"If it wasn't for the emperor's decree, who would have such courage!"

The one who answered Concubine Yi was none other than Concubine Min who came from Youyou.

She twisted her body, and when she appeared in front of the crowd in a fine attire, she just glanced at them, and then stood beside Qin Ruochen, "The sixth prince also obeyed orders, who is my sister going to accuse?"

Seeing the appearance of Concubine Min, Concubine Yi's face paled instantly.

"Didn't find out the truth of the matter, and led the soldiers to arrest people. Poor little grandson, who has only just turned twelve months, how can he endure the pain of the dark and damp prison? Shouldn't this concubine question him?"

"Heh, why doesn't the sixth prince suspect others, but only the third prince? Sister, you must know the truth that there is no storm without waves. Could it be that the third prince has a grudge after he was abolished as a son, and that's why he wants to attack the emperor?"

Concubine Min gave her a blank look, knocked her body away and stood where Concubine Yi had been standing, and grabbed the emperor's hand full of pity, "Forgive me, my concubine is late. Your majesty, what is your body like?" What's the matter? How can you say that you are sick, you are sick, and you are poisoned, and you are better now?"

Looking at the people in the room, seeing their different complexions, the emperor closed and opened his aged eyes, and sighed silently.

"Okay, since it's a misunderstanding, let him go,"

The emperor's golden words, Ling Mu'er and Shangguan Shaochen were overjoyed when they saw this, together with Concubine Yi were about to kowtow to thank Concubine Min, when they heard Concubine Min's sharp voice.

"You can't let him go, Your Majesty!"

Concubine Min grabbed the emperor's hand, her face full of pity, "Your majesty, you are confused, so many doctors have diagnosed you as poisoned, why did the poison be cured just after the second concubine appeared?"

She looked back, and shot her cold eyes, "Ling Muer, what did you do to the emperor?"

She couldn't say it was detoxification, that would prove that they were lying just now and deliberately defending the prince.

"I'm a doctor. Naturally, I'm just checking the emperor's pulse. The emperor's pulse does seem to be poisoned, but it can be distinguished if you carefully identify it. As for why the imperial doctors made a mistake in identifying it, it seems that the emperor suddenly became seriously ill, and everyone was confused. It's just a battle, what does Concubine Min think I should do?"

"Hmph, the Crown Prince's Mansion and the Second Prince's Mansion are on good terms, you may have done something secretly in order to exonerate Qin Yuheng," Concubine Min's voice was sharp and mean.

Ling Mu'er originally wanted to find a reason to justify, but looking at her evil eyes, she simply admitted, "Even if I did something, it was for the good of the emperor, at least the emperor was unconscious and unconscious just now, and Now that I have woken up and my mind is very clear, does Concubine Min Gui feel that it is wrong for me to treat the Emperor?"

Seeing Concubine Dao Min's complexion changed drastically, and she wanted to say something, Ling Muer approached her casually, "Could it be that Concubine Min doesn't want the emperor to wake up, so I don't know what she is thinking?"


Concubine Min Gui didn't expect Ling Muer to be so eloquent at all, she rushed here after hearing the news today, she just didn't want to let the prince wait. Her Ting'er is gone, so she has nothing to worry about, if she can get a few to be buried with Ting'er, it will save Ting'er to be lonely down there.

"The second concubine has a heart. The emperor has been seriously ill for many days and has not been able to get better. Even the imperial doctor is helpless, but the second concubine made the emperor relaxed. She is worthy of being called a medical fairy girl." Concubine Yi praised Ling Mu Hou Youyou turned around and looked at Concubine Min, "Yes, sister, what are you thinking, even a doctor can't treat the emperor? Why, you said that we, Heng'er, poisoned the emperor because we hated being abolished by the emperor as the crown prince. Then, can I also suspect my sister and deliberately frame her through the pain of losing herself?"

This sentence is neither light nor serious, but it just hit Concubine Min Gui's sore spot.

Seeing Concubine Min's unpredictable face, Ling Mu'er tugged on Shangguan Shaochen's sleeve, and soon, the other party understood instantly.

"Imperial Concubine Min, I don't know where you were seven days ago?"

Being asked by Shangguan Shaochen suddenly, Concubine Min was stunned, "Where is this, of course my palace is in my palace's bedroom, it seems that the second prince is really going to help the prince's mansion to deal with this concubine? I told you You, my concubine, have never harmed the emperor, but your Second Prince's House actually helped a person who might murder the emperor, saying, did you collude with me a long time ago!"

"You also said it's possible." Shangguan Shaochen grasped the error in her sentence, and when he approached her, a strong pressure came, causing Concubine Min Gui to take a deep breath.

"However, my people saw with their own eyes that you bribed Jianghu killers to hire murderers to kill people. I don't know how Concubine Min should explain it!"

What hired murderer?

Hearing this word, everyone present was taken aback.

Shangguan Shaochen seized the opportunity and immediately knelt down in front of the emperor, "Father, since Father's health has improved, please ask Father to be the master for my son!"

The emperor, who was sober just now, was completely fooled by them. First, the crown prince wanted to murder him, and then his concubine hired a murderer to hurt others. He only felt that one head and two were big. He closed his eyes and planned to let these people quit. He wanted to rest, but Shangguan Shaochen thought it was a signal for him to continue talking.

"I don't know if my father still remembers the people of Pingcheng who testified against the Seventh Emperor's brother in the court that day. The two of them were chased and killed on the way out of the capital, and the murderer who assassinated them was none other than Concubine Min Gui!"

