"Cousin, the door can't be opened!"

Outside the other courtyard, Nangong Yizhi slammed on the door of the mansion, but not only did he get no response, the door seemed to be locked from the inside.

Shangguan Shaochen looked nervously at Hong Yuan, "Are you sure Mu'er is inside?"

"The girl asked me to go to Xianwang's mansion to intercept the second prince. She said that she would come to help Xianwang first, and the girl must be inside."

Hongyuan nodded, her tone was very nervous and anxious.

Seeing this, Shangguan Shaochen took a few steps back, looked at the low wall, and nodded to Nangong Yizhi, "Yizhi"

After the words fell, the two men tapped their toes and landed on the wall one after another.

"If you can't come up, just wait outside." Nangong Yizhi explained to Hong Yuan without turning his head.

Hongyuan snorted, and hated others looking down on her the most, "Although my lightness kung fu is not as good as yours, who said I can't make it?"

When she climbed over the wall perfectly and jumped into the courtyard, Shangguan Shaochen and Nangong Yizhi were standing in the middle of the courtyard.

"Why..." Well, before he could say two words, Nangong Yizhi covered his red lips.

"Hold your breath, there is poison in the yard, be careful." Nangong Yizhi confessed, and let go of his hand covering her red lips

When he returned to Shangguan Shaochen, he was full of nervousness, "Cousin, what's going on?"

"You brought me here, you ask me?" Shangguan Shaochen asked back, looking around nervously with black pupils.

Just now in the imperial dining room, his father ordered him to accept the position of crown prince and choose a date to accept the title. He had just agreed when Nangong Yizhi broke in and said that Prince Xian's mansion was killed and Mu'er had already passed.

Nervous for Mu'er's safety, he hurriedly rode out of the palace to Prince Xian's mansion, but Hong Yuan suddenly rushed over on the way, saying that Mu'er had discovered that Su Ce had been kidnapped and had gone to another courtyard.

He realized that something was wrong.

Su Ce is so strong in martial arts and guarded by secret guards, how could he be kidnapped so easily? Even if he was tied up, how could he be taken to his other courtyard?

He checked Su Ce, and Su Ce only had a separate courtyard in the capital, the address was very hidden, and the surrounding area was desolate, so few people knew about it.

Are you playing tricks behind your back again?

"Listen, cousin, there seems to be some sound." Nangong Yizhi's words broke his thoughts.

When Shangguan Shaochen came back to his senses, he did hear some subtle voices, "It came from over there."

Speaking of which, he had already walked ahead, and realized that Hong Yuan, Su Ce, and the poison that had not dispersed, he frowned and ordered, "Everyone, be careful, there may be an ambush at any time."

Hearing this, Nangong Yizhi had already pulled out the sword at his waist, and then looked at the red mandarin duck behind him, seeing her capable and sassy appearance, the worry in his heart eased a bit, and he followed his cousin closely, being his cousin. behind the eyes.

"Ah, um, ah..."

The blushing and heartbeating sounds gradually penetrated into their ears clearly as they approached.

It seemed that the closer it was to a certain room, the harsher the sound.

When Shangguan Shaochen and Nangong Yizhi came to the inner courtyard, they were obviously startled by the sound.

"My God, what's going on?"

Nangong Yizhi's Adam's apple rolled, he swallowed with difficulty, and looked at Shangguan Shaochen again, his complexion was also dark and livid, very ugly.

Su Ce was kidnapped, Ling Muer came to save him, and someone put medicine powder not far away, and now there are voices of happy men and women...

All of this, a discerning person can guess what happened inside.


Sharp-eyed Shangguan Shaochen impulsively wanted to break in, Nangong Yizhi hurriedly pressed his arm, "It's a trap, this must be a trap, calm down."

"Women who dare to plot against me, no matter who they are, I will kill her!"

Throwing Nangong Yizhi away viciously, Shangguan Shaochen rushed over with his sword in his hand regardless of others, kicked open the door, and a corrosive smell came to his nostrils.

Shangguan Shaochen instinctively covered his mouth and nose, and when he could see everything in front of him clearly, he was stunned.

On the floor of the room, men's and women's clothes were scattered everywhere, and behind the screen, the very intense drama that was being staged did not stop because of someone's intrusion.

Shangguan Shaochen felt a chill all over his body, and the hand holding the sword hilt tightened even more, causing the veins on the back of the hand to burst and the joints to creak.

Shao Chen stepped forward and wanted to rush in, but suddenly an angry voice came from behind him.

"Come on, bring me that pair of dogs and men."

Seeing the sudden appearance of Mo Junyao leading the people, Shangguan Shaochen blocked everyone with a wave of his long arm.

"Mo Junyao, why did you come here?"

"I'll catch that couple inside!" Mo Junyao said very confidently.

Nangong Yizhi and Hong Yuan hurriedly stood behind Shangguan Shaochen when they heard the wind, seeing Mo Junyao's angry appearance, and the people following her, they obviously came prepared, Nangong Yizhi was taken aback, "I said Princess Xian, what do you mean? Did you already know about bringing so many people here?"

"That's right! As the second concubine, Ling Mu'er dared to seduce my husband, I'm going to catch this pair of bastards to meet the Holy Majesty today!"

As Mo Junyao said, she raised her jaw angrily and stared at Shangguan Shaochen, "It turns out that the second prince is also there, hmph, it just so happens that today you can also see how despicable the woman you treat as your treasure is, and I will tell you later When you get her out, don't blame me!"

