"Seeing that the complexion of the two of you is much better, it seems that my nourishing pills are still very effective, but what else do you feel uncomfortable about?"

Ling Muer asked, and walked into the guest room with a smile on her face.

In order to facilitate the treatment of Xiong Qiguang and Song Yicheng, Shangguan Shaochen specially ordered the rest of the items in the guest room to be moved, and two beds were placed, one on the left and one on the right, leaving a passage in the middle.

Ling Muer just sat down, Song Yicheng struggled to get up, "Master..."

"Don't move." She gave him a look to signal that he is not polite, Ling Muer skillfully placed her finger on his pulse, "Well, this period of time has not been in vain, the toxins in the body have been completely eliminated, and even the body has been recuperated to be strong Quite a lot, I dare not say anything else, at least the wind and cold will not come to you for at least three to five years."

Hearing this, Song Yicheng was shocked. Even if he is a doctor, how dare he guarantee that he will not get sick? It can be seen that the master really puts his heart into them.

"Apprentice, thank you master."

"Thank you, Xiong, for taking care of the second prince and concubine."

Ling Muer waved her hand, "I said you don't have to be polite, after all, the two of you were injured because of us, and we should take care of you. Are you still used to living in the house?"

Hearing this, Xiong Qiguang patted the back of his head in embarrassment, and smiled with shame on his face, "Hey, let me tell you the truth about the second concubine, Xiong... this is all fat, and when I go back to Pingcheng, those merchants will be envious when they see it." I."

Ling Mu'er was amused by these words, "I can't see that you have an honest face, but you are good at coaxing people."

"Xiong is telling the truth!" Xiong Qiguang refused to admit that he was flattering on purpose, "Who would believe that when I came to the capital, I actually lived in the second prince's mansion and was treated as a guest, and I will have to show off when I go back. "

"What Xiong said is true. Let alone living in the prince's mansion, we poor people, seeing the prince all our lives is the ancestor's good deeds and burning incense. And Song is lucky to be the master's apprentice. That's for the ancestors. Bright things."

Ling Mu'er laughed and said that the two were poor-mouthed, and they all took their pulses again to make sure that everyone's health was about the same, so she was relieved.

"Although there were assassins in the house yesterday, it is very safe with the Imperial Forest Army guarding here. Although the two of you are recovering from your injuries, you can't stay in the house all the time. If you can, go for a walk in the yard. I will ask the housekeeper to take you around later. turn around."

After finishing speaking, Ling Muer got up, "If you have any needs, just ask, don't be polite, just treat this as your own home. I'm relieved to see that you are all well, so I won't bother you."

"Master, I'll see you off." Song Yicheng hurriedly got off the bed, "Master, I heard that your body is abnormal, but what happened, do you need help from my apprentice?"

Xiong Qiguang originally wanted to come out and see him off, but seeing Ling Muer's face suddenly changed after hearing those words, maybe he wanted to say something to Song Yicheng alone, so he lay on the bed wisely, pretending that he didn't hear anything arrive.

Ling Muer gave him a grateful look, nodded to Song Yicheng, and led him to the arch bridge in the yard.

"Song Yicheng, since you asked, I have a question I want to ask you. I wonder if you know about it?"

"Master, it's okay to say."

Song Yicheng was very happy with Ling Muer's inquiry, which meant that she regarded him as one of her own.

"Have you heard of the national flower of the Western Regions?"

Song Yicheng was taken aback, obviously being asked this question.

As a person from the Celestial Dynasty, he doesn't know much about the affairs of the Western Regions, but by coincidence, his Song family has practiced medicine for generations, and as long as it is related to medical skills, he will take the initiative to learn more.

"I've heard it before. It is rumored that the national flower of the Western Regions is a kind of medicinal flower, which is extremely rare among flowers. The fruit of the flower can be used as medicinal materials. It is said that it has a very nourishing effect." Song Yicheng smiled awkwardly, "Don't you think so?" That's all I know."

"As expected of being a doctor for generations, knowing this is enough."

It seems that Amu De did not lie to her.

There really is such a flower as the national flower of the Western Regions in this world, not something he fabricated out of thin air.

"I don't know why the master asked this?" Song Yicheng was curious.

Ling Mu'er looked at her carefully, not to guard against him, but because her physical condition was special after all, she and Shang Zhiti thought of Shang Zhi as their younger sister sincerely, and Song Yicheng was a man after all.

"I saw it in a book by chance, and I didn't expect such a magical flower to exist in this world, so I just asked out of curiosity."

Song Yicheng didn't doubt the master's words, "Then the master hasn't answered the apprentice's question, how is the master's health?"

"Since you call me master, then master naturally has the ability of master, what do you think?"

Ling Muer smiled, and had already left the arch bridge.

When they came to the clinic, Shang Zhi and Jiang Xiang were very surprised, "Why is the girl here?"

Shang Zhi hurried over to help her sit on the chair, then looked behind her, "Did you follow?"

"Staying in the mansion is so boring, if I don't come out, I will grow hair. He doesn't know if I come out."

Ling Mu'er made a gesture of silence, signaling the two of them to speak up separately.

When going out today, Ji said to visit Xiong Qiguang and Song Yicheng, Shangguan Shaochen didn't care, and when she was going out, Nangong Yizhi came in a hurry, and she didn't know what happened, she couldn't bear to disturb her.

