With a muffled sound, a big hole broke out in the roof, and a figure descended from the sky, suddenly disrupting everything in front of him.

Concubine Min was frightened, she reacted immediately, turned around and was about to run away, but the man who fell suddenly blocked her ruthlessly with a sword.

"Concubine Min, you dare to murder other noble concubines and even try to kill Ningguohou Shizi, come with me to see the emperor!"

After the words fell, the man stretched out his hand to capture her.

Concubine Min didn't know what she took from behind, she hurriedly threw it at him when he rushed over, and then yelled at the killer guarding Nangong Yizhi, "Why are you still standing there, kill him if you want the rest of the money!"

At this moment, Shangguan Shaochen and Ling Muer both jumped down, one in front and the other in control of Concubine Min Gui, and the killer saw that there were more people, he retracted his move, turned around and jumped out towards the window.

"Leave this to the prince, and the killer will be handed over to you, Invincible General!"

"Yes, Second Prince!"

The general turned around and jumped out along the window.

In the room, Concubine Min looked angrily at Shangguan Shaochen and Ling Muer who suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, "You two, why are you two here?"

"It seems that what the Invincible General said just now is not very clear, of course we are here to arrest you to see the emperor!"

Ling Muer signaled Shangguan Shaochen to control her, and she turned around and rushed to Nangong Yizhi's side, "Yizhi, how are you?"

"If you come later, you will probably die."

As Nangong Yizhi spoke, tears even came down. Seeing that Ling Muer had already taken out the medicine powder and sprinkled it on him and bandaged the wound, he was moved or relieved, "Do you know how worried I was just now that you will be here?" She rushed in when she didn't plead guilty, it's a good thing, it's a good thing we have a good understanding, I didn't suffer in vain."

"What's wrong with all the injuries?" Ling Mu'er really wanted to punch him twice, but seeing the wounds all over his body hurt, she didn't know how to make up for it.

Turning to look at Concubine Min, she really wanted to cut this woman's neck, "This time, you are doomed!"

Only then did Concubine Min struggle, "You did it on purpose, you, all of this is a trick you designed, Ling Muer, you bitch..."

Before he finished speaking, Shangguan Shaochen slapped her shoulder with his palm, "My prince never hits women, but you made me make an exception. Remember, this is the price for insulting my wife!"

There was a wound on the shoulder that was stabbed by Qin Yuheng with a sword, and he slashed it again, the wound ruptured, and blood oozed out immediately, Concubine Min cried out in pain, "Ah, Shangguan Shaochen, kill him if you have the ability me!"

"You murdered Concubine Yi and tried to kill Yizhi, do you think I don't want to kill you?"

Shangguan Shaochen gritted his teeth, "I will personally put your father in front of you and see how he executes you!"

She never thought that things would fall short at the last moment, Concubine Min was very angry, "No, I can't see the emperor, please, bypass me this time, please forgive me for the sake of losing Tinger just now Me, I know I was wrong, I am willing to punish, I will kneel down to Nangong Yi, you can punish me however you want, give me another chance, I..."

After speaking, Concubine Min wanted to kneel down.

Shangguan Shaochen clasped her, seeing that she couldn't move, he kicked her on the knee, "Of course you have to kneel, but if simply kneeling can erase the fact of murder, then can this prince just do it casually?" Kill your whole family?"

"Yizhi, how are you?"

Seeing that Nangong Yizhi was able to stand up on his own, Shangguan Shaochen ignored Concubine Min who was begging for mercy, and looked him up and down, "This injury is mine, you have suffered."

Looking at the perfectly bandaged wound in front of the bronze mirror, Nangong Yizhi exhaled, "It's a good thing you caught up in time and didn't get lost, otherwise you wouldn't find this hidden place even if you were killed. I'm going to see Lord Yan."

He patted himself. "As for these, luckily they are all skin traumas, it's nothing to my young master, it's just that this wicked woman... Poof!"

No one, including Ling Muer, expected that Nangong Yizhi, who seemed to be slightly injured, would suddenly vomit blood.

Seeing him collapsed in front of him, Ling Muer hurriedly rushed up, "Yizhi, what's wrong with you, Yizhi?"

"Ha, hahaha, you think you can bring me down like this?" Concubine Min suddenly laughed.

Seeing this, Ling Mu'er had a bad feeling, she immediately felt Nangong Yi's pulse, and as expected, "He's been poisoned!"

"No wonder Ganniang would say that you are more cruel and vicious than Qin Xuanting, as expected!"

As Ling Mu'er said, she immediately rushed in front of her and strangled her neck tightly, because she was born with infinite strength, Concubine Min only felt that she could not breathe after being strangled, and she was about to die immediately.

"Where is the antidote, hand it over!"

"Let go, let go-let me!" Concubine Min Gui struggled.

At this moment, her face is flushed, her eyes are gradually turning white, don't think about it, if she continues to use such force, Concubine Min Gui will die in the blink of an eye.

Ling Muer let go of her hand angrily, and scolded, "I'll ask you again where is the antidote!"

After saying that, Nangong Yizhi spat out another mouthful of black blood. Suddenly, he fell to the ground and started to twitch, as if he had been stimulated by some kind.

Ling Mu'er couldn't care about anything else, she hurried back to him and took out the silver needle to seal his meridians, but because she wasted time by questioning just now, she seemed to have missed something.

