"The pills I gave you just now are just nourishing yin and beautifying pills. They are not poisonous, but don't think that you can get out of your body if I find out your identity. Since you have entered the second prince's mansion and become my slave, you are My people will really die if they escape from the mansion without permission."

When Ling Muer left her words, she had already disappeared before Hong Yuan's eyes.

When Hong Yuan heard the loud 'dong' sound when the door was closed tightly, she slammed her furious fist on the table,

"Damn it, damn it!"

Immediately rushed to the window, intending to fly out, but when she saw the Imperial Forest Army not far away, she stopped immediately.

So many guards? She was obviously not here just now, so Ling Muer deliberately went out to test her!

This woman has long since discovered that something is wrong with her, and she is both tempting and threatening. What exactly is she trying to do?

Young Master, if you were on the scene, you would know that your sincerity has been paid to the wrong person, and such a calculating woman is not worth it at all!

"I heard from Shang Zhi that you have decided to keep that maidservant named Hong Yuan by your side, is the service going well?"

On the carriage, Shangguan Shaochen gently held Ling Mu'er's waist, resting his chin on her shoulder, smelling the familiar fragrance of hair, he felt very comfortable physically and mentally.

Ling Muer was stunned for a moment, but soon she nodded, "She is a girl who is very good at taking care of others, and her skills are also good, but she is not very humorous."

She replied, but did not tell him about Hong Yuan's different identity, otherwise, she would know Hong Yuan's fate without guessing.

Since some people deliberately sent people close to her, she certainly couldn't live up to the hard work of others. If she didn't find out what that person was going to do, wouldn't everyone be working in vain?

"They are lucky to meet a master like you. Since you have done a good job, let's stay in the house and tell her later that I have taken good care of you. This prince will reward you a lot."

Shangguan Shaochen was very forthright, and the second half of his sentence was obviously addressed to the servants outside the carriage.

Ling Mu'er didn't speak, and the picture of Hong Yuan who was terrified last night but insisted on keeping her mouth shut couldn't help appearing in her mind.

Her stubbornness, her perseverance, are very much like her.

She wanted to see who it was that dared to attack her.

"How long will it be?" Ling Muer lifted her delicate face, looked at the scenery outside the carriage, and was pleasantly surprised.

It snowed last night, and the outside is covered with white flowers, not to mention how beautiful it is, but unfortunately she is naturally afraid of the cold, so she doesn't like winter very much.

"But tired?" Shangguan Shaochen looked nervously, followed her gaze, looked around, he estimated, "There is about half an hour, if you are tired, you can sleep for a while, and I will call you when it arrives? "

Ling Mu'er didn't speak, but nodded her head, and leaned in his arms to listen to the strong heartbeat, and moved her hand involuntarily to her belly, which was gradually growing slightly.

"Shaochen, tell me, what if my body can't be cured, and even the baby in my stomach is affected?"

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Shangguan Shaochen drank softly, covered her lips with his palm domineeringly, and his voice was a little angry, "I don't allow you to think wildly, there is no absolute in everything, until the last moment, how do you know there is no hope?"

"But since his appearance, my body has deteriorated day by day. I'm really worried..."

"Then we don't want him!"

Shangguan Shaochen spoke suddenly, and Ling Muer was completely taken aback.

"What did you say?"

Seeing his increasingly cold and angry side face, Ling Muer finally understood something, she sat up suddenly from his arms, "Shangguan Shaochen, this is my biological child!"

A certain man turned pale, and grabbed her shoulders with both hands, "But you are the person I care about most in this world. Without you, what use would I need him?"

"But he is innocent!"

"I'm innocent too!"

Shangguan Shaochen yelled domineeringly, he rarely yelled at her like this, the last time he yelled was when he lost his memory.

Never expecting his reaction to be so intense, Ling Muer's heart was beating violently.

Xu realized that his rage had frightened the little woman in front of him, Shangguan Shaochen lowered his eyes, and his eyes drifted quietly into the distance, "Children without mothers are unhappy, of course I will not allow my children to be happy." Suffering everything his father has suffered, so if it is really a last resort, then we don't want him, do you understand what I mean now?"

Ling Muer's heart suddenly had mixed feelings,

Yes, a child with a mother is like a treasure, while a child without a mother is a grass.

She once thought that if she really had to choose one because the arrival of the child oppressed her certain nerves, she would of course choose to give her life hope to the child who has not yet come to this world to appreciate the great rivers and mountains.

But what to do, she was so reluctant to part with Shangguan Shaochen.


Ling Muer's nose was a little sore, she flung herself into his arms coquettishly and hugged his waist tightly, "I don't care, I don't allow you to hurt him, I promise you will heal yourself as much as possible, but you also You must promise me that you must discuss everything with me, do you hear me!"

Shangguan Shaochen thought she meant that she would suddenly murder her unborn baby one day, he smiled bitterly, "I'm his biological father, who do you think I am?"

"Bad guys! I know the bad guys who yell at me!"

Ling Mu'er said so, but her small fist was digging on his chest as if it was tickling.

Shangguan Shaochen opened his big palm and tightly wrapped her small fist in his palm. When hearty laughter came from above his head, the whole atmosphere seemed to be alive again in an instant.

"Even though Dongfang Que hasn't graduated yet, he has excellent medical skills. Maybe the two of you can overcome this strange disease together. We're here this time. It's good to just stay for a while and relax."

