"Why are you here?" Without answering Mo Junyao's question, Amu De took off his servant's coat, threw it aside like garbage, and poured himself a cup of tea.

After lighting the oil lamp, the light source shone on Mo Junyao's body, only then did she see that she was fully dressed, apparently sneaking out.

"Why, as a concubine Xian, you don't even have the right to see your brother in an open and honest manner? You are really miserable as a concubine Xian."

Hearing the sarcasm, Mo Junyao's tears of grievance fell instantly, "You also said, if the emperor's brother hadn't insisted on doing this at the beginning, how could I have married him? It is clear that I am the concubine Xian, but my identity and status are even higher than that of the emperor. The lowly servants in the palace of Xian Wang are not as good as the servants, Brother Huang..."

"Don't cry with me, you don't have the ability, but you hate others, what's your ability?"

Amu De turned back coldly, not paying for her tears at all, "Now blame me for letting you marry him. Why didn't you think of this when you insisted on begging the emperor to give up Shangguan Shaochen and marry Su Ce?"

"Didn't I be fooled by Su Ce's disguise back then?" Mo Junyao muttered in the mirror, the more she spoke, the more confident she became.

At the beginning, Su Ce deliberately tricked her. Damn it, she fell for it, but the matter has come to this point, and she can't give up.

"Brother Huang, I came to you today to ask you to help me find a way. Don't you know how to make drugs? You must have a lot of drugs in your hand, right? In this way, you can give me some."

She held out her hand, smiling expectantly.

"Medicine?" Amu De was completely irritated by this word, "Amu Yaoyao, you have really forgotten your noble status, haven't you! Do you know what you are doing? You are the most beloved princess in the Western Regions, the most noble My princess, now she wants to use such indecent means in order to get a man? Where's your aloofness, where's your backbone?"

"Why are you yelling!"

Mo Junyao, who was murdered, was really aggrieved. If the tears just now were faked, then she is truly sad now, "Brother Huang has the ability to criticize me, why can't he help me, sister I've been bullied to the top, but you don't care about it, and you're still attacking me here! As long as I have a way, as for thinking about such a dirty trick, am I also forced?"

Thinking of Su Ce's cold face towards her every day, she was almost driven crazy.

Don't tell me if you don't see anyone in the morning, and he doesn't go back to his room to sleep at night, so she has no chance at all.

We've been married for more than half a year, but she hasn't even broken her body, and that Ling Mu'er, after hearing that she is pregnant, isn't that slapping her in the face?

Damn it, God knows how much she wants to rush in front of Ling Muer and strangle her alive, why is she living a happier life than herself, why is everything ahead of her?

No, she must get Su Ce!

But in the past six months, she has seen Su Ce very few times. Not only did he not eat or sleep with her, he didn't even say a word when they met each other on weekdays. It was clear that she was his princess, but in reality On the other hand, he was even inferior to the personal maid beside him.

The key is that Su Ce treats others kindly, gently, even if it's a smirk, at least he smiles, but when he treats her, he always has a cold face. How did she offend him?

When he begged to marry her, the man who pushed her against the wall and bullied her was all a dream?

If so, she would rather stay in that dream and not wake up.

"Brother Huang, I really came to you because I had no choice. Are you really not going to help me?"

Originally, he wanted to teach her a lesson, but seeing her crying and pitiful, Amu De couldn't bear it after all.

"Do you know that if word spreads that you, as the Xian Wangfei, do that to the Xian Wang, the name of your Xian Wangfei will be completely lost!"

Having said that, Amu De shook his head and got up, "Wait for me here."

Seeing her brother turn around and enter the room, Mo Junyao stubbornly wiped away the tears from her face. She stood still and did not dare to move, for fear of making her brother repent because of her savagery.

Not long after, seeing her brother holding a blue medicine bottle in his hand, she rushed over happily and snatched it away.

"Thank you, brother."

Seeing her happy look, Amu De sighed again.

It's obviously a despicable means that can't be seen by others, but the younger sister seems to have got a treasure. Amu De's voice is cold, "You probably also heard the news that the daughter of the crown prince's side concubine, Prime Minister Lan, hanged herself in a nunnery. Don't forget Well, she used the same means as you to marry into the Prince's Mansion back then. But what happened to him? Yaoyao, don't blame me for not reminding you, you asked for all the results."

The hand holding the medicine bottle paused, Mo Junyao raised her head, and the candlelight shone on her Qiaonen face. If you look carefully, it has long since lost its original vitality, and has become a little vicissitudes and grief, "I have to When it comes to Su Ce, what's the difference between me holding the title of Concubine Xian and not holding it? Anyway, my reputation has already been ruined by him, so it's better to give it a go than to be left in the cold by him for the rest of my life!"

"Yao Yao?"

"I don't believe that after being completely acquired by him, he would still treat me so coldly. Brother Huang, thank you very much."

