"Young master, our people have been discovered."

Zi Tong looked at Su Ce nervously, "Yesterday, the secret guards came to report that they were discovered by Amu De and Lan Sihe when they were changing shifts. According to their relationship, Qin Ruochen must already know that the Xian Wang Mansion is secretly monitoring the Sixth Prince's Mansion. How dare you ask?" What should we do now, son!"

"The two old foxes, Amu De and Lance He, conspired with Qin Ruochen. Once they are reported by me, they still can't afford to go around. What are you afraid of? They are people from my Prince Xian’s mansion. Even if it is proven, what did my people do? They just wandered outside the gate of the Sixth Prince’s mansion, stole his rice, or kidnapped his wife and children? Since there is nothing, Even if he comes, what can he do to me?"

Su Ce didn't take this matter seriously at all, but he didn't know that he had completely misunderstood Qin Ruochen's intentions. It was just a simple surveillance, but in Qin Ruochen's eyes, he was an enemy of poisonous bugs.

"Has there been any news from Hong Yuan recently?" Su Suce raised his eyes, remembering that his people were with Ling Muer. Although he knew that he might be misunderstood by Ling Muer after being discovered, he thought that only his people were taking care of him. He was able to rest assured, and he was relieved a lot.

"The carrier pigeon that Hongyuan specially communicates with the son has not returned to the house recently, and there is no news about it." Zitong answered truthfully, "When my subordinate went to investigate yesterday, I saw Hongyuan and the second prince and concubine going out at the market. In terms of human condition, it seems that Hongyuan is doing pretty well."

"very good!"

Su Ce was in a great mood, "Find a chance to tell Hong Yuan that the service is good, and the Lord will reward you a lot."

Seeing the young master's rare smile, Zitong didn't want to hit him at first, but after thinking about it, she couldn't help it, "Young master, Hong Yuan is yours after all, she and her subordinates have been with the young master for many years. The affairs of the family have been done well, why, my lord?"

"Do you think I'm punishing her?" Su Ce frowned slightly, not understanding why his subordinates had such thoughts.

But Zitong has it, and Hongyuan must have misunderstood it.

"Isn't it?" Zitong took a deep breath, hesitating, not knowing how to describe it accurately, "I originally thought that Hongyuan was special in the young master's heart, but the young master sent her to do a lowly job. It's not fair to Hongyuan!"

Seeing Su Ce's piercing eyes immediately, Zitong hurriedly explained, "My lord, don't misunderstand my subordinates. The subordinates just think that Hongyuan has worked hard for the family. There is hard work even if there is no credit. Now I serve others, although The second concubine does not look like a messy master, but she is also a lowly maid after all."

"It turns out that serving others is low-level, lowly? What about you, do you feel lowly by serving this king?" Su Ce's tone was contemptuous, with a hint of mockery.

Zitong knew that he had misunderstood, and immediately knelt on the ground, "Your Majesty, calm down, this is not what this subordinate meant."

"Get up, don't just kneel down, I haven't lived enough yet, I don't want to always lose my life because of your despicable actions!"

Gritting his teeth, he casually played with the teacup on the table.

Looking at Zitong's fearful expression again, he smiled slightly, "I thought my people would understand my thoughts, but now it seems that I really think highly of you."

Zitong was extremely flustered, "My lord, I just..."

"I know you are complaining about Hongyuan! She has been with me for many years, first the king's mansion, and then the virtuous king's mansion. She took care of everything in an orderly manner. She is as important to me as you are, so I I just let her serve someone who is more important to me, isn't this my trust in you?"

Only then did Zitong suddenly realize,

"So the young master still can't let go..." The second prince and concubine.

"My lord, the princess asks to see you."

When the servant came to report, Su Ce raised his eyes and saw Mo Junyao standing outside the door in a fiery red dress.

With her appearance, the originally good mood suddenly became extremely depressed.

Su Ce waved his hand impatiently, "No see."

"Why don't you see me? I'm your princess. I miss you and come to see you, but I won't do anything to you. Is it too much for you to hide from me?"

Pushing past the blocking guards, Mo Junyao barged in, ignoring Su Ce's dodging eyes, and forced herself to stand in front of him, "Su Ce, do you hate me so much?"


The answer was crisp and clear, without any sloppiness, and like a cold arrow, it ruthlessly pierced into Mo Junyao's chest.

"You..." Mo Junyao was in a hurry, her hands in her cuffs clenched into fists, her eyes were misty, and the crystal tears seemed to fall at any moment.

Today is their day of action.

This is also the last chance she gave herself. It's a pity, Su Ce, Su Ce, it's you who don't know how to cherish it!

"You heartless, shameless bastard, I've had enough. If you don't give me a satisfactory explanation today, I will never give up."

As Mo Junyao said, she suddenly rushed towards Su Ce, wrapping her whole body around him, beating and tearing at him, like a street shrew.

Su Ce frowned impatiently. He didn't want to do anything to her at first, but he couldn't bear her pestering, so he pushed her away, "Have you ever had trouble!"


Mo Junyao was pushed to the ground, feeling the raw pain from her buttocks, she got up, and stared at Su Ce angrily, "What did I do wrong to make you treat me like this? In your calculation, I was Your pawn, do I deserve to be used by you? Don’t you think it’s better for me to use me? You don’t have to touch me, you can see me, you can treat me as air, but the most basic respect? , have you ever given me a moment of tenderness?"

