"Cousin, the entire other courtyard has been turned over, and there is no sign of Mu'er."

"Go back to the second prince, I can't find the girl!"

Nangong Yizhi and Hongyuan Liushen ran up to Shangguan Shaochen without a master, shaking their heads without any clue at all.

"Impossible!" Shangguan Shaochen refused to believe it, "Since someone is plotting against Su Ce and Mu'er, if Su Ce is here, then Mu'er will definitely be there too."

His piercing eyes shot over, staring at Hong Yuan, "I don't care who you are, just keep looking for me, even if you dig three feet into the ground, you have to find him!"

Never seen such fierce eyes, Hong Yuan was terrified, and was about to turn around when she saw the young man walking out with his back on his back.

She was nervous and wanted to rush over, but received a signal from his eyes, so she had to stand obediently and wait.

Su Ce covered his chest and supported his body with his sword. Seeing their ashen-ashamed expressions, he took a deep breath, and when his breath recovered, he asked nervously, "What's the matter, Ling Muer still hasn't been found? "

Shangguan Shaochen didn't speak, but rushed over, grabbed him by the collar, and rudely pressed him against the wall, "I should ask you this, what's going on, tell me clearly! "

Su Ce was drugged, and his body was weak and weak. He was in a hurry just now, causing serious internal injuries, so he could only be carried by Shangguan Shaochen.

He raised his eyes and said with difficulty, "If I say, I don't know what's going on, can you believe it?"

Shangguan Shaochen hesitated for a moment, everyone thought he would punch him with a heavy punch, but he suddenly let go.

"We've been tricked!"

He turned around angrily and looked around carefully, "From the time I entered the mansion, I should have guessed that things are not that simple. Tell me, why did you find your woman?"

Su Ce knew that this matter had nothing to do with Mo Junyao, and that unruly and willful princess of the Western Regions was all her own fault, and he never thought of protecting her.

"It seems that I was sent by someone. Today she deliberately lured me to another courtyard. Then, I saw Ling Mu'er was tied up in the market, and I chased after him in a hurry. Now that I think about it, all of this It was their conspiracy, and we fell into the enemy's trap." Su Ce explained, spurting out another mouthful of blood.

Hong Yuan couldn't bear it any longer and rushed over to help him steady, and seeing Shangguan Shaochen's ugly face, she knew that she couldn't hide her identity.

"Second prince, now is not the time to worry about the status of a servant. It is important to find the girl first." Hongyuan said, "My lady and I learned that the Xianwang mansion was killed, so we walked to the Xianwang mansion. We also saw the Xianwang being kidnapped on the way. Only then did I catch up. Second Prince, the girl will be fine."

After hearing the ins and outs of the matter, Nangong Yizhi suddenly realized, "Someone is deliberately framing King Xian and Mu'er!"

He opened his mouth belatedly, "It's Qin Ruochen, it must be him! He deliberately framed Mu'er and the Xian Wang for a tryst in another courtyard. Firstly, it could spark a secret fight between the Xian Wang's residence and the second prince's residence. , the reputation of King Xian and Mu'er will be damaged, the two of them will be severely punished, and the friendly exchanges with the Western Regions will be endangered. And the two of them see each other, maybe they are all pretending, this method is vicious, and it will definitely It's Qin Ruochen!"

Shangguan Shaochen's face changed from livid at first to extremely cold.

It was as if every breath had a murderous chill.

He seemed to have thought of something, and looked at Su Ce, "When did you leave the house?"

"How can I remember, but I'm sure that after I came to the other courtyard, the air here is already full of aphrodisiac powder, but I never saw Ling Mu'er from the beginning to the end."

"What's the matter with those two?" Nangong Yizhi asked a little embarrassed.

After all, if they were framed by such means, if they really succeeded, Su Ce and Mu'er might be ashamed to see anyone again in this life.

"I realized that the situation was wrong, and I was about to leave the other hospital, but suddenly a few killers rushed out, and they wanted to take me into the room by force. When I was saving my eyes, I was asked to take the petals of the lark. The general poison cannot be eroded in my body for a short time. Therefore, after I got rid of all the killers, I left them two just to see who would catch the net , I didn't expect..." It was his princess who was waiting.

"But that person's purpose is to plot against you and Mu'er, where will Mu'er be?" Nangong Yizhi shuddered all over, feeling that this matter was getting worse and worse.

"The virtuous king will go back to heal his wounds for the time being. I will send someone to the virtuous king's mansion if there is any situation."

Shangguan Shaochen hesitated for a while, then dropped this sentence and gave Nangong Yizhi a wink, "Let's go to the Sixth Prince's Mansion."

"Second prince, what about the slave?" Hong Yuan didn't know what to do now.

She was quite sure that the second prince had already guessed her identity, but she was Ling Muer's maid, and to be honest, she was also very worried about Ling Muer.

"Take care of your own master."

Leaving aside the words angrily, Shangguan Shaochen and Nangong Yizhi had already left.

Hongyuan supported Su Ce, and lowered her eyes in frustration, "I'm sorry, my lord, but this servant is also worried about your safety, that's why..."

"If you hadn't come to the room to look for me just now, Shangguan Shaochen would not have discovered that you belong to me." Su Ce's voice was weak, but there was a bit of irritation in the weakness.

