"Prince Amu why get angry, come on, calm down, calm down."

Qin Ruochen took Amu De out of the study and sat in the gazebo in the yard.

Although it was cold in the late autumn night, he was full of anger and didn't feel the slightest chill, "Sixth Prince, with all due respect, Prime Minister Ruolan is such a person who favors personal interests and cheats, so our cooperation..."

"Cooperate for what? Why, because of a disagreement, we will terminate our cooperation. Isn't Prince Amu too easily angered? Have you forgotten your big plan? Forgot, you want to get Ling Mu'er? "Qin Ruochen was also a little angry, but because of his future plans, he endured it.

"Of course I want to get Ling Muer, but what does that old man Lan Sihe mean? If he kills Su Ce now, all our plans will be disrupted by him. Ling Muer and Shangguan Shaochen will definitely know that you and I are colluding. , I will also know that you and I have done other things in that matter. How can we act against us? How can I take her to the Western Regions? Don't forget, Su Ce has helped them many times. In their eyes, Su Ce A friend is even a benefactor, killing Su Ce at this time is definitely not a good thing!"

Amu De was furious and yelled extremely loudly, he didn't realize Qin Ruochen's gradually cold face.

It's nothing more than a prince from the Western Regions, who dared to shout so loudly in his Sixth Prince's Mansion. The hand behind him gradually gathered 60% of his internal strength. As long as he makes a move now, he guarantees that this arrogant outsider in front of him will definitely die on the spot!

Hmph, who made him still useful now.

"Lan Sihe just died of his daughter. He couldn't think about it for a while. It is reasonable to want to avenge his daughter, but you are right. If anything happens to Su Ce now, the fact that you and I are colluding will be exposed. People know that I am in contact with the prince of the Western Regions, which is really not good for this prince, so I will appease Lan Sihe later, are you satisfied?" Qin Ruochen put down his hand with inner strength, took a deep breath, and tried to make his voice as quiet as possible. Sounds less grumpy.

Amu De wanted to say something else, but Qin Ruochen's friendly attitude made it difficult for him to argue with his words.

"Anyway, Su Ce can't die now. When he can die, I'll let you guys know!" He raised his head with pride.

The corners of Qin Ruochen's mouth twitched, and he cursed in his heart: When your life is about to be taken, this prince will definitely notify you as soon as possible!

Suppressing the fury in his body, he nodded, "Okay, just right, if you want to take Ling Muer to the Western Regions, you still need Su Ce, so I'll keep him for a while longer."

Seeing that Qin Ruochen had planned to take Ling Mu'er to the Western Regions on his agenda, Amu De felt relieved a lot, and his anger also extinguished a lot, "Then if Lance He disagrees again?"

"Don't worry, in order to avenge my daughter, I won't disagree. Although the old man is stubborn, he won't be indiscriminate. The three of you, the people on the same boat, should help each other."

Qin Ruochen patted him on the shoulder, motioning him not to be too annoyed, as if saying that it's okay to offend anyone.

Although Amu De was arrogant, he didn't like Lan Sihe, but after all, Qin Ruochen still had something to use, so he didn't want to argue with him so much.

"Since the sixth prince is so sincere, then I will go and keep an eye on Shangguan Shaochen. After you settle everything here, I, the Western Regions, will immediately help you ascend the throne!"


As soon as Qin Ruochen finished speaking, he felt a strong wind blowing behind him, and when he looked back, where was Amu De?

If it wasn't for the breeze that swayed the fallen leaves from the trees, he would have believed that this person had never been here just now.

"Where's Amu De? The Sixth Prince just indulges a non-fantasy like this?"

When Qin Ruochen returned to the study, Lan Sihe immediately went up to meet him. Seeing the emptiness behind him, his old face was full of melancholy, "The sixth prince can't follow that Amu De like this! Although he is the prince of the Western Regions, the Western Regions are Fanbang, their words cannot be trusted!"

"Don't worry, Lano, the prince is doing things properly."

Pushing him on the chair and sitting beside him himself, Qin Ruochen squinted his eyes, "Hmph, if you didn't have access to the Western Regions, do you think this prince would follow him just now? How dare you disturb my plan, The end, there is only one word - die!"

Seeing Qin Ruochen's ferocious face, Lance He shuddered, but thinking of Amu De's arrogance, he was filled with anger.

"Why can't Su Ce die? It's just because of his unfavored sister. Hmph, no one in the capital knows that Su Ce married Mo Junyao because of Ling Muer, an unfavored and virtuous concubine. She Do you think you can get the virtuous king by guarding the virtuous king? Hmph, what a fantasy!"

"Who says it's not? You're so ugly that you're dying, but you still miss Ling Mu'er! Oh, don't worry, Lan Lao, this prince and him are just using each other. But he doesn't know, you still don't know what this prince is doing. As a person? When did the prince decide to change?"

Hearing the meaning of Qin Ruochen's words, Lance He, who was still worried, heaved a sigh of relief.

Just now, he and Amu De almost got into a fight, but the Sixth Prince took Amu De out. He thought that the Sixth Prince was going to abandon him, but now it seems that he was overwhelmed.

"I wonder how the sixth prince plans to deal with Su Ce?"

