"Think about it for yourself, what is wrong, and if you can't figure it out, keep thinking!"

The emperor waved his hand impatiently, signaling the chief eunuch to wait for him.

Concubine Min screamed and struggled, but she was still no match for the guards. Before she left, she stared at the sixth prince, her eyes seemed to say: I helped you just now, now you will help me?

Unfortunately, Qin Ruochen never looked at her from the beginning to the end.

Until the person was taken away, she could still hear her struggling in the distance.

"The emperor calm down."

Seeing the emperor's discomfort, Concubine Yi hurriedly sat on the side of the bed and gently massaged the acupuncture points for him.

The headache was not so painful, and the whole body was relieved a lot. The emperor patted Concubine Yi's hand very pleased, "My concubine will stay and take care of me, and the rest of you will leave later."

Qin Ruochen wanted to say something, but after Concubine Min's farce just now, he thought about it and bowed respectfully before leaving the room. The imperial doctors also left one after another after seeing this, leaving only Shangguan Shaochen and Ling Muer in the room.

"Why, do you still have something to say?" The emperor raised his eyes, with impatience in his eyes, "Who are you going to join this time?"

Hearing this tone, even if Ling Muer still had a stomach for words, all of them were stuck in her throat.

Not only was she not angry, but she smiled softly, "Father, Mu'er stayed here because she wanted to give you a present."

As she said, she actually took out a dark blue brocade box from the space in her bosom, "This is the Shiquan Dabu Pill that Mu'er just developed a few days ago. Qi nourishes blood, prolongs life, and can even mediate mood, I hope the emperor will accept it."

It's rare to see Ling Mu'er is not in a fight, but so meek and courteous, the emperor raised his eyes to look at her carefully, and finally winked at the eunuch.

Eunuch Xi hurriedly raised his hands and moved over, "Thank you, Second Princess, Second Princess has a heart."

"As long as it can help Father's body, Mu'er will go back and develop some more, but please don't worry, Father, this Shiquan Dabu Pill needs a lot of medicinal materials, and it will take time. It takes a month to produce one. But I will try my best to send another one to the emperor as soon as possible."

Hearing that there is such a treasure in the world, the emperor put aside all the words that he wanted to blame, and looked at Ling Mu'er with unprecedented tenderness.

"You have a heart. It is his blessing to have you as a good helper by Chen'er's side. Even if I go west by crane, I have nothing to worry about."

"What did the emperor say? The emperor is in full bloom, and he is just suffering from the illness in front of him. The emperor is the son of a real dragon, and he can live to 10,000 years old. With Mu'er's Shiquan Dabu pill, Yan Yan Even if the prince wanted to send someone to come, he would not have the guts."

It was rare to hear Ling Muer say compliments.

In my impression, this girl is a stubborn and arrogant master. When she asked her for a bulletproof vest, she threatened to take away a condition.

In front of her, I'm afraid there has never been any rules or flattery, but what's going on today, to please him so much?

"Ha, hahaha! Then I will lend you a good word, and you hurry up and get some more of these pills for me."

The emperor's face was filled with joy, and the laughter penetrated the entire bedroom.

Qin Ruochen, who had just walked out of the Great Britain, looked back, his pretty brows were tightly frowned, and he winked at the personal guard, and whispered something in his ear. He waved his hand, motioning him to do it immediately.

Inside the hall, Ling Mu'er nodded, "Yes, Na Mu'er immediately went back to develop the pill, if it was developed a quarter of an hour later, Father would be able to enjoy it a quarter of an hour earlier, and Na Mu'er withdrew."

Pulling Shangguan Shaochen and the two of them to salute and then leaving the bedroom, the emperor saw it and nodded in relief again, as if he was very satisfied with the two of them.

"Chen'er, it's good to consider Father's proposal!"

Seeing that the two were about to leave the palace, the emperor reminded Shangguan Shaochen from his back.

The latter didn't speak, and after a moment of stunned, he just nodded slightly, and the little woman who embraced him disappeared from the emperor's sight.

"When did you learn that flattery?" Shangguan Shaochen outside the hall played with her hand full of curiosity.

"Old child, old child, when people are old, they are no different from children. Children need to be coaxed, so why not old people? Even if you are the emperor, it is not the same as being pleased. Since a few words can make a person so I'm happy, so what if I talk about it?"

Ling Muer hugged his arm tightly, "But I wasn't lying just now, the Shi Quan Da Bu Wan really needs a long process to make."

"Thank you, Mu'er." Lovingly kissed her on the forehead, Shangguan Shaochen hugged her and made her lean comfortably in his arms, "Promise me, it doesn't matter if anyone is not as important as your body."

Ling Mu'er knew what he was alluding to, nodded, and did not refute, "However, the emperor's decision today is beyond my expectation, the prince really doesn't have to leave the capital?"

Shangguan Shaochen's expression changed from the concern just now to a little nervous, "I'm afraid that if he doesn't leave, it's the most dangerous."

"What do you mean?" Ling Mu'er nodded, her expression becoming serious.

Looking around, he pulled her into the corner, in the gazebo at the end of the corridor, and sat her down on the stone bench, "Qin Ruochen wants to put the third child to death. If it doesn't work this time, there will definitely be someone behind."

