The more Hong Yuan talked, the more wronged she became, and she even cried tears.

Seeing her kowtow and praying, the other eleven girls were stunned.

"Can I still beg to be left behind?" The one who asked this question was Chun Ya, who smiled very cutely. She looked at the somewhat moved second prince and concubine and immediately followed suit.

"The second concubine is beautiful and kind-hearted, so please feel sorry for Chunya. The mother in Chunya's family is seriously ill, and there is also a young brother. If you can't find a good family, I am afraid that you will not be able to support the younger brother at home. , I beg the second princess to take pity on me."

Hearing that someone followed suit, the other ten people froze for a moment and started to imitate one after another.

For a moment, the room was filled with the cries of girls.

Not only Ling Muer, but also Shang Zhi was shocked.

"What are you all doing?" Shang Zhi yelled, "Shut up, shut up, you're making a noise to the girl!"

Hearing the roar, everyone shut their mouths obediently, and the air became quiet in an instant.

"I don't like crying people the least." Ling Muer rubbed her aching temple. But his eyes stopped on Hongyuan.

"You said you used to be in the Escort?"

"Back to the Second Prince's Concubine, the servants are in the Zhengyang Escort Bureau. The head of the Escort has earned a lot of money over the years. He plans to retire and return to his hometown in Jiangnan. He couldn't take so many people away, so he sold many of our slaves."

"Zhengyang Bodyguard Bureau?" Ling Muer thought carefully, as if she had heard of such a bodyguard bureau. "It is rumored that the chief bodyguard of Zhengyang Bodyguard Bureau has a violent personality and is well-connected in the Jianghu. You said just now that he always bullies you?"

Hongyuan was taken aback, she didn't expect her to ask such a detailed question, but since she asked, she had to continue writing.

"Back, back to the second princess, the head of the bodyguard is precisely because of his violent nature, so no one dared to snatch the bid after opening the bodyguard agency for so many years, and the business is booming, but he, he is lustful..."

"Okay!" Seeing that she couldn't speak out in embarrassment, Ling Muer didn't intend to force her.

"I didn't expect you to be so miserable. If that's the case, it's you."

Ling Muer nodded, "Red Yuan, right? From now on, I will serve you by my side. Let Shang Zhi take you down to familiarize yourself with the environment and get dressed."

After speaking, she got up and planned to leave.

The rest of the people didn't expect that the crying child would really have sweets, and they all shook their heads and left dejectedly. Only Chun Ya boldly approached, "Second Princess, how can she have a hard life like mine? You obviously like me." Isn't it?"

Ling Mu'er didn't expect Chun Ya to be so courageous, she smiled, "You're right, I really like you, but I need someone who can protect me, so I'm sorry."

"What is kung fu? You agreed to her just because she was pitiful. Girl, take a closer look. Her skin is fair and tender, and her kung fu is so good. At first glance, she is not someone who has suffered all the year round. Second princess, don't be fooled by her appearance." Cheated!!"

I have to admit that Chunya's observation skills are very high, so why didn't she discover what she discovered?

The vase was knocked over by Hong Yuan on purpose, and Hong Yuan also deliberately saved her to attract her attention.

She didn't know whether the matter about the escort agency was true or not, but why this Hong Yuan deliberately attracted her attention was enough to make her suspicious. But a girl who was not selected dared to question her as the master.

"Chun Ya, you have a cute smile, which makes people feel close. I believe you are also a capable girl. Most masters would like a capable person like you, but do you know why no one chooses you?"

Ling Mu'er looked into her eyes carefully, "Because you, as a slave, dare to meddle in the master's affairs before you enter the door, then after entering the door, wouldn't you want to stand on top of us masters?"

Flicking her sleeves, Ling Muer yelled at the slave outside the door, "Come here, see off the guests."

Chunya knelt down and confessed her mistake, tears were streaming down her face, but it was a pity that Ling Muer had already returned to the inner room.

In the corridor, watching Shang Zhi introduce everything about the Second Prince's Mansion to Hong Yuan, and seeing Hong Yuan carefully observe and record in secret, Ling Muer looked at it carefully, thoughtfully.

"What are you thinking?"

Shangguan Shaochen did not know when he appeared behind him, wrapped his arms around her waist from behind, let her lean comfortably in his arms, smelling the fragrance of her hair as if he couldn't get enough of it.

"Didn't I tell you a few days ago that I planned to find a girl to take care of me instead of Shang Zhi. Shang Zhi found a few today, but this one is the most pitiful, so I keep her by my side. Husband, look, maybe What happened?" Ling Mu'er's voice was gentle, and Shangguan Shaochen's heart was aroused even more by her husband's cry.

"Since Madam chose it, it must be the best. I have no opinion."

Shangguan Shaochen shook his head, regardless of the servants behind him, he just slapped her face, "As long as I serve you well, I will reward you all, but if you have second thoughts, I will naturally clean up the house for you! "

"Two-hearted?" Ling Mu'er muttered, "She is indeed not simple and honest, she looks quite shrewd, but a 20-year-old girl who is not married is indeed suspicious, so my husband, if she dares to hit you idea……"

"I was the first to chop her up!"