"My God, the second prince didn't know you were here? Then go back, girl, in case the second prince finds out that you didn't obediently stay at the mansion, but came to the medical clinic and didn't demolish this place." Shang Zhi said a little Afraid, push her out.

"Am I your girl, or is he your master?" Ling Mu'er pretended to be unhappy, and sat on the chair as firmly as Mount Tai, no matter how hard she pushed it, she would not move.

"Don't waste your energy, don't you forget that your girl is as strong as a cow?"

Shang Zhi's face was full of black lines, and his mouth was puckered in frustration. In the end, he had no choice but to sit back in his seat in frustration, "Girl, am I thinking of your body?"

"I know you're doing it for my own good, but I can't always stay in the house without seeing the sun, can I?" Ling Muer smiled and looked at Jiang Xiang.

"How is the business in the hospital?"

"Back to the girl, the business is very good. Although many patients still want to wait for the girl to consult in person, but since the girl stayed up late a few days ago and taught us the medicine, Shang Zhi and I can completely take care of ourselves, and the girl doesn't have to worry."

Ling Muer nodded, with a gentle smile on her face.

She is not worried, she just feels that it is a pity that as a doctor but cannot practice medicine, this is the cruelest thing for her

But she knows her body, avoids fainting at any time, and she can't be tired.

She is famous, as long as she shows up, it is impossible for her not to be busy. If she faints without warning when she is seeing the common people, it will be very bad for her and Shao Chen.

"It's been hard work for you these days. If you don't understand something, you can come to the house to find me at any time. That way, if you are too busy, you can go to Yazili to buy two people who are proficient in medical science." Ling Muer threw down two bank notes.

"Girl didn't take in a new apprentice, so why buy a girl?" Shang Zhi laughed deliberately.

Ling Mu'er patted her on the head, "You girl, you are really getting bolder, now you even dare to make fun of me?"

Shang Zhi stuck out his tongue mischievously, and was about to talk back, when two patients came outside, their condition was very serious, they looked like stab wounds.

"Doctor, doctor, show us quickly, my brother's arm is broken?"

Two young men were sitting in front of the consulting tables of Shang Zhi and Jiang Xiang respectively.

Seeing that the two of them were covered in blood, their faces were pale, and they were each holding a broken arm. This scene really shocked the two of them, but they were also people who had experienced big scenes. Feel the pulse.

"Such a serious injury, why are you so careless?"

Jiang Xiang said while preparing needles and thread and anesthetics, "The wound is too deep and too long, it must be stitched up, please bear with me later."

The two of you seem to be running around the rivers and lakes. Although the injury looks painful, they don't seem to be very worried, "As long as you can save your arm, the doctor can treat you any way you want. As for the injury, it's not because I am careless, otherwise I won't worry about it." I won't be tortured like this."

Ling Mu'er stood aside and watched, although she didn't get too close, she was sure that the injury was caused by the fierce sword.

I haven't heard of any large-scale fights in the capital recently.

"Brothers, you should be more careful when walking in the rivers and lakes. You are lucky today, and there is no one in the medical center. Otherwise, you have to wait for a while with your injuries, and I am afraid that your arms are really hopeless." Ling Mu Er tentatively asked, "However, the injury is so bad, why did you come to the hospital?"

The two didn't recognize Ling Mu'er, but seeing her seriousness, they didn't dare to hide it, "It's not the second prince of the Western Regions, he himself was injured, and he asked me to wait for my brothers to wait until his death." Let us come out to see a doctor after the wound has been treated, it is really mad at us brothers."


Ling Muer tensed up all over immediately, and unconsciously took two steps closer to the two of them, "Second Prince of the Western Regions? Isn't it rumored that he lives in an inn? It's still an official inn. Even if he is assassinated, how could he be with you people in Jianghu?" What about the relationship?"

Hearing this, the man looked Ling Mu'er up and down carefully. If it was normal, he would definitely not speak again, but he really didn't want to give him a good reputation because of the anger he received from Amu De.

"Hey, it's not that Amu De has offended too many people and is afraid of death. Since the first day he came to the capital, he has hired some of our brothers to protect him secretly. We thought he was the prince, with guards guarding him. , this job is easy and there is a lot of money, so I agreed. Who knew that there was an assassination last night, and the opponent was very powerful, and almost killed him!"

Hearing the news that Amu De almost died, Ling Muer immediately gasped.

She wanted Amu De to die all the time, but it was definitely not this time.

If he died, how would she get the national flower?

"The second prince of the Western Regions came to Beijing, and he can be regarded as a distinguished guest in the capital. Who is so courageous to assassinate him?"

Ling Muer asked, and saw that the faces of the two little brothers were not very friendly, she immediately added, "However, it is rumored that the man is extremely ugly, has a very different temperament, and acts very viciously. Maybe he offended someone on weekdays. It’s really a good lesson to come to the door, but I’m sorry for you guards.”

Hearing the words of satisfaction, the other little brother was even more heartbroken with hatred, "No, if it weren't for the cleverness of my two brothers last night, today will be our memorial day next year, but that Amu De is not much better, even though he left There is still a gap in death, but the lesson this time must be enough for him to suffer for a while!"

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