"Mo Junyao did that kind of thing to you, you imprisoned her in the Xian Wang's mansion, and even beat Amu De, are you not afraid that this matter will reach the emperor's ears?" Ling Mu'er got back to business, looking into his eyes seriously.

"Hmph, will this king be afraid?"

Su Ce laughed arrogantly, but it took a long time for Ling Muer to answer.

Seeing that she was serious and worried about him, he cleared his throat, "If it weren't for those two injured patients, you would never have heard the news of Amu De's injury. He made a mistake first. Therefore, this matter will not be spread.”

After Ling Muer heard such an explanation, the big stone in her heart returned to her stomach.

"But he won't let you go."

"Will the king let him go?"

Su Ce snorted, "However, in a short time, even if he wants to, he doesn't have the ability!"

Ling Muer was about to ask how he had hurt Amu De, but looking at the arrogance and unruliness in his eyes, she knew that Amu De might not be able to get out of bed anymore.

"Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case. That man is very evil, scheming and a master of poisoning. Be careful."

Ling Muer sincerely reminded that the last thing she wanted was for two people in this world to be hurt.

One is Shangguan Shaochen, and the other is Su Ce.

One is her husband, and the other is someone who is especially important to her.

"So worried about me?" Su Ce looked seriously into her eyes and approached her step by step. Suddenly, he wrapped her between his arms and the wall, and said in a hoarse and charming voice, "Ling Muer, don't look at me like that. This king will think that you are in love with this king."

"In terms of narcissism, the virtuous king is really number one in the world."

Unceremoniously pushing him away, Ling Muer snorted, and sat on the side of the chair with Erlang's legs crossed.

If it weren't for those who are familiar with her, how would they know that she is the second concubine of the current prince, just like a rascal.

"I said you woman... vulgar!"

Su Ce couldn't see it, but when she turned around and sat down, she curled her lips in a corner she couldn't see.

He liked the vulgarity.

"Life is alive for decades, maybe if you don't even have decades, you will die. Naturally, you can do it if you like it. If you can't even satisfy your casualness, wouldn't you live in vain?"

Ling Muer shook her head and filled the teacup for herself, and suddenly her palm moved forward, and a cup of hot tea was pushed out along her palm.

Su Ce was unprepared for her sudden movement, but he caught it steadily, so that the tea dripped into the palm of his hand.

"Good tea." Su Ce praised, raised his eyes, and looked at her again, "I heard that you are not feeling well and have been in a coma for more than half a month, but according to this king, it doesn't look like you are terminally ill. What's going on?"

Su Ce asked seriously, even he himself didn't expect that after so long, he would still be so worried.

That day in the Ling Mansion, she fainted after delivering Chaoyang's baby, and he wanted to rush over, but unfortunately Shangguan Shaochen was by her side, so he had no choice but to go out and recruit a doctor for her. And after that, he heard that she fainted again suddenly, and even had a strange pulse. He was called a monster, and he immediately wanted to rush into the second prince's mansion to visit.

But as a virtuous king, even though he had ten thousand reasons to want to see her, he only lacked the identity to see her.

He can only arrest all those who spread rumors about her, even if they offend Tai Hospital.

Today he finally found an excuse, so he naturally couldn't wait to come over. He admitted that the moment he saw Ling Muer, the strings he had been tense stretched.

He was relieved to see that she was fine.

"With your good words, I can't die."

Ling Mu'er pursed her lips, and didn't take this disease seriously, "I didn't expect that the reaction during pregnancy would be so severe. I think it will be fine after the first three months. I have to worry about Laoxian King."

The word "gestation" was like a thorn in Su Ce's throat.

He admitted that he has no fate with Ling Mu'er in this life, but he was very upset when he learned that she was pregnant with another man's child, but he also sincerely blessed him.



The air became awkward in an instant, and the room was so quiet that they could hear each other's breathing.

Ling Muer saw that he was uncomfortable, so she stopped teasing him, "Su Ce, Mrs. Su's worries are not unreasonable, you can't be like this forever."

"I don't know what worries grandma has?" Su Ce pretended not to understand. Although he was covered in injuries, when he stood up, he was still dressed in elegant clothes.

He suddenly turned around, bent down, put his hands on both sides of Ling Muer's body, carefully looked into her eyes, looked at his handsome face in her pupils, as if he was pleased, "Ling Muer, remember, At any time, no matter what you hear, don't worry about me. I can protect you, and I can take care of myself naturally."

You just have to trust that my choices will never change.

"Girl, can Shang Zhi come in?"

It wasn't until she was awakened by Shang Zhi's words that Ling Mu'er was left with rubbish thoughts.

"What's the matter, flustered?"

"The second prince's bodyguard came and waited outside the door, saying that the second prince is looking for you, girl, I will leave this to Shang Zhi." Shang Zhi said, turning his head to look inside, "Hey, where is the virtuous king? When did you leave, why didn't Shang Zhi see it?"

"Xian Wang is a maverick, he has always been a slanted sword, and his ability to climb over the wall seems to have improved a lot."

Ling Muer looked at the open window diagonally opposite.

He just said that no one will find out that he assassinated Amu De, so naturally no one can know the fact that he appeared in the hospital.

"You said Shao Chen was looking for me?"