Before Ling Muer could open his mouth, Shangguan Shaochen made a domineering gesture of machete.

Seeing Ling Mu'er smiling at his words, he played with her hand as if to please her, "Besides, you, a beautiful girl, cling to me all the time, how can I have the mood to look at other people?"

"When did you become so sweet-talking?" Ling Muer couldn't get used to it.

"I heard that the emperor announced you into the palace again, but it's for the prince?"

Shangguan Shaochen nodded, the ease on his face disappeared with these words and became deep.

"Concubine Yi is dead, Concubine Min is dead, the seventh prince is also dead, and the younger brother of the third emperor has left the capital again. So many things have happened in the palace recently, and the father's body became seriously ill again due to yesterday's heavy snowfall. I'm afraid it's... So he wants me to decide as soon as possible."

"What about you, did you agree?"

"Why is Mu'er so anxious?" Shangguan Shaochen looked into her eyes curiously.

I don't know if he was careless, these days Mu'er has been asking him about the crown prince's succession, and suddenly found a girl who knows kung fu by her side, could it be that she has some plans?

"The prince is not in a hurry. What am I, the prince and concubine, in a hurry? I'm just curious."

Afraid of being seen by others, Ling Mu'er turned around not to look into his eyes, "Qin Ruochen has been recommending you as the crown prince, but secretly he did something to us, either framing you or me, obviously he still has tricks behind him. I also want to know the latest news as soon as possible so that I can take precautions."

If Shaochen becomes the crown prince, he will be busy, and she will have the opportunity to go to the Western Regions.

Of course, she wouldn't tell him that.

"Father promised to give me another seven days to think about it."

Shangguan Shaochen hugged her and sat down in the pavilion, "The prince is different from the prince, and there are many things to face, and it will only be busier when the time comes, but your body..."

"You don't have to worry about me!" Ling Muer hurriedly said almost without thinking, and realized that she was a little anxious after speaking, and hurriedly added, "What I mean is, I will find a way to rectify it as soon as possible. Shao Chen , Actually, I didn’t tell you, after I came back from Yaowang Valley that day, I felt that my body was much better, if possible, I would like to go to Yaowang Valley again.”

"Okay, I'll go with you."

"don't want!"

Ling Muer interrupted again hastily, and indeed successfully attracted Shangguan Shaochen's attention.

"What I mean is, you are very busy now, the emperor is seriously ill, you and Qin Ruochen are both in prison, and you two are rivals, you must beware of him! Don't forget everything that happened to Qin Yuheng. Qin Ruochen is not easy to mess with, If you take it lightly, or get caught by him, it will be very difficult. Medicine King’s Valley, I’ll just go by myself.”

She hugged his arm tenderly and rested her head on his chest.

Because only in this way will he not be able to see the clues.

"I have sent people to go deep into the Sixth Prince's Mansion. Qin Ruochen's every move is within my control, so there is nothing to fear for now." Shangguan Shaochen's voice was very confident and relaxed, "You are the person I care about the most, you I'm not feeling well, of course I have to follow, so it's settled, I will accompany you to Yaowang Valley tomorrow."

Ling Mu'er originally wanted to say something, but seeing that he had made up his mind, he had no choice but to give up.

At this time, Shang Zhi had already returned with the red mandarin duck.

"Miss, I have introduced the general situation of the house to Hongyuan, can you see if she can come over to serve you now?"

Ling Mu'er nodded to Shangguan Shaochen, stood up, and walked in front of Hong Yuan, "It seems that red is really suitable for you, so I'll ask someone to make you a red dress later, it will look good on me."

The red mandarin duck blessed her body, and there was warmth in her eyes. To be honest, it was the first time that someone took the initiative to mention making clothes for her. "My servant, thank you, Second Prince and Concubine."

"It doesn't look like you're pretending this time, so you're so easily moved?" Ling Muer smiled lightly.

Hong Yuan instinctively raised her head, and looked at Ling Mu'er in disbelief, "The second concubine actually knew that I was just pretending, why did she choose me?"

"As I said, I need someone who knows kung fu to wait by my side. To be honest, as the second concubine, I am always assassinated, so I need someone who is skilled and courageous. What you just said I have seen the skill, and I am very satisfied, so now it is my turn to ask you." Ling Muer paused, "Food and clothing by my side will cost you nothing, the only fly in the ointment is that you may die at any time , are you afraid? Of course, if you are afraid, it is too late to go now."

Hongyuan didn't expect Ling Muer to be so blunt, she didn't know if it was to scare her or test her.

But the young master said, no matter what method is used, he must stay by her side.

"Since the second concubine kindly took in the servant girl, the servant girl will belong to the second concubine from now on. Don't worry, the second concubine, I will do my best to protect you."

"Very good!" Ling Muer clapped her hands and took out a pill from her pocket.

Seeing Hongyuan was taken aback, she smiled, "Don't worry, I don't have the habit of poisoning the people around me. You are weak and take it for many years. Of course, if I find out that you have any selfishness in the future, I will take care of you." The medicine in your hand can kill you at any time."

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