"Come on, search!"

Outside the Prince's Mansion, Qin Ruochen waved his long arm, and dozens of imperial guards rushed in immediately.

The servants in the Prince's Mansion who hadn't left were startled, or shouted, or ran away, but none of them managed to escape from the clutches of the devil.

When Shangguan Shaochen and Ling Muer caught up, they saw Qin Ruochen riding on the horse triumphantly, watching the servants beg for mercy one by one but still refused to let them go,

"Yo, brother Erhuang's horse skills are really great, you overtook him unexpectedly," Qin Ruochen said charmingly.

"I don't know what the Sixth Brother found?" Shangguan Shaochen frowned.

"Isn't this still being searched? It will be found."

Looking at the confidence in his eyes, Ling Mu'er really wanted to rush over and slap him twice, "You can just search for evidence, why make things difficult for these servants? Let them go."

"Second Emperor's Wife, don't get excited." Qin Ruochen half-closed his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth slightly, as if this couldn't stop him from being in a good mood, "The servants in the Prince's house may have the Prince's accomplices, of course they need to be arrested and interrogated one by one , if the real murderer is let go, wouldn't the father want to blame the prince, is the second emperor's wife right?"

"I bother!"

Ling Mu'er was really angry, so she glared at him angrily, "What murderer, I think this matter was clearly planned by you, it is not certain whether the emperor was poisoned or not."

"Hey, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't speak indiscriminately. Sister-in-law of the Second Emperor, you have to be responsible for what you say."

Qin Ruochen shook his head, "You said that the father was not poisoned, okay, I wonder if the second emperor's wife is free to accompany me into the palace to treat the father?"

"Of course!" Ling Mu'er was waiting for his words, "But if the emperor is not poisoned, then you deliberately framed the prince, I will definitely read you a book in front of the emperor, and you have to pay the price for it! "

"Okay." Not only was Qin Ruochen not angry, but he readily agreed, "Then what if the emperor's father is poisoned and it can be proved that it was the prince who poisoned him? The second emperor's wife must be mentally prepared."

As soon as he finished speaking, a rush of footsteps came out from the Prince's Mansion.

The guard was carrying something in his hand, and hurriedly knelt beside Qin Ruochen, "Report to the sixth prince, I found this in the prince's study, and please the sixth prince to check it out."

Qin Ruochen took the things, opened them, and looked at them. Soon, his originally evil facial features became even more insolent. He was overjoyed, "Come here, withdraw troops, and enter the palace!"

"Follow!" Ling Muer exclaimed hastily.

Shangguan Shaochen rode his horse and quickly followed behind Qin Ruochen, "What is that?"

"Second brother wants to know so much, just follow the emperor into the palace."

Qin Ruochen never mentioned it, but he personally hung the black bag handed over by the guard on the horse's back, as if it was extremely important.

"It's medicine." Ling Mu'er sniffed it. Although the smell was very weak, she had been with medicine all year round, and even the slightest smell could not escape her nose.

"Do you know what kind of medicine it is?"

Ling Muer shook her head.

They were already far apart, and Qin Ruochen was riding very fast on horseback. If it wasn't for the breeze blowing to disperse the smell of the medicine, she wouldn't be able to smell it at all, and it would be even more impossible to say the name.

"It's okay, I want to see what Qin Ruochen is up to!"

Shangguan Shaochen took a deep breath, with an extremely dangerous aura in his eyes.

After entering Chengqian Palace, they realized that the emperor was really ill. When Qin Ruochen returned to the emperor with the black bag found in the prince's mansion, Shangguan Shaochen called out the eunuch who was close to the emperor.

"Eunuch Xi, why did the emperor suddenly fall ill? What is going on, why is there no news?"

The eunuch glanced at the second prince, then at Ling Muer behind him, and felt that the emperor was saved.

"Back to the second prince, the second concubine, the emperor is not sick, but poisoned. Didn't you hear him talk about it when you came back with the sixth prince? The emperor was fine last night and early morning, but just two hours ago , I don’t know why I suddenly vomited black blood, my whole body convulsed and twitched non-stop, ouch, I frightened the old slave, even if the old slave called the imperial doctor, guess what happened?”

As the eunuch said, he helped his forehead, "It turned out to be poisoned."

Ling Muer immediately stood up, "What poison?"

"What's the name, what's the name, oh, the name is very awkward, and the old slave didn't remember it for a while, but the imperial doctor said it wasn't too serious. But the emperor's body has been changing day by day for the past few months, where is it?" It's not too bad that all the imperial doctors in the hospital are waiting inside to endure such a torment, but it will be easier when the second prince and concubine comes."

"Amaranth poison?" Listening to the symptoms described by the eunuch, Ling Mu'er had a guess in her mind.

"That's right, it's the amaranth poison. The second concubine is worthy of being a medical fairy, but she was able to diagnose it based on the symptoms alone. Then the second concubine don't wait, go and have a look."

After the eunuch made a gesture of invitation, Ling Muer and Shangguan Shaochen looked at each other and walked in first.

Seeing that the eunuch wanted to follow, Shangguan Shaochen stopped him, "His eunuch stay behind, my prince still has something important to ask."

Even though the eunuch was worried about the emperor's health, he did not dare to disobey the prince's order. Besides, the second prince was in favor, and he could not offend anyone if he offended him. The second prince and concubine were also here, so he had nothing to worry about.

"The second prince has spoiled the old slave. The old slave is a slave. What the second prince wants to know, the old slave will naturally know everything and say everything."