"Dare to investigate my whereabouts, I think this virtuous king has eaten the heart of a bear!"

There was danger in Qin Ruochen's voice and eyes.

Looking at Lan Sihe's anxious waiting, he knew in his heart that Lan Sihe was eager to find someone to bury his daughter with him. He was afraid that if Su Ce didn't die, he would find it difficult to be loyal to him.

"I heard that the second prince's brother was assassinated on his way back to the palace before dark, and that a killer also appeared in the second prince's mansion. I don't know if Lan Lao knows what's going on?"

Seeing Qin Ruochen's interrogating eyes, Lance smiled, "The Sixth Prince's ability is incredible, since he knows everything, why bother to ask him many times, yes, he is mine."

Qin Ruochen didn't speak, but gave him a look to continue talking,

"Qianying died tragically in the nunnery. As a father, I couldn't avenge her. How could I be worthy of my dead daughter! So I found quack killers. Even though I knew those killers couldn't kill them, I still wanted to teach them a lesson!"

Lan Sihe became more and more excited as he spoke, "My beautiful figure, at such a beautiful age, she is the most talented woman in the capital, so what if she marries a fatuous and incompetent prince, she should have a bright future and a bright future, But because she was trapped in a nunnery and guarded those bald nuns every day, she couldn't think about choosing to hang herself, and I, as a father, didn't even see her for the last time. One can imagine how desperate and helpless she was at that time , but I... want the white-haired person to send the black-haired person..."

Saying that, Lance He's eyes were moist.

He endured it, raised his head and insisted not to let the tears fall, but the pain of losing his daughter made him want to die.

"I want Shangguan Shaochen and Ling Mu'er to be buried with her, I want Su Ce to regret what he failed back then, and I want the prince to pay the price for his actions! Sixth prince, you will help the old minister, right?"


Qin Ruochen readily agreed, "I was also surprised by Ling Qianjin's death. Lan Lao knew that I was already in operation that day. If there is no accident, Ling Qianjin will come out to reunite with your family that night. Unfortunately, she After all, I didn't wait for that moment, but it doesn't matter, I will avenge this revenge for you!"

After getting an affirmative answer, Lance He heaved a sigh of relief. He knew that if he said more, the distance would be further.

"Then Lan Sihe waits for the sixth prince's good news!"

He knelt down to him again, his face full of sincerity.

Qin Ruochen hurriedly helped him up, "What is Lan Lao doing? I have already said that we are on the same boat. We benefit from each other, so there is no need to be so polite. As for the second prince of the Western Regions, Amu De, you don't have to worry about anything. , compared to him, this prince values ​​the cooperation between you and me more."

With the words of the sixth prince, Prime Minister Lan was even more moved and didn't know what to say.

He was originally worried that the sixth prince would not care about the help from his prime minister's mansion if he had a new partner, but now it seems that the sixth prince really has a discerning eye.

"Old man, I don't have anything now. I can eat enough for one person and the whole family will not be hungry. As long as the sixth prince asks, I am willing to do anything."

Lan Sihe's eyes were narrowed into a slit, with light shining from the end of his eyes, "As long as I can avenge my daughter."

In the study, Shangguan Shaochen asked Nangong Yizhi who had just arrived, "You can find out what happened to the Sixth Prince's Mansion recently?"

"My people are always guarding around the Sixth Prince. Except for Lan Sihe and some servants who bought them, no one has ever entered or left the Sixth Prince's Mansion." Nangong Yizhi was very firm in his answer, looking from top to bottom Glancing at him, "Cousin, I heard that you were ambushed today, what's going on?"

"Lan Sihe wanted to avenge his daughter, but he stood by Qin Ruochen's side and hired some murderers to murder her. I expected it, it's fine."

Shangguan Shaochen didn't take today's assassination seriously, but he was most worried about Qin Ruochen, "You should pay more attention to the sixth son, first Qin Xuanting, then the prince, he can't plan anything anymore."

After being reminded, Nangong Yizhi also became curious, "No way, could his people come in and out disguised as servants?"

"It's hard to say." Shangguan Shaochen's expression was serious, as if he remembered something, he suddenly became nervous, "Where does Amu De live?"

"Are you worried that Qin Ruochen will join forces with the Western Regions?"

Before he got the answer, Nangong Yizhi was amused by his own thought, "Impossible, cousin, although our Celestial Dynasty has made peace with the Western Regions and established a treaty of friendship, the Western Regions are the Western Regions after all, and Qin Ruochen, as the sixth prince, If you have frequent exchanges with the Western Regions, are you not afraid of being accused of collaborating with the enemy and traitor? Impossible."

"Even you think it's impossible, and it's hard to guarantee that other people won't think the same as you, so how do you know that Qin Ruochen won't take the risk?"

The more Shangguan Shaochen thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong, "Yizhi, immediately send someone to monitor Amu De's movements, and if he finds that he is getting close to Qin Ruochen, report to me immediately."


Inside the official post.

Mo Junyao waited for a long time for her brother to come back, and when she was about to give up and leave first, the door was opened from the outside.

She hastily squeezed out a few tears and walked over, just about to complain to him, when she saw his strange attire, she touched the teardrops in the corner of her eyes, "Brother Huang, where have you been, why are you dressed like a servant?"

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