
The roof shattered, and several heavy bodies fell down.

Ling Mu'er, who was in a coma, seemed to hear something, and felt very irritable. She frowned,

Dong Fangque, who was observing the situation at any time and looking for acupuncture points to give acupuncture at any time, was very calm, and injected an injection on the acupuncture point on Ling Muer's neck without looking back, and even said in a gentle voice: "Good boy, don't get angry, don't get angry, Whatever happens is none of your business, come, hold your breath with me..."

The voice seemed to have magical powers, and Ling Mu'er, who was restless, really calmed down. Her brows gradually relaxed, and her originally pale complexion became a little rosy.

"There is only a quarter of an hour left. These people can't wait for a moment, how stingy!"

Dongfang Que said, put down the silver needle in his hand very unhappily, and looked at the opposite side three meters away. Su Ce was desperately blocking the man in black who wanted to rush over. He put his hands on both sides of his mouth and roared softly, "Mr. Su Come on, there are only three people left, easy to deal with."

Su Ce, who was injured in many places on his body, frowned tightly, without turning his head, "How are the two of them doing?"

"Okay, that's great, but the last moment is the most important moment. Once they are obstructed, both of them will surely die. It's up to you!"

After Dongfang Que finished speaking, he put his hands down, and hurriedly took out the silver needle, first pierced Ling Muer's chest, then quickly turned to Shangguan Shaochen's chest, and pierced the same position.

In the end, he patted his chest and let out a breath like he was reborn after a catastrophe, "Huh, fortunately, my master reacted quickly enough."

The fight ahead is fierce, why isn't it the same tension here?

With the lesson learned just now, Dongfang Que didn't dare to move his eyes half an inch away, and kept carefully observing the expressions and pulse of the two of them.

Suddenly, the pulse of the person on the left became disordered. When Dongfangque looked back, he saw a slight fluctuation in his originally calm body.

The oriental sparrow instantly became tense!

"Hey, I told you not to get angry, don't get angry, so what if the killer comes, if your situation continues, before the killer comes, you will explode and die!"

Dongfang Que spoke nervously to Ling Muer, hoping that she could hear her own words and calm down when she was in a coma.

Unexpectedly, the situation not only did not get better, but even worsened. Ling Mu'er's body shook violently, and her pulse beat faster.

"Ling Muer, Doctor Ling!"

Dongfang Que became anxious, and there was no relief on his face anymore. He completely let go of Shangguan Shaochen, and pressed both sides of her arms with both hands, hoping to hold her body that would explode at any time.

But with this operation, it is impossible to check her pulse, and it is impossible to know the condition of her body at the moment, which is very dangerous for Ling Muer.

"what happened?"

Su Ce, who was fighting ahead, realized that something was wrong.

"No, it's nothing, you are responsible for the killer, and I am responsible for the woman you miss!"

As Dongfang Que said, she suddenly raised her right foot and firmly stepped on Ling Muer's hand, and then went to visit Ling Muer's wrist with her free hand.

And at this moment, Ling Mu'er, who was as strong as a cow, seemed to have encountered something, she suddenly roared, and sat up suddenly.

After taking special drugs, she would not wake up logically. The sound of fighting here might disturb her and make her mentally confused, but she would never wake up.

But Ling Mu'er just woke up like this, and even, it seemed... that she was still in good spirits.

"I'll go, what's the situation?"

Dongfangque, who was shaken, stood up in a panic. He had never encountered such a situation before. He hurriedly took out the ancient book and planned to read it, but realized that now was not the time to sharpen his gun. Ling Muer.

"I said Ling Yixian, the blood exchange technique has not been completed yet, you are sure to drag your man's body to help the man opposite!"

"I feel in good physical condition now and these operations can be terminated."

Ling Muer's face was relaxed, she was right, she was not lying, she felt very comfortable in her body at this moment, a comfort she had never felt before.

It is true in ancient books that after undergoing a blood exchange, both of them will be very weak and need to cultivate for at least half a month.

But for some reason, her body was as if she had taken the Shiquan Dabu Pill, and she was extremely strong. She also looked at Shangguan Shaochen, and there was no problem. She decided that she was going to help Su Ce.

And at this moment, Su Ce suddenly shouted in front, "It's poisonous smoke, Oriental Sparrow, I'll leave it to you!"

Dongfang Que and Ling Muer immediately looked back when they heard the sound, and saw countless bamboo tubes on the paper windows on the left and right sides, with smoke coming out of the ends, which had a special smell.

"My dear mother, this is to put people to death, destroy my medicine king Gumanmen!"

Dongfangque was the first to react, and saw him suddenly rushing to the wall behind him, pressing something, and suddenly an iron wall rose a foot away from the stone bed.

That's right, the wall made of reinforced iron plates rises high with the trigger of the switch, blocking everything outside and completely cutting off the outside into two worlds.

