Mrs. Su called her away, and sure enough she had a lot of conversations with her, but no doubt it was not because she felt sorry for the county palace's failure to keep her.

Ling Mu'er was always smiling, neither refuting nor defending, but unintentionally revealing the news that she was pregnant through eye contact.

When the old man heard this, his complexion changed instantly, but soon his mouth was full of congratulations and blessings, and he didn't mention how miserable Ce'er's fate was.

Ling Muer checked her pulse again, and found that Mrs. Su's mood is good recently and her body is also very healthy. She only prescribed some prescriptions to improve her sleep and comforted her to sleep, and then left the room.

It was getting late, and thinking that when she went back, everyone would have finished their dinner. She walked westward along the corridor, but when she was about to reach the front hall, she saw sparks in the distance.

It turned out that Su Ce was having a barbecue with a few servants.

"A table of delicacies from mountains and seas is not enough for the virtuous king, and you can eat alone here?"

This is the only way to go to the front hall, even if Ling Muer doesn't want to cause trouble, she has to go up to say hello.

Crouching down and carefully staring at the chicken wings and meat skewers on his grill, his thoughts suddenly returned to the time when she and Shao Chen were not married more than a year ago.

Why did you come to the county palace that time?

By the way, it's the eldest princess' birthday.

I still remember that day when the women's family gathered together to compliment or flatter, while the men's family gathered around here to barbecue and chant poems, it was so elegant.

In a flash, it has been so long.

"Chaoyang prefers this kind of food. It's rare to come back after getting married. I have no reason not to be satisfied with what I want to eat as an elder brother."

Su Ce's words were pampering. As an older brother, he was always competent.

Seeing him handing over a bunch of chicken wings, Ling Muer took it with a smile, "Thank you."

After taking a sip, she found that it was full of fragrance. She gave her thumbs up full of praise, "Crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, the oil and salt are moderate, and even the skeleton is full of flavor. The craftsmanship of the virtuous king is still as good as ever."

"You really still remember the scene when I was here that day, and the king grilled skewers for you?"

Su Ce raised his eyes suddenly, and gave the servant behind him a look. Everyone left the corridor suddenly, and only he was left. Under the moonlight, her eyes hit his mind.

Ling Muer took the lead to look away, and sat on the chair diagonally opposite, "Let the first son of the capital barbecue in person, this treatment can be done several times in a lifetime, how can I forget it?"

As she said, she stretched her neck and looked at the stove, "I don't know how much the virtuous king has prepared. It tastes very good. I wonder if I have my share?"

"Ling Muer!"

Su Ce suddenly called her name seriously.

Ling Mu'er raised her eyes while gnawing on the chicken wings, her eyes blinked, her face full of innocence.

"If I expressed my heart to you that day, would you agree?"

The air was still for a moment.

Ling Muer never expected that he would say such a thing.

A mouthful of meat was not eaten well, and it got stuck in her throat, and she began to cough violently.

Su Ce frowned and said, 'You queen' suddenly walked towards her, Ling Muer was so frightened that she stretched out her long arms to stop her, "Don't come over."

Su Ce stopped walking suddenly, and Su Ce was full of nervousness. He wanted to reach out to comfort her but because of their identities, seeing her flushed and cute, he suddenly laughed at himself.

"It seems that this king's craftsmanship is still not very good, otherwise the second prince and concubine would not be stuck."

His faint voice escaped from his thin lips, and he glanced sideways at the stove, "It's rare for my sister to return home, so these are naturally prepared for her, if the second concubine wants to eat, I'd better ask my husband to prepare it. "

After saying that, he put away all the meat skewers on the stove and strode away from the corridor.

Ling Mu'er finally spat out the tender flesh in her throat with difficulty, and when she raised her eyes, she saw the back of him leaving gracefully.

"cough cough"

A familiar voice sounded behind him, Ling Muer looked back, and saw Shangguan Shaochen leaning on the pillar, standing there for an unknown how long.

"Shaochen, when did you come?"

Holding the chicken wings and jumping over, Ling Muer was like a lively rabbit.

"Do you have any regrets?" Shangguan Shaochen carefully looked into her eyes, didn't want to ask, but for some reason confided, since he asked, he simply waited for the answer carefully.

Unexpectedly, Ling Muer slapped him hard on the shoulder, "What are you thinking about? I just lamented why all the meat skewers were taken away. The taste is really good."

When Shangguan Shaochen heard it, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but he pinched the tip of her nose, "Master's craftsmanship may not be worse than his, want to eat?"

"My husband, please!"

Ling Mu'er made a gesture of invitation, smiling with crooked eyebrows, like a flattering dog leg.

Shangguan Shaochen hummed twice, threw off his robe, sat in front of the stove, picked up the raw meat at the side and began to flip it in a decent manner.

This is the first time Ling Mu'er watched him start a fire. The candlelight reflected on his face, softening his stern face a bit. She sat across from her and looked at him, just in time to see his most delicate facial features. Your husband is really pretty.

She put her hands on her chin, like a street nympho staring at the man she loves, unable to recover for a long time.

In the corner, Su Ce saw everything in front of him, and the hand holding the meat skewer was so hard that the bamboo stick was almost broken by him.

"Young master?"

Pulled back to his thoughts in a timely manner by Zitong, Su Ce turned his eyes and stuffed the meat skewers into his arms, "I reward you."

Holding the meat skewers, Zitong hurriedly followed behind Su Ce as if holding a hot potato, "Where are you going, my lord?"