"In the capital city, at the foot of the emperor, Qin Yuheng has been conferred the title of prince again. Could it be that Qin Ruochen dared to blatantly kill people under the emperor's nose?" Ling Mu'er disagreed.

"That's because you don't know Lao Liu yet."

Ling Mu'er shook her head, "Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover, even if he is more vicious than Qin Xuanting, so what, are we still victorious?"

For some reason, after seeing the emperor survived a catastrophe today, she suddenly realized that she shouldn't be so worried about things that haven't happened yet.

There is nothing wrong with planning for a rainy day, but mediocrity is just making life difficult for yourself.

Why bother your mood for something that didn't happen?

"However, the emperor's punishment of Concubine Min Gui today exceeded my expectations." Ling Muer felt a little better when she thought about it.

"She wanted to help Qin Ruochen and deal with us, but she didn't expect to shoot herself in the foot. Originally, I was thinking how to tell the emperor about her murder of Song Yicheng and Xiong Qiguang, but today it has contributed to our opportunity. This Concubine Min , if I don't get mad at her!"

Seeing Ling Muer dancing happily, Shangguan Shaochen looked at her with a gentle smile.

What is the best relationship status for the couple?

It's nothing more than you making him laugh again.

He is willing to watch his Mu'er messing around for the rest of his life.

"However, my husband has something I want to ask you."

"Excuse me, my lord?"

"How did you manage to detoxify your father today without being noticed?"

Ling Mu'er paused, and then the corners of her beautiful lips rose ninety degrees, and her big eyes like night pearls even bent into bright moons. She hooked her fingers, signaling him to come closer.

Shangguan Shaochen didn't know what tricks she was playing, but he had to listen to what his daughter-in-law said.

He bent down obediently, pointed his ear at her red lips, and only heard her mysteriously say: "Secret!"

After saying that, she got up and ran away like a butterfly.

He was left alone and shook his head helplessly.

Outside the Qianqing palace, a sneaky figure came out from the palace gate, walked through the courtyard with ease, and went straight to the depths of the remote forest.

If you look carefully, you can find that his old legs are trembling badly.

"Six, the sixth prince?"

With his back turned to him, Qin Ruochen, who was dressed in brocade, looked back, satisfied with the person in front of him who was bowing to him.

The big palm rested on his shoulder, it should be a warm palm, but it was three points colder than ice. The person who came shuddered, but he didn't dare to move it away.

"Don't worry, this prince is by no means the kind of person who kills people like hemp, right and wrong, as long as you are obedient and honest, I will not embarrass your family outside the palace."

Hearing the last few words, he suddenly knelt on the ground, "I beg the Sixth Prince to spare your life, our family, our family must know everything and say everything, I wonder what the Sixth Prince wants to know?"

"Eunuch Xi is serious." Qin Ruochen hurriedly helped the eunuch who was kneeling on the ground up, "You are a celebrity beside the emperor, why do you need to show such a big gift to the prince, isn't this a shame for the prince?"

Hearing this, Eunuch Xi trembled with fright, and he raised his head slightly. But he didn't dare to look him in the eyes, "Sixth Prince, our family, our family is just a eunuch, thanks to the emperor's trust, she has been by my side for many years, but, but she is innocent of those people."

"That's right, of course they are innocent," Qin Ruochen didn't refute him, "That's why my prince said just now, as long as you cooperate, not only will I not hurt them, but I will always protect them."

Rather than saying it was protection, it was better to say it was surveillance. Eunuch Xi took a tight breath, and originally wanted to beg him for something, but seeing his sinister face, he forcibly endured it.

Damn, blame him for being too greedy. What kind of wife do you marry outside?

As an official and a handyman in the palace, he cannot marry a wife or have children, but any father-in-law in the palace who has some ability has not satisfied his desire to marry a wife? But he has been hiding it for so many years. How did the sixth prince find out?

You know, if this matter gets to the emperor's ears, not only will his seat be lost, but even the woman outside will have to work hard along with him!

"Thank you, the sixth prince, for your kindness."

Even though he was caught by someone, he still wanted to be grateful to his enemy. Eunuch Xi took a deep breath. If he didn't know the insidiousness of the person in front of him, why would he need to do this!

"I won't embarrass you if I say I won't embarrass you. You just need to tell me what happened inside just now?" Qin Ruochen's tone gradually changed from calm to cold.

Especially when he thought of the emperor's hearty laughter from the palace just now, he was even more angry.

Eunuch Xi paused, and was about to say that the six princes hadn't seen all that happened just now, but after thinking about it, what they wanted to know was exactly what he left.

"What? You just don't want to betray the second prince?" Seeing that he hesitated to speak, Qin Ruochen strode towards him and forced him back into a corner. The powerful pressure came, and Eunuch Xi almost lost his heart in fright. Spit it out.

"Where is the sixth prince talking, our family..."

"I know that you have always had a good relationship with the second emperor brother, but don't forget how I came from an unknown prince to today."

Hearing the words, Eunuch Xi immediately knelt on the ground, put his hands on the ground and kowtowed continuously, "I beg the sixth prince to spare your life, the sixth prince please be kind, our family said that the second concubine gave the emperor a pill just now..."

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