Holding the medicine bottle, he hurriedly left the station.

Seeing her fleeing back, Amu De sighed deeply again.

Silly girl, it is Brother Huang who is sorry for you.


When Su Ce heard Zitong's report, he was instantly furious, "What did you say? The second prince sneaked into the assassin's residence and was rescued by Amu De?"

"Yes, son, according to reports from our spies, all our people and the second prince's people were transferred away from the mountain, and only Miss Ling fought against the enemy alone. I don't know why Amu De appeared in the second prince's mansion at the critical moment." , but saved Miss Ling, you see..." Zitong lowered her head guiltily.

Su Ce forced himself to calm down, digested his answer vigorously, and tried his best to outline the scene at that time in his mind, as if he was at the scene.

"Amu De, it seems that he never gave up what he wanted! He stayed in the capital and never left, it was always for Mu'er!"

When he got this answer, the hairs all over his body stood on end, and his heart became even more angry.

"Ling Muer is in danger, Zitong!"

"The subordinates are here!"

"Immediately give orders, send all the hidden guards to covertly protect, and keep an eye on Amu De's movements at all times. If he wants to get Ling Mu'er, he will definitely find an opportunity to do so. If he makes any moves, he must report to me as soon as possible." report!"


Zitong was ordered to leave when a servant outside the door came in with a cup of white fungus soup.

"give it to me."

The slave wanted to say something, but Zitong had already taken the bowl of soup, so she had no choice but to leave silently.

"My lord, your complexion is not good these days. There is white fungus soup in the kitchen. You should eat some."

Seeing that Su Ce wanted to reject her, Zi Tong hurriedly added, "How can I protect Miss Ling if I don't have the strength?"

Up to this point, Su Ce frowned. He wanted to reprimand him, but in the end he just glared at him, "Go down."

Zitong nodded, turned and left the study.

Su Ce had no appetite at all, and even more so when he heard that Ling Muer was in danger and Amu De was lurking beside her at any time, but what Zitong said just now successfully ignited his desire to eat.

Looking at the bowl of white fungus and lotus seed soup in front of him, he picked up the spoon and took a few mouthfuls, only to stop when he realized that it was really not to his appetite.

But for some reason, suddenly, I felt my body was hot, and my thoughts became chaotic in an instant.

"Come here!"

Su Ce yelled angrily. He was about to get up, but when he swayed, he collapsed on the chair.

This feeling, this feeling...


A familiar voice came from beside my ears.

When Su Ce raised his head, he saw a pretty red color slowly approaching him.

He shook his head, trying to wake himself up, but the harder he tried, the more he couldn't see clearly.

His vision gradually became blurred, as if he could not see clearly, but at the same time he seemed to see clearly.

Why does this color look so much like Ling Muer?

"Su Ce, are you okay? Do you know who I am?"

The woman slowly approached him until she stopped beside him, her soft and boneless hands wandering around his neck.

Suddenly, she bent down and blew into his ear, "Do you feel that your body is so hot and want to release it? Can you let me help you?"

After finishing speaking, her pale five fingers boldly penetrated into his underwear.

"do not move!"

As his voice fell, Su Ce's hand grabbed her wrist violently, and was about to push her away, but for some reason, there was an urge in his body, the urge to get closer to this woman.

Yes, his body is very hot, and this woman is like a piece of ice, which can relieve the fire in his heart.

He desperately wanted to hug this piece of ice in his arms, but when he came to his senses, he realized that the woman had fallen into his arms at some point, and wanted to get close to her intimately.

"Who are you."

Su Ce stood up abruptly, allowing the woman hanging on him to fall to the ground.

He stepped up, wanting to leave the room, looking for ice water to wake himself up, but just after taking two steps, his body became even more drowsy, and if it wasn't for the support of his arms, he would have passed out.

"I, I'm your woman, Su Ce."

Mo Junyao endured the pain and got up from the ground, and did not rush towards him, but carefully grabbed his sleeve, "You really don't know him? Don't you remember me? I am yours Woman, a woman who can detoxify you!"

Her voice was fatally alluring, as if she was deliberately luring him to a special place.

Su Ce felt dry mouth when he heard that, he turned around suddenly, looked at the red color that was close in front of him, but seemed to be far away, he stretched out his hand, and once again pulled her into his arms domineeringly.

Resolutely, he pressed her down on the table in the study.

Mo Junyao instinctively exclaimed, but seeing his sudden action, she was overjoyed.

She hurriedly put her arms around his neck, and the distance between the two was close, as if she could kiss his lips as long as she raised her head slightly.

She has been waiting for this moment for a long time.

"Su Ce, if you endure it, your body will explode due to the toxin. Do it, don't you want me?"

Her thin lips parted slightly, and with the slow speed of speaking, she slowly moved her red lips to his lips.

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