"Shao Chen, are you looking for me?"

After Ling Mu'er came back from dealing with Princess Xiaoyao's affairs, she saw that Shangguan Shaochen was receiving someone, she took a closer look, and suddenly felt familiar.

"Are you the jailer guarding the prison?"

The jailer hurriedly knelt on the ground, "My little one pays my respects to the second prince and concubine."

"You're welcome, get up. Why are you here?" Ling Muer walked towards Shangguan Shaochen, "Shang Zhi said you called me because of him?"

"Have you settled Princess Xiaoyao properly?" Shangguan Shaochen nodded and asked.

"Yes, just now, my godmother and I have accompanied her to take over the little grandson. If King Xiaoyao is in prison, I'm afraid the princess will not be safe. Although the godmother suggested taking him to Ningguohou's mansion, I'm worried about disturbing the emperor's grandson. Mother's life, so I took it to the mansion on my own, can you blame me?"

"You are my concubine, the mistress of the second prince's mansion, how dare I question my wife's decision?" After Shangguan Shaochen finished speaking, he gave the jailer a look and motioned him to repeat what he had just reported.

Hearing what the jailer said, Ling Muer was shocked, "What are you talking about, Qin Ruochen executed Qin Yuheng privately?"

It was the first time for the jailer to hear the names of the two princes being called out in such a domineering manner, and he quickly knelt on the ground, "I dare not lie to the second prince and concubine, the third prince was not only tortured, but... also seriously injured. The concubine, the second prince, and the younger one are also here to pass on the order of the third prince, so please save the third prince."

"If it falls into Qin Ruochen's hands, the end will never be easy. Qin Ruochen has long wanted to put him to death. This time, he finally got the chance. I'm afraid Qin Yuheng will lose his skin if he doesn't die this time!"

Ling Mu'er sighed, and then looked at the jailer, "It's hard work for you to be able to run out of the dungeon to pass on the news, but Qin Yuheng's murder of Concubine Min was seen by many people, even Shao Chen, as the second prince, couldn't say that it would be convenient to bring someone out Bringing it out, the rescue also needs a process, we will find a way here, of course, I believe he can survive."

After the jailer left, Ling Muer sat down beside Shangguan Shaochen nervously, and slapped the table with her clenched fist unceremoniously, "Damn it, of course there is a ghost next to the emperor. It’s Eunuch Xi!”

"Eunuch Xi has served my father for many years and has always been loyal to his duties. I would rather believe that he has some difficulties." Shangguan Shaochen sighed deeply. Although he really didn't want to admit this fact, it was because he killed Concubine Yi after all. , killing for life, no matter what he did, he should pay the price for his actions.

"I should have discovered something was wrong. I saw Eunuch Xi averted his eyes these few days, especially when the emperor questioned him that day, he was vague. Obviously he deliberately used the imperial dining room as evidence of his alibi. If I had found out earlier, perhaps there would not have been so many circles around, and Qin Yuheng would not have been imprisoned and his life was in danger."

Ling Muer regretted it so much, when did her observation ability become so weak?

"Husband, should a person pay for his actions if he does something wrong?"

Shangguan Shaochen smiled slightly, "I listen to Madam."

"Who dares to sneak up on me, let me go!"

Nangong Yizhi was blindfolded, his hands and feet were bound, and he seemed to be packed in a sack. He felt the bumps around him, as if he was being transported somewhere. He struggled desperately, "I am the prince of Ningguo. If you murder me, ten of your heads are not enough to chop off, so let me go if you have the ability, and we will fight one-on-one!"

"Keep your voice down, you talk so much, save it for later to talk to Lord Yan."

The person escorting him kicked him unceremoniously, with such force that Nangong Yizhi screamed in pain.

"Ah! The dog, the dog is relying on people's power, and said, who is your master? After I go out, not only you, but also your master will be buried with me!"

Nangong Yizhi screamed, because he was trapped in the sack, he had no way to resist, and the kick of the man just now happened to kick him on the back of the head, he just felt dizzy and weightless at the moment.

Half an hour ago, he was suddenly attacked, and before he had time to resist, many killers rushed out, and he was tied up when he was rarely confronted by an opponent.

I don't know where he was taken because he was blindfolded, but these people didn't know what they did to him, which made his whole body weak, like a boiled soft shrimp.

Cousin, cousin, you can follow behind, my life is in your hands! Don't get lost.

He prayed in his heart, but he didn't hear the sound for a long time. He beat a drum in his heart, "Even if you want to kill me, let me know which god I offended, and let me out if it's a man!"

"Dog, if you don't speak, you think you are not a man. Could it be that you are really a dead eunuch who lost his life..."


It kicked him in the chest again.

"As the son of the world, you are so tongue-in-cheek, I will pull out your tongue later!"

Nangong Yizhi couldn't get up after being kicked, coughing desperately.

After he recovered his breath, he was about to scold him for eighteen generations, but he was thrown away like garbage.

He was rolling on the ground like a ball, but accidentally touched the wound, and he screamed in pain again.

