Seeing Concubine Min Gui continuously approaching her, Concubine Yi Gui didn't know why, but there was an urge to escape in her heart.

Her eyes were too terrifying, filled with resentment, resentment, and inexplicable murderous intent.

Obviously she didn't do anything to her, but she felt her breathing tightened suddenly, as if someone was strangling her neck.

"I'm still very busy, so I don't have time to chat with you here."

Concubine Yi glanced at her, gave her close nurse a look, and planned to bypass her and leave.


Concubine Min deliberately prolonged the ending, obviously she is also a concubine, but Concubine Min seems to be higher than her today.

Stretching out her long arms to block her way, Concubine Min turned sideways, raised her chin arrogantly, and looked at her evilly, "I've been waiting for my sister here for a long time, and I haven't said a few words to her yet, what's wrong with my sister?" I'm leaving, it's freezing cold, isn't my sister being too rude?"

Concubine Min was startled, "How did you know I would appear here tonight?"

She has been living in the Hall of Mental Cultivation for the past few days, and if it wasn't for Eunuch Xi's suggestion, she would never have thought of going back to the bedroom to tidy up.

Could it be?

"When did Xi Gonggong become your person?"

When the emperor wakes up, she will definitely tell the news to Lord Long Live, but as a noble concubine, she bribes the emperor's favorite ministers, hmph, she is really brave.

"You, go down, I have something to say to my sister alone, you humble slave have no place to listen here."

Concubine Min did not answer Concubine Yi's words, but stared at the personal nun next to her.

The mother was taken aback when she heard the words, and looked at Concubine Yi uncertainly, "Master?"

"Buying the chief executive, and stopping the future queen in the street, I want to see what she wants to do!" Concubine Yi snorted, and told the nanny to wait for her at a farther place.

If it was before, she would not let Mammy leave, she was not well and could not get angry, Concubine Min suddenly stopped her, if she had to intentionally anger her, she really couldn't think of any other purpose.

But this time she actually bribed the people around the emperor, what does she want to do? She must figure it out.

"Yes, that old slave is waiting for you in the distance."

The nanny blessed her body, left the sight of the two noble concubines, turned a corner and planned to wait on this side of the rockery.

But she never expected that this would be the last time she would serve her master.

Because her back was facing, Concubine Yi didn't see the nanny who had just left entering the rockery and kept reaching out to herself for help, but unfortunately her mouth was covered and she couldn't make any sound.


There was a loud noise, Concubine Yi instinctively planned to look back, Concubine Min immediately grabbed her shoulders with both hands, "Concubine Yi, tell me, did you let the guards stop me from entering the Hall of Nourishing Heart to see the emperor? How dare you, as a noble concubine, why do you do this!"

Hearing the roar, Concubine Yi withdrew her thoughts, and seeing Concubine Min's fangs and claws, she wanted to be angry, but she laughed.

"It was the emperor who ordered you to be confined to the harem. If you have forgotten your mind, I don't mind reminding you. Also, do you think you are still the glorious concubine Min in the past? I plan not to be with you this time when I return to the palace. I care about it, I just want to live my life in peace, but you have hurt me several times, and this is your fate!"

Looking at Concubine Min's distorted face, Concubine Yi realized that it turned out that it was so refreshing to bump back.

"If you don't see the emperor, you will fall out of favor. It turns out that you also have today, so you should taste the taste of falling out of favor."

"Bitch, you..."

Concubine Min was in a hurry, Yang's hand was about to slap her.

Concubine Yi almost instinctively reached out and grabbed her wrist, "Why, do you still want to hit someone? I am the future queen, I see you dare!"


The word seemed to be stuck in her chest and she couldn't utter it or swallow it.

Concubine Min struggled, and shook off her restrained wrist, and then looked at the pride and arrogance in Concubine Yi's eyes, the corners of her mouth twitched angrily, "What did you say that you are not interested in the posthumous position, and that you don't want to monopolize the power of the harem? Concubine Yi, I just found out today that you also have such calculations. Did you tell the emperor on purpose that you don’t want to be a queen, but now you deliberately step on my head? Do you want the emperor to think you are kind and magnanimous? , pretending to be pitiful on purpose, to make the emperor feel more guilty about you! Okay you, you stole my back seat, and you give it back to me."

As she spoke, Concubine Min stretched out her hands to tear her hair.

Concubine Yi dodged once, but failed to dodge the second time, the hair ornaments on her temples were torn off by her, and a little hair fell down.

"Slut, you are still such a shrew even though you are a noble concubine. If the emperor wakes up now and sees you like this, he will definitely throw you into limbo. Ah, let me go!"

While Concubine Yi was struggling, she accidentally hurt her.

Concubine Min saw her grinning in pain, how could she let go, her hands became stronger, "You are a shrew, your whole family are shrews! Since you left the palace, why did you come back? There is no one like you in the harem long ago, Why do you still appear in front of the emperor! You promised not to take the second place, why do you still want to fight me!"

