"Young master!"

Zitong only felt that her face was flushed to the neck, and she had never been so embarrassed.

Su Ce stopped teasing him, and when he looked back at Shang Zhi, he was still waiting to see Zitong with anticipation.

"Zitong's injury is just an old problem, there is no need for diagnosis and treatment, and the medicine should be given on time. Miss Shangzhi has to worry about it. But..." He paused, "There is something I really need to bother the girl."

"King Xian, don't be so polite with Shang Zhi. Shang Zhi is just a girl's girl. She is highly regarded by the girl, so she is lucky to be by her side. Otherwise, what is the difference with the girls in the teeth behind her?"

Shang Zhi looked at Fangzi with a full face of melancholy. Once upon a time, like the girls inside, she was treated like cabbage for people to choose. Those who were satisfied with freshness were taken home, and those who were not satisfied were kept inside. He has been harshly criticized and worked hard, but he is not respected by others, and he is not what he is in his age and month.

"Although this king and the second concubine have a good relationship, they are different in status after all. If others find out that her personal girl was introduced by this king, there will be a lot of gossip. Therefore, this king has thought about it carefully. If this matter is possible, I hope you can keep it a secret and don't tell Ling Muer." Su Ce thought for a while and said seriously.

"Don't tell the girl?" Shang Zhi obviously didn't think of hiding anything from the girl.

The girl is not only her benefactor, but also her master. It would be treasonous for a disciple to betray his master.

But what King Xian said seems to have some truth.

Forget it, go all out for the girl's reputation.

"The virtuous king is also thinking about the girl's reputation, okay, Shang Zhi agrees to the virtuous king."

"Then you can follow the king's orders from now on."

As Su Ce said, he approached Shang Zhi's ear and explained a few words carefully. Seeing that she understood everything, he waved his hand, "Go back, those people will come to the Second Prince's Mansion to find you before dark."

"It's still the wise king who is thoughtful, so Shang Zhi will go back to the mansion to wait for the good news from the wise king."

Seeing Shang Zhi go away contentedly, Su Ce opened the folding fan in his hand, and the exiled immortal came, I'm afraid it was nothing more than that.

"My lord, it's the twelfth lunar month and the sky is freezing, but you're shaking your folding fan?" Zi Tong realized that he couldn't understand his master any more.

"Is my heart hot?"

Glancing at him, he turned and walked in front while waving his fan. His elegant voice slid across a perfect curve like a melodious note, overflowing his red lips, "Don't follow me stupidly. Now that you understand what I just said, go work."

Zitong was taken aback, "Master, could it be...?"

"Tell Hongyuan to wait for me at the old place."

After explaining, Su Ce put his hands behind his back and walked away in a good mood.

Two hours later. Xianwang Mansion, the backyard.

The girl in red knelt on one knee in front of Su Ce, who was dressed in white, with an upright attitude and a respectful look, "The red mandarin duck has seen you."

When Su Ce turned around, he smiled softly, still looking like a young man back then, his cheeks flushed instantly when he saw Hong Yuan, and he lost his mind.

"I don't know why the young master called the red mandarin ducks here?"

"How long have you been with me?"


Su Ce lowered his eyes, "Didn't you hear me clearly? Then ask me again, how long have you been with me?"

"My son, I was rescued by my son when I was twelve years old, and I have been staying in the county prince's mansion. I followed my son to the Xianwang mansion a year ago and managed the affairs of the mansion for more than eight years." Hongyuan didn't even think about it. Thinking, these numbers come at your fingertips, and they have already taken root in my heart and are deeply rooted.

"It's been so long?" Su Ce was obviously surprised.

When he walked up to her, seeing her unchanging red dress for so many years, he frowned, "When I followed me, I was always dressed in gray. I said you lacked the look of a girl, and you Putting on this fiery red color, I didn’t expect to change the taste for so many years?”

Hongyuan didn't understand Su Ce's meaning, "I don't know what the young master means..."

"Don't worry, I haven't had time to worry about what clothes and colors a girl wears in her house." Su Ce smiled, "Do you think it's hard for you to deal with family affairs and practice kung fu?"

Hearing the concern, Hong Yuan was moved for a moment, how long has the young master not cared about their subordinates?

In terms of seniority, she is indeed not as long as Zitong, but she is the only one among the girls who can get close to the young master.

"It's not hard. It's just..." I couldn't see the young master for a long time.

"It's just what, but it's okay?" Su Ce thought she had encountered some difficulties, "You have been with me for many years, and you have worked hard without credit. Although you are still young, the affairs of the house are handled in an orderly manner. It's time to reward you."

Hongyuan was a little startled, is the young master trying to drive her away?

Kneeling on the ground in a hurry, Hong Yuan was full of reluctance, "Hong Yuan doesn't feel hard work, Hong Yuan is willing to do anything for the young master, and please don't drive Hong Yuan away."

"Who said I'm going to drive you away?" Su Ce didn't like others to speculate on his thoughts.

"Girls from the Celestial Dynasty, you can get married when you are fourteen and sixteen. I just think that you have delayed you by staying with me for so long. Have you ever thought about finding a good family?"

Hong Yuan's heart trembled with a 'boom'.

She had known that this day would come, but she didn't expect it to come so suddenly.

