Qin Yuheng yelled out his throat and didn't see anyone approaching, but he was worried about the safety of his wife and children, so he yelled hoarsely with a hoarse voice, "Come on, let me out, I want to see my father!"

"I didn't poison my father, is it true that no one will believe me?"

"Come here..."

"Stop shouting!" A minister in the cell next door covered his ears and glared at him impatiently, "I said, my lord, everyone will be the same after entering this cell, and the jailers outside won't care if we have wronged or not. Yes, instead of shouting loudly, you might as well take a rest and sleep, maybe you can go out when you wake up."

"You don't understand." The prince was not in the mood to amuse him, and continued to stretch out his arms from the cage, waving them while looking at the robes that the jailer accidentally leaked not far away, he was sure that someone was there, "Come on , Let me go to see my father, even if I am sentenced to death, I should be given a chance to defend myself, I am going to see my father."

For a long time, there was no response from the cell.

Qin Yuheng was even more flustered. He was rewound from the city gate to the sky prison, and he and his wife and children were kept in separate custody. He didn't have time to explain, and the child was so young...

"Come here..."

Never felt so hopeless.

Qin Yuheng's face was flushed red, and his heart was clenched in his throat. He kept pacing back and forth in front of the prison door, thinking about how to escape and find a way to pass on the message.

But in the end, there was still nothing.

"dinner time!"

Suddenly, hearing the jailer's voice from far and near, Qin Yuheng hurried over and put his head on the black iron of the cage as much as possible. He was overjoyed to see that it was indeed the jailer's shadow.

"I have a jade pendant here. It was a birthday gift from my father when I was young. If you are willing to help me, this jade pendant will be given to you for free, how about it?"

After saying that, he spread out his palm, and a fine jade pendant dangled under his palm.

The jailer looked behind him to make sure that there was no one watching him, so he rushed over in a hurry, and was about to reach out to grab it, but he didn't know what to think, and suddenly retracted.

"My prince, no, this prince gave it to you, what are you afraid of, just accept it." Qin Yuheng tried to persuade him.

"Really give it to me?" The jailer was a little unwilling to give up. But he was also afraid, "Some time ago, the seventh prince died in the death row, which implicated many jailers. Today, the former prince was imprisoned in the sky prison again. The ghost knows if it will implicate us."

"My situation is different from that of Lao Qi. I was framed by others. I will only thank you when I get out. Don't worry, I... I won't see the emperor anymore. You just need to help me take care of my wife." Just fine."

Qin Yuheng thought about it, and temporarily changed his mind.

How many jailers can see the emperor? Even if the jailer really wants to help you, he will have to manage a lot of places. I'm afraid that his wife and children will have to suffer. Instead of wasting time like this, it's better Find someone to treat them well, as long as they don't suffer, it doesn't matter if they live in this prison for a little longer.

He is innocent, and I believe that the emperor will not convict him indiscriminately for the things he has not done.

"Just to take care of it? The third prince is serious?"

The jailer was completely moved, and after getting Qin Yuheng's nod, he hurriedly snatched the jade pendant and hid it in his pocket.

"Coincidentally, it happens to be my brother who is in charge of the women's prison. I'll make arrangements right away. Tell me, is there anything else you want to send?"

Seeing that the jailer was very happy as if he had found a treasure, and he had no more worries, the prince relaxed his heart.

"Nothing special, just tell them to rest assured, we will definitely go out."


The jailer readily agreed, put his food in front of him and ran away.

About a quarter of an hour later, he came back sneakily, "Third prince..."

Qin Yuheng, who was eating, raised his eyes and saw that he hurriedly came over, "How about my wife and children?"

"Third prince, don't worry. The emperor has not been convicted. Even if he is in prison, nothing will happen. The third prince and the child are all fine."

Hearing the last sentence, the heart that had been hanging in his throat was completely put back.

Qin Yuheng took a deep breath, looked at the jailer again, and thanked him solemnly, "Thank you!"

"Third Prince, you are too polite."

After all, the jailer seemed a little embarrassed after receiving money from someone.

"In the past, I used to think that the prince was an extremely arrogant person. Today I saw that the rumors were not true. I believed what the third prince said just now. You were wronged. I believe you will be released soon."

Finally someone believed in him, even if it was a jailer, Qin Yuheng felt much more at ease.

"Although I'm not sure it's him who hurt me, but after I go out, I will never let him go!"

Qin Yuheng's eyes were firm, but what he said made the jailer suspicious, "He? Who is it?"

Seeing the look in his hand, the jailer hurriedly explained, "Prince Sang just gave me the jade pendant, but he only asked the servant to pass on a message. The servant feels ashamed of receiving it. I don't know if there is anything else I can do to help the third prince." ?”

As soon as Yuzi finished speaking, he was afraid that he would really put forward conditions that he could not fail, so he hurriedly added, "Of course, the premise is that the slave can do it."

Qin Yuheng was amused by the person in front of him, he shook his head, "I'm already in jail, what else can I do? All I have to do is wait for my father to find out the truth and let me out, otherwise, even if I have ideas, you really dare to go Can't do it?"

