"Why are you here?" Su Ce looked coldly and angrily at Mo Junyao who suddenly appeared behind him, "How much did you hear just now?"

"I heard everything!" Mo Junyao ran up to Su Ce angrily, trying to grab his collar, but he grabbed his wrist.

"Hmph, it doesn't matter if you hear it, it's none of your business."

Throwing away Mo Junyao's arm fiercely, Su Ce turned around and planned to leave in the opposite direction.

Mo Junyao was so angry that she chased after her like crazy, "Su Ce, stop! What do you want to do? An hour ago, I asked the maid to tell you that I was sick, and you didn't come to see me, but you , but you let your maidservant take care of other people's women. When will you be able to figure out that Ling Mu'er is already married, and not only is she someone else's wife, but she also bears children for other men? Wake up from the dream!"

"Shut up!"

Su Ce scolded coldly, and didn't want to listen to Mo Junyao's words, "Since you're sick, you just stay in your room and come out to make people hate you. Don't you think it's too much?"

"Am I too much?"

Mo Junyao sneered, and clenched her fists angrily, "Who are you and me? You married me into your house without even touching me. You grounded me and left me alone. I am Princess Xian in name, but behind my back, I am not as good as the fire-burning girl in the house. If I hadn't missed you so much and came to look for you today, I would never have known that you missed Ling Muer so much. You..."

The severe cough made Mo Junyao stop cursing, but it was also the physical discomfort that made her understand how important it is to have a man by her side.

She pitifully grabbed Su Ce's sleeve, "Su Ce, I know I was wrong. I shouldn't be messing around, making trouble for no reason, and always disturbing your affairs. Can you give me a chance? It's Princess Xian who is being married by Ming Media, don't make me so ashamed, can you show me a little concern? I can't do well enough and I can change it?"

Seeing that Su Ce didn't speak, and his face became more gentle, Mo Junyao quickly took advantage of the victory to pursue her, "What's good about Ling Muer, why don't I go and learn? Tell me what you like about her. I'll be her shadow, and I... ..."

Before he could finish speaking, Su Ce had already pushed his body away mercilessly.

When he looked up again, he saw Su Ce's bloodshot eyes seemed to kill someone.

"What I hate the most in my life is imitation. I have no interest in you. Even if you have the same face, the same personality, and the same voice as her, I will not have any interest in you."

The cold words seemed to be piercing her chest with needles, and Su Ce didn't make the decision to turn back.

But this time, Mo Junyao did not catch up.

He trembled as if his heart was going to explode, but she wouldn't chase him any more.

"Su Ce, you forced me to do this."

Turning around, he looked at the personal maid next to him with sharp eyes, "Go, tell that person, and say that I agree."

Second Prince's Mansion.

Ling Muer looked at the two rows of women standing in the room, all of them were about fifteen or sixteen years old, very young and immature.

She turned her head and looked at Shang Zhi, who was standing beside him in a happy mood, "Why is it like choosing a concubine for you, so happy?"

Shang Zhi blushed at the joke, and almost couldn't find the words to reply, "Girl, you, after all, you are a girl, how can you say such a thing."

"In my own home, if I joke with my own people, do I have to be restrained?" Ling Muer smiled and stood up.

"Twelve people, you have worked hard. Actually, there is no need to make it so troublesome. Just bring the one you think is best." Ling Muer looked carefully, and saw that each of these people had a heart-filled expression on their faces. Looking forward, as if they were saying: Choose me, choose me, she felt a sense of guilt.

They are all real people, but because of their humble status or poor families, they were forced to be sent to the hospital. They have to accept the selection of the rich every day. It’s okay if they are selected. How humiliating it must be for them to be ridiculed by others.

Thinking so, Ling Muer stood up and bowed deeply to the twelve girls.

Including Shang Zhi, everyone present was stunned.

"Girl, what are you doing?"

"I'm sorry, I have to choose in this way. I know that every choice will draw a deep wound on your soul, so I would like to apologize to everyone here. I didn't intend to humiliate you, but it is true It’s because I don’t like excitement, I just need to be alone.”

Ling Mu'er raised a finger, deeply apologizing to everyone. This is the greatest apology she can make.

The third red man in red in the second row looked carefully at Ling Muer in front of him, feeling mixed feelings in his heart, not knowing how to express it.

It's not that she has never seen Ling Mu'er, but every time she observes it from a distance, she never gets in touch with it carefully.

She thought that such an excellent person must be arrogant and difficult to get in touch with, but she never expected that such a noble person would apologize to the humble girls.

Could this be the reason why the young master likes her?

"The second concubine beat us. To be honest, we are all used to it. This is our fate. Since we have no way to disobey the order, we can only accept it calmly, so the second concubine does not need to feel indebted to us." One of the girls As he said, he was full of smiles, and when he smiled, his eyebrows were curved and his eyes were very beautiful.

I have to admit that Ling Muer was attracted by her words, "What's your name, how old are you, and what specialties do you have?"