Tears were falling down, Mo Junyao stubbornly wiped the tears off her face, and when she got up, she looked like a crazy abandoned woman.

"I am the most beloved princess in the Western Regions, but you treat me like a lowly servant, Su Ce, you are so cruel."

While talking, Mo Junyao approached him. Suddenly, before everyone could react, she pulled out a dagger from her cuff and stabbed him in the throat.

"Since I can't get you, I'll kill you!"

Seeing that the dagger was about to pierce his throat, Su Ce took the teacup to block it with sharp eyesight and quick hands, and did a sideways flip, perfectly running behind Mo Junyao.

"My lord!" Zi Tong was also frightened, and rushed up to control Mo Junyao who went mad with one hand, "Princess Xian, do you know what you are doing!"

"Let go of me, I'm going to kill him, I'm going to kill this heartless man, if I can't get him, let no one else get it!"

Mo Junyao struggled and yelled loudly.

The maidservants and guards who passed by outside the door carefully gathered around to watch the excitement.

Concubine Xian is going crazy and wants to murder King Xian, I am afraid that the news will spread throughout the streets and alleys of the capital in less than three hours.

Su Ce suppressed his anger, and threw the tea cup in his hand to the ground.

There was a crisp sound of 'pop'.

"Enough!" he roared.

When he looked over with angry eyes, he seemed to be looking at a monster, "Mo Junyao, have you gone crazy enough! This is the capital, not your Western Region, do you know what will happen to murdering the prince of Kyoto? You are arguing here for no reason today. Make a big fuss, and it will spread out soon, are you courting death yourself?"

"So what!"

Mo Junyao's roar was no less loud than his, "You don't love me at all, you don't want to see me, I'd rather die than live with humiliation! But even if I die, I will hold you by my side. You are my man, and you are going to die We will die together!"

With that said, Mo Junyao rushed over again holding the dagger. As soon as she was about to stab Su Ce in the chest, Su Ce clasped her wrist with great precision, turned over, and firmly pressed her against the opposite wall.

"Crazy woman, you are really crazy!"

Su Ce gritted his teeth, "Since I know that I don't have you in my heart, if you calm down, I will at least feel guilty, but you make trouble all day long and make troubles in the Xianwang's mansion. I will never regret you in my life. See you later!"

His words were cold and ruthless, Mo Junyao's heart felt like a knife was twisted when he heard it.

"So, no matter what I do, you won't fall in love with me, will you!"

"You drugged me, assassinated me, and even colluded with Amu De to deal with people I care about. I don't care about all kinds of crimes. That's because you are my Xian Wangfei. I don't love you, and I won't touch you. But it doesn't mean that I will indulge you again and again!"

Su Ce's voice was evil and fierce. Looking at Mo Junyao's teardrop eyes, he felt a trace of guilt in his heart, "Mo Junyao, as long as you keep yourself safe, you will still be my virtuous princess, but if you refuse, Then go back to your Western Regions."

"Why do you drive me away?" Mo Junyao went completely crazy, "I am the concubine Xian, I am the hostess of the Prince Xian's mansion, it's your fault if you don't love me, so why am I the one who left! I Those things I did were all because I love you! I am not wrong, so you have no right to divorce me!"

Mo Junyao resisted, and threw everything she caught on Su Ce's body, so that Su Ce, who was still imprisoning him, no longer wanted to control her.

"Crazy woman."

Su Ce took a deep breath and gave Zitong a look, "Let's go!"

Seeing that he really wanted to leave, Mo Junyao chased after him very reluctantly, "Where are you going, Su Ce, don't leave me alone, can I change it, I will be obedient in the future? Are you going to that other courtyard again? Why do you leave me alone in that courtyard every time, obviously this is your home!"

She roared, as if she realized something, "Say, are you hiding some woman in Bieyuan, are you hiding in the golden house behind my back, or is that the place where you and Ling Mu'er had a tryst?" ?”

Hearing her say the word 'tryst' and Ling Muer was involved, the guilt in Su Ce's heart completely disappeared.

Originally, he just wanted to go out for a walk, and he would come back before dark, but she took the initiative to mention that he was going to the other courtyard, that's good, he will live in the other courtyard.

"Since you like Prince Xian's mansion so much, then you can be your Princess Xian alone."

Swinging his sleeves fiercely, Su Ce walked ahead. Seeing that Mo Junyao was about to catch up, he turned his head and shot coldly, "Mo Junyao, I warn you, it's okay to humiliate me, if you humiliate me again Ling Muer, this king wants your life!"

"Zitong, prepare your horse, go to another courtyard!"

Watching Su Ce leave helplessly, Mo Junyao, who was still insane, suddenly stopped all the roaring.

She was like a patient who was suddenly cured of madness, her eyes were empty, and she stood there blankly.

"He, did he really leave?"

I don't know if I'm asking this question to myself or to the servants around me.

"Back to the princess, the carriage of the prince is heading towards the other courtyard, but why are you doing this, the princess, deliberately lured the prince to the other courtyard, you..."

"If you can't get it, destroy it. You forgot that this is what my father taught me."

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