"The little servant dares to accept your things. It seems that he is really impatient." When Shangguan Shaochen walked over, his eyes were threatening, "I don't know what my concubine found?"

"Concubine Yi had no contact with anyone on the day of her death, but she was murdered by Concubine Min, that is, she was lured out. At that time, there were no other slaves in the emperor's bedroom except Eunuch Xi."

Ling Muer's voice became smaller and smaller, she looked up at Shangguan Shaochen again, "Why would a person who is loyal to the emperor suddenly betray his master? Husband, I'm afraid you still need to investigate this matter."

"give it to me."

After Shangguan Shaochen finished speaking, he took her out of the imperial study room, "Since father is seriously ill and has disappeared, it can be seen how angry he is about this matter. This time, the third child may have shot himself in the foot with a rock."

"So we must quickly find the evidence that Concubine Min murdered Concubine Yi, so that Qin Yuheng can be rescued!"

After speaking, Ling Muer dragged him back to Concubine Min Gui's bedroom.

Nangong Yizhi has been waiting here, "Cousin, you two can be counted back, these Yulin soldiers are really elm-brained, no matter what method I use, they won't let me in, and they won't let me touch the brazier, why? What to do? Another hour passed, even if the button was still there just now, it was burned to ashes now. It is said that Concubine Min was seriously injured. Once she was injured like this, wouldn’t our previous efforts be in vain? In vain?"

Ling Muer patted him on the shoulder, "Yizhi, I didn't expect you to be so concerned about Concubine Yi's death, thank you so much!"

Nangong Yizhi was suddenly taken aback by Ling Muer's actions. He was a little confused, "What's your situation? You didn't drag me to investigate together, but you left me here to try to get close to the brazier." , What are you doing, I warn you, don't look at me with such dangerous eyes!"

As he said that, he moved to avoid it, but unfortunately, Shangguan Shaochen, a wife-protecting madman, would always stand by his wife's side.

"Cousin, let me tell you, are you still a man? You just protect her like this, and you don't care what she wants to do?" Nangong Yizhi collapsed.

"Mu'er is definitely not the kind of person with evil intentions. Since she has thought of a way, why not try?"

Shangguan Shaochen smiled, but kept blocking Nangong Yizhi from escaping.

"Don't worry, I'm not asking you to die!" Ling Mu'er's smile became more and more frightening.

Nangong Yizhi was thinking about how to escape when his cousin was off guard, when a crying sound got closer and closer.

"Mu'er, Mu'er, please help us."

When Princess Xiaoyao rushed over, she knelt down in front of Shangguan Shaochen and Ling Mu'er, "Second prince, please save my master, you are the only one in the palace who has this ability, I promise, you will never let my master come out!" He will investigate this matter again. I, I will take him out of the palace, let's leave the capital, I can't live without my master!"

The sudden appearance of Princess Xiaoyao really disrupted the plans of several people.

Ling Mu'er hurriedly helped her up, "It happened suddenly, we didn't expect it to happen, you get up first."

"If you don't promise to help us, I won't get up!"

"If you don't get up and listen to me, how do you know I won't help?" Ling Mu'er was also a little angry, "I have already gone to the emperor, but the emperor refused to see him and handed Qin Yuheng over to Qin Ruochen for interrogation. Qin Ruochen's criminal law came to us, don't worry, we have already thought of a way, but we need someone's help."

Looking back, she looked at Nangong Yizhi.

Seeing this, Princess Xiaoyao suddenly wanted to kowtow to Nangong Yizhi, scaring the latter up three feet, and hurriedly hid behind Shangguan Shaochen.

"Don't, I'm afraid of losing my life, I haven't lived enough yet!"

He dodged, "You guys, what exactly do you want to do? If you want me to take risks, you have to tell me what to do."

"No matter what you do, as the eldest son of the Marquis of Ningguo, I should be the first to rush forward!"

When Mrs. Ning Guohou appeared, she was always upright and righteous.

If Nangong Yizhi felt that there was a chance to escape just now, now he is completely disheartened.

"Mother and concubine, they are sending their son to die. You agree to them without asking?"

"Concubine Yi is also my good sister. Although we don't get along much, she is kind and generous. She was killed and died suddenly. If I don't find the real murderer for her, I will feel uneasy."

Mrs. Ning Guohou looked at Ling Muer, "Did you think of any way to make Concubine Min confess her guilt?"

"The godmother also thinks it was Concubine Min who did it?" Ling Muer heaved a sigh of relief.

"I've heard about today's events. Concubine Mingui will commit suicide by jumping into a brazier?" Mrs. Ning Guohou sneered, "If she hadn't done something wrong, she wouldn't have died if the knife was on her neck. That woman The methods are very vicious, if Qin Xuanting is said to be insidious and cunning, she is a complete poisonous woman!"

The corners of Madam Ning Guohou's mouth twitched, "I'm afraid you all fell into her tricks today, she deliberately pushed you into a hurry to attack her, so that she became a victim and a weak person, it was a simple matter It's complicated by you guys, but it's okay, I guess you must have a way!"

After finishing speaking, she looked at Ling Muer appreciatively, "Tell me, what needs to be done, if this kid refuses to agree, I will tie him up too!"

Nangong Yizhi only felt that his last hope was also shattered, "Oh, in this world, a son is a real son, and a mother is not a real mother, it's really not certain!"

