In the corridor of the official post, there are more than 20 maidservants, who are serving tea and water, or singing and playing, all of them are in and out of the middle room. The huge array completely disturbs the rest of the surrounding guests, but they live in the middle His objectivity keeps his ears to the outside world, and he even has the stance of taking over the entire official station.

"I thought you were seriously injured to the point of dying, and you couldn't get out of bed for three or five months. I didn't expect you to live a comfortable and comfortable life in this official post. Not only delicious food and wine, but also the company of beauties. Isn't Immortal Sai the same?"

Qin Ruochen squinted at everything around him, and then saw Amu De lying in the arms of two beauties like an old man, allowing one of them to pinch his feet and the other to feed the grapes, and felt that this scene was a bit ironic.

"I have trouble with the Sixth Prince, don't worry, I won't die, it won't affect your plans." Amu De didn't lift his head, enjoying the beauty's service with all his heart, as if he had completely forgotten his purpose of staying in the capital for a long time.

"One sword pierced the internal organs, and the other wounded the vitals. There were as many as twenty-eight minor scratches on the body, and the internal strength was damaged at the tenth level. Here? Don't intend to take revenge?" Qin Ruochen sneered.

"How do you know?" Amu De instinctively asked back. After speaking, he realized who Qin Ruochen was, with vicious methods. Asking a few people to take away his attending doctor at random is as simple as blowing the wind.

However, he would send people to monitor him, which was beyond his expectation.

"You can't trust me?" Amu De suddenly turned over, although the large movement caused him to accidentally touch the wound. But he endured the severe pain, and rushed towards him like a gust of wind, exuding an icy and frightening chill, which made the girls around them shiver and shrink into a ball involuntarily.

"Scared you beauties."

Qin Ruochen's tone was lazy and careless, as if he was very careless, he patted his shoulder with a big hand, and said in a very friendly manner, "I care about you, after all, you and I are in a cooperative relationship now, if something happens to you accidentally, it will affect me. The whole big picture."

Amu De carefully stared into his eyes for a long time, and when he returned to his seat, he waved his hand and dismissed everyone around him.

Qin Ruochen watched the girls leave one by one, looking at them with charming looks, if they were pure and pleasant, and they were slandering in their hearts, this Amu De would accept it.

"I heard that you bought back all the girls from the four big teeth in the capital, and made such a big battle, are you afraid that it will be heard by the emperor?" Qin Ruochen was really curious.

But he also wondered what else this Amud wanted to do.

As the prince of Fanbang, he was assassinated on the grounds of the capital. Although the news did not leak much, once it reached the ears of the emperor, he would definitely investigate thoroughly. Could this be his method of dealing with Su Ce?

"Some time ago, Lan Sihe proposed to kill Su Ce, but you didn't agree, but you turned around and was murdered by him, and almost died by his sword. Amu De, what are you planning!"

"Sixth prince calm down." Amu De smiled, and pressed his angry arm.

Slowly poured a cup of tea for him, "Don't mind, my injury is so serious, the doctor suggested to stop drinking and restlessness, so I have to replace wine with tea, please, sixth prince."

He gestured to lift the cup. Qin Ruochen didn't know what he was going to do, but just sat there without moving.

"Su Ce's moves are deadly, but they are all measured. He didn't kill you because of his status, so he didn't kill you. What did you do to him?"

Amu De was startled. To be honest, he never expected that Su Ce would not spread this matter.

Could it be that he saved face for Yaoyao? Or is he also afraid of some gossip?

Half a month ago, Su Ce suddenly led someone to kill him at the post station, and he couldn't help but kill him. He resisted desperately, and was unfortunately injured due to lack of precautions. The injury was so serious that he almost died. I thought Su Ce would take advantage of the victory to pursue him and take his head, but wait. He didn't appear again for a long time.

He knew very well that Su Ce was asking him to settle accounts with Yaoyao for drugging him, but he checked secretly, and Su Ce didn't do anything to Yaoyao. It seemed that he was simply teaching him about giving medicine. .

Many people in the capital knew that he was assassinated, but not many knew that Su Ce did it. Why did Su Ce hide it? If he reported this move to the emperor, wouldn't it just be a chance to get rid of Yaoyao? Could it be that he is worried about enmity with the Western Regions and causing chaos?

No, Su Ce is definitely not the kind of person who is timid.

"It's just some personal grievances. Don't worry, the sixth prince, it will never be involved in your plan! If Su Ce really wanted to kill me, he would have succeeded by that day. Besides, I have been recuperating in the station these days. He can take advantage of the victory and catch me by surprise. ! Do you think he is afraid that there are too many girls in my station, so he dare not do anything?" Amu De purposely laughed.

Seeing Qin Ruochen's complexion suddenly changed, he obviously had no patience, he nodded before returning to the subject, "I've heard about everything that happened in the capital recently, it seems that you lost to Shangguan Shaochen again, let's say, it was half a month after I was injured. Come to visit, but what do you want me to do?"

