Shangguan Shaochen's words are very clear, his words are obviously implying that Qin Ruochen framed the prince, and he deliberately made the matter serious, as if he was telling the emperor.

The emperor hated his sons killing each other the most. Sure enough, after hearing his angry reprimand, his stern eyes instantly widened.

"Lao Liu, you, didn't you say that this matter was done by the prince, you have definite evidence, why, isn't that the case?"

Hearing the emperor's question, Qin Ruochen hurriedly knelt on the ground, "Father is very careful, only Brother Sanhuang has approached Father since last night, who would it be if it wasn't him who poisoned Father? Second brother doesn't know the whole story. The Prince's Mansion is on good terms with the Prince's Mansion on weekdays, so it is reasonable to help the Third Emperor's brother to intercede. But murdering the Father is a capital crime, and the medicinal ingredients of amaranth poison were found in the Prince's Mansion, and the Father was asked to treat the Three Emperors. Brother executes, otherwise it will be difficult to stop Youyou's mouth, father!"

Hearing Qin Ruochen's grief-stricken voice, Shangguan Shaochen only thought it was funny, and before the emperor could speak, he rushed to say, "From last night to this morning, there are so many servants and maids by my father's side, how could it be that only the third brother came close ? Didn’t the father take the medicine yesterday? Did the palace maids not keep vigil last night?”

When the servants in Chengqian Palace heard this, they all knelt on the ground, and the chief eunuch kowtowed to defend themselves, "The servants are wronged, go back to the emperor, go back to the second prince, last night the servants still did their best. There is no delay or deviation in the work. However, the poison of the emperor is not locked by the slaves, and the slaves don't know about it."

Seeing the beads of sweat dripping from their foreheads in fright, Shangguan Shaochen shook his head with a faint smile, "I haven't done it, I haven't done it, why are you all so nervous? Are the father and the prince still just doing it casually?" Can't you pull a scapegoat to convict the villain?"

These words seemed to imply that Qin Ruochen was looking for a scapegoat to solve the case of the Seventh Prince.

Seeing Qin Ruochen's face suddenly changed, Shangguan Shaochen's eyes were burning, "Besides, it's not certain whether the father is poisoned or an old disease is showing up."

Qin Ruochen stared wide-eyed, "What do you mean by Brother Second Emperor?" He pointed at the imperial doctors, "All the imperial doctors in the imperial hospital can prove that the father was poisoned, you..."

"Now the court is in turmoil, and assassins can break into the airtight death cell to kill people. This palace is not peaceful or safe. This prince only trusts his own woman!"

Shangguan Shaochen looked at Ling Mu'er, "Mu'er, is it true that Father is really poisoned?"

"of course not."

As soon as the four words of denial came out, the surroundings were instantly fried.

"Father isn't poisoned? Ling Muer, you have to be responsible for your own words!" Qin Ruochen was instantly annoyed, and glared at her with angry eyes, wishing he could swallow her alive.

"That's right, Second Prince Concubine, you can't talk nonsense. I and other senior ministers have already judged that the emperor was indeed poisoned, and it was very serious. How could he not be poisoned?"

The magistrate of the Imperial Hospital didn't like Ling Mu'er in the first place, because her medical skills were better than his own, and now he was being suspected of the medical skills of the entire Imperial Hospital, how could he not stand up for everyone as a court judge.

"It's clearly poisoned. Although my minister's medical skills are not as good as the second prince's concubine, it is still possible to distinguish whether she is poisoned or not."

"That's right, although we don't have the peerless medical skills of the fairy doctor girl, how can we cheat when we are poisoned? I don't know what kind of riddle the second prince is playing with everyone!"

Several imperial physicians talked to each other, all with curiosity and anger.

Ling Mu'er turned her body unhurriedly, "At first I also thought that the emperor was poisoned, but after a careful inspection just now, I found that the emperor's pulse was disordered due to the relapse of the old disease, which created the illusion of poisoning for everyone. The doctors don’t believe me, so they can check it out by themselves.”

After the words fell, she made a gesture of please.

The seven or eight imperial doctors were momentarily stunned, but they all reacted quickly and rushed to diagnose the emperor's pulse again.

"Show me everything carefully!"

Qin Ruochen rushed over angrily, his eyes widened like copper bells, staring at the imperial physicians, although he already had guesses in his heart, he didn't want to miss this opportunity.

But when one, two... eight imperial physicians looked over in disbelief, he clenched his palms into fists, as if they were about to explode at any moment.

"what is going on!"

"Back to the emperor, back to the sixth prince, the emperor, the poison in the emperor's body has disappeared."

After the judge of the Supreme Hospital finished speaking, he led everyone to kneel on the ground in a hurry, with expressions of fear and disbelief.

"What is missing?" Qin Ruochen couldn't accept the answer, "Did you think it was Grandma and Dog who lost it? Can the toxin disappear even in the body? You people dare to call yourself the imperial doctor of the Imperial Hospital, idiot, what an idiot! "

The imperial doctors are all old, how could they work in the palace without any real skills?

But being so humiliated by others, they all felt ashamed, and one of them raised his head, "How can the sixth prince humiliate us like this! We don't know what's going on, the emperor was clearly poisoned just now."