Seeing Ling Muer's complexion changed drastically, Concubine Min laughed again, "Could it be that the toxin has entered the five internal organs? Ha, hahaha, it's late, Nangong Yizhi will definitely die!"

"You poisonous woman..." Shangguan Shaochen angrily clasped her arm and pressed her to the ground, "Hand over the antidote!"

"If you want the antidote, that's fine. As long as you let me go, I'll give you the antidote immediately! Don't worry, I always keep my word. Of course, if you don't want to let me go, Nangong Yizhi will give it to me and Ting'er." To be buried with you, my death is worth it!"

Concubine Min didn't seem to be afraid of death at all, instead she had a posture of winning.

Seeing her so arrogant and vicious, Ling Muer picked up the dagger that was cut like iron from the ground, and stabbed it unceremoniously on her chest, but the position was well grasped, only an inch away from the heart. "You want him to die, I will let you bear the pain first!"

After speaking, she fed her another pill.

Concubine Min struggled and refused to take it, but couldn't stand Ling Muer's skill, she tried to spit out the pill, "What did you give me? Do you think I will give him the antidote?"

"Don't worry, you won't die, but in the next ten hours you will suffer heart-rending pain. Tens of thousands of worms will eat your flesh and blood, and they will suck your blood and burst out of your skin after a little bit of fattening." .As for the antidote, I don't care about it anymore!"

Ling Muer stopped looking at Concubine Min, and devoted herself to the process of diagnosing and treating Nangong Yizhi.

Concubine Min didn't expect that she would suddenly give up the antidote, and she was already terrified when she heard what she said just now.

Why did she already feel strange and sometimes stinging pain in her body?

Will there be many bugs crawling out of her body? No, that feeling was worse than killing her.

"Ling Muer, don't waste your efforts. The poison is a strange poison from my hometown. Without the antidote, Nangong Yizhi will die. Okay, I don't beg you to let me go. I can exchange it with you. You can take the solution. Give me the medicine, and I'll give you the antidote. But you have to be quick." Concubine Min Gui suddenly began to twitch as she spoke.

She seemed to have a convulsion, but she looked like a clown in a fancy dress.

"Your hometown?" Ling Muer suddenly had a flash of inspiration, "Thank you for reminding me!"

After finishing speaking, she took the dagger and cut her wrist without hesitation.

"Mu'er!" Shangguan Shaochen was extremely nervous, the imperial concubine Liang Min was seriously injured and ran not far away, he quickly let go of her and came to Ling Muer, "Mu'er, what are you doing?"

"I exchanged blood with you. My blood contains Bailingxian components. Only in this way can Nangong Yizhi be detoxified in the shortest possible time."

Ling Mu'er said, "Concubine Min Gui's hometown is in Fanwai, and the strange poison there cannot be cured overnight. Too bad, Concubine Min Gui..."

When Shangguan Shaochen looked back, he saw that Concubine Min Gui had escaped, but he did not panic at all, picked up the dagger on the ground and flew out without looking back.

Everyone only heard a scream, and Concubine Min was accurately nailed to the stone pillar outside the door.

Looking at Nangong Yizhi again, his complexion gradually turned rosy after drinking Ling Muer's blood.

"Sister-in-law, sister-in-law... No." He opened his eyes with difficulty, seeing Ling Muer's discordant movements, he tried to get up.

"My blood is the best antidote in this world. It can be regarded as compensation for bringing you this injury." Ling Muer looked at him with a gentle smile, and gently comforted his hair, as if coaxing him to The sleeping baby said, "Sleep, it's over as soon as you wake up, Nangong Yizhi, you are really great today, and the godmother will definitely praise you when she finds out, go find your mother in your dreams."

Before she finished speaking, Nangong Yizhi slowly closed his eyes, and finally fell into a deep sleep.

"How is he?" Seeing Ling Muer stop, Shangguan Shaochen hurriedly asked, and then looked at her nervously, "Your wound?"

"This injury is not a problem. Whose golden sore medicine is good for me?" Ling Muer shook her arms, shook her head gently, and looked at Nangong Yizhi again, "The toxin has been completely detoxified, but I still need to rest for a few days , but I’m afraid I can’t take him to see the emperor.”

Shangguan Shaochen nodded, "With the testimony of the Invincible General, and Concubine Min's accomplice, it doesn't matter if Yi doesn't go."

After finishing speaking, I heard a gust of wind blowing from behind, and the invincible general appeared in front of me with a half-conscious killer.

"Going back to the second prince, fortunately, I didn't disgrace my life!"

"Very good, this time I have General Invincible, please also take Concubine Min Gui who is outside the door to meet Emperor Father with me!" Shangguan Shaochen looked at everything in front of him with satisfaction.

This lure of the snake out of the hole ended perfectly, with her own admission and the testimony of the invincible general, no matter how eloquent Concubine Min is, she will not be able to get away this time!

"Wait!" Ling Mu'er stood up suddenly, "Husband forgot, there is still one person who has not solved it?"

Shangguan Shaochen was taken aback for a moment, and only then did he understand the meaning in her eyes, "Madam is right, since it needs to be resolved, then we should catch them all at once."

Turning his eyes, he yelled into the empty air, "Come on!"

A hidden guard quietly appeared behind him, "Master?"

"According to plan, do things."

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