That's right, after being tied up and fainted, these people seemed to have given him a hard lesson, which caused him not only to have no strength all over his body, but also to have many injuries all over his body. He would have to blame his cousin for this, and he would have to let him go Cousin should reward him well.

The sack was opened, and some light came in. Even though he was blindfolded, he still closed his eyes firmly, and pricked up his ears to carefully discern the surroundings.

It seems that someone is coming!

Nangong Yizhi struggled to get out of the sack, but because he was bound all over, he could only crawl on the ground like a worm.

He relied on his ears to discern the direction of the approaching person, until he felt something bumped into his body, then stopped, secretly guarded, but his expression was sloppy and not straight.

"Who are you, and what do you want to do to this son?"

"Young master warns you, I am the only eldest son of the Marquis of Ningguo, if you dare to hurt me, my father and mother will take your skin and drink your blood!"

"Why don't you talk, what kind of ghosts and snakes are there? Why, could it be that I'm afraid of the young master, I..."


Another kick kicked him on the head roughly, and Nangong Yizhi was kicked over without any precaution.

With a 'poof' sound, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and felt his internal organs tremble.

This man is killing him!

"Huh, return to Ningguo Hou Shizi, so he is also a coward who relies on his parents!" The man who bound him laughed, and while lifting the black cloth covering his eyes, he snorted coldly, "Didn't you want to see our master, before you die, don't you want to see me?" I will fulfill you."

When the dazzling light came, Nangong Yizhi closed his eyes instinctively, and when he opened them carefully, there was a luxurious and exquisite decoration above his head.

Enduring the severe pain, he rolled over with difficulty, ignoring the corner of his mouth that was still bleeding, he raised his neck and looked around, "Is this the harem?"

"As expected of the prince of Ningguo, he really has some knowledge, and he can even see such a strange and secret place at a glance."

Clap clap, the visitors applauded and appreciated.

Nangong Yizhi squirmed, and when he turned around with difficulty, he saw a pair of delicate embroidered shoes slowly approaching him.

He raised his eyes, and Concubine Min's familiar and ferocious face was close in front of him!

"It really is you!"

He gritted his teeth and struggled, wishing to rush forward to fight her, but the person behind him suddenly lifted his foot and stepped on his back, "Don't move around, you'll disturb your mother, I'll chop off your leg!"

"Ha, hahaha." Nangong Yizhi sneered, even though he couldn't move, he didn't show any cowardice, "I was scared to death when you were a young master, and wanted to kill me? Okay, come on!"

He roared, like a giant beast suddenly raised its head in the dark night.

The killer who originally only regarded him as a small shrimp was stunned by this roar, and looked at Concubine Min with uncertain attention.

Concubine Min waved her hand, signaling him to back off, and looked at Nangong Yizhi again, he squinted, "Nangong Yizhi, I didn't want to embarrass you, but I can't blame you for letting you die."

Seeing him with a murderous look on his face, and holding something out of his cuff with his right hand, Nangong Yizhi only felt a flash of light, it was a dagger!

"You dare to hurt me, you know the consequences!"

"Consequences?" Concubine Min thought it was funny, "I have done everything I should and shouldn't do, now I just need to execute you, the last troublesome person, what else should I be afraid of?"

After she finished speaking, she held the dagger and pressed it against his neck, "Tell me, what did that bitch Ling Muer find? As long as you hand it over obediently, I can keep your whole body."

When the cold dagger touched his neck, Nangong Yizhi shivered for no reason, not because he was afraid, but because he really felt the cold.

A dagger that cuts iron like mud, with high-quality materials, is really a good thing.

Nangong Yizhi pressed his right cheek with the tip of his tongue, and spit bloody saliva on Concubine Min Gui's face, "After sitting in the brazier for so long, why didn't I burn you to death, you old woman, you are old and yellow-skinned. It’s really fire-resistant!”


Concubine Min was humiliated and immediately rushed to Tianling Gai, "I didn't want to put you to death, but you forced me to do this."

It was too late, and then it was too late, the dagger in her hand stabbed at his neck. Although the strength was not strong, it cut through the surface, and blood flowed out immediately.

"You bitch!"

Nangong Yizhi panicked, feeling the pain in his neck and trickling blood, is he going to die?

He couldn't cover the wound, and he would die of insufficient blood supply when the blood was flowing, but he seemed to hear something in his ears.

No, their task has not been completed yet. If the person on the roof shows his feet at this time, he will die in vain.

He hastily yelled, "Concubine Min, you not only killed Concubine Yi, do you still want to kill me to silence me? Do you know that if you attack me, you will become an enemy of the entire Ningguo Houfu, you have to think clearly!"

Concubine Min was taken aback, she didn't expect him to yell suddenly, but after thinking about it, he was about to die, so what else should I be wary of?

"If your wound is not bandaged in time, you will die here soon. After you die, I will quietly send someone to throw you into a mass grave. At that time, let alone Ningguohou's mansion, who is the biggest in the world?" And you know it was my hands and feet?"

Concubine Min snorted, "Nangong Yizhi, no one will find out that you are dead when you die. So, I will give you another chance. What did Ling Muer and the others discover? I killed Concubine Yi It's clear that nothing is left behind..."


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