"The girl is the second concubine, and also the future concubine, the future empress, what are you doing buying these shops?"

Hongyuan looked at Ling Muer curiously. Those who didn't know thought that the person in front of him was not a concubine who was loved by thousands of people, but a greedy ghost who fell into the eyes of money.

"You are a smart person, and someone sent me to approach me, so I will not hide it from you. You also know that I have a special body, and I may faint one day and never wake up again. There are old ones on the top and young ones on the bottom, so it is natural to make proper arrangements for them."

Ling Mu'er did not hide anything, while counting the tickets in her hand, she carefully checked the information on it, and after making sure that it was correct, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Girl, you..." Hongyuan didn't expect her to say such a thing at all, and instinctively wanted to say that you would not die, because she felt a little embarrassed because she couldn't save face.

"Since you know that I was sent to approach you, are you not afraid that I will report all your actions?" She frowned, strangely, it was the first time that she couldn't understand a person so much.

She thinks that she has been with the young master for many years and is used to the wind and waves. Although she has not seen countless people, although there are times when she can't understand the young master, she is just a weak woman, why can't she understand?

"I just bought some shops, and I didn't do anything illegal. You can report it if you want." Ling Mu'er looked relaxed and smiled very gently, "The premise is that your pigeon can fly out successfully."

"You—" Hearing the threat, Hongyuan was a little out of breath, and turned her head away from her with a cold snort.

She was brought out early this morning by Ling Muer. An hour ago, they walked around every market in the capital. Ling Muer only looked at the shops and didn't ask the prices, as if she remembered every place in her heart .

In the second hour, she began to compare and ponder. At the third hour, the owner of the shop he liked was invited out for a negotiation.

This is the first time that Hongyuan saw a seller invite multiple store owners out for a negotiation. It was also the first time that she knew that buying a store can also be bargained, coerced or lured, and it can be bought at the same time in just half an hour. The heroic feat of five shops.

"It's a pleasure to be part of your family," she said.

"Of course!" Ling Mu'er did not evade praise at all, "They all come from the poor Lingjia Village and have been honest people all their lives. Without them, I might have died 800 times already, so everything I have is worthless. It belongs to them, if it really gets to that point, they will at least have some thoughts, don't have to run around for daily necessities, this is the only thing I can give them."

Ling Mu'er had already figured it out in her heart, the restaurant had already been taken care of by her uncle, and her father had been running the restaurant for a long time. Apart from these things, her father and mother had a store for each other, and her uncle and grandmother had one. Brother Ling Zixuan probably wouldn't Take her things, then the other two shops will be given to Ling Ziyu.

In case he is unsatisfactory in his official career in the future, at least he can still be a businessman, without the wind and sun, and rushing about for the future.

"Hongyuan, you have to keep this matter a secret for me."

"Secret?" Hong Yuan was completely taken aback. How could someone do such a great thing but not want to be known?

"I, am I your enemy?"

"First, you didn't come to kill me. If it was you, you would have done it long ago. Second, you are also ordered by others. What your master wants to do may not be your idea. I believe you will agree to me."

Ling Mu'er didn't know where her confidence came from, she looked at Hong Yuan's stubborn and deliberately pretended cold face, the more she looked at it, the more she liked it.

This girl is very much like her when she was young.

"Don't think that you can buy me off like this. If it wasn't for the master's order, I would never come to serve you!"

Flicking her sleeves, Hongyuan ran out of the teahouse. For some reason, the more she looked at Ling Muer's sincere eyes, the more her heart wanted to soften.

Obviously she is the most cold-blooded maidservant in Prince Xian's mansion, and she has never been accommodating and sympathetic in her heart, but what kind of magical power does this Ling Muer have, in just a short day, with just a few words, it has gradually softened her heart?

Ling Muer didn't rush to call her to stop, but put the title deed of the shop in her cuff, which actually stored in the space. But after thinking about it, if she really couldn't wake up suddenly one day, wouldn't no one be able to enter that space? Then he put the title deed in Shaochen's space copy with his mind.

Touching her flat abdomen with her hands, she seemed to have felt a slight fetal movement recently. This wonderful feeling that she had never had before made her whole body softer.

"Baby, let's work hard together, okay? At least you have to bless your mother to give birth safely before you leave!"

Gently stroking her, but didn't dare to use too much force, I didn't know how many words I had with him, I just felt that he seemed to be tired from playing and stopped kicking her, so I stood up cautiously.

Under the window, Hongyuan was dressed in a dazzling red dress, but at this moment she was squatting in front of a dirty beggar.

"Sister, I didn't do it on purpose, please forgive me this time, please don't take me to see the official, please."

The little beggar begged pitifully, and when he finished speaking, perhaps he was afraid, closed his eyes and wailed loudly.

Ling Mu'er saw it clearly, Hong Yuan's clenched fists slowly stretched out, gently touching the little beggar's face, her voice was a bit cold, but it could be heard full of concern.

