
It wasn't that her feet were numb just now, but she didn't want to worry Su Ce, but she didn't expect to be able to deceive him.

Although these ten thousand poison barrels can wake her up, it is only temporary, and everything has pros and cons. Now that she wakes up, she has to bear new challenges.

That is, she was poisoned.

This poison requires a variety of antidote to resolve it, which is not as simple as silver needle detoxification.

To put it simply, fighting poison with poison can resolve it.

But how can pregnant women take medicine easily?

"Is there really no solution?" Su Ce looked at Ling Mu'er's face that also changed suddenly, and realized that Dongfang Que hadn't lied to him, and his heart instantly became tense.

Before Dongfang Que could react, the sharp sword in his hand immediately placed around his neck, forcing him back into a corner, "I don't care what you do, you must cure her, or I will kill you !"

"Brother, she is not your woman, why are you so nervous?"

Dongfang Que rolled his eyes, as if what was hanging around his neck was not a sharp sword at all, but a wooden stick with no offensive power, and he was joking with Su Ce with a playful smile.

"Looking for death!" Su Ce gritted his teeth and tried hard to scratch his artery.

Ling Muer hastily shouted, "Stop!"

When Dongfang Que saw Su Ce's doppelganger, he hurriedly pushed him away and ran behind Ling Muer, holding Ling Muer's sleeve with one hand, and pointing at Su Ce's face with the other, trembling all over with excitement, " You, you really wanted to kill me just now?"

"Since you can't cure her, what's the use of living in this world?" Su Ce was not at all ashamed of his murderous look.

"You—" Dongfangque was furious. He looked at Ling Muer, immediately softened, and began to cry pitifully, "Miss Yixian, you have to be the master for me. Miss me, the thirty-eighth generation descendant of Medicine King Valley." , I was threatened by other people's lives before I was a teacher. I haven't seen the great rivers and mountains outside, I haven't married the girl I love, I haven't married and have children, and I will die under the sword of this young master today. Why is my fate so tragic? Ah, the merciful and compassionate girl is the reincarnation of a bodhisattva, please save me, woo woo woo~"

"Shut up!"

Su Ce can't stand men who put on airs the most.

Although he understands Dongfang Que's temperament to a certain extent, the way he leans behind Ling Mu'er's back and looks pitiful is really annoying.

"I'll ask you one last time, is there really no way?"


The oriental sparrow stood up straight, cleared its throat, and put its hands behind its back, as arrogant as a peacock with its tail open.

"Young Master, I just said that I am also the thirty-eighth generation heir of the Medicine King Valley, and I am not in vain!"

He shook his head, turned his eyes to look at Su Ce, then turned his head to look at Ling Muer again, "If it is an ordinary person, this poison is nothing at all, just take the antidote in my hand." He took out a medicine bottle from the inside, "Unfortunately, the fetus in your womb is not yet three months old, so you must not take medicine lightly. Children are innocent, how can you deprive him of the opportunity to come to this world because of his physique?"

Dongfang Que clicked his tongue, "There is a method right now. Although Master and I have never tried it, we have simulated it thousands of times in our hearts. If you believe me, you can give it a try!"

"What way?" Ling Muer and Su Ce almost spoke in unison.

But Ling Muer was full of excitement, curious and probing.

But Su Ce looked serious.

"How sure are you?"

His tone was cold, and he walked forward slowly with a sullen face, his obsidian eyes were threatening with death, "She is definitely not a hamster that you can experiment with at will. If you are not sure, I will not allow you to do it yourself!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, big brother, I said why haven't you figured out the situation? Could it be that what I just said was not clear enough?" Dongfang Sparrow clicked his tongue, "This is the only way right now, the only way, do you understand?"

Seeing what Su Ce wanted to say, Ling Muer stopped her with her eyes.

Wrapped in her apron, she looked at Dongfang Sparrow curiously, "If there was any offense just now, Mu'er is willing to apologize to you, but I don't know what the Gu Master's method is, and Mu'er would like to hear about it."

Dongfang Sparrow seemed to have found shortness of breath, and hurriedly turned around with a look of excitement, "Are you really willing to be my test subject?"


This is somewhat straightforward.

"I don't want to, but you said it too, isn't it the only way? If you don't say it, how do you know if I want it or not?"

The Oriental Sparrow nodded, "Be courageous!"

He gave a thumbs up, "You are also a person who is proficient in medical skills. You should know that the only way is the way that ordinary people dare not try lightly, but you said it so lightly and without caring, which shows that your courage is indeed too much." people."

He nodded, "No wonder King Xian and the Second Prince admire you so much."

"If you keep talking nonsense, I'll make your tongue move tonight!" Su Ce threatened through gritted teeth.

Dongfang sparrow immediately stretched out its palm, as if to say: get down to business.

When he raised his eyes again, he had abandoned his seriousness and became extremely deep and serious.

If he hadn't been standing in front of him all the time and had never been in or out, Su Ce and Ling Mu'er would have thought that the man in front of him was just Dongfang Que's twin brother, and the two brothers had opposite personalities, two extremes.

