"Girl, the arrangements have been made. Xiong Qiguang and Song Yicheng have already boarded the cruise ship, accompanied by ten guards, all of whom are masters. I believe there will be no accidents."

Shang Zhi happily came back to report that she had completed the task assigned by the girl, and she was very happy every time.

Because the girl is willing to entrust these important things to her, it means that she can be trusted, and she has no reason not to do it well.

"Thank you, I have to arrange these things just after I came back from the clinic." Ling Mu'er handed her a cup of hot tea and muttered to herself, "Looks like I have to find a few more girls."

Hearing this, Shang Zhi was not in the mood to drink tea immediately, "Girl, but what Shang Zhi did was not good enough to make the girl unhappy, why did the girl drive me away?"

Turning around, I was about to say that it wasn't what you imagined, but when I looked up, I saw Shang Zhi's aggrieved face, like a porcelain doll about to be discarded, Ling Mu'er laughed, "Where did you go, just now It's because I treat you as a family, so I don't want to tire you, you are busy in the hospital during the day, and you have to take care of me when you come back at night, even if you are an iron man, you can't order me like this, can you?"

The more Ling Mu'er thought about it, the more she felt that there was nothing wrong with her, "I am heavy now, and many things will become more and more inconvenient in the future. It is good to have a close girl by my side."

Hearing this answer, Shang Zhi thought for a while, and quickly stood up, "What kind of maid is the girl looking for, and what is the request, Shang Zhi will find it for the girl."

Ling Muer wanted to refuse, but seeing her being so sincere, she didn't want to discourage her enthusiasm, "Just like you and Jiangxiang, being loyal and obedient is enough. Of course, it would be good if you have some skills."

Shang Zhi silently wrote down in his heart, "Then Shang Zhi will go now."

Seeing her running away in a hurry, Ling Mu'er wanted to say something, but in the end she just shook her head silently.

But soon, the girl came back again.

"Why are you back again?"

"Girl, there is a nanny looking for you outside the door."

As Shang Zhi reported, he turned sideways and let Mammy walk in.

The nanny was dressed in palace maid attire, and when she saw Ling Mu'er, she saluted Ling Mu'er, looking very honest and honest, "This old slave pays my respects to the second prince and concubine."

"Excuse me, I don't know which palace the nanny belongs to. What's the matter with me?" Ling Muer sat on the chair, got used to sipping hot water, and felt much warmer. She looked out the window again, and it was already dark. , How could there be someone in the palace at this hour?

"Back to the second concubine, the old slave is the concubine in charge of concubine Yi, and concubine Yi was specially ordered to invite the second concubine into the palace."

Ling Mu'er was sure she didn't recognize the nanny in front of her. She thought she had a photographic memory, but she just couldn't remember this face.

Although she didn't often go to Concubine Yi's bedroom, she would remember the servants and maids in the palace whoever she met. But Mammy doesn't seem like a newcomer at this age. For some reason, she has some doubts in her heart.

"Emperor Concubine Yi?" She paused, "Why haven't I seen you in your empress' bedroom before?"

"The second concubine doesn't know something. The old slave is in charge of all the important affairs of Concubine Yi's palace. It's not a close nurse. Maybe it's because the second concubine happened to miss it with the old slave when she entered the palace a few times. Old slave."

The old mama was calm, her face didn't change and her heart didn't beat, she explained very seriously.

"Do you know why your mother is looking for me?" Ling Mu'er did not doubt her identity.

"Your Majesty is very tired taking care of the emperor recently. I don't know why this headache is so severe, but I can't trust the imperial doctor in the palace, so I want to ask the second princess to take a look. I wonder if the second princess is convenient?"

When Ling Muer heard that Concubine Yi was ill, she immediately became nervous. She had treated her sincerely, so of course she had to return her sincerity.

"It is rumored that the imperial concubine Yi has been taking care of the emperor with her clothes all these days. It must be a headache caused by overwork. You wait for me here for a while, and I will take the medicine box and go with you."

Ling Muer said, playing tricks on Shang Zhi, planning to go back and change, and then take the medicine box.

"Girl, you won't wait for the second prince to come back?" Shang Zhi was a little worried when he heard that the girl wanted to enter the palace alone, "Why don't you let Shang Zhi enter the palace with you?"

"You and Jiang Xiang have been tired all day, so you should rest. Concubine Yi and I just have some things to discuss. Maybe we will be back very late. In this way, let Shao Chen pick me up at the gate of the palace when he comes back."

Ling Mu'er patted Shang Zhi on the shoulder, signaled him to rest assured, changed into plain clothes, carried the medicine box, and followed Mammy into the palace.

The palace, the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Eunuch Xi looked at the busy Concubine Yi, he took a deep breath, hesitated for a while and finally walked over, "Concubine Yi, Your Majesty is already asleep?"

"Yes, after taking the medicine, I can finally sleep soundly. It seems that the Shiquan Dabu Dan prepared by the second prince concubine has worked. The emperor has slept well these few days." Concubine Yi said, covering the emperor with her own hands. Good quilt, and I plan to move a chair to sit down.

"Your Majesty has worked hard. Since the Emperor has already gone to bed, leave it to our family." Eunuch Xi said with a very sincere attitude, "Your Majesty has lived in the Emperor's bedroom for almost ten days, so she must have been exhausted long ago. It's time to go back and rest, speaking of it, it's thanks to the empress, if not for the meticulous care of the empress, how could the emperor's condition recover so quickly."