"Okay, when did I say I was going to take you to see the official? Since you know you were wrong, don't do it next time, and forgive you by returning the silver bag that you stole from me."

"Thank you sister, thank you sister." The little beggar hurriedly took out the silver bag and returned it to Hong Yuan with both hands.

"Remember, once a person is a thief, he will be a thief for the rest of his life. You are a man, you have to raise your head and do legitimate business, use legitimate means to earn clean money, understand? I am so easy to talk to!" Hongyuan taught her a lesson, but in a corner where the little beggar couldn't see, she secretly put two sets of silver in his pocket.

"Yes, I understand, this is my first time stealing, and I have no choice but to do so, but sister, don't worry, I won't dare again!"

The little beggar nodded frequently, and hurriedly ran away after getting her eyes to agree.

"I thought you were a cold-blooded and ruthless person, but I didn't expect you to be as cold as you appear on the surface?"

Ling Muer appeared behind him in due course.

With those words, Hongyuan's face turned red up to the neck.

When working in Prince Xian's mansion, because she only obeyed the young master's errands, the young man was very quiet and rarely praised her, and no one in the mansion had a higher status than her, so she never heard a few compliments in her life.

Ling Muer praised her abruptly, which made her very embarrassed.

"You, how can you eavesdrop on other people's conversations!"

"This is the street, and you speak so loudly, who can't hear you?" Ling Mu'er spread her hands and pointed to the left and right. "However, I really thought that you would take that child to report to the police, no matter how bad you are, you would never throw money into his pocket. Since you want to be a good person, why bother to pretend to be fierce, and you will put the child Terrified."

"If I gave him money in front of his face, I would have ruined him even more!"

Humming, Hongyuan came back behind her, keeping her head down and not looking into her eyes, but Ling Muer still caught the slight upward movement of the corners of her mouth.

Although the little girl is not young, it seems that in the past twenty years, she has received little attention.

"I've finished all the things I have to deal with today, and it's still early, why don't I take you to my clinic and take care of your body?" Ling Mu'er asked.

"Are you buying me?"

Hong Yuan frowned slightly, she couldn't tell if she was unhappy, but she was still moved and embarrassed.

"That's what you want to think."

Ling Mu'er didn't explain or deny, and led the way.

When I came to the medical hall, there were no empty seats in the room, and it was full of people.

Seeing Ling Muer appear, Shang Zhi and Jiang Xiang hurriedly stood up and said hello to her. When the surrounding people saw that it was the medical fairy girl who had returned, they gave way one after another, and she was a little shocked by such a battle.

"You don't have to be polite, I'm not feeling well right now and I can't go to see a doctor anymore, and I'm here as a patient today, you just pretend I don't exist."

As Ling Muer said, she found a seat and sat down, and went to get the number plate from the maid.

Although he is the boss, the order should not be disordered, and the line should still be lined up.

"Hey, there should be twelve people in front of you. If you say it quickly, you can say it slowly. If you are tired, go sit there and wait a while, but you must not think about running away. Your body is weak. It's terrible, if I'm not wrong, you will have a headache when it's cloudy, rainy or even thundery, right, if you want to cure it, just wait here."

Ling Mu'er saw what was going on in Hong Yuan's heart, and half-threatening, half-threatening stabilized her, and went to the private room on the second floor.

The private room is where she rests during her doctor's visits. Although she hasn't been here for a while, it is clean and tidy. It is obvious that Shangzhi and Jiangxiang have been cleaning it all the time.

She closed the door tightly, and took out the title deed of the hospital from the space. That's right, although Su Ce helped find someone to rent the hospital at the beginning, she took it out a month ago and directly changed it to The names of Shangzhi and Jiangxiang.

Although the two of them worshiped him as their teacher, they have been taking care of the medical clinic during this time, and they have worked hard and made great achievements. It is also appropriate to reward them with some valuable things.

Besides, if she is really gone in the future, this is the only thing she can leave for disciple.

Putting the title deed in the drawer, and confirming where Shang Zhi and Jiang Xiang can see it, Ling Muer went downstairs.

Originally thought that Hong Yuan was still standing impatiently waiting, but the scene in front of her instantly stunned her.

At this moment, Hong Yuan was riding on a patient covered in blood, holding down the wounded shoulder firmly, but the wounded patient was struggling and resisting constantly due to the torment of the disease. He was injured, but Hongyuan not only did not let go, but even endured the pain and continued to press him tightly and yelled at Shang Zhi, "Quick, what are you doing still standing there. He is seriously injured, hurry up and save him."

Shang Zhi didn't expect Hong Yuan to be cut twice on her body and still help her like this, "But your injury..."

"My injury is nothing. If he dies, he won't be able to see the beauty of this world, and he won't be able to feel the warmth and warmth of human feelings. It's important that you save him!"

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