"not me!"

It never occurred to Shangguan Shaochen to expose her behavior in front of the emperor, Concubine Min roared.

That day when she ordered people to assassinate Xiong Qiguang and Song Yicheng, she knew they had failed if they didn't return to the palace, but she had been secretly observing the movement of the second prince's mansion, and she also thought that Shangguan Shaochen would not let her go, but she couldn't do it anyway. Unexpectedly, he would identify her the first time the emperor was sober.

"Your Majesty, please ask your majesty to be the master of your concubines. Your majesty is a woman who just lost her beloved son. It's too late to grieve and think about it. How could she hire a murderer to kill her!"

Concubine Min Gui immediately threw herself in front of the emperor, squeezed a few tears out of nowhere, and complained for herself with snot and tears.

She originally came today to fight against the second prince's mansion, to kill their arrogance, but she didn't expect to involve herself in it.

"Your Majesty, I don't know why the second prince is always targeting me, but I really haven't done anything!"

"If Concubine Min Gui hadn't done it, why would the two poor people identify Concubine Min Gui?" Ling Mu'er stood up at the right time, and seeing the increasingly complex face of the Emperor, her voice was not too loud, just in time to enter everyone's hearts. Ear, "Since Concubine Min Gui does not admit it, well, then please ask the emperor to summon the murderer into the palace, he has evidence in his hand that Concubine Min Gui hired the murderer."


Concubine Min Gui was so angry that she almost blurted out without even thinking about it, and she regretted it after she finished speaking.

She even cast her cold eyes on the emperor, she shook her head hastily. "Your Majesty, the concubine means that it is impossible for a concubine to do this, so I invite the emperor..."

"Shut up!"

The emperor shouted angrily, but got angry accidentally, and began to cough violently again.

Ling Mu'er was about to step forward to feel his pulse again, but she was rejected.

"Okay, I just woke up, and I'm about to be disturbed by your trivial things!"

He silently smashed his angry fist on the quilt beside him, raised his eyes, and looked at the crowd again. Although he was seriously ill, he still had a majestic expression on his face, "Lao Six."

"My son is here." Qin Ruochen didn't expect himself to be the first person to call after his father closed his eyes. He was a little surprised, but also a little apprehensive, and hurriedly bent over, "Father, your body..."

"You said that the prince was the murderer who harmed me, but the second princess said that I was not poisoned, but you searched for poison from the prince's mansion. Let me ask you, Qin Yuheng's family is leaving the capital, and they will take such important evidence. Waiting for you to pick it up?"

Qin Ruochen was taken aback for a moment, he never expected that his father, who was seriously ill, would be so organized, "Father, that's because..."

"Okay, if he wants to harm me, I have ten thousand ways to make him die of pain, but since it's a misunderstanding, there's no need to say more."

After finishing speaking, the emperor looked at Concubine Yi, "Go back and tell your good son that he is incompetent and unable to keep his seat, not because of his father's heartlessness. However, if you really don't want to let such a prince leave, then Let him stay."

It seems to be the favor of the heavenly king. Although the emperor said it casually, the noble concubine Ke Yi was overjoyed after being stunned for a moment, "My concubine thanks the emperor, my concubine thanks the emperor!"

The prince does not need to leave the capital, but because he is named Xiaoyao King, he will naturally be rewarded according to his position in the palace. Although he is not a prince and does not have any real power, as the Xiaoyao King, why is he not under one person and above ten thousand people?

Seeing that Concubine Min and the Crown Prince were not punished for this matter, but were rewarded instead, Concubine Min was very angry.

"Your majesty, since the third prince has been deposed, he cannot be allowed to stay in the capital. If he really has wolfish ambitions, it will be bad for the country and the emperor!"

"Presumptuous!" The emperor yelled angrily, "Women in the harem are not allowed to participate in politics, Concubine Min, are you really confused after losing your child?"

Being yelled at like this, Concubine Min was too frightened to say anything more.

She was trembling all over, she lowered her head and dared not look into the emperor's eyes, she had made a big mistake when she mentioned 'Jiangshan Sheji' just now, "The concubine is guilty."

"Hmph, your crimes can stop at what is in front of you!"

The emperor suddenly raised his voice, so frightened that everyone present did not dare to speak out.

"Others don't know, but I don't know your heart? I told you a long time ago that Ting'er is dead, so you should be more peaceful, but you actually... You know why Ting'er was imprisoned in death row. No, you should know what to do in the future?"

Concubine Min raised her eyes, and looked at the emperor puzzled, with a trace of hatred in her eyes.

She couldn't understand why the emperor treated her with pity and pity, but when it came to her, it became a punishment!

"Your Majesty, the concubine doesn't understand what the emperor means! What did the concubine do wrong? And Ting'er, even if he did something wrong, he is gone!"

"Presumptuous!" The emperor was very angry at the backlash, "As a noble concubine, I failed to raise my emperor's son well and caused him to do wrong things. Are you still questioning my decision? I wanted to protect you, but now it seems You don't need it at all. Well, from now on, Concubine Min is not allowed to leave the harem without being summoned, let alone come to see me. Come here, stay here!"


Concubine Min's eyes widened, she couldn't believe what she had just heard.

Although the size of the harem did not completely restrict her freedom, what is the difference between not allowing her to see the emperor and being thrown into the cold palace?

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