Hearing the praise, Concubine Yi laughed from ear to ear, "No wonder the emperor favors you, your mouth is used to please people."

But she shook her head, "The emperor is used to me taking care of her. If he wakes up and finds that I'm not around, he'll be annoyed. It's my duty to serve the emperor, so it's fine."

When Eunuch Xi heard this, his face was a bit embarrassed, but he quickly returned to normal, "Madam, our family also loves your body! You are not in good health, and if you take care of Long Live Lord day and night, if you are exhausted , who else in the palace can take care of her so wholeheartedly like you!"

Seeing that Concubine Yi was a little moved, Eunuch Xi continued to chase after the victory, "Long Live Lord said today that he asked you to go back and tidy up and rest for a day, two or three days. I was afraid that I would not want you to leave after waking up, so I didn't say anything. Empress, the servant thought, anyway, the emperor will have to sleep for several hours, so it would be better for empress to go back and freshen up first."

Hearing this, Concubine Yi was completely moved, "Your Majesty really said that?"

Eunuch Xi was taken aback for a moment, and quickly raised the corners of his lips, "How dare a servant lie to your empress."

"If that's the case, then I'll go back and tidy up. But remember, the emperor must send someone to notify me as soon as he wakes up. The emperor is used to taking care of me in the past few days. It doesn't matter if I'm not around. This condition has finally improved. If it gets worse, you and I won't be able to bear it!"

Concubine Yi had already got up as she said, Eunuch Xi hurriedly agreed behind her, "Hey, Madam, don't worry."

Seeing that she had already walked to the door, Eunuch Xi hesitated for a while and finally said, "Ma'am, you, I'm afraid you haven't seen the little grandson for some time, right?"

Concubine Yi didn't expect that he would suddenly ask such a question. She was just a slave who dared to intervene in her personal affairs. But thinking that people were concerned, they didn't think much about it. "Taking care of the emperor every day, where is the time? Speaking of which, the last time we met was when Heng'er was canonized as the Xiaoyao King. It's true that we haven't seen each other for a while."

For some reason, seeing Concubine Yi's longing smile, Eunuch Xi felt more and more guilty.

He thought for a while, and finally reminded, "Then the empress might as well take advantage of the emperor's deep sleep tonight to meet the little emperor's grandson. King Xiaoyao and the princess must miss you too."

I don't know why Eunuch Xi always distracts himself tonight. Could it be that he is going to do something to the emperor?

Concubine Yi thought about it, but shook her head again, it's impossible, if she really wanted to harm the emperor, this old guy would have done it long ago.

Is it really worried that she is tired?

"You slave, why are you talking so much today? You don't even know what time it is. Now that you are going from the palace to Xiaoyao Wangfu, the little emperor and grandson have already fallen asleep. Forget it, call them into the palace tomorrow." good."

After saying that, Concubine Yi had already left the bedroom, Eunuch Xi wanted to say something, but in the end he just shook his head helplessly.

"Your Majesty, this old slave thinks that Eunuch Xi is right. You haven't seen the little emperor and grandson and the prince for a while, so you really don't want to go and see?"

After leaving the palace gate, the personal nurse asked curiously.

"You think I don't want them? But now the emperor is seriously ill, and I have to take care of it by my side. If the emperor wakes up and doesn't see me, and gets angry and causes a relapse, can I take care of it?" Concubine Yi said, speeding up. "If the emperor didn't ask me to go back and tidy up, I don't want to make a fuss. If that's the case, then go faster and try to go back before the emperor wakes up."

Seeing the master walking so fast, the personal nurse couldn't help speeding up her pace, "Master, please be careful and watch your step."

Concubine Yi didn't say a word, she put her five fingers on Nanny's arm, as if there was wind under her feet, she walked faster and faster.

When she returned to the palace, the bedroom she lived in was very far away from the Hall of Mental Cultivation for the sake of seclusion, and this was the first time Concubine Yi felt regretful.

"Tell me, why did you choose such a dormitory in the first place? This time it takes half an hour to go back and forth. It's really not worth it."

Mammy was amused by these words, "Master is thinking about the emperor, that's why he felt the distance is far away. Back then, when master wanted to be quiet, he thought the distance was too close! But don't worry, the sixth prince has already handed over the memorial to the emperor. , canonize you as a queen? Soon we won't need to travel such a long distance."

When the word "queen" was mentioned, Concubine Yi's face flashed with joy and then with suspicion, "Speaking of which, this sixth prince is really strange, first she opposed our Heng'er and pulled him from the position of prince, but now she recommends him I'm a queen, so I really don't know what kind of medicine is sold in that kid's gourd, and what he wants to do."

"No matter what the sixth prince wants to do, this is a great thing for the empress. If it weren't for that incident back then, the empress would have been injured in the back position all the time, so how could there be such a toss now! And that imperial concubine Min, the former concubine If the second concubine hadn't stopped her in time, I don't know how arrogant she would be, she..."

The personal nurse suddenly shut up in the middle of her words, as if she saw something terrifying.

Concubine Yi was curious, followed her gaze, and immediately gasped.

I saw directly opposite Concubine Min Gui standing alone in front of her, there was no moonlight tonight, the palace was dark, and the night was already dark, only the candlelight illuminated her pale face, giving her a ghostly look.

Even though she was someone who had died once, seeing this scene gave her the chills down her spine.

"Concubine Min, why are you here?"

"Of course I'm waiting for you, my good sister."

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