Dongfang Que didn't remember how he escaped from the room. He only knew that if he was one step too late, Brother Shangguan would cut off his legs, no, maybe even pull out his tongue.

But what is pleasing is that Ling Muer woke up the second day after the drug barrel forced her to poison her.

She opened her hazy eyes in a daze, and before she could look around, an infinitely magnified face was right in front of her eyes.

Ling Mu'er screamed loudly in fright, but before the sound could be fully uttered, her mouth was tightly covered.

"Hush, don't make a sound, it's not good to bring people in from outside!"

Dongfang Sparrow hissed, and looked behind him cautiously, making sure that there was no sound from the people outside the door, so he turned around in a leisurely manner, "If you promise not to talk nonsense, how about I let you go?"

Ling Mu'er didn't recognize this person, but seeing his sneaky appearance, she thought he was a thief who broke into this place.

She nodded, agreeing to his condition.

Just as Oriental Sparrow let go of her mouth, she immediately shouted for help, and the other party was obviously ready.

He tapped her shoulder twice with his fingertips at a speed invisible to the naked eye, and she suddenly couldn't move. Nothing is under her control except the eyes.

"I told you not to yell, it's really disobedient."

Dongfang Que gave her an unhappy look, then tapped Erlang's legs and sat on the chair next to the barrel, "Do you think I'm suave and suave, looking like a bad guy? Really, if I want to kill you If so, can you still wake up with your eyes open?"

Ling Mu'er wanted to speak, but couldn't make any sound, and couldn't move her lips.

"All right, all right, I'll give you another chance because you look so good-looking." Dongfang Que sighed in embarrassment, turned sideways, and looked at Ling Muer in a leisurely manner, "Hey , as long as you don't make a sound, I won't do anything to you, of course, if you don't cooperate again, I don't guarantee what will happen to you if you are unhappy later, if you agree, just blink?"

Ling Muer didn't speak, and started blinking desperately.

In fact, she tried it just now, even if the acupuncture points were tapped, as long as she moves her mind, she can still escape into the space.

But who is this person, why is he so arrogant, what kind of place is this place, and why is she in a poisonous poison?

It's not in her character to reveal her secrets without knowing everything.

"Thank you!" After the acupuncture point was opened, Ling Muer let out a sigh of relief, and when she saw his brows frown instantly because of her own opening, she quickly covered her mouth, and then blinked at him innocently, as if to say again: I was wrong Yes, I just don't open my mouth.

"Hey, you're really cute."

Dongfang Que rubbed the top of her head in satisfaction, and didn't even notice her instantly darkening face.

Holding the barrel with his left hand, he did a sideways flip, moving from the left to the right of the barrel. He didn't know what he saw, but he jumped to jump into the barrel.

"what are you doing!"

Ling Muer couldn't bear it anymore, she lowered her voice and stretched out her long arms to resist.

The oriental sparrow failed to jump in, and was very upset after being blocked. He clasped Ling Mu'er's wrist with one hand, with a stern look on his face, "I told you to keep quiet, how can a woman be so uncontrollable in her mouth, tell me how you got to be the princess?"

"You know my identity?" Ling Mu'er lowered her voice and became even more vigilant.

"So what if you know? Is there anything special about the princess? She doesn't have any valuables on her body."

The oriental sparrow curled its lips in distaste and had already left the barrel and started wandering around.

Only then did Ling Muer start to look around. The room was not big, but it smelled like herbs.

Although the surrounding shelves were full of small drawers, if her guess was right, they were filled with precious herbs.

What does a thief looking for money do in a pharmacy?

"who are you?"

"Curious about me? Why don't you worry about yourself? You're dying of illness, and you're still in the mood to meddle in other people's business. Is it important to you who I am?" Dongfangque turned her head and raised her eyebrows, and looked at it with disgust again. She glanced.

Ling Mu'er laughed, "So what about death, what about life, it's just a matter of time before one dies, but if you don't even know who the person who caused your death is, then it's a bit unfair to die."

Dongfang Que looked back, stopped rummaging in the drawer, and looked her up and down again, "Are you not afraid of death?"

"Of course I'm afraid, but I know I can't die."

When she woke up just now, she checked her pulse for the first time and found that everything was normal.

Although she still hasn't figured out why this thousand poison barrels can wake her up, and why she suddenly fainted, as long as she wakes up, she won't be afraid of anything.

"Hey, you're a woman, you're quite arrogant." Dongfang Que seemed to have found something, and he jumped from the high ladder and jumped down.

Weighing the brocade box in his hand, he smiled and sat beside the barrel, "Do you know what's under your body? I'm afraid you haven't seen the poisonous snakes, scorpions and other ten thousand kinds of poisons inside, right? I'm not afraid to tell you the truth, the body of an ordinary person You can't stand these things at all, and you might be backlashed, or even poisoned again. Don't think that you'll be fine once you wake up. If you don't get a new antidote within three hours, you will fall into a coma again. Are you still not afraid now?"

"Lobelia, violet, pulsatilla, red vine... decoct these twenty-eight herbs in groups of four, let them cool for an hour, grind them into powder, and pour them under water, even though they are all Ordinary tonic, but it can just cure the poison in front of me, am I right?" Ling Muer raised her lips confidently.

