Ling Muer only felt three black lines floating above her head.

"No wonder Su Ce has been wanting to pull out your tongue. I think so too."

Dongfang Que was startled for a moment, then held her head up, her brows and eyes were crooked, and she said flatteringly, "I'm just kidding."

He walked to Ling Mu'er's side, and rubbed her arm with his fingers, "It's not humorous at all, forget it, for you are so powerful, I just don't care about you."

He suddenly tapped on his toes, and flew to a certain grid. He didn't know what he took out, and he threw it casually into Ling Mu'er's arms.

Ling Mu'er took it almost instinctively, but when she opened it, there were a few large characters written on it, 'Yaowanggu Yuyao Integration'.

"I'm not from Medicine King Valley, so it's inappropriate to see this."

Dongfang Sparrow waved his hand indifferently, "I am the owner of the valley. Everything here is up to me. Those old rules were abolished when I took office. Don't worry, I won't I will bite you back and say that you stole a teacher to learn art."

Ling Muer shook her head, realizing that she really couldn't talk to him, but since he doesn't care anymore, why should she be embarrassed?


She opened it and saw that the first page was the technique of exchanging blood. She felt curious and read a few sentences carefully. Except for the different expressions in the words, the reasoning was exactly the same as what she had just said.

Strange, her method is the method of the new era. She just changed the machine into a special pill just now, just to make the oriental sparrow understand. But in ancient times, in such a feudal place, why did some people know the technique of exchanging blood?

Could it be that the ancestor of Yaowang Valley also came through time travel?

"I have to admit that Medicine King Valley is really powerful, no wonder it has shaken the world for many years." Ling Muer closed the ancient book and admired it sincerely.

"You're not bad either. No wonder you're called a medical fairy girl. To be honest, I admire you for your accomplishments at such a young age!"

Dongfang Que cupped his fists and arched at her, before Ling Mu'er could be polite, he asked another nervous question.

"However, even if you agree to be a guinea pig for experiments, what's the point? We haven't been able to find a suitable replacement for the time being."

Dongfang Que was a little embarrassed, "The reason why the technique of exchanging blood is difficult and mysterious is precisely because the blood cannot be exchanged at will. It's not that if someone is captured, his blood can be integrated into your body. That is to say, Mr. Su outside the door may not Okay, and I don't have such a loving and selfless spirit to give you the blood in my body, and you, time is running out."

The words "not much time", like a time bomb, exploded in Ling Mu'er's body with a bang.

She immediately checked her pulse. Indeed, the pulse that was beating violently just now became very weak at some point. Unlike her strange illness this time, she was seriously poisoned and was about to flow to the internal organs.

Once it reaches the internal organs, it will harm the fetus in the womb. It is conservatively estimated that she has less than a day left.

"I'll exchange blood for her!"

With this sound, the closed door was opened from the outside, and Shangguan Shaochen walked in with a serious face.

"Shao Chen?"

Ling Muer rushed over to meet her, "Su Ce said that there are clues in the palace, but did you find the murderer who murdered Concubine Yi?"

Shangguan Shaochen tightly hugged her body, listening to her familiar heartbeat, he put his heart back into his stomach, "Leave the matter of Concubine Yi to me, don't worry about it anymore, your body is important."

"How can I do that? I was the one who rescued Concubine Yi. Her sudden death was a big blow to me. I must know who the murderer is!" Ling Muer refused, "What clues did you find?"

"When my aunt went to the palace to investigate, she accidentally discovered that the beads on the body of an unknown nobleman of the father were exactly the same as those in the nails of Concubine Yi, so she was immediately arrested secretly, but after questioning, she found out that they were all the same. There was a misunderstanding, and the murderer was not her." Shangguan Shaochen knew that if he didn't speak up, Mu'er would definitely feel uneasy, so it's better to tell her honestly and let her feel at ease.

"Isn't that exposed!"

Ling Mu'er immediately became nervous, "The sequins came from Fanbang's attack, there must be many of them, just looking for the sequins is not enough, I still need to find clues to the button, how is the situation with Xiaoyao Wang?"

"Princess Xiaoyao pretended to pack up the relics for Concubine Yi, and has secretly visited many concubines' bedrooms, but still found nothing."

Shangguan Shaochen sighed, seeing that Ling Muer was full of disappointment, he held her tightly in his arms, "Muer, promise me, don't worry about things that have nothing to do with you, you body..."

"The second prince is right. Instead of worrying about others, you should worry about yourself. You don't have much time!"

Oriental Sparrow jumped out at the right time, ruthlessly exposing the fact that she was about to die.

Ling Mu'er gave him a blank look, implying that he talked too much, and seeing Shangguan Shaochen's nervous look, she quickly smiled, "I'm a medical fairy girl, I won't die, don't worry, we will definitely return There are other ways."

"There is no way for Yaowanggu, how could there be other ways!" Dongfang Que's weak voice came again.

