeves, "Anyway, Su Ce can't die now."

"Then when will he die?" Lance He asked angrily.

Amu De looked back, although he didn't say a word, but the hand hidden in the cuff moved slightly.

Lan Sihe may not have seen it, but Qin Ruochen saw it clearly. In order to avoid unnecessary disputes, Qin Ruochen's generous palm fell on Amu De's shoulder.

Looking back, Qin Ruochen winked at Lan Sihe in a corner that Amu De couldn't see, and after he calmed down, he looked at this new partner gently, "I don't know why I can't now To deal with Su Ce, Lan Xiang lost his beloved daughter, and it is understandable that his love is difficult to control, but these are not conflicts with the second prince. I admit that Lingmei married Su Ce and became the concubine of the virtuous princess. It is a painful blow, but as far as I know, King Xian didn't really want to marry Lingmei back then, didn't Prince Amu also have other thoughts?"

His dirty thoughts were exposed so bluntly, Amu De's face was very ugly, "What nonsense is the sixth prince talking about!"

"Yes yes yes. The prince is talking nonsense, but no one in the capital knows that the virtuous king does not love the virtuous princess. It is said that he has neglected her on the night of the wedding! As the eldest brother of the virtuous princess, Amu prince, don't you want to do it for yourself? Revenge against his younger sister? I heard that Prince Amu loves his younger sister very much."

Seeing that Qin Ruochen's voice was so shady, he didn't know what he was planning.

But he knew so much about the royal family of the Western Regions so thoroughly, it exceeded his expectations.

Amu De paused, "To be honest, I still need Su Ce, so he can't die now, but I can promise you that after I run out, his life will be handed over to you two unconditionally." , "This is his final bottom line.


Lance He was angry, "I want Qianying to take revenge. Only by killing Su Ce, those few people will know that my prime minister's residence is not easy to bully! Su Ce must die."

"Oh, then I want to see if Prime Minister Lan has this ability!"

Seeing that Lan Sihe's attitude was so firm, Amu De didn't hide his sharpness any more, he saw it sharply with a pair of captivating eyes, as if Lan Sihe dared to make a move, and he would never let him go.

"You—" Lance He was anxious, and immediately looked at Qin Ruochen, "Sixth prince, the truth is to help you, don't you have nothing to say about this matter?"

Amu De smiled, "Why, isn't my Second Prince of the Western Regions sincerely helping the Sixth Prince? Prime Minister Lan, it is your family business to avenge your daughter. I think you are clearly trying to influence the Sixth Prince Big plan! If that's the case, what's the use of keeping you!"

Seeing that Amu De was going to attack Lance He, Qin Ruochen hurriedly stopped him from behind, gave Lance He a calm look, and he led Amu De out of the study.

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