Hearing this, Ling Muer realized that Amu De was seriously injured.

For some reason, she felt a little excited in her heart.

It was precisely because of her identity that she had never really done anything to Amu De. Now I don't know which hero is so righteous to make such a move. It is really a quick solution to her heart!

"The sutured wound should not touch the water, it must be taken care of carefully, and remember to change the dressing every day..." Jiang Xiang told the little brother, before he finished speaking, several patients came outside the door.

The little brother just instinctively glanced behind him, but it turned out to be terrible. He was so frightened that he hurriedly dropped the silver, snatched the medicine from Jiangxiang's hand, dragged his companion and ran out.

"Hey, haven't I finished yet?" Jiang Xiang shouted, and it was only at this time that he saw the person who suddenly appeared in front of him clearly, "King Xian?"

Ling Mu'er was brought back to her thoughts by Jiang Xiang's yelling.

Seeing Su Ce's white clothes stained with blood, followed by Zitong who was also seriously injured, she felt a 'thump' in her heart, and rushed out almost without hesitation, "You guys, what's going on?"

"I also ask the second concubine to treat my young master first." Zitong clasped her fists in both hands, and after finishing speaking, she followed Ling Mu'er into the private room.

For some reason, Ling Muer suddenly had a bold guess in her heart, "Could it be that you were the one who assassinated Amu De last night?"

Su Ce raised his eyes, with a faint smile on his handsome face, "I didn't expect the news to reach you?"

"What kind of injury is it? Can you still laugh?"

Ling Mu'er really couldn't bear to tease him, but the white clothes were so exaggerated, I don't know if I thought it was a pattern decorated with blood on purpose.

Ling Mu'er worried about handing Su Ce to Shang Zhi, and healed him personally, and found out that there was no poisoning, just some skin trauma, so she was relieved.

"What's the matter? It's all right, why did you fight with that weird guy?"

"It's just that he doesn't like it." Su Ce explained, although he was smiling, there was a flash of hatred in his smile.

If it is said that there is a deep hatred between them and Amu De, it is a long time ago, and Su Ce's neglect of Mo Junyao is also a humiliation of Amu De. Ling Muer does not believe that nothing special happened, Su Ce will go to die hand.

"Since when the virtuous king is so leisurely, if he sees a person who is not pleasing to his eyes, he will take his life away, then I have to let you go, in case one day I accidentally offend you, maybe in the middle of the night Murdered by you?" Ling Muer asked intentionally, her hands were careful and gentle, for fear of hurting him.

There was a lot of blood on Su Ce's body, but judging from the wound, maybe it wasn't his blood.

Ling Muer's heart became even more tense, if it wasn't Su Ce's, it was the enemy's. Recalling what the two little brothers said, it can be seen that Amu De was seriously injured by him.

"The most painful thing is often not to take his life directly, but to make his life worse than death. It seems that the second prince of the Western Regions really provoked you somewhere."

Ling Mu'er looked at the deepest wound on his chest, "It hurts the internal organs with just one finger difference, the sage king's lightness kung fu is really powerful."

Although it was a compliment, Su Ce could tell that she was sarcasm in disguise.

Su Ce twitched the corners of his lips, "I haven't come to your place for a long time to see you, so I can increase your business, wouldn't it be good?"

Ling Mu'er was almost pulled away by his words, "The Xian Wang really thinks highly of me."

"That is."

"One bottle for external use and one bottle for internal use. No water is allowed on the wounds on your body. Be careful in the next half a month. Don't move heavy objects or practice martial arts." Ling Muer rolled her eyes while explaining, got up and turned to him Throw over two pill bottles.

Su Ce caught it steadily, "Thank you."

Looking at Zitong again, he didn't speak, but just gave him a look.

Zitong immediately came over with a certain amount of silver ingots.

Ling Muer was stunned, and the smile on her face disappeared instantly. She unceremoniously threw the towel for wiping her hands onto Su Ce.

Su Ce, who was half lying down, couldn't dodge in time, and hit her hard, and he yelled, "Ling Muer, you murdered me!"

"If I wanted to kill you, I would have done it in Lingjia Village. Are you sure you can escape?"

Ling Mu'er snorted softly, "The virtuous king really doesn't regard me as a friend, even such a small matter is so indifferent, it seems that I have to go through the ledger carefully when I go back, and count everything owed to the virtuous king as silver in another day Send it to the palace of the virtuous king."

Anyone could tell that Ling Muer was angry, but Su Ce was most afraid of her anger.

He hurriedly got up and walked towards her, pushed Zitong behind him, motioned him to put away the money, and when he looked at Ling Muer again, he smiled like a spring breeze, as if he hadn't been hurt at all, "Thank you very much."

Ling Mu'er gave him a disdainful look, walked around him and walked to Zitong's side, "You're not seriously hurt, sit down, I'll show you."

How dare Zitong let the person he cares about diagnose and treat him in front of the young master?

He didn't move for a while.

Ling Mu'er naturally knew what he was worried about, and forced him onto the chair, "Look, even if it's his slave, he needs to see a doctor if he is injured? If the master doesn't even give the slave time to see the truth, Then what's the use of staying with such a master?"