Seeing him being so knowledgeable, Qin Ruochen's face softened a little, "I thought that Qin Yuheng and Shangguan Shaochen could be brought down by the death of Concubine Yi, but I didn't expect..." He sighed, "Shangguan Shaochen is my One of the biggest enemies, I will definitely think of another strategy to deal with, as for Qin Yuheng, a piece of mud that can't support the wall, he ran to the fief timidly, forget it, since he is timid to leave, I will spare his life."

"Spare his life?" Amu De sneered, "When did the sixth prince show such kindness?"

Unexpectedly, his plan would be seen through, Qin Ruochen stopped hiding, he laughed, "It seems that you really can't hide anything from Prince Amu, that's right, since Qin Yuheng has become a deserter, let him die on the road. A useless person, living is a waste of air, don't you think?"

Amu De hooked his lips, "What you want is the position of prince. Qin Yuheng has already been dragged down by you. Life or death does not pose any threat to you. On the contrary, Shangguan Shaochen has many ministers around him. Help, and Su Ce's big trouble, but seeing how confident the Sixth Prince is, do you have a plan?"

"That's right!"

Qin Ruochen got up, put his hands behind his back and walked to the window, "Shangguan Shaochen refused the emperor many times not to be the crown prince, don't think I don't know what he thinks, he just doesn't want the world to think that he is a domineering person who takes away his younger brother's seat That's all, brother, if he really didn't want it, he would have taken Ling Muer to travel around the world long ago, so why waste his energy managing the current mess in the capital? And that Ling Muer, who thought he had excellent medical skills to make the emperor happy, didn't he just want to make the emperor happy? The emperor forcibly ordered them to accept the crown prince, then I will let her shoot herself in the foot!"

Seeing the murderous look and determination in Qin Ruochen's eyes, Amu De knew that once this person became ruthless, the king of heaven would not be afraid.

What kind of hardships did this person have to have such a temper?

"What about Su Ce?"

Qin Ruochen curled his lips, "You are my partner after all, if he hurts you, he hurts me. Of course I have to stand up for you, right?"

Having said that, he got up,

"There is someone, I'm waiting for his answer, but as long as he can help, our actions will be much simpler. Then this time we will solve Shangguan Shaochen and Su Ce together!"

Seeing the confidence in his eyes, he must have come prepared, Amu De nodded, "Since everything is ready, you must only owe me this favor?"

Qin Ruochen gave him an appreciative look, "Prince Amu really understands with just one look. That's right, I want you to enter the palace at the right time, and I will make arrangements for the next thing. As for Su Ce..."

He paused, "He didn't always like Ling Muer, and he was even willing to work hard for her, then I will make him happy! Next, I will..."

Telling Amu De the detailed plan and deployment, seeing the widening smile in his eyes, Qin Ruochen only thought how smart he was.

"Prince Amu, haven't you always wanted to take Ling Mu'er to the Western Regions? Your chance has come!"

Patting him on the shoulder, Qin Ruochen turned around, "I will take action within ten days. Of course, I believe that within ten days, you can take care of yourself. When the time comes, we will work together and make it a success!"

"Then I will wait for the good news of the sixth prince at the inn." Amu De nodded, agreeing to his plan, and seeing his green complexion, with a posture of winning, he stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation, "Surely the sixth prince The prince still has a lot to do to make arrangements, so I won't waste your precious time, and since I'm inconvenient, I won't send you away."

"It's easy to say."

Coming out of the official post, Qin Ruochen got into the carriage directly, and with the support of his partners, he was in a good mood.

"Go to Zuixiang Tower." He told the coachman.

It's been a long time since I have relaxed like this, before tomorrow's big battle starts, I really should take a good rest today.

"Yes" the coachman agreed and immediately turned around.

Who would believe that the majestic sixth prince of the imperial palace will have a lover in a certain brothel?


The driving carriage stopped suddenly, making Qin Ruochen with closed eyes and resting his mind instantly annoyed. He sat still and leaned forward, opened the sedan chair curtain and scolded angrily, "How do you drive a horse?"

"Master, the slave has something important to report." The voice of the hidden guard came from outside the carriage, not loud or small, a little hasty.

Qin Ruochen regained his angry expression, and before the car curtain was lifted, a cold voice came out, "It's better for me to calm down, otherwise, what should you do for disturbing my interest!"

The servant hurriedly bowed his body and respectfully saluted the cold carriage, and said nervously and cautiously, "Master Hui, the person you have been waiting for has replied. He said that he is willing to cooperate with you, and he will fully support it."


Qin Ruochen was overjoyed when he got a satisfactory answer.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Since he took the initiative to seek refuge, our plan should start."

Qin Ruochen lifted the sedan chair curtain, looked at the respectful guards, he slanted his lips, "Go get ready, the Xianwang Mansion has been quiet for so long since the wedding, so it should be bustling."

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