"From now on, you will be called Hong Yuan. Follow me. I will find a master to teach you kung fu. A girl who knows some kung fu can save her life and won't be bullied in the future. When you are old, I will make the decision for you." May you be a good family, since you belong to me, I will never let you be wronged in the slightest."

In his mind, he recalled what Su Ce said when he kept her by his side.

She has always known that the young master will definitely marry her in the future, and she even thought about whether she would sacrifice her marriage because of the young master's plan, and she even thought about... being his woman.

"My lord, please take it back. Hongyuan doesn't want to marry yet, so please don't embarrass Hongyuan!"

"Why are you so excited?"

Seeing that she was about to cry because of her grievance, Su Ce nodded, "That's all, I don't mention it if you don't like it, but when you want to get married, just tell Zitong, and I will make the decision for you. I promised you back then."

It turned out that he still remembered what he said back then.

When Hongyuan raised her eyes, two blushes flashed across her face.

But after all, she is the maidservant who has been with him for the longest time, she knows that the young master doesn't like others to be around, "If the young master has no other orders, Hong Yuan will leave first."

"Wait." Su Ce flew forward, tapped his toes, and came behind her.

When he looked back again, his face was like a jade crown, his eyes were like peach blossoms, he looked like a handsome young man.

It's a pity that the concubine is affectionate but the husband is not. Su Ce never noticed the red heart in Hong Yuan's eyes when he looked at him.

"There is one thing that only you can do well. Of course, if you agree to this matter, it will really make things difficult for you. You should think carefully. I won't make things difficult for you."

Su Ce said, "I want you to let go of the things in the mansion first, and go to the second prince's mansion to be Ling Muer's personal maid."


Almost as soon as he finished speaking, Hongyuan raised her head with a shocked expression, "Master, you..."

"I've said it before, I'm not driving you away, it's just that the situation is special, and I can't find a suitable candidate for a while. I know it's a bit embarrassing for you to serve others, but...you should know how important that person is to me .”

The second half of the sentence Su Ce said was gentle and considerate enough, as if whenever he thought of Ling Muer, his sky would clear up unconsciously.

Hongyuan doesn't know what the young master is thinking.

It is well known in the capital that the son likes the second concubine, but the second concubine is already the second concubine!

"My lord?" she said submissively.

"Forget it, since it's so embarrassing, I'll think of a solution." Knowing that letting a housekeeper who handles affairs suddenly serve others is equivalent to lowering his status,

Su Ce has never been a person who makes things difficult for women. Since she doesn't want to, he doesn't force it.

Seeing that the young master was upset and turned around to leave, Hongyuan was afraid that the young master would get angry, so she hurriedly chased after him, even grabbing his sleeve without thinking, "Young master, stay a step."

Su Ce stopped, lowered his head, and watched her inappropriate actions.

Hong Yuan was stunned, and hurriedly let go of her hand, "Since it is the order of the young master, Hong Yuan will do it. Hong Yuan belongs to the young master, and I have no reason to refuse what the young master asks me, and I have no identity to refuse, young master, don't worry. , Hongyuan will take care of her own errands."

"Really?" Su Ce asked, feeling better again.

No, not sincerely, unwillingly, why!

Hongyuan yelled in her heart, but if she didn't follow suit, would the young master be very disappointed in her?

Instead of asking Young Master to find someone she doesn't know and get used to it slowly, it is better to let her do it. At least in this way, will you be able to see Young Master often?

"Hongyuan doesn't know why your son is doing this, but please rest assured, Hongyuan will truthfully report the whereabouts of the second concubine to you, and she will definitely not find out her identity,"

"You misunderstood." Su Ce's voice changed from joy to cold anger again,

When Hongyuan raised her eyes, she saw Su Ce's handsome face was gloomy, "Ling Mu'er lacks a maid who knows some skills. It seems that she wants to do something. I let you go because I trust you. You can protect her well, not to let you monitor her. You don't need to report her whereabouts to me, you just need to keep her safe at all times and take good care of her."

"Then what if the second concubine finds out that I belong to you?" Hongyuan asked, suddenly there was a naughty note in her heart.

No, how could she betray the young master and cause trouble for the young master.

But she really wanted to, really wanted to disturb their relationship.

"If you are found out, you don't have to come see me again."

The faint voice escaped from her thin lips, and Su Ce lowered his head and stared carefully at her eyes, as if Shura was ordering his emissary.

"...Yes! Young Master!"

Hong Yuan's heart trembled, she had never seen a young man like this before.

"I will send you to the Second Prince's Mansion later, together with some maidservants for Ling Muer to choose. Remember, no matter what method you use, she must let her choose you, understand?"

Su Ce turned around and tapped the folding fan in the palm of his hand. Thinking that his people could sneak into Ling Muer's side to protect the people he cared about, he felt much better physically and mentally.

"Yes, Hongyuan understands."

Although she was reluctant, she was not willing to disobey the young master's order.

It's just that, treating her as the most despicable maidservant for others to choose, what does the young master think of her? So in front of the person the young master likes, is she so worthless?

Turning around, he planned to go back to pack his bags, but the people behind him seemed to have noticed something, and the voice came from behind.

"Do your job well, this young master will not treat you badly, but if you dare to have any wrong thoughts, this young master... will solve you personally!"

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