"The guards and the carriage are waiting outside, does the girl need Shang Zhi to accompany her?"

Ling Mu'er looked at the few ordinary people outside, and shook her head, "If you're not busy, you can make samples earlier, and go for a walk in the market with Jiang Xiang, she's exhausted during this time."

Rejecting Shang Zhi's company, Ling Muer got into the carriage by herself. Shangguan Shaochen had already ordered two heaters to light up the carriage. As soon as she entered, she felt warm and felt much more comfortable.

"What happened, how did Shaochen know I'm here?" Her voice floated out through the car curtain.

The coachman who was driving the car paused, "Back to the second princess, it is the prince. The emperor has ordered the abolition of the third prince's position as the prince, and ordered him to move out of the prince's mansion before tomorrow. He also named the prince Xiaoyao Wang and rewarded Jinzhou as a fief. Two The prince heard that the prince's family was leaving the capital tonight, and wanted to see him off, so he asked the servants to pick up the master."

The prince is leaving?

Ling Muer admitted that she was shocked by the news.

How could the emperor be so cruel, not only to abolish his position, but also to expel him from Beijing? Doesn't the emperor even care about the little emperor's grandson?

Ling Muer had tens of thousands of questions in her mind, so she hurriedly ordered, "Hurry up the carriage."

"The master can sit still."

The coachman twitched the reins, and the horse was frightened and galloped wildly.

About two quarters of an hour later, the carriage stopped, and Ling Muer hurriedly got out of the carriage, only to realize that the coachman took her directly to the city gate.

It seems that the prince's departure from Beijing is already a certainty.

She was planning to look for the location of the prince and others, when Shangguan Shaochen's voice was heard not far away.


Looking towards the crowd, Ling Mu'er realized that standing behind Shao Chen, the crown prince who used to be so glorious, was actually so simple and ordinary after retiring from the officialdom.

And beside him, there are only the crown princess and a few servants and servants. How can he still have the glory of being the crown prince?

It turns out that without a dazzling official title, even your close friends who walk with you on weekdays will suddenly become empty.

I still remember how lively the prince's mansion was at the first birthday banquet of the little emperor's grandson, but today their family was leaving the capital, except for Shangguan Shaochen, no one came to see him off.

"what is going on?"

Ling Mu'er hurried over, seeing the crown princess holding the one-year-old baby, she couldn't help but sigh in her heart: How should I live after getting used to the fine clothes and fine food?

"Leave the child to me." The prince took the initiative to hold the little grandson in his arms, and gave the princess a look, signaling her and Ling Mu'er to go talk alone.

Being dragged to the gate of the city, the princess held her hand tightly, "I'm afraid I really have to say goodbye this time. I told Shangguan Shaochen not to let him call you over, but he refused to listen. Muer, Congratulations to hear that you are pregnant."

Ling Mu'er shook her head, and held the Crown Princess's hand back, seeing her haggard face with heavy makeup off, feeling distressed in her heart, "Should I ask the emperor to intercede if I haven't entered the palace? For the sake of the emperor's grandson..."

"It's not necessary." The concubine smiled lightly, "My lord has already said it, why bother to force things that are not necessary, since the emperor has already ordered, if we don't obey, it will be a death penalty for disobeying the order! There is nothing wrong with King Xiaoyao Yes, besides, there is Jinzhou as a fiefdom. I'm afraid you have never been to Jinzhou, it is very prosperous, I heard it is a good place, you and the second brother must come and see if you have a chance. "

The more she heard her so calm, the more turbulent Ling Muer's heart became.

"I'll beg for you." Ling Mu'er turned to leave, "Even if the emperor doesn't care about you, he still has to care about the little grandson, right?"

"Don't go." The princess grabbed her arm firmly, "Father has made up his mind, and no one can change it. Ninth Five-Year Lord, Jinkouyuyan, why do you bother to trouble yourself? Besides, over the years we It's so rare that the whole family can finally live our little life peacefully."

Ling Muer listened, feeling uncomfortable in every possible way, "But..."

"Aifei is right. The second emperor's wife doesn't have to make useless sacrifices for us anymore. As a prince, I have been subject to controversy since the day I ascended the throne. I have been tired of it for so many years. Now Alright, it's good to have Brother Two taking my place."

At some point, the prince appeared behind him, interrupting Ling Muer's unfinished sentence.

"Second Emperor's Sister-in-Law, I have never apologized to you for what I did to you back then. Now that we leave the capital, we won't see each other again. Third Brother will apologize to you here."

After all, Qin Yuheng bowed at ninety degrees, formally apologizing to her for his behavior back then.

Ling Mu'er felt mixed feelings, indeed, that matter was a hurdle in her heart, and if it wasn't for Concubine Yi and Concubine Crown Prince, she would never have forgiven him.

But now is not the time to hold grudges.

"Shaochen!" She turned to look at the man hugging her waist, "Is there really no room for turning around this matter?"

"Not only not, but the father has already ordered the second brother to be the crown prince, and the second emperor's sister-in-law, you will soon be the crown prince!"

The prince smiled, but there was no trace of hypocrisy in his smile, "To be honest, I feel very uncomfortable, but I don't blame you, this is the order of the father, as a son and minister, he should obey it, but that Qin Ruochen..."

When saying these three words, strong hatred flashed in Qin Yuheng's eyes.

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