Hearing Ling Muer's deliberate sarcasm, Su Ce smiled, a dull smile overflowed from the corner of his lips, and he felt much better.

He didn't speak, but nodded, and then Zitong stretched out his hand with confidence, "Then there is the second concubine Lao."

"You're welcome."

Ling Mu'er felt his pulse, but her face gradually became dark, Zitong's hairs all stood on end,

"Second Princess, don't scare the little one."

"You and I are not relatives, so what did I scare you into? You got poisoned."

Ling Muer spoke casually, and didn't notice that Zi Tong was almost choked to death by her spit.


How can a doctor talk about such a serious matter as poisoning so casually?

Su Ce also looked over curiously, "What poison, what's the situation?"

"Amu De is best at using poison. Just now I wondered why you were fine. Now I think the petals of Bai Lingxian played a role, but Zitong is not a steel and iron frame, so naturally it cannot escape."

Ling Muer pointed to the outside with her chin, "Didn't the Xian Wang want to thank me just now? I wonder if I could help you to do something?"

Looking at Ling Mu'er's seductive and provocative face, it seemed that he couldn't get enough of it, especially when she smiled at him like this, all his defenses were broken in an instant.

"Happy to oblige."

"According to this prescription, let Shang Zhi prescribe the medicine, the sooner the better, otherwise it will be too late."

Ling Mu'er wrote down a prescription as quickly as possible and handed it to Su Ce, without even looking at him, she hurried back to Zitong's side.

Su Ce, who was still suspicious at first, put aside his doubts completely, turned around and walked out in a hurry.

Ling Mu'er was sure that the sound of footsteps had disappeared, so she stopped what she was doing, but this action startled Zitong.

"What's the matter, second princess, why did you stop? It can't be, it can't be that the poison of this subordinate has no cure, right?"

Completely amused by his nervousness, Ling Muer shook her head, "If not, how could you send the virtuous king? It is understandable for him to be deceived, why do you believe it?"

Zitong didn't understand her words for a long while, and was about to ask, when suddenly she realized, "Second Princess, you, you lied to me?"

"Amu De didn't use poison on you, it's really beyond my imagination, but your internal injury is serious, the prescription just now is not fake."

Hearing this, Zitong hurriedly got up, and bent over her with fists in both hands, "Thank you, Second Prince, Concubine."

"Want to thank me? Then tell me what happened last night?!"

Ling Muer's expression was serious.

She knew Su Ce too well, if she hadn't been in a hurry, she would never have done anything casually.

When Amu De humiliated Su Ce in public at the prince's banquet, he just walked away without doing anything to Amu De.

But what happened recently that she doesn't know?

"Second Imperial Concubine, aren't you embarrassing me?" Zitong blinked, not knowing what to do.

But thinking of what he said to himself when he sent the doctor away yesterday, he boldly told the whole story without reservation.

In the end, he sighed deeply, "Could it be that the princess poisoned the young master, and the young master would not be so angry. You know, the young master hates people who plot against him the most. And this medicine was given by Amu De. Of course it's going to be on his head."

After hearing the ins and outs of the matter, Ling Muer felt mixed feelings in her heart.

Zitong didn't know why Su Ce did this, but why didn't she understand.

"Fortunately, Su Ce wasn't seriously injured," her voice was soft and weak.

"If it weren't for the beating of Amu De who was caught off guard, the son would not have gone so smoothly, but before Amu De gave the medicine, he obviously knew why the princess wanted to do this, but he still gave it, so the son was very angry, so he went to the inn. There is a big fight inside, but the second prince and concubine, the subordinates still have something to ask."

"you say."

"Young master has been doing this for many years, and it is extremely harmful to the body. You know, there are many people who have pursued you for so many years, and there are not a few who use this method. After all, the princess is still in the house. If she does the same next time, I'm afraid the young master's body will..."

Before Zitong could finish speaking, her face suddenly changed.

Just feeling a chill down her back, Ling Muer didn't need to turn her head to know that it was Su Ce who came back.

Seeing Zitong kneeling on one knee, and the people behind him full of murderous looks, Ling Muer didn't turn her head back, "This is my clinic, if the prince wants to teach your people, go back to the house to teach him a lesson, but he is my doctor now. For the sick, I ask the virtuous king to keep the patient."

After saying that, she turned around and looked at Su Ce's murderous look. Ling Muer casually threw a medicine bottle, "Although it's late, it may suppress the remaining poison of the aphrodisiac in your body. Of course, if the prince doesn't want to take the medicine, I will I can find you a woman."

"Ling Muer, you—" Su Ce's mouth twitched angrily, "This king can be obtained by any woman!"

Ling Mu'er didn't turn her head, and gestured to Zitong with her hands behind her back, signaling him to go first.

Looking at Su Ce again, her innocent eyes widened, "It seems that the lord is not satisfied with the girls from Zuixianglou, so you might as well tell me which girl you like, I don't mind being a matchmaker to draw a red thread for you." , just give me a pig's head later."

"You woman...how rude."

Su Ce's face flushed red with anger, but he just couldn't hate her.

Seeing the smile on her eyebrows, he was finally defeated by her, "Sure enough, only Shangguan Shaochen can stand you. If you follow me, you will be mad at me."

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