"It is rumored that the Sixth Prince's Mansion was in chaos last night, causing people to turn their backs on their backs. As for Qin Ruochen, he was bitten by poisonous insects and swelled into a pig. Hahaha, cousin sister-in-law's move is really powerful."

Nangong Yizhi came to the second prince's mansion early in the morning after hearing the report from his subordinates. After confirming that Ling Muer did it, he couldn't help but close his mouth happily, "That Qin Ruochen, who is not afraid of the sky, is not afraid of the earth, thinks he is very powerful, so it turns out There are times when he is so afraid of death, haha."

"If you laugh louder, I'm afraid it will spread to the Sixth Prince's residence. You wish the world would know that I did this, right?"

Ling Muer threw an apple at his handsome face.

Nangong Yizhi dodged, caught it firmly, and took a big bite, "Aren't I happy that I have finally taught Qin Ruochen a lesson?"

He rolled his eyes. I looked around and realized something was wrong, "Hey, where's my cousin?"

"So you know that you have a cousin." Ling Mu'er snorted, "Shao Chen was called into the palace by the emperor in the middle of the night, if my guess is correct, it should be a matter of finalizing the crown prince. "

Congratulations to cousin sister-in-law, who is about to become a princess.

Hearing this, Nangong Yi hurriedly stood up and clasped his fists and bowed again, with a flattering expression on his face.

"It's not a big deal to watch the excitement."

Ling Mu'er wished she could throw the whole fruit plate beside him at his handsome face, "Qin Ruochen was disturbed by the poisonous insects yesterday, and he probably won't go to court for a few days. Shao Chen can just discuss this matter with the emperor, although the result is not yet known. , but it is conceivable that the road ahead will not be too easy. If you have nothing else to do, go back and say hello to Godmother for me."

"Is there any reason to drive the guests away?"

Nangong Yizhi was dissatisfied, and was about to say something, but Ling Muer suddenly stood up, deliberately puffed out her stomach, and patted her on top.

"Because the little guy here is going to rest, are you sure you want to disturb our mother and child's sleep?"

"Don't dare!"

Nangong Yizhi hurriedly smiled and got up, "If I let my cousin know that I disturbed his favorite person's sleep, I will not take off my legs when I turn around. Since my cousin is not here, I will come back later, you can rest. "

Nangong Yizhi was about to leave when he suddenly thought of something, "By the way, we guessed right before that Qin Ruochen sent someone to intercept and kill Qin Yuheng on the way, but fortunately, his cousin was wise and prepared everything in advance. He died at the hands of the hidden guards, as for Qin Yuheng's family, they have already arrived in Jinzhou safely, so you don't have to worry."

Ling Muer nodded to show that she understood, and gave Hong Yuan another look, signaling her to see off the guests. Ling Muer was really tired, so she walked around the screen and went straight into the inner room.

Unexpectedly, before she could lie down with her clothes on, Nangong Yizhi, who had left, came back in a hurry.

"It's not good, cousin, it's not good!"

Realizing that he had broken into a place he shouldn't have broken into, Nangong Yizhi hurriedly turned around and retreated outside the screen, "Something went wrong, something serious happened."

Ling Muer fastened the belt she had just untied, and turned her eyes to look at his back with displeasure, "What's wrong."

Nangong Yizhi wanted to turn around, but he was afraid that Ling Muer might not tidy himself up, so he simply turned his back on him, but he didn't know where to put his hands in a hurry.

"I was planning to go out, but the slaves came to report that something happened to the Prince Xian's mansion, you...do you want to go and have a look?"

Almost as soon as Nangong Yizhi finished speaking, Hongyuan also rushed in hastily.

"Girl, I beg you to go and see the virtuous king. The servant said that the virtuous king was seriously injured, and the girl's medical skills are rejuvenating. Please excuse me."

"Why are you so nervous, King Xian?"

Ling Muer was sure that this kind of nervousness was definitely not as simple as ordinary girls admiring handsome guys.


"What the hell is going on, why did the virtuous king report to my second prince's mansion when he was injured?" Ling Muer looked past Hong Yuan to Nangong Yizhi.

"This..." Nangong Yizhi also instantly realized that something was wrong, "Xu Xian Wang was really seriously injured, and the Xian Wang Mansion had no choice but to send someone to invite you?"

"What about the person who reported it?" Ling Muer asked.

"Let's go." Nangong Yizhi spread his hands, saying it was very natural.

"That's even more impossible." Ling Muer's tone was firmer than before, "The King Xian is injured, maybe he will send someone to invite me to see a doctor, but he will definitely come to me and describe his condition in person, so what? Will you just send a small servant over to pass a message and leave?"

Hearing this, Nangong Yizhi immediately calmed down, "Is this another Qin Ruochen's trick?"

Ling Mu'er didn't know, but Hong Yuan was already holding onto her arm tightly, "Whether it's a trick or not, isn't the virtuous king a good friend of the girl? The virtuous king has also helped the girl many times, and now the virtuous king needs help , girl, we would rather believe it or not, and ask the girl to go and have a look."

After Hong Yuanhua finished speaking, she realized that she had acted too anxiously. She was afraid that Ling Muer would find out her identity, so she hurriedly found other excuses for herself, "I, to tell you the truth, girl, I have been in love with the first son of the capital for a long time. , I was so excited when I saw him at the market that day, and the girl also saw it at that time. I, I am also worried about King Xian."

"You don't have to explain it to me." Ling Mu'er blinked, "You're right, I'd rather believe it or not, just go and see what happens."

But she is not a fool. She was framed twice in a row. If she didn't have the slightest thought of guarding against it, she would be really stupid.

