"Qin Ruochen, you must die!"

"Don't worry, I will stare wide-eyed and watch you die!"

Ignoring Qin Yuheng's roar, Qin Ruochen waved his hand and took everyone away, "Two princes died within a month, father's illness, I'm afraid it won't get better!"

Watching the sixth prince leave the cage, Qin Yuheng grasped the iron chain and felt that the sky was about to fall.

"Qin Ruochen, even if I die, I won't let you go, even if I'm a ghost, I won't let you go!"

His roar spread to every corner of the cage, but there was no response for a long time.

No, he can't sit still, Qin Ruochen must find a way to tell the second brother about the fact that Qin Ruochen has a part in this matter.

Qin Yuheng made up his mind, and with all his strength he endured the pain and yelled at the outside of the prison, "Come here, my king wants a letter, I'm waiting for you with pen, ink, paper and inkstone, come here!"

"This king is innocent. This king was ordered by the holy order to investigate the murderer. This king did not murder Concubine Min. You let me out, come!"

I don't know how long he yelled, but he felt that all the strength in his body was about to be used up, and the wound on his forehead was still cracking. After bearing two whips with Qin Ruochen's full strength, his chest seemed to burst.

"Give me a chance to complain, even if I die, let me leave a suicide note, my king... I beg you."

He knew that if he kept screaming like this, he might not be able to last until the last moment.

But he couldn't give up a single chance.


"My lord?"

Suddenly, a small voice came from beside his ears, and the dazed Qin Yuheng thought he had heard a hallucination. He opened his eyes with difficulty, as if he saw a figure.

"Is it a dream? No, it must be hell. I'm already dead, right?"

He murmured softly, words that he couldn't even hear clearly, but the person who spoke could hear clearly.

"My lord, are you alright?"

The visitor cautiously looked around, and after making sure no one had noticed, he hurriedly opened the cage and rushed over.

Seeing Qin Yuheng's body covered in wounds, even a grown man couldn't help but shudder, "The Sixth Prince's methods are simply too vicious, my lord, you have to hold on."

"Heat? Could it be that I'm not dead yet?" Qin Yuheng opened his eyes again with difficulty, the figure was much closer, and he could see it more clearly.

"It's you?"

"That's right, it's the young one." The jailer nodded, and took out the handkerchief his wife gave him to wipe the wound on his forehead, "The lord has suffered, although the slave knows that the lord was wronged, but the slave is just a little boy." The jailer, there is no way to let you out, so I have to rub some medicine on you, please bear with it."

As he spoke, the jailer took out the golden sore medicine from his pocket and sprinkled it on Qin Yuheng's wound.

The moment the medicine powder sprinkled on the wound, Qin Yuheng only felt a sharp pain. He opened his mouth and wanted to scream, but he knew that if he made a sound, not only would he die, but the jailer in front of him would also be hurt.

He gritted his teeth tightly, enduring the severe pain for life.

"Many, thank you!"

"My lord, you don't need to thank me." The jailer put away the golden sore medicine, "I'm a jailer, and I don't have much medicine in my hand, so I have to pick the serious ones first, but don't worry, my lord, if you have anything to explain, just tell me."

It never occurred to me that someone would actually respond to my call.

I'm afraid that the jailer risked his death to get close to him.

"There are Qin Ruochen's people everywhere in the dungeon, aren't you afraid of being discovered?" Qin Yuheng hesitated.

After all, no one dares to approach him.

He was worried that it was fried inside.

"Don't worry, my lord, it's time to change shifts. The sixth prince rewarded a lot of money just before he left. The jailer and his brothers all went to drink, and they won't be back for a while. However, the slaves can't stay too long. , If you have anything to say, hurry up."

The jailer looked at him nervously, and wanted to turn around to get the pen, ink, paper and inkstone. After thinking for a while, he touched the back of his head in embarrassment, "Forgive me, my lord, I can't read and write for you, but don't worry, I have a good memory, what you want to say, I will try my best to convey it, but, it's best not to say too much."

Qin Yuheng, who was in severe pain, was amused by these words. He opened his eyes wide and looked carefully at the jailer's face. He swore that if he could get out, he would definitely use it.

"You pass on the message to Second Emperor Brother for me, saying that Qin Ruochen was also involved in the murder of mother and concubine Qin Ruochen, and there is a ghost beside Father Emperor."

"that's it?"

The jailer was amazed, and though he was shocked by the words, he thought he would say more.

"Why help me?" Qin Yuheng frowned as if he heard some voice, "No, someone is here, you are going out soon, remember, you must pass the words to the ears of the second emperor, be sure."

The jailer also heard the sound, and he hurriedly left the cage, but because of his guilty conscience, when he was locked, his body trembled, and the chain head fell off several times.

"Back, back to the lord, you sent someone to send me the bank note after you went out last time. Although the person didn't mention it was you, I knew it was you. The lord is a man of faith. Remember to send me the bank note after you go out. It is the blessing of the slave to treat the slave well, and he should give back to you whatever he says. Don't worry, I will definitely do it."

As he spoke, the jailer turned around and ran, but just a few steps away, he bumped into a wall of flesh.

The jailer was terrified, his whole body tensed up, and he looked at the person cautiously. Sure enough, there was a face full of anger.

"You slave, what did you just say you did?"

With an extremely majestic voice, the oppressive jailer didn't dare to raise his head. He was trembling and didn't know how to explain it, "Back, back to the prison head, I didn't say anything just now!"