"This method is the secret method that has been handed down from Yaowang Valley to this day. It is rumored that the master had demonstrated it twice in the past, and both of them were successful. In the later period, because there was no definite opportunity, and we could not use live experiments, the master and I This generation has never tried it, and the name of this method is - the technique of exchanging blood."


Almost as soon as Dongfang Que finished speaking, Su Ce denied it.

He rushed over in a hurry and stood in front of Ling Muer, as if he could keep her out and not be persecuted by Dongfang Sparrow.

"The art of exchanging blood is all hearsay, and it's just a false method. Once all the blood of the human body flows out, you will die on the spot. Dongfang Sparrow, if you have no choice, just say that there is no way. Why fool us and waste time!"

Su Ce said, pulling Ling Mu'er's arm, "Neither I nor Shangguan Shaochen will allow you to risk your own life. Since there is no way here, let's find a way elsewhere."

Seeing him grab Ling Muer and leave, Dongfang Que folded his arms and looked calm, "Since you don't believe in Medicine King Valley, why bother, go, go, go wherever you want, but once you get out Don’t even think about coming back to this door. According to the rules of Yaowang Valley, if you believe it, you will die! If you don’t believe it, you can leave, but if you come back, you will refuse to accept it!”

Dongfang Que crossed his legs proudly, although he looked at his fingernails casually, but his eyes were full of confidence.

"Su Ce!"

Ling Mu'er stood where she was, looking at the hands clasping his arms.

Su Ce realized that his behavior was very rude, so he quickly let her go, but he was afraid that she would agree to the proposal of the weird man behind him, so he hurriedly ordered, "I don't allow you to agree to him! Ling Muer, you are also a doctor and you should know the human body." If your blood is lost, you will die, you don't think about others, don't you think about Shangguan Shaochen?"

How humble to say this.

Just to prevent her from making rash decisions.

Ling Mu'er looked at Su Ce carefully, seeing the nervousness and concern in his eyes, she knew that she owed Su Ce in this life, even if she gave her life to him, she still didn't know.

"I believe him!"

As Ling Muer said, she turned around and returned to Dongfang Que.

Su Ce was stunned, and hurriedly chased after him, "Ling—"

"Master Su, I think Miss Ling wants to talk to me alone, why don't Mr. Su go out and have a cup of tea?"

Dongfang Que didn't turn her head back, she looked at Ling Mu'er with a smile, but what she said was to drive Su Ce away.


"He's right, I want to talk to him alone, is that okay?"

When Ling Mu'er turned her eyes, her eyes were filled with pleading.

Su Ce couldn't stand her expression the most. The girl he loved looked at him pitifully, even if he was asked to give up his life, he would be willing to do so.

"I'm right outside the door."

Su Ce sighed softly and quickly exited the room.

Ling Muer and Dongfang Que were the only two left in the room. I thought Dongfang Que would continue to play tricks on her, telling her what to do, and being sloppy, but I didn't expect his next words to be particularly serious.

"Although I appreciate your courage, to be honest, I've only heard about this method, and I haven't really tried it. You should think about it." Dongfang Que said sharply, "Once it fails, you and the fetus in your womb will die." Death, and of course I will not go to the funeral with you, because this is your own choice!"

Ling Mu'er nodded, "You are a doctor and I am a patient. It is too late for you to save me and thank you. How can I blame you? However, before I agree, can you tell me in detail how you plan to operate?"


Dongfang Que rolled her eyes, and suddenly leaned in front of her, "Huh, why, this is trying to steal a teacher's art? You are not called a medical fairy girl, you are very skilled in medicine, and you still need to come to others to steal your skills , tsk tsk tsk, it's really disgusting!"

If it was an ordinary person, Ling Mu'er would have shut his mouth shut when he heard such humiliation, but she probably understood Dongfang Que's temperament.

He likes to joke and is not serious, but he pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger. He is a smiling tiger.

"Use silver needles to block the patient's heart, and then take special pills to speed up the blood flow, and use a special leather tube to connect the blood vessels of the person who has undergone the transfusion. This process must be fast and uninterrupted. After the end, both sides of the transfusion must Take a special pill to ensure the smooth flow of new blood in the body. However, if there is any obstacle in the middle, both sides of the blood exchange will explode and die." Ling Muer curled her lips sideways, "I don't know if I'm right?"

"How do you know the specific operation method?"

Dongfang Que was stunned, "Not only does he know the prescription for detoxification, but he also knows the operation process of such a mysterious technique of exchanging blood. Tell me, are you the illegitimate daughter of the master who lives abroad!"

Ling Mu'er was startled, and was instantly amused, "Who in the world would have thought that the mysterious and highly skilled descendant of Yaowanggu would have such an unrestrained temperament, no wonder no one believes in Yaowanggu anymore,"

Dongfang Que seemed to be ignited instantly, "So you are not the master's illegitimate daughter. Could it be that you are the master's lover outside?"

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