"Then what about the poison? Lost the poison?" Qin Ruochen's beautiful sword eyebrows were wrinkled like two caterpillars, making him ugly.

If it is impossible to prove that the emperor was poisoned, Qin Yuheng cannot be convicted. Hasn't he been tossing around for nothing these days?

"Perhaps, perhaps, as the second concubine said, we misjudged it?"

The imperial doctor's voice was getting weaker and weaker, even he couldn't convince himself, but all this was like a dream, but there was no evidence to prove it.

Qin Ruochen wanted to reprimand him, but suddenly he realized something, no wonder Shangguan Shaochen rushed over just now, and Ling Muer insisted on taking his pulse again, it must be their fault!

But he couldn't directly question whether it was Ling Muer who detoxified the emperor. If he asked, it would mean that he didn't want his father to recover from his illness, but if he didn't ask, he couldn't swallow it!

"Second Emperor's Sister-in-Law, I don't know what's going on, I believe Father is also very curious, why, don't you want to explain it?"

Ling Mu'er didn't look at Qin Ruochen's eyes, but nodded in a good mood, "The sixth prince doesn't understand medical principles, this is a very good question, but there are several imperial doctors here, I believe that after the diagnosis just now It is already clear that the emperor has been seriously ill for more than a month, and his pulse has long been disordered. The illusion of poisoning is also reasonable."

Ling Muer looked at everyone, "I wonder if Muer is right?"

"This..." The court judge sighed in embarrassment, and finally had no choice but to nod, agreeing with her statement, "It's still the second prince's concubine who has excellent medical skills, and I'll be taught."

Seeing this, several imperial doctors who were still trying to struggle lowered their heads one after another. If they were so serious that it seemed that their medical skills were not good enough, they might as well bow their heads for a while and keep their official positions.

And Qin Ruochen was already so angry that he wanted to blow his hair, "There is no poison, so how do you explain what was found from the Prince's Mansion?"

Ling Mu'er was about to ask, 'I still have to ask you this question, you found this thing', but after thinking about it, she realized that something was wrong.

Everything Qin Ruochen did today was planned in advance. He deliberately brought him back when the Prince's Mansion arrived at the city gate, deliberately lured her and Shangguan Shaochen to follow, and deliberately brought her to the palace to diagnose the emperor. In order to use her hand to personally send the prince to death row!

As long as she also concluded that the emperor was poisoned, plus the package of poison he brought back, Qin Yuheng would be sentenced to death.

If she followed her own thinking and accused Qin Ruochen of intentionally planting the crown prince, firstly, she had no evidence, and secondly, she didn't know what else was planned in his plan.

After thinking about it, Ling Muer opened the black medicine bag, and the strong herbal smell came out, and she didn't even wrinkle her brows.

"This is Rhodiola rosea, Acanthopanax, Gynostemma... These ingredients can be refined into poisons when combined with certain medicines, but all the imperial doctors know that they are also good materials for nourishing qi and blood. It must be because the prince feels sorry for the princess. I have given birth to the little grandson and my body is weak, but whether this is the case, I have to ask the prince myself to find out, how about the sixth prince find the prince?"

If the prince is brought before the emperor, he will definitely use the little emperor's grandson to cry to his father on purpose, and Qin Yuheng may even accuse him of plotting to frame him.

Qin Ruochen's eyebrows jumped, and he was about to think of a way, when a figure rushed in suddenly.

"Your Majesty, I am wronged, Your Majesty, Heng'er will never poison the Emperor, no matter how brave he is, he would not dare to murder his father! Heng'er must have been framed by someone, and he is willing to let go of the crown prince's position." , willing to leave the capital without even complaining, how could he murder his father who always loves him. Your Majesty, although Heng'er is incompetent, she treats her with a pure heart, please be aware of her!"

Since Concubine Yi rushed in, she knelt in front of the emperor's bed, pleading for her child while kowtowing.

She was already in poor health and staggered when she got up again, almost fell down, Ling Muer hurriedly helped her steady from behind, "Imperial Concubine Yi?"

"Mu'er?" Concubine Yi obviously didn't notice that Ling Muer was also there, she held her hand tightly, "Mu'er, is the emperor really poisoned? What is going on here? What kind of poison does the emperor have?" , What are the ingredients? Heng’er knows even the most basic herbs, so how can he prepare poison? It’s impossible, please tell everyone.”

Seeing Concubine Yi's excited look, Ling Muer hurriedly patted her hand, and softly comforted her, "Concubine Yi, please don't get excited, this is all a misunderstanding, everyone is wrong, the emperor is not poisoned."

"What?" Concubine Yi was stunned. When she got the news that the prince was being imprisoned in the prison, she hurried over, but Ling Muer said that the emperor was not poisoned?

She was about to ask, but she saw Ling Muer secretly blinked at her. For some reason, she understood it instantly.

She turned around and rushed to the emperor's side, "Your majesty, you are fine. You really scared me to death, you are not poisoned, as long as you are not poisoned!"

Looking back again, her eyes were sharp and her eyes were shining brightly, "Since the emperor was not poisoned, why did he arrest my child's whole family and put him in the sky prison? Who, who is so courageous!"

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