"Fortunately, I have the foresight, and I didn't expect it to come in handy!" Dongfang Que patted his chest happily, and looked back at Ling Muer, "Don't worry, I have been researching and making this iron wall for half a year. It is invulnerable to swords and guns, and it can also prevent any gas from entering, and the mechanism is only available indoors, and outsiders can't break in no matter how powerful their martial arts are."

At the end of the sentence, Dongfang Que put on a boastful smile, as if to say: Did I do a good job.

But the expected praise didn't come, but Ling Muer's face was full of shame.

"What the hell are you, you isolated us, what about Su Ce?"

"Sister, didn't you see the poisonous smoke outside? If I hadn't raised the iron wall in time, all of us would have been poisoned to death by the poisonous smoke. You don't want to die." At this time, you still have the mood to care about others, really stupid.

"Then what about Su Ce? How can he deal with so many killers by himself? How can we abandon him only for personal safety?"

Ling Muer didn't dare to think about what Su Ce was going to face, let alone what his result would be.

Regardless of her own situation, she settled down with Shangguan Shaochen and got out of bed to save others, but how could Dongfangque allow her little white mouse to give up her life by herself?

"Ling Muer! Even if you don't care about yourself, what about your man? Shangguan Shaochen gave you all his own blood. If you pull out the hose at this time, he will explode and die. How can you Think it through, is it your man that matters or the life of that man outside!"

With a roar, Ling Mu'er was completely fooled.

She looked at Shangguan Shaochen nervously, at the moment he was falling asleep, completely unaware of what had happened.

She didn't know why she woke up early during this operation, presumably it was because of the blood precipitated from the Bailingxian fruit in her body, and she was also very sure that as long as she didn't mess around, nothing would happen to Shao Chen.

But what about Su Ce?

Are you really going to abandon him?

he will die!

"One is my husband, and the other is a friend who is as important as my life. I want the lives of both!"

After saying that, Ling Muer took the silver needle from Dongfang Que's hand and tried a few needles on the important acupuncture points on Shangguan Shaochen's body. After confirming that the blood would no longer flow, she pulled out the soft leather tube on her body, and with a thought, she jumped in inside the space.

When Dongfang Que realized it, where was Ling Muer still in the room?

"Am I dazzled? People!"

The moving space came out of the iron wall, and when Ling Muer came out of the space, she saw Su Ce lying on the ground, and the machete in the man's hand landed on his neck just three centimeters away.

The silver needle in her hand flew out from her cuff and knocked down the killer's sword. Ling Muer rushed over and lifted Su Ce's body with difficulty. She escaped one assassination by the man in black, but not the second time. She only heard her cry Shouting, his wrist was injured by the machete in the hands of the man in black.

This move seemed to have completely aroused the anger in Ling Mu'er's heart, only to hear her curse "damn it", and suddenly stretched out her hands to burst out all the strength in her body.


The only two remaining men in black couldn't bear the powerful force emanating from Ling Muer's body, they were all thrown out, and hit the wall behind them straight.

Several silver needles flew out of Ling Muer's body, and the man in black was pierced with dozens of silver needles on his chest like a hedgehog, and died on the spot.

"Su Ce!"

When he returned to Su Ce's side again, Ling Muer hurriedly checked his pulse, and found that he was only temporarily fainted from the injury, and was not injured by the poisonous smoke. He was relieved, and hurriedly took out the pill from the space and took it for him .

Looking at the men in black on the ground, she counted them, and there were more than a dozen of them. Did he rely on this body to fight against these people for so long?

"What I owe you will be repaid in my next life!"

After making sure that all the poisonous smoke in the room had been eliminated by her, Ling Muer carried Su Ce and knocked on the tightly closed iron wall.

The iron wall fell, and the face of Dongfang Que was facing him.

When he looked at Ling Muer in front of him, and then looked back at the empty room, his facial features were ferocious, and there was a strong curiosity between his brows, "You, how did you get out of this woman?"

"What are you still doing, help me."

Throwing Su Ce's body directly to Dongfang Que, Ling Muer was exhausted and fell to the ground after all.

"Don't worry, all the poisonous smoke will dissipate and will not endanger your life. No matter what, thank you today."

As she said, she closed her eyes and almost fainted again.

She hastily inserted the silver needle into the acupuncture point on her head, and then she woke up.

Dongfang Que stared at her like a monster, even though there was still a fainted man hanging on his body, he still looked at her curiously, "Sorceress, you are indeed a witch, what kind of magic did you use just now?" Did you just leave alone?"

Looking at Dongfang Que, she looked at her full of vigilance, treating her like a scourge.

Ling Mu'er stood up with her arms propped up, and stood squarely in front of him, "Why, do you think I'm scary? Want to kill me?"

For a long time, the oriental sparrow did not make any sound.

Just when Ling Mu'er really thought that he was going to kill people to make excuses, he suddenly threw Su Ce aside, knelt down in front of her sincerely, and grabbed her sleeves with both hands, "Master, From now on, you will be my master, please save the child, what kind of sorcery is so powerful, please pass it on to my apprentice!"

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