He sighed, "I don't know what's going on outside now, but the second emperor brother has sat on the crown prince?"

He was murmuring to himself, but the jailer was shocked when he heard the words, "Second prince? The position of crown prince? No, no, no, the second prince did not take the position of crown prince. Maybe the third prince misunderstood something?"

"No?" Qin Yuheng was extremely surprised, stood up hurriedly, and looked at him nervously, "The prince promised to leave the palace today to give way to the second brother. Father said that the newest candidate for the prince must be registered as soon as possible." , and the sixth brother also recommended the second brother, why is the second brother?"

"The third prince atones for his crimes, and the slave doesn't know why the second prince didn't take the crown prince, but there are rumors in the palace that the second prince rejected the emperor in public. I heard that many people are laughing at him for being fascinated by a beauty."

Originally, a jailer like him who can't get on the table would not know about this kind of thing, but after all, this matter has caused a lot of noise, and it has spread all over the palace and outside the palace, and it has become their daily entertainment for the jailers, so naturally there are many Know something.

But these words are absolutely shocking news to the Third Prince.

"Why didn't the second emperor agree to father? Could it be for me?"

Qin Yuheng thought about it and couldn't understand it.

The minister next door in the cage heard the words, and while eating, a melodious voice came over, "The second prince is not only courageous and scheming, but also very generous in treating others. If I were the second prince with a heart like this, when the prince just fell , and will never agree to the emperor's canonization, this is the most basic quality."

Listening to the intentionally prolonged ending of the old man next door, Qin Yuheng's mind instantly recalled the behavior of his mother and concubine that day.

The original intention is here.

He suddenly felt a little more admiration for the second brother.

"The decree has arrived."

A resounding voice sounded, and all the jailers and prisoners in the cell put down their hands and stood up, kneeling on the ground.

"The emperor ordered that the third prince, Qin Yuheng, be released without charge."

The imperial decree came so suddenly, so suddenly that even Qin Yuheng didn't expect it to be so fast.

If it weren't for the eunuch who passed the order, the jailer would have forgotten to open the cell door for him.

"What's the situation, father-in-law, this talent has been arrested for less than a day and a night, and he hasn't been inspected, so why did he let him go?"

The minister in the next cage was also very surprised, and hurriedly got up, "What about the old minister, the old minister was also wronged, I wonder when the emperor will let me go?"

The eunuch glanced at him, "It's just you, take it with you."

Looking at the third prince who was released, the eunuch respectfully saluted him, "Congratulations, third prince, this way please."

Qin Yuheng hadn't recovered from the shock, and asked as he walked forward, "What's going on? But someone is helping me?"

"Of course, if not, the third prince may not be here to celebrate the new year." The eunuch laughed, "The third prince should thank the second prince for going out this time. If it wasn't for the help of the second prince and the second concubine, the third I'm afraid the prince really won't be released so soon. Since it's all a misunderstanding, then the third prince should hurry up and pick up the third concubine and the little grandson."

After hurriedly saying thank you, Qin Yuheng rushed out of the cage in a hurry.

Men and women were imprisoned in the sky prison on the east and west sides respectively. In fact, it was not far away, but the sky prison was very large, and he searched for a long time but could not find anyone.

The prince is in a hurry, could he be dragged for interrogation?

"Come here, come here! Where is my prince's concubine, my wife and children, where have you taken them!"

Qin Yuheng was furious in the prison. "Dog, the emperor did not give the order to execute the execution without authorization. You really ate the courage of the ambitious leopard, you..."


A somewhat weak but very familiar voice came from behind, and the next second, it was the cry of a baby.

Almost without thinking, Qin Yuheng hurriedly turned around, only to see his wife and children standing less than three meters behind him, with the Second Emperor Brother and Second Emperor Sister-in-law on both sides.


It wasn't until he held his wife and children in his arms that Qin Yuheng truly felt that they had escaped a catastrophe, "How are you doing? Did they treat you harshly?"

The princess hurriedly shook her head, "Everything is fine with the emperor. Since we were imprisoned, the second emperor's wife has entrusted someone to take special care of us. I called. How about you, sir, are you okay?"

Nodding to Concubine Ai, indicating that he was fine, when Qin Yuheng turned around again, he just met Ling Muer's eyes.

Recalling that it almost caused a catastrophe back then, but she extended a helping hand to himself and his family, he felt nothing but guilt and gratitude in his heart.

"Brother, thank you Second Sister-in-Law!"

Seeing Qin Yuheng kneeling in front of him and performing such a great gift, Ling Muer was stunned, "I still want to live a few more years, get up quickly."

Qin Yuheng looked at her gratefully, not knowing what to say.

Ever since Qin Ruochen proposed to abolish the crown prince, no one stood by them, let alone helping them.

Being imprisoned in the sky prison, I am afraid that those friends in the past will not have time to escape, let alone think of moving forward. Only the second brother and his wife not only never left, but even thought of his wife and children, and settled everything for him.

"Second Sister-in-law, back then..."

"Heroes don't mention being brave back then. I don't know what the prince wanted to say back then, but right now I have some good news for you."

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