As she said that, Mo Junyao wanted to bump him away and rush over, but Shangguan Shaochen stood there motionless like a mountain.

"Things can be eaten indiscriminately, but words can't be said indiscriminately. Concubine Xian, you must be responsible for what you said just now!"

"They dare to do it, are they afraid that I will catch them? Ling Muer, as a married man, she actually seduces other people's husbands. I really don't know what the second prince is thinking about such a dissolute and shameless woman! Also, she let us The reputation of the Xianwang Mansion has been discredited, the second prince should think about how to explain to our Xianwang Mansion later, get out of the way instead of stopping me!"

Mo Junyao roared angrily, as if you would force my way in if you don't let me go.

Not only did Shangguan Shaochen refuse to let go, but he looked like a ghost crawling up from hell with his evil lips curled up, "Let me ask you, how do you know that Mu'er and Su Ce are here?"

Forcibly shocked by Shangguan Shaochen's powerful momentum.

Mo Junyao was timid for a moment, but thinking that Ling Muer's reputation could be ruined later, what was she afraid of!

"Of course my people saw it! Su Ce was called out early in the morning by someone. I realized something was wrong and sent someone to follow me. Someone reported to me that after Su Ce went in, Ling Muer followed him in, and his whereabouts were sneaky." What the hell. What are the two of them doing here in broad daylight? Also, what does the mess in this place represent? The second prince is not going to cover up that bitch who is cheating on her, right? "

Shangguan Shaochen lowered his eyes, looked at the men's and women's intimate clothes all over the floor, and then at the guards watching the excitement around him, even if he couldn't stop this matter today.

"You said that my concubine is entangled with your husband? Well, if the person you see later is not my concubine, you Xianwang's mansion should think about how to explain to my second prince's mansion."

Shangguan Shaochen turned his body sideways and let Mo Junyao lead someone to break in.

Nangong Yizhi was completely taken aback, "Cousin..."

"The voice is wrong."

Shangguan Shaochen's voice was faint, Nangong Yizhi hadn't heard what he said clearly, Mo Junyao's screams came from behind,

"Ah! Why, how could it be you!"

After hearing Shangguan Shaochen's words and Mo Junyao's voice, Hongyuan realized that something was wrong, and rushed out of the room as if to look for something.

Although Shangguan Shaochen saw it, he didn't stop him. He gave Nangong Yizhi a look and signaled: Go and have a look.

When the two of them walked behind the screen, even though they were prepared, they were really shocked by the scene before them.

I saw a pair of men and women who had taken the medicine and were exercising nonchalantly on the cold ground, and the man and woman were not Su Ce, and the woman was not Ling Muer either.

"What exactly is going on?"

Nangong Yizhi only felt that one was bigger than the other.

Looking at Mo Junyao again, looking at her ashen complexion, with an unbelievable expression on her face, Shangguan Shaochen walked over and was about to grab her by the collar to question her, when a familiar voice appeared at the door,

"Mo Junyao, it really is you!"

Supported by Hongyuan, Su Ce stood at the door of the room, his face was pale and his breath was weak, apparently poisoned.

Seeing Su Ce appear, Shangguan Shaochen hurried over, "What's going on, where's Mu'er?"

Su Ce frowned when he heard the familiar name, with a look of horror on his face, "You said Ling Mu'er was also counted?"

Only then did I realize that even Su Ce didn't see Ling Mu'er, Shangguan Shaochen stopped talking to him, and winked with Nangong Yizhi, the two of them rushed out of the room and consciously spread out to both sides, busy looking around .

"You go find it too!" Su Ce ordered Hongyuan.

"But son..."


Su Ce roared angrily, and when everyone left, Su Ce looked coldly at Mo Junyao who was trembling and fidgeting in front of him. Almost no one saw how he moved his hands. His people were already standing in front of Mo Junyao, everyone Zhang Ye firmly grabbed her neck, "Say. Who told you to deliberately lure me to another courtyard, who ordered you to betray Xian Wangfu!"

"Let... let go of me..."

Confined to breathe, Mo Junyao only felt that she was about to die.

She rolled her eyes with difficulty, and kept patting Su Ce's hand with both hands, but why did this weak man who was poisoned still have so much strength?

"Bringing so many people here to catch traitors? Heh, Mo Junyao, you are so capable! As a virtuous concubine who dares to murder her husband, I think you, a virtuous concubine, really did it!"

Su Ce threw her body away fiercely, and when he turned around, he spat out a mouthful of blood because of the rush, but he still forced himself to stand still.

"Come here!"

He opened his mouth wide open.

The guards brought by Mo Junyao are all the guards of Prince Xian's mansion. If King Xian is not around, he naturally obeys Princess Xian's orders. Now that King Xian is yelling, who would dare to disobey?

"The subordinates are here!"

"Mo Junyao colluded with traitors to murder this king. This crime is unforgivable. From today on, she will be revoked as a virtuous concubine, and sent to the Three Law Departments for execution by the emperor!"


Mo Junyao, who was in pain all over from being hit on the stone pillar, looked at Su Ce in despair, "You can't divorce me, Su Ce, you and I are two kingdoms, and you can't divorce me without the emperor's decree!"

"Divorce you?" Su Ce sneered, "It seems that you have been in the capital for half a year, and you haven't fully familiarized yourself with the laws of my celestial dynasty. As a virtuous concubine who murdered a virtuous king, your end is death!"

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