Shangguan Shaochen pointed to the scenery outside the window, "Yaowang Valley has a higher terrain and is located deep in the mountains. It is a wonderful place for self-cultivation. I think Dongfangque will not refuse my proposal."

"That's not certain!" Ling Mu'er disagreed, "Last time you threatened his life, but we were assassinated twice and made a mess of Medicine King Valley, maybe this time we won't even be able to enter the door go."

Ling Mu'er was talking casually, but who knew that her mouth really came true.

When the carriage stopped at Yaowang Valley, the gate of the valley was closed tightly, and a sign saying no visitors was even hung up.

It is obviously a mysterious and mysterious place, but it looks like a deserted restaurant, which shows that this must be the idea of ​​​​Oriental Sparrow.

"I don't see you behind closed doors, but the eldest brother wants to go in?"

Ling Muer blinked, and made a playful gesture of drawing her sword.

Shangguan Shaochen originally frowned, but seeing her deliberately teasing, he couldn't help laughing.

Turning around, he took out the hilt of his sword and knocked frequently on the closed gate of Yaowang Valley, as if a mechanism had been touched, the gate was suddenly opened.

"It turns out that the Second Prince is here, so please forgive me for the disappointment in the Yaowang Valley."

The door was opened by a young disciple in a blue Taoist uniform.

"But the owner of the valley is not here, why does Yaowanggu refuse to see the guests?" Shangguan Shaochen cut to the point, his tone was very domineering and powerful, and he could not refuse.

"Back to the second prince, Gu Zhu left suddenly three days ago, claiming to go out to save lives and heal the wounded to practice medical skills, and he will not come back in the next few days. If the second prince comes to see Gu Zhu, I'm afraid it will be empty." The little disciple said , looking a little embarrassed.

"The good name is to practice medical skills. In my opinion, it's the wild cranes gone?" Ling Mu'er felt funny. Although they haven't known each other for a long time, this oriental sparrow pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger on the surface, but it is actually very delicate and meticulous. She didn't believe that he was a good baby who studied obediently.

"This..." The little disciple was a little embarrassed, not knowing how to answer Ling Muer's words.

"Did Dong Fangque say when he will come back?" Shangguan Shaochen asked coldly.

"Uncle Master didn't say anything, but based on the time when Uncle Martial Master left each time before, roughly three months will be the shortest time. I wonder if the Second Prince can wait?"

"Of course not!"

Shangguan Shaochen was a little angry, let alone three months, his Mu'er might not even get three days.

Otherwise, she would never have asked such a serious question suddenly in the carriage just now.

He didn't know what happened to Mu'er's body, but it was a bad answer that Dongfangque was not in Medicine King Valley.

"Forget it, since we're not here, we can't force it. If your Valley Master comes back early, please send someone to the Second Prince's Mansion to inform you."

After thanking him, Ling Muer hugged his arm, "Let's go home, husband."

When she called her husband in the past, he felt itchy, and he was in a great mood. But today he couldn't be happier.

"The Oriental sparrow is not in the Valley of the Medicine King, your disease..."

"As long as you don't get angry, don't feel too sad, rest on time every day, and eat on time, it's fine."

Ling Muer shook her head with a relaxed face, and hugged his arm tightly, "I'm so cold, are you sure you want to stand in this snow?"

Only then did he realize that the little girl's face was pale with cold, Shangguan Shaochen hurriedly hugged her tightly and got into the carriage, and immediately rode back to the second prince's mansion with an order.

That being the case, he can only issue a Jianghu hunting order to search for the Oriental Sparrow with all his strength.

Brat, if you dare to hide from him, he wants to see where he can hide!

"Is it still cold now? Is there any discomfort in your body? Mu'er, if you feel any discomfort, please tell me as soon as possible, understand?"

Shangguan Shaochen looked at her nervously, until he hugged her into the room and felt the heat in the room, then he reluctantly let go of his hands.

"much better."

Ling Muer shook her head, seeing someone in the room, she quickly got out of his arms.

Seeing that Hong Yuan's face was flushed, but her eyes were still filled with cold anger, she pretended not to notice, "What are you doing in a daze, it's rare for Master to be at the house, why don't you go and make a cup of tea for Grandpa."

Hongyuan didn't expect that overnight, Ling Muer not only didn't care about her identity with her, but even seemed to be very familiar with her.

After she was stunned for a moment, she hurriedly went to pour tea for Shangguan Shaochen.

"Second prince, please drink tea."

Only then did Shangguan Shaochen look up at her, but it was only for a moment, "Are you Mu'er's personal maid?"

These words may sound ordinary, but they are full of oppression.

Hongyuan hurriedly knelt on the ground, "Go back to the second prince, the servant girl Hongyuan will definitely take good care of the girl."

"The steps are light, the breath is calm, and it seems that the internal strength is good." Shangguan Shaochen praised, "Since Mu'er chose you, you must have your excellence, so I will stay and take care of her. Mu'er has a special body, so take good care of her." Yes, this prince will definitely reward you."

After explaining a few more words to his wife, Shangguan Shaochen left the room under her urging.

As soon as he left, Hong Yuan, who had been humbled before his knees, immediately stood up straight, "I was ordered to approach you, if the second prince finds out my true identity, I will definitely make my life worse than death, why don't you expose me?" ?”

"That's more interesting. Go out with me tomorrow."

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