"Yizhi, you go into the palace immediately to find Shao Chen, and tell him to come quickly to Prince Xian's mansion. I'll go over and have a look first, but you must act quickly."

"Don't worry, I will enter the palace right away, but be careful."

When encountering serious matters, Nangong Yizhi never lost the chain, and before leaving, he did not forget to tell Hong Yuan, "Protect your master well."

When Ling Muer went out with Hong Yuan, Hong Yuan kept thanking behind her, "Thank you, miss."

"You're not someone from Su Ce, what are you thanking me for?" Ling Mu'er said this instinctively, but she clearly caught Hongyuan's face turning red from the corner of her eye.

"I, I just think that under such a tiring situation, the girl still takes the trouble to treat people who have nothing to do with me. I just admire the girl's loyalty." Hongyuan explained, completely attributing her worried feelings to the girl's first love.

"You are wrong. Su Ce is not an irrelevant person to me. He is my very good friend. Although I was invited by him when I came to the capital, I am afraid that I would not be able to eat well in the capital without the protection of the virtuous king. Where can there be today's achievements?"

Ling Muer will never forget this kindness. Thinking that maybe Su Ce was really injured, she hurriedly told the driver, "Hurry up."

"No!" Hongyuan hastily refused.

Although she was worried about Young Master, Ling Muer was pregnant after all, "The girl is inconvenient, so don't run around too much, just in case..."

"I know my own body well. If it weren't for the fear of you worrying, I would like to ride a horse."

Ling Muer said, trying to reassure Hong Yuan.

But Hongyuan might be really worried, she even opened the car curtain and looked out the window carefully to check their positions at any time.

Although Ling Mu'er was a little cold, she didn't want to hurt the girl's Huai Chun, so she could only endure it forcefully, feeling the strong wind blowing towards her face, and her body temperature gradually dropped.

She seldom opened the car curtain and looked outside like this, but not to mention that the city of Kyoto in winter has a special charm, she even forgot that her body was gradually getting colder when she looked carefully.

But just looking at it like this, from a distance, she seemed to find something wrong on the diagonally opposite side.

"Stop, stop!"

Ling Mu'er yelled, while holding Hong Yuan's finger, she turned to the diagonally opposite corner, "Is that Su Ce's figure?"

Hongyuan looked over excitedly when she heard the young master's name. Although she only had a glimpse, she looked carefully. The figure, the clothes, and the soft sword of the same color as hers were exposed at the waist. "Young master has been kidnapped." ?”

Before Hongyuan came back to her senses, Ling Muer had already got off the carriage, and she trotted and hurried to catch up.

When Hongyuan followed, where was Su Ce around the corner?

Seeing Ling Muer's anxious and nervous face, Hong Yuan's equally nervous heart seemed to jump out of her throat, "Where is the virtuous king, girl, where is the virtuous king!"

"If I'm not mistaken, Su Ce was knocked out and taken away, and that direction is Su Ce's other courtyard?"

She was a little unsure about paying attention.

Hong Yuan hurriedly stretched her neck, and saw her nodding her head like pounding garlic, "It's the other courtyard, it's the Xian Wang's other courtyard!"

Apart from her, few people knew about Su Ce's other courtyard. How could Hongyuan be so sure?

If it weren't for the fact that she couldn't care less about asking too much now, Ling Muer thought, she already had guesses in her mind.

"Although I didn't see clearly who was carrying Su Ce, it must not be someone from the Prince Xian's Mansion! It seems that something happened to the Prince Xian's Mansion. I'll go to another courtyard to find out. Hong Yuan, you go to the Prince Xian's Mansion to stop Nangong Yizhihe Shao Chen, let them come to the other courtyard immediately." Ling Muer ordered, and she was already walking towards the other courtyard.

Hong Yuan originally wanted to follow, and wanted to rescue the young master immediately, but after thinking about it, it is more important to move in to rescue the soldiers first, "Yes."

When they came to Su Ce's other courtyard, the door of the mansion was ajar, Ling Muer looked around the door for a while, and then looked at the footprints on the ground. In front of the gate of the house where it had snowed, the snow hadn't completely melted, and the footprints were half dry. She was sure that someone had just entered.

Su Ce's other courtyard has been purchased for many years, but it has always been his secret place. Few people know about it, so there are no guards or followers here, but who would bring Su Ce here?

Ling Muer was worried, so she decided to open the door and go in to have a look.

She walked in cautiously, and the house was silent without any abnormality, not to mention Su Ce, she didn't even see half a shadow.

"Su Ce?"

She called out tentatively, but only the birds on the trees answered her.

Strange, did she misread just now, Su Ce was not brought to this place?

Ling Mu'er was thinking about it, when suddenly, the door of the mansion, which was originally concealed, was closed with a 'bang', and then a strong wind blew past.

Ling Muer's heart trembled, and she was ready to hide in the space at any time, but right here, a strange fragrance came.

She instinctively held her breath, but the overwhelming poisonous smoke drifted over, without any internal strength, she gradually felt numb in her limbs and a little dizzy in her head.

"Why am I so hot all of a sudden? Is my heart beating so fast?"

Ling Mu'er realized that something was wrong, she turned around and wanted to leave, but a shadow stood behind her at some point.

"Su Ce?"

She shook her head, trying to clear her blurred vision, but the other party's medicine powder was obviously ten times the usual dose, making it impossible for her to see whether the person standing in front of her was Su Ce.

Her body was so hot, and the man who looked like Su Ce seemed to be approaching her step by step.

"Don't come here, you—" Ling Muer roared angrily, reaching out to stop her, but her body softened, and she fell powerlessly to the ground.

She's hot, really hot...

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