When did the son get angry with her?

Sure enough, he was really in love with Ling Muer.

"If Ling Mu'er hadn't disappeared, would the young master have been with her just now..."


Su Ce scolded angrily, interrupting Hongyuan's unfinished sentence, "You know what you're talking about!"

"Hong Yuan knows!" Emboldened and raised her head, Hong Yuan confronted him for the first time in her life, "Don't deny it, my lord, if you dare to say that Ling Mu'er is really stunned here, you really don't have the slightest bit Do you want to get her thoughts? Young Master, Hong Yuan knows that contradicting you is heinous, and maybe Young Master will drive me away in a fit of anger, but Hong Yuan still wants to say it. I have been by Ling Muer's side for the past few days. The second prince's feelings can be clearly seen, and he doesn't have the slightest affection for you, so it is always the young master who is acting affectionate! The young master is a smart person, how can the young master not know the truth that Hongyuan knows? Young master, don't be obsessed with it Now, my lord, stop wishful thinking!"


Su Ce never thought that one day he would be so angry!

As if years of camouflage had been ruthlessly dismantled, he felt that the thorn in his heart had been pulled out mercilessly.

He roared, his face was flushed, and the veins on his forehead were raised, as if the person standing in front of him was not his confidant for many years, but his mother-killing enemy!

"Since you know what's going on with you, what are you doing here, how can you dictate my son's private affairs, get out!"

He dropped his words and turned around ruthlessly, but just after he walked a few steps away, his body fell heavily on the ground due to his weakness.

"Young master!" Hongyuan was terrified and rushed forward, but before he touched the young master's body, he was blown away by his powerful internal force.

"I said before that I never keep useless people by my side. Since you can't do your job well, then you don't have to stay by my side anymore!"

Regardless of Hongyuan's begging, Su Ce forced his weak body to leave the other courtyard.

Zitong happened to bring support, seeing how difficult the Young Master was, he rushed up and took out the pills for him, "Young Master?"

After taking the pill, Su Ce only felt his body improve instantly.

To prevent being always drugged, Ling Muer asked someone to bring him a pill that could instantly cure Miqingsan. Although it was the first time he used it, the effect was very good.

"Go, send everyone out, even if you turn all over the capital, you must find Ling Mu'er!"

"The second concubine disappeared?" Zitong was very surprised, and looking at the teardrops on the face of Hong Yuan who was kneeling not far away, and the strange other courtyard, Zitong roughly guessed something.

"My lord, what's going on, Hong Yuan?"

"From now on, there will be no red mandarin ducks in Prince Xian's mansion!"

Su Ce's voice was not loud, but it was enough to reach Hong Yuan's ears.

Su Ce didn't even look back, and got into the carriage indifferently, "What are you still doing, wanting to be kicked out of the Xianwang Mansion together with her?"

Hearing the son's voice, Zitong gave Hongyuan a sorry look, and hurriedly followed.

"My lord, even if Hong Yuan did something wrong, I beg you to see her for the sake of her years of loyalty..."

"If you plead for her again, you will go down with her!" Su Ce interrupted him roughly.

Closing his eyes, he leaned on the backrest, calmly recalling what happened just now.

The incident happened suddenly, and his mind was in chaos, but he was by no means the kind of heartless person.

The fact that Hongyuan's identity was exposed did not mean that she would be driven away by him, but she should be damned for humiliating Ling Muer and desecrating his feelings for Ling Muer!

"Zitong dare not!"

Zitong didn't dare to say a word when he had never seen the young master so angry, but the discussion from the surrounding people made him stop the carriage, "Young master, you should come out and have a look."

Su Ce realized that something was wrong, and immediately opened the car curtain, and some unpleasant sounds immediately reached his ears.

"Have you heard that the Xian Wang and the second concubine of the Xian Wang Mansion had a tryst in another courtyard, and were caught by the Xian Wang Concubine on the spot. I heard that the Xian Wang Concubine brought many people in."

"It's a pity that I didn't see the ecstasy scene with my own eyes. I heard that King Xian has long loved the second prince and concubine. I really don't know how the two hooked up."

"You two, don't talk nonsense, and be careful not to be caught and cut off your brains. I heard that it is the virtuous king who was seduced by the second prince and concubine. The two of you are in a separate courtyard where no one can find out. Tsk tsk tsk, this capital city! It's getting more and more chaotic!"


All kinds of unbearable sounds kept coming to his ears, and Su Ce clenched his fists tightly, his joints creaking.


"The subordinates are here!"

"Take all the talkative people to the palace of the virtuous king, and I want them to know what the price of talking too much is!"


Zitong was ordered to do it, but she stepped back after taking two steps, "My lord, I'm afraid it's too late."

Su Ce followed his line of sight, and saw a group of children singing not far away, singing this incident while running.

They can catch those adults who gossip, but children are innocent. If this kind of words were not taught intentionally by someone with a heart, how could these children sing?

Now that Ling Mu'er has not been found, his and her reputations have been completely ruined.

"I can allow others to humiliate me, but I will never allow anyone to humiliate her. Even if the world blames me for being bloodthirsty and ruthless, so what?"

Su Ce's scarlet eyes flashed with murderous intent, "Whether old or young, women or children, take them all away and bring them back to Prince Xian's Mansion!"

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