If Ling Mu'er hadn't come today, how could he have returned to the Duke's Mansion?

Su Ce glanced sideways and gave him a cold look, "Go home"

On the carriage, Zitong couldn't help asking after all, "Why didn't you wait for the second concubine to finish talking just now, my lord."

Although the son and the second concubine are married now, what if the answer given by the second concubine makes the son happy?

The son has been unhappy for some days. Especially after returning to the icy Xianwang Mansion, it would be better to stay in the Junwang Mansion to be lively.

"She has already given me the answer, why do I need to express it in words?"

Su Ce laughed at himself, and leaned on the back of the carriage, recalling the action of Ling Muer getting stuck just now.

Whether it is true or not, how could he not know.

"I heard that the second prince has rejected the emperor many times, young master, what can we do?" Zitong has long been used to his young master helping the second prince's mansion unconditionally, so this time he has learned his skills, and he took the initiative to ask questions without waiting for the young master's orders. .

"He will say yes."

Su Ce's answer was always cold and concise.

Zitong was taken aback for a moment, and was about to say something when a picture suddenly popped up in her mind.

The second prince became the crown prince, but if he ascended the throne as the emperor in the future, the second prince's concubine would naturally become the queen, so wouldn't the son of his family have to kneel down and salute to the person he misses all the time in the future?

How cruel that is!

"Master, we're here." The coachman's voice came from outside the carriage.

Su Ce had no choice but to get out of the carriage after thinking how could it be so fast.

Just as he was about to enter the mansion, he vaguely heard a domineering voice.

"What about people, where is he, tell me where he is, I'm going to find him!"

The pretty brows frowned in an instant, and Su Ce felt a sense of contempt in his body. He deliberately lowered his voice, "What's going on?"

"Wangfei knew that you were not in the house, and she was clamoring to go out to find someone, but she couldn't stop her, so she made a fuss." The guard guard replied.

princess? It's the princess again!

This woman who doesn't know how to stop all day, even if she is locked in the mansion, she will make troubles in Prince Xian's mansion in different ways. He really has had enough.

"Zitong, turn around."

After giving an order, Su Ce was about to get back into the carriage and leave this place where he was bored all day long.

Inside the mansion, Mo Junyao seemed to have heard something, she rushed out without stopping, "Su Ce, stop!"

A sharp cry pierced the sky, as if disturbing the quiet night.

Su Ce's pace became faster.

Seeing this, Mo Junyao hurriedly rushed in front of him, blocking his way with open arms, "I'm asking you something, where are you going?"

"When do I need to report my king's whereabouts to you?" Su Ce's tone was still cold.

"You..." Mo Junyao was anxious, "I am your concubine, I am your woman, why don't I have the right to ask about your whereabouts? You, don't think that I don't know where you went tonight The county prince's mansion held a full moon banquet for Chaoyang's children, it was a family feast, even the whole family of Ling's mansion went, why didn't you bring me?"

Not knowing how the news leaked out, Su Ce glanced at Zitong, and when he looked back, his face was cold, without any emotion.

"You also said just now that it's a family banquet, so why invite you?"

Mo Junyao was taken aback by his question. "I, I am your princess!"

"I never considered you my family!"

After saying that, Su Ce bumped away from her and got into the carriage.

Mo Junyao was completely hurt by these words. These words, like a sharp sword, pierced through her chest mercilessly, causing her blood to flow backwards in anger.

Regardless of Zitong's objection, she insisted on rushing forward, seeing Su Ce's indifferent face, her heart was bleeding, "Su Ce, what do you mean? You haven't finished yet, have you! Ling Muer has already It's someone else's woman, since you don't have the ability to get her to your side, don't pretend to be an infatuated man! I'm your woman, you don't need to touch me, you don't need to spoil me, but you put me What is it? I don't care, you have to give me an explanation today anyway, unless you divorce me!"

Today, when she learned that Su Ce was not taking her to the family banquet, she was completely mad. If the guards at the mansion hadn't stopped her, she would have rushed to the county mansion to make a big fuss.

Others don't know what Su Ce is thinking, so don't think she doesn't know, Su Ce will never miss any occasion where Ling Muer can be seen.

But as for her, she is Princess Xian, and she is the woman he justifiably married back home.


Su Ce's thin lips parted slightly, as if hearing this word for the first time, the corners of his eyes and brows were full of freshness, Mo Junyao stared at it, and immediately had a bad feeling.

"That's a good idea."

The corners of Su Ce's lips raised, and he spoke in a clear, nonchalant tone, but in the next second, he suddenly looked back and ordered coldly, "Come on, don't take the irrelevant people away!"

Before Mo Junyao could react, the whole person had already been taken out of the carriage by Zitong. She was about to yell, but Su Ce suddenly poked her head out, "If you don't want to live anymore, I will send you off tomorrow." If you don't believe me, just give it a try!"

After leaving the words, he took the reins from the coachman and set up the horse himself to leave.

In the merciless night, only Mo Junyao was left standing at the door of Xian Wang's mansion, watching helplessly as her husband left her sight.

She became a joke in the eyes of all the slaves.

"What are you looking at, get out!"

Mo Junyao yelled and drove all the servants back to Prince Xian's mansion.

Even though her hair was messed up crazily, she was trembling, not knowing whether it was cold or injured.

"Such a beautiful lady, the Xian Wang has the heart to leave her behind. The treatment of the Xian Wang Concubine is really miserable. I wonder if there is anything the Prince can do to help?"

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