"Bastard!" The old man was furious, "Don't think I didn't hear anything just now, say, what did you promise to that guy!"

The cell boss grabbed his collar with both hands and pulled him up abruptly, his face was full of anger as if it would explode at any time.

From Qin Yuheng's point of view, he couldn't see what happened diagonally across, but when he heard the voice, he realized that the jailer was in trouble.

If he hurt an innocent person because of himself, he would not die in peace.

Yes, it was only after entering the prison twice that he realized how stupid he was before. If he had another chance, he vowed that he would not be such a jerk, and would definitely keep his crown prince's position.

"You sons of bitches, this king asked you to do something, but he is so low-minded! This king is not dead yet, even if this king is not the king of Xiaoyao, he is still the heir of the royal family. If you dare to treat me like this, if you have the ability Come here and let me see who they are, I swear, after I get out, I will cut you into pieces, definitely!"

Qin Yuheng roared, his throat was broken, and he roared hoarsely.

The cell leader who had been drinking was already delirious, and when he heard someone swearing so much, he had long forgotten the jailer's sneaky actions just now. He slammed the jailer away, strode towards the cage, looked at Qin Yuheng who was covered in blood, He sneered, "Hmph, it's just a dying prince, still arrogant in front of me! Qin Yuheng, do you really think you can still live to see the sun tomorrow?"

Seeing the cell boss running towards Qin Yuheng, the jailer knew that it was the third prince who deliberately sent them away, so the jailer hurriedly turned around and ran to complete his mission.

"So what if you see it, so what if you don't see it? This king only knows that you are just Qin Ruochen's running dog, and you will end up like him in the future, with nowhere to die!" Qin Yuheng gritted his teeth and looked at the jailer with disdain , Seeing the jailer run away from the corner of his eye, he was slightly relieved from the bottom of his heart.

Second brother, brother is waiting for you.

"Well, you are dying, you dare to curse me, let's see how I teach you today!"

The cell boss said, and fetched the key to open the cell door, "I haven't taught the prince a lesson yet, today I just tried it out!"

As he said that, a muffled fist landed on Qin Yuheng's head.

Qin Yuheng couldn't dodge, he just felt dizzy for a while, and his life was dying, and he was dying.

"Your Majesty, why are you up? The imperial doctor said you have to rest and lie down quickly."

The personal servant girl ran over in a hurry and helped Concubine Min Gui lie down on the bed again, "Your Majesty is thirsty, but she is still hungry. This servant girl will order someone to bring food here."

Seeing that the maid was about to leave, Concubine Min hurriedly held her down, "Stop, I am neither thirsty nor hungry, let me ask you, what is the current situation outside?"

"The current situation?" The maid was taken aback for a moment, but quickly realized, "Your Majesty is asking about King Xiaoyao?"

She looked around warily to make sure that no one was eavesdropping, and then she replied cautiously, "Mrs. Hui, your trick is really powerful. The emperor was furious when he found out that you were seriously injured. He should even imprison King Xiaoyao in the prison. And revoked his position as prince. It is the sixth prince who is in charge of interrogating this matter. It is said that King Xiaoyao, no, he is now the third prince. He has been punished in prison and taught by the sixth prince."

After getting a satisfactory answer, Concubine Min's mouth turned up, as if the wound on her body didn't feel so painful anymore.

"Hmph, you want to kill me, but unfortunately, he's still young."

Touched the injured shoulder, it really hurts here, if the imperial doctor hadn't been in time, she was afraid that she would really die. Qin Yuheng, Qin Yuheng, you deserve it right for being tortured.

"Where are Ling Muer and Shangguan Shaochen, they will definitely not let go of this opportunity, how will the emperor reply?"

"Returning to your empress, it is rumored that the emperor will not see them at all because of his serious illness. This servant guesses that perhaps the emperor also finds this difficult, so he does not want to come forward, and he has given the full power to the sixth prince."

"Qin Ruochen?" Concubine Min narrowed her eyes halfway, "Although I am not sure whether he is murdering my Ting'er, at least in this matter, he and I are on the same front. This time I will definitely die in the sky prison!"

Just thinking about her makes her feel good.

In the morning, when she learned that Ling Mu'er had found the buttons on her clothes, she sent a maid with strong martial arts skills to fetch the clothes, but she didn't expect that the time was just right.

Although Ling Mu'er's people rushed in after the clothes arrived in her hands, it didn't matter, it was still defeated by her impromptu plan.

Falling into the brazier alone, although she herself suffered and endured the pain that she shouldn't have to bear, but the evidence was destroyed, even if Ling Mu'er and others were sure that she was the murderer of Concubine Yi, so what? Seeing her being so seriously injured, the emperor would only cherish her and pity her. In the end, it wasn't Qin Yuheng who was irritated by her aggressive method who deserved to suffer.

It's no wonder that he was revoked from the position of prince after spending so many years in the prince's position and being so unable to control his temper.

Qin Yuheng, Qin Yuheng, even if you die, you won't be wronged.

"Go, send someone to keep an eye on Ling Mu'er and Shangguan Shaochen. They will definitely not let it go when they stumble this time. If they find anything, they must notify me as soon as possible!" Concubine Min Gui explained.

Not only did the servant girl not leave, but she was full of complacency with a smile on her face, "Young lady, don't worry, when the lady fainted, the servant girl had already ordered people to watch over her. Not only that, the servant girl also sent someone to notify the emperor, saying that the lady was critically ill. If there is an empress who will definitely come to visit you as soon as possible, the empress must seize this opportunity."

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