Seeing that Ling Muer was about to get angry, Dongfang Que hurriedly dodged and hid behind Shangguan Shaochen. "Hey, this royal family member, when you knocked on the door just now, you said that you came to exchange blood, is it true?"


Shangguan Shaochen said firmly, "I am Mu'er's husband, and it would be perfect for me to replace him."

"But your blood may not be suitable."

"He's not suitable, and me!"

Su Ce stood outside the door with piercing eyes and no fear.

"The second prince on the left, the virtuous king on the right, the life of the medical fairy girl is really worth it."

Dongfang Que placed her hands on her chin in the shape of a flower, looking at Ling Muer eagerly, with envy and hatred written all over her eyes.

Ling Mu'er kicked him on the calf unceremoniously, "No wonder Yaowanggu has been defeated so far. With a closed disciple like you, it's no wonder that it doesn't decline!"

"You..." Dongfang Que was anxious, "You woman, don't forget that I am your attending doctor."

"So what, I already know all about the operation process of the blood exchange technique, and I can completely operate it myself!" Ling Muer pointed to the ancient book he gave her.

"Yo, this is something you can handle." Dongfang Que didn't believe it at all. "Why didn't you say that you can come back from the dead!"

"Then let me tell you, I am resurrected from the dead, can you believe it?"

As Ling Muer spoke, she deliberately lowered her voice, speaking mysteriously and furtively.

That mysterious appearance made Dongfang Que shudder. Like a homeless child, he tightly grasped Shangguan Shaochen's sleeve, "Brother Shangguan, save me, your woman's eyes are so scary, I'm so scared." So scary."

"You are afraid of a ghost!"

Before Shangguan Shaochen could speak, Su Ce had already picked up Dongfang Que first, "Be serious, how can we tell the difference between the blood of the two of us so that we can give it to Miss Ling?"

"If you tell me to be serious, I will be serious. Then if you tell me to die, don't I have to go to see Lord Yan now?" Dongfang Que was very unhappy to be ordered like this, "Hey, Ling Muer, the world is talking about you It's a medical fairy girl, her medical skill is better than Hua Tuo's, dare you compete with me?"

"Okay, what is the comparison, who will die first?" Ling Mu'er snorted, what she said just now was not adulterated, she was indeed a person who died once, didn't she just come back from death.


Dongfang Sparrow pouted her nose, "After you recover from your illness this time, do you dare to compete with me whose medical skills are better?"

"What about the bet?"

"It's enough to know who is good. What do you want to bet on?" Dongfang Que put his arms around his chest, "Do you want money, or someone? Why, you are already married to an old lady, and you still covet me?"

Ling Mu'er punched him on the head unceremoniously, and when he was about to get angry, she curled her lips, "Bet the Medicine King Valley, if you lose, I will pay the whole Medicine King Valley to me."

"Then what if you lose!"

"Either win you, or die."

Dongfangque didn't speak for a while, and silently gave her a thumbs up.

"You two come with me."

He hooked his fingers at Shangguan Shaochen and Su Ce, turned around, but saw that the two of them hadn't followed, he yelled angrily, "Aren't you going to save someone, but come here to check who the blood of the two of you is suitable for! "

"No one can!"

Ling Mu'er stood in front of the two of them, "I have the final say on my body, I don't need the blood of either of you. So neither of you can do it!"

"Mu'er!" Shangguan Shaochen and Su Ce spoke in unison, calling her eagerly.

"The second prince comes first. If he doesn't work, I am willing to give it a try!" Su Ce cleared his throat in embarrassment, and took half a step back consciously.

Shangguan Shaochen held Ling Mu'er tightly in his arms, "Girl, as I said, I will protect you with my life! If my blood can save you, then it must be me, because you are my woman! "

What a touching confession.

Ling Mu'er asked herself that she wasn't a person with low tears, but when she heard this, she wanted to cry for no reason.

"Tsk tsk tsk, man, it's that stinky mouth that can speak!" Dongfang Que shuddered, "It's no wonder that so many miserable women in the world are seduced by smooth-talking men like you."

He sighed strangely, and before everyone could understand what he was going to do, he suddenly dragged Shangguan Shaochen away, "It's just a change of blood, not to kill him, besides, he once took the fruit of Bailingxian , what are you afraid of?"

"How do you know that he has taken the fruit of Bailingxian?" Ling Muer was shocked this time.

Although it wasn't a secret that she used Bailingxian to save Shaochen back then, she didn't publicize it. If Dongfang Que, a man with an unpredictable temperament, could know what he had taken in his body just by looking at it, then he His medical skills are simply superb!

"What did I say just now? My lord is the thirty-eighth generation heir of Medicine King Valley, heir!"

As Dongfang Que said, he had already taken Shangguan Shaochen away, and when his body completely disappeared, he stretched out his finger and ticked Su Ce, "Don't Mr. Su plan to be a hero to save the beauty? What are you waiting for, come on!" ah!"

An hour later, Dongfangque brought two messages to Ling Muer.

"Bad news, Mr. Su's blood is not good, good news, your man's blood is fine!"

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