"Father's poisoning, why is it related to the Prince's Mansion? How did the sixth brother get the father's golden order to arrest people? Also, the sixth brother said that when the toxin broke out last night, only the prince had seen the father, but it is true." ?”

"The emperor was poisoned. This old slave was the first to discover it. I was chatting with the emperor at that time. The second prince also knows that the emperor's complexion has recovered well recently, and his mood and appetite have improved a bit, but who knows? The emperor suddenly felt thirsty and wanted to drink tea, the servant was carrying it, and suddenly saw the emperor spit out a big mouthful of black blood, but the old slave was frightened, and hurriedly called the imperial doctor."

The eunuch recalled, his face was a little pale, "The sixth prince is right. During the few hours of the emperor's poisoning last night, he had indeed only seen the prince alone. Although the old servant did not know when the prince made a move, the sixth prince Guess, maybe it has something to do with the abolition of the crown prince. The emperor was in a hurry, and in a fit of anger, he sent the sixth prince to arrest him with the golden order."

The eunuch looked behind him and found that the sixth prince hadn't come out. He cautiously leaned into Shangguan Shaochen's ear, "The sixth prince is so powerful that even the emperor didn't expect it. The second prince should be more careful on weekdays."

Thank you very much for the eunuch's reminder. Although Shangguan Shaochen has figured out the whole story, his heart is still tense to the point of his throat.

"Then it was also Father's decision to imprison the prince's family in the prison?"

The eunuch nodded, "If you dare to murder the emperor, it is a death penalty. The emperor asked the sixth prince to investigate the matter thoroughly, claiming that as long as evidence is found, he will never let him go lightly."

The eunuch shook his head, "Second prince, tell me, why is this third prince so upset? Although he is no longer a prince, he has also been conferred the title of Happy King, isn't he? Sigh, I'm going to spend my days in the prison, poor little The emperor's grandson is just one year old."

Shangguan Shaochen wanted to ask something more, but he already heard Ling Muer's voice from inside.

"Shao Chen?"

He hurried in.

In the imperial father's palace, a group of imperial doctors stood around Wu Yangyang, Ling Muer and Qin Ruochen were standing in front of the emperor's window, and at the moment the emperor was lying on the bed, his face was pale and his breath was weak, it looked very bad .

"My son pays respects to Father Emperor."

The emperor didn't speak, but waved his hand to signal him to stand up, and then gave Qin Ruochen a wink.

Qin Ruochen said 'yes' and ordered to the servant beside him, "Come on, give the things to Second Emperor Brother."

Immediately, someone handed the black bag brought out from the Prince's Mansion to Shangguan Shaochen.

Shangguan Shaochen didn't know anything about medicine, he only knew that this thing smelled pungent and smelled like Chinese herbal medicine. He looked at Qin Ruochen suspiciously and then turned his eyes to his own woman. "Mu'er, but the father has been diagnosed and treated. What is going on, the father is really poisoned?"

Ling Mu'er's face was pale, a bit embarrassed, and she didn't know how to explain it.

Seeing this, Qin Ruochen raised his eyebrows, "Second Emperor's Sister-in-law is too embarrassed to offend others, so let the younger brother talk about it."

He guarded the black bag, "Just now all the imperial doctors have verified that it contains amaranth poison. That is to say, the bag that was searched from the prince's mansion happened to be the poison residue for refining amaranth poison. The former prince Qin Yuheng, that is, my third brother dared to murder the father, I wonder what the second emperor thinks about this matter?"

Did the prince really poison his father?

This point was completely beyond Shangguan Shaochen's imagination. Although he was 80% sure that all this might be Qin Ruochen's trick, but now the evidence is solid, what should we do?

"Impossible, the third brother has a pure nature and will not murder the emperor no matter what."

He immediately looked at Ling Mu'er, "Mu'er also felt the pulse for the emperor? Are you sure it's poisoning?"

Ling Mu'er was about to say something when she saw her husband wink at her quietly. She understood instantly.

"I did check Father's pulse just now, but the news of Father's poisoning made me flustered. I didn't check it very clearly just now, why don't I ask Muer to check it again."

As Ling Muer said, without giving everyone a chance to react, she sat down on the bedside again and put her finger on the emperor's pulse.

When Shangguan Shaochen saw this, he immediately exclaimed, "Bastard! Someone dares to murder the emperor, according to the laws of our dynasty, the nine clans should be wiped out, and there will be no mercy! Come on!"

With a cry of surprise, he immediately called several imperial guards outside the door, even Qin Ruochen's eyes were attracted to him.

"Pass down the prince's order to conduct a thorough investigation of the entire palace. Within ten hours from last night to now, anyone who has approached the emperor will be arrested, and the prince will be interrogated one by one!"


Qin Ruochen walked up to Shangguan Shaochen slowly, "Second Brother, what do you mean by that? The Emperor just said that the person who poisoned the father was the Third Brother, because from last night till now there is only the Third Brother Having seen the emperor, who else would it be if he poisoned the emperor father, is it obvious that you want to excuse him?"

With sharp eyes, he was about to turn around and walk towards the emperor. Shangguan Shaochen strode forward and cornered him straight, "Why is the sixth brother so anxious to punish the third brother! Even if only the third brother saw the father last night, But how can it be proved that he poisoned his father instead of being framed by others!"


"A few days ago, the sixth brother asked his father for orders to abolish the third brother's position as the crown prince. Now, before he can find out the complete truth of the matter, the sixth brother is in a hurry to convict him. How dare you ask why the sixth brother is so step by step?" Pressing hard, I want to put my own brothers to death!"

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