"This is the secret detoxification formula of Medicine King Valley, how do you know?" Dongfang Que spoke very fast, almost yelling out after her words.

"Are you from Medicine King Valley?" Ling Muer exclaimed.


Before Dongfang Que could reply, the closed door was opened.

Su Ce was anxious, and walked in anxiously, "Are you awake?"

Seeing that there was no figure of Shangguan Shaochen behind him, Ling Muer frowned, "You sent me here?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, I didn't close my eyes for a whole day and night, but in the end, I didn't appreciate it at all."

Dongfang Que put a mocking palm on Su Ce's shoulder, "Master Su, it seems that you have the ability to charm thousands of girls, but unfortunately, you can't charm this one in front of you alone. How about it? Doesn't it feel exciting?"

"Pull out your tongue and explode it with oil, I believe it will be more exciting!"

Su Ce shook off his arm, and looked at Ling Muer again, he felt a little lost, "I sent you here, and that made you so unhappy?"

"I didn't mean that!" Ling Muer knew that he had misunderstood, she rolled Dongfang Que's eyes, wanted to get up, and realized that she was inconvenient at the moment, so she sighed, "It was late at night when I fainted, and I was at the house again , unless you happen to show up, how would you know that I'm sick? Besides, Shao Chen wouldn't have left me alone if it wasn't for some special reason."

Seeing that she trusted men other than him so much, Su Ce felt uncomfortable in every possible way.

"The news from King Xiaoyao seems to have some clues. Shangguan Shaochen has no choice but to rush there first, but I believe he will be back soon." Su Ce's tone was flat, but still made people feel a little unhappy.

"But the murderer has been found?" Ling Mu'er was very excited, she pulled the cloth around her body, and was about to get up, when she suddenly swung her body and fell straight into the barrel.



Both Su Ce and Dongfang Que were shocked.

"Didn't you say that the medicine barrel is very effective? What's going on with her!" Su Ce rudely pulled the collar of the Oriental Sparrow beside him, his face was full of anger, as if he wanted to swallow him alive.

Ling Muer, who felt her body gained strength after sitting still, finally understood the situation, "You said this little thief is the doctor who treats me?"

"Who are you calling the little thief?" Dongfang Que was upset.

He casually snatched the folding fan from Su Ce's waist, opened it with a clatter, raised his chin proudly, and put on a smile that he thought was very handsome, "My son is Dongfangque, the thirty-eighth direct disciple of Yaowang Valley." also."

After finishing speaking, he bent down and leaned in front of Ling Muer, keeping a distance of only a ruler from her, and glared at her unceremoniously, "How dare you call me a thief?"

Before Ling Mu'er could answer, Su Ce had already pulled him by the collar from behind and pushed him down not far away, and even threw him ruthlessly onto a chair in the corner, "Mu'er woke up, why didn't you notify me immediately? "

Dongfang Que was hurt by the fall, and kept screaming, "Hey, I said you are so rude! I am also the attending doctor of your sweetheart, how dare you treat me like this?"

"Talk nonsense again, and I'll make you unable to speak again for the rest of your life!" Su Ce was so cold that he rushed towards Dongfang Sparrow unceremoniously, as if he really planned to pull out his tongue.

Seeing this, Dongfang Que hurriedly raised his hands in surrender, and immediately confessed, "Young Master Su, stop, I know I was wrong."

Su Ce squinted his eyes, looked back at Ling Muer again, and changed his tone from the fierceness just now to gentle, "Are you okay?"

"Don't worry, it's just that your feet are numb." Ling Muer smiled, and looked at Dongfang Que. She still refused to believe that this person who looks good, but has a weird personality, sneaky behavior, and foolish behavior is the king of medicine Gu's successor, or her doctor, "Is this really Medicine King Valley?"

"Shangguan Shaochen was worried about your safety, so he rushed you here last night. You are right. After I heard about Concubine Yi, I wanted to go to the Second Prince's Mansion to inquire about the situation. I happened to see Shangguan Shaochen taking you out. I can’t rest assured that I’m following here.”

Su Ce explained, "Of course, if you don't like me here, I'll leave."

"Su Ce." Ling Muer hurriedly stopped him who turned to leave, "Thank you for being by my side every time I was in danger. I know that you have already treated me like a family member. I treat you again. Why not. So, thank you,"

loved ones?

What an ironic word.

However, he had to accept a title that he didn't want to accept.

"Just wake up." Su Ce nodded, with tenderness in his eyes, but when he looked at Dongfang Sparrow again, his tenderness turned cold, "What happened just now?"

"Didn't she say her feet were numb?" Dongfang Que rolled her eyes in disdain.

Seeing this, Su Ce quickly grasped the soft sword in his hand and was about to stab him with lightning speed.

Dongfang Que was terrified, and hurriedly dodged and ran behind Ling Muer, speaking faster and faster, "The medicines generated and restrained each other in the body, causing her to be severely poisoned. Although the condition is not very serious, it just so happens that she is pregnant and wants to be treated. It will damage the fetus in the womb, Miss Ling is also a doctor, I believe she knows her own situation better than me, am I right?"

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