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, her heart was trembling, and her voice was more like a burning cloud, hot and burning, "In the past, you always opposed me, robbed me everywhere, robbed the emperor of my favor, robbed me of the royal family, The crown prince of my son! Concubine Yi, do you know how happy I have been in the past few years when you left the palace, but it was all because of you, because your return disturbed everything about me, and it was you who caused me to lose my court. Son, it was you who caused me to lose my position, I will kill you, kill you!"

I just felt a sudden tightness in my throat, while Concubine Yi stared at her with wide pupils, she really saw some murderous intent in Concubine Min's eyes.

No, that's not fake, it's real, it's going to kill her!

Concubine Yi's heart rose to her throat in an instant, she struggled desperately, and finally, she kicked her stomach, and she successfully escaped from Concubine Min's clutches.

Hearing Concubine Min Gui screaming and squatting on the ground in pain, she trembled and wanted to run away, but she was terrified.

"What does this have to do with me! Don't forget, when you harmed me and I didn't expose you to the emperor, you should be grateful to Dade! As for the successor, it shouldn't be yours. If the emperor is sincerely willing to canonize you as queen, It has been canonized a long time ago! Concubine Min, what do you mean, and the villains do more mischief, this is your fate!"

Concubine Yi pointed at her face and scolded angrily. Seeing that she didn't have the strength to stand up, thinking that she would not do anything to her again, she took a deep breath and calmed down a little.

"I really don't want to be a queen. To lead the Six Palaces, I have tried my best not to talk about it. I have worked hard and failed to please you. You think I am willing to sit on this back seat! But instead of giving the back seat to someone like you, it's better to leave it to me." Come take over temporarily! I’m not afraid to tell you the truth, during the past few days when the palace was in the private parts of the emperor, the emperor once told me that if he hadn’t lost his mind in those days, he would never have thought of canonizing you as empress. Your virtue has long been in his eyes. You, it’s hard to take over the position at all! Of course, I also promised the emperor that the latter position will only be temporarily taken over. As long as I meet a suitable candidate, I will naturally back down, but you have to look carefully, the emperor would rather let me take over temporarily than do it again. Entrusting this person to you shows that the emperor has long been disappointed in you, so you can go back and make up your own mind."

Angrily leaving the words, Concubine Yi intends to turn around and leave this place of right and wrong.

I don't know why the harem is so quiet today, even if they are so noisy, there are no guards showing up, and thinking that she has bribed Eunuch Xi, she must tell the emperor about it as soon as possible.

But what she didn't expect at all was that because of what she said just now, Concubine Min Gui strengthened her determination.

"Concubine Yi, you forced me to do all of this!"

Concubine Min Gui, who was lying on the ground in pain for a long time, resisted the pain in her body and suddenly stood up. She strode forward, walking as cautiously as possible, and before Concubine Yi Guigui could react, she stretched out the dagger hidden in her cuff.


Concubine Yi only felt a pain in her back, and before she could look back to see what was going on, a dagger tip pierced her chest and protruded out.

Blood trickled down.

"You... you, you are so... courageous."

"I have always been very courageous, but it's a pity that you only have to go to the Palace of the King of Hades to experience it!"

Concubine Min pulled out the dagger, stabbed her chest again from behind, and stabbed it hard.

Seeing Concubine Yi leaning against her with her breath stopped, Concubine Yi pulled out her dagger and threw her to the ground ruthlessly.

"I said, I won't let you go."

On the only road that must pass through the harem, the surroundings are pitch black. Without the moonlight, today's palace is very cold and gloomy.

Ling Muer, who was carrying the medicine box, couldn't help shivering, "It's strange, why haven't any of the guards seen it after walking for so long?"

When she didn't hear the answer, she looked back curiously, but what made her even more surprised was that the mother who had been following behind her had disappeared.

"This person was behind him just now, why did he suddenly disappear?"

When did it disappear?

Ling Muer was curious, but also suddenly became nervous because of this.

She regretted it, she knew that Shang Zhi should follow.

It's really strange, people are still pregnant, why have they become less courageous?

Ling Mu'er shook her head, she always felt that this place was very dark, she planned to turn around and go back after Mammy disappeared, but by coincidence, from a distance, she seemed to see something lying on the ground opposite.

It's people!

The more Ling Muer looked at this person's figure and clothes, the more familiar she became, and she almost rushed over without thinking.

When she saw Concubine Yi lying on the ground, she was shocked.

Almost without any hesitation, she immediately hugged him up, "Imperial Concubine Yi?"

It's a pity that the body has cooled down slightly, and the breath is gone!

Concubine Yi was still holding a dagger in her hand, she was dead, how could the dagger be in her hand?

Ling Mu'er picked up the dagger and looked at it carefully. Such a delicate dagger, short and sharp, seemed to be owned by a woman. Before she could discern anything, suddenly a large number of footsteps approached behind her, almost in the blink of an eye. Then he was surrounded by people.

"Come here, the second concubine murdered Concubine Yi and brought down the murderer!"

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