In the prison.

Qin Yuheng struggled, causing the bracelets and anklets to rattle. His face was ferocious, and his emotions were very out of control, "Qin Ruochen, let me go. I didn't kill anyone and I didn't make any mistakes. Why do you wear this on me?"

His scarlet eyes immediately turned to the jailer, "What are you still doing, I order you to let go..."


The long whip lashed at Qin Yuheng's body, making a loud noise, causing pain even in the air.

Everyone present held their breath and did not dare to vent their breath. Seeing Qin Yuheng's sudden throbbing pain and being unable to speak again, everyone was so scared that they broke out in cold sweat and looked carefully at the master in front of them.

"My lord? Heh, Brother Sanhuang has lost his memory. When the father ordered you to be imprisoned in the sky prison, he removed your status as a lord. You... are just a nameless prisoner now!"

Qin Ruochen's voice was evil, his eyes narrowed, and when he looked at Qin Yuheng with a smile, there was a villainous smile in his eyes. Seeing that he hadn't recovered from the pain just now, he threw away the long whip in his hand, and walked forward. Grabbing his jaw, "Tell me, Brother Sanhuang, what did you do to Concubine Min, how did you force her into the brazier, and what was your plan to pierce her left shoulder? According to your swordsmanship, you clearly You can pierce her chest, but torture her on purpose, right? As long as you truthfully explain your crime process and inner thoughts, I will record it carefully and ask Father to be extra merciful to you."

"She killed my mother and concubine first, and then destroyed the evidence privately. This king followed the order of his father to find the murderer. Concubine Min is the murderer. You should arrest her instead of me!"

Enduring the severe pain of being whipped with a long whip, Qin Yuheng struggled to shake off his imprisoned jaw, and seeing Qin Ruochen's humble face, he was so angry that he wanted to open his bloody mouth to swallow him alive.

"Qin Ruochen, Father just asked you to imprison me, not to punish me, let me go!"

"Oh, what an arrogant tone." Qin Ruochen sneered.

Turn around, go back to the chair and sit down, legs crossed, like the master of the entire dungeon, "Since father entrusted this case to me, then this is my territory, and I don't care who I want to do to anyone." According to my mood!"

After finishing speaking, he picked up the teacup on the table beside him and sipped the fragrance of the tea carefully, "It just so happens that you annoyed me, so guess what you will face next?"

His voice was so slow that no trace of viciousness could be heard, but just after he finished speaking, the teacup in his hand suddenly smashed towards Qin Yuheng.

Qin Yuheng, who was tied up, couldn't dodge in time, and felt a dull pain, and blood immediately dripped from his forehead.

"Ah, I accidentally missed and injured Brother Three Emperors, I'm really sorry."

Qin Ruochen shrugged pretending to be ignorant, seeing Qin Yuheng's murderous eyes, he picked up the long whip on the ground, and unceremoniously hit his chest again!


Qin Yuheng couldn't bear the pain, he screamed, with beads of sweat dripping down his forehead, "Qin, Qin Ruochen, you must... die."

"Dead? What should I do, the person who is about to die seems to be you!"

Qin Ruochen sneered, and impatiently waved to the civil servant, "Go, let him sign and pledge. As a prince, but murdered his father's favorite concubine, the death penalty can be avoided, and the father must have a certain relationship."

"I'm not wrong, why do you want me to pledge! Concubine Min Gui murdered my concubine mother, she is the murderer, she should be the one who should be damned!"

Seeing that several people pressed his arms and were about to press their fingerprints on the document filled with unknown contents, Qin Yuheng struggled with all his strength, "Qin Ruochen, you should go to Concubine Min to find evidence, she is a murderer, she The purpose of jumping into the brazier was to burn the evidence. The mother concubine had the buttons of her clothes in her hands, and the clothes she burned happened to be the ones that lost the buttons. Also, I didn't intend to kill her, my sword just missed. It was a miss!"


Qin Ruochen turned around, his eyes were tightly wrinkled, and his face was full of innocence, "It's a pity what to do, pressing the fingerprint is equivalent to pleading guilty! Don't worry, Concubine Min, that poisonous woman, I will clean up for you, as for you..."

He looked at the document handed over by the civil servant with satisfaction. He was not interested in what was written on it, and the civil servant did not dare to tamper with the document, but with this in hand, whether Qin Yuheng's life or death was in his hands middle?

"A piece of mud that can't support the wall should have died a long time ago. It was your greed that insisted on staying in the capital, not only killing your mother and concubine, but also implicating your whole family. Qin Yuheng, Qin Yuheng, you are the one who killed yourself! "

"It's you, you also have a share in the death of the concubine, right! Concubine Min was banned from the harem, and she couldn't enter the front court to see the concubine mother. It was you who tricked the concubine mother out. Qin Ruochen, is it you!"

Looking at the murderous look in his eyes, Qin Yuheng suddenly figured it out.

Why was Qin Ruochen so eager to put him to death, why did he protect Concubine Min? From the moment he dealt with Lao Qi, he was never a good stubble!

Holding the iron chain, Qin Yuheng wanted to rush to him, but he was tied up like an animal, so he couldn't rush at all.

"Tsk tsk tsk, how can you say that, Brother Huang? I have no enmity with Concubine Yi, so how could I kill her so cruelly? I just contributed to the flames a little, who knows that the old woman can't stand the trouble... ..."

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