The girl who was named smiled, showing two lovely neighbors at the corners of her mouth, "My servant's name is Chunya, and I'm sixteen this year. The second prince and concubine don't think I'm young, but I know a lot, playing piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, female red chef Yi, I am good at everything, if the second concubine doesn't dislike it, I can show it to you on the spot."

Seeing her rolling up her sleeves and going to work, Ling Muer hurriedly waved her hands, "I believe you didn't lie to me. To be honest, you are really cute when you smile. What I need by my side is a simple and harmless girl like you." people."

Hearing this, the remaining eleven girls sighed plaintively.

They are all selected by people all the year round, and the master obviously has made a decision when he said such a thing, and they came here again for nothing this time.

In the crowd, Hongyuan remembered Su Ce's words, and looked around carefully with her agile eyes. When no one was paying attention, a stone shot towards the vase behind Ling Mu'er with a 'swoosh' sound.

The vase fell, and everyone exclaimed, Hong Yuan roared "Be careful, Second Concubine" and rushed up, firmly put the vase on the tip of her shoe, and looked at Ling Mu'er nervously, " Second princess, are you alright?"

Everything happened so suddenly that Ling Muer was not prepared, but when she turned her eyes, she met Hong Yuan's eyes.

What a pair of clear eyes.

From top to bottom, she carefully looked at the girl in front of her.

Although she didn't have countless people, she could tell at a glance that this woman was definitely not an ordinary girl, so why did she fall into the teeth.

"You know kung fu?"

After Ling Muer finished speaking, she took off the vase with her own hands, and when she was about to give it to Shang Zhi to put it back, she clearly saw the impact marks on the side of the vase.

The corner of the mouth raised unconsciously, "Fortunately, you reacted quickly enough just now, and you also saved me once, what's your name?"

"Back to the second concubine, the maidservant's name is Hong Yuan, and this year... is twenty."

She is the oldest here, and usually wealthy families don't like older girls very much, so she was a little embarrassed when she said this.

"What's wrong with being twenty? Even at the age of seventy or eighty, it's good to rely on your own hands to make a living. You don't have to feel ashamed."

Ling Mu'er stared at her carefully, seeing her looking at her in surprise, she nodded with a gentle smile, "There are not many kung fu people in their teeth, but as far as I know, those who are good at kung fu are usually easy to choose. Tell me why you were kept until now?"

Hong Yuan thought about ten thousand questions that she would ask, but she never thought it would be this kind.

Turning her eyes, she lowered her head and said nothing.

Ling Mu'er looked at her aggrieved look, thinking that she had asked her a sore point, "Forget it, don't tell me, I'm not going to make things difficult for you, but you must be an innocent person if you stay by my side. Let’s introduce them one by one from here.”

Seeing that Ling Muer didn't choose her, Hong Yuan silently returned to her seat.

But how can she be chosen?

The twelve girls reported one by one, and soon it was her turn. Hongyuan looked at Ling Muer carefully, she couldn't reveal the identity of the young master, and she couldn't show too much? Is it possible to let her use bitter tricks?


Hong Yuan clutched her stomach and squatted on the ground uncomfortable, "I'm sorry Miss, I don't know what's going on, this stomach hurts badly, can I ask the second concubine to show me my servant?"

A person who was about to introduce himself suddenly squatted on the ground in discomfort. This attack was too sudden.

Ling Muer gave Shang Zhi a look, motioning her to go and have a look.

Shang Zhi didn't recognize Hongyuan, let alone who was sent by the virtuous king, but when her hand touched Hongyuan's pulse, Hongyuan's index finger tapped on her palm.

Looking up, he saw Hong Yuan winking at him.

Shang Zhi opened his mouth wide, and was about to say something when Hong Yuan asked, "It is rumored that there is a servant girl next to the second concubine who has a true biography of the second concubine. I am afraid that she is talking about you. My sister is not very old. I didn't expect it. It's so powerful, it can be seen that the second princess is kind-hearted, and my sister is really happy to be able to serve the second princess by her side."

Shang Zhi knew that she was expressing herself on purpose, so she hooked her lips in a hurry, "Of course, the girl treats us very well, but don't worry, whoever enters the second prince's mansion, the girl will treat you as well of."

"Shang Zhi, how is she?" Ling Muer asked, her eyes never leaving Hongyuan.

"Back to the girl. She is weak and her pulse is disordered. I am afraid it is caused by years of fatigue. She may need to recuperate for a while. Look..." Shang Zhi didn't understand why Hongyuan asked her to feel her pulse. Her pulse was not as good as that of a normal person. , can this serve the master well?

But she is the master's person, and she will never betray the master, so she chooses to tell the truth.

Unexpectedly, the red mandarin fell down to the ground when she heard the words, and burst into tears, "I beg the second concubine to show kindness and take in the servant girl. The servant girl used to follow the head of the escort agency and suffered all kinds of torture and suffering. My body is getting worse day by day, that's why I'm sinking into my teeth. I don't want to hide it from the second princess, there are many masters who have taken a fancy to Hongyuan, but they didn't let me stay because of my weak body, but if the second princess doesn't want it In my case, I'm afraid I'm really going to be reduced to the most low-class handyman girl, so I would like to ask the second princess to do me a favor."

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