"Cousin, I've searched everywhere in the capital and there is still no whereabouts of Mu'er, what should I do?"

Nangong Yizhi had never seen his cousin in such pain.

Even when my aunt was killed and killed, my cousin just said calmly that he would take revenge.

But now, he seems to have aged ten years overnight, so he doesn't have the aura of a 'Kingdu son', "Cousin, don't worry, Mu'erji has his own destiny, and she and the baby in her womb will be fine. "

"Qin Ruochen wants to cause me to break up with Prince Xian's mansion, prevent me from becoming a prince, and destroy my family. He doesn't have the ability!"

'When you can't fight, hide in the space, understand? '

Recalling what the little girl had said in his mind, thinking that Mu'er would protect himself even if he died, Shangguan Shaochen regained his thoughts from the collapse.

Angrily punching the stone below him, he raised his eyes, his black pupils were sharp, "Lan Sihe and Amu De don't have any clues?"

"Yes, my brothers in the rivers and lakes are quite capable in investigation and tracking. Although Lance He has often been in and out of the Sixth Prince's Mansion during this period, from three days ago to today, Lan Sihe has not been in or out of the Prime Minister's Mansion for half a step. As for Amu De..." Nangong Yizhi paused, "The Xian Wang concubine murdered the Xian Wang, and the Xian Wang had already divorced Mo Junyao in a fit of anger. After hearing that Amu De got the news, he dragged his seriously ill body to the Xian Wang's mansion as soon as possible. Although furious, he has already left the capital with Mo Junyao."

"Leaving Beijing?"

For some reason, when he heard these two words, he felt a 'thump' in his heart, and Shangguan Shaochen hurriedly turned around, "Did you find out that there was something strange when Amu De left?"

Nangong Yizhi shook his head again, "Why didn't we check? I heard that the team they left was very quiet, because they were divorced. I'm afraid Mo Junyao also felt humiliated, and they were in the carriage the whole time. According to what Jianghu Brothers found out News, Amu De has been comforting his sister in the carriage, and their luggage is similar to when they came, a few simple luggage, no difference."

Seeing Shangguan Shaochen's frustrated eyes upon hearing the words, Nangong Yizhi couldn't figure it out, "Cousin, since that Mo Junyao is colluding with thieves to murder King Xian and Mu'er, why don't we arrest Mo Junyao? Maybe we can ask It is not certain who is the instigator behind the scenes."

"Hmph, who else could it be besides Qin Ruochen?"

Shangguan Shaochen's mouth twitched violently, "The secret guard came to report that Qin Ruochen had appeared at the side door of Prince Xian's mansion, and had been negotiating with Princess Xian for half an hour. Although I don't know what they said, today Su Ce said that it was Mo Junyao's words Luring him to go to another hospital shows that Qin Ruochen is inseparable from this matter! But she insisted on refusing to admit that we have no evidence, so what if Mo Junyao was arrested? Since she dared to do it, she would definitely not confess! She is from the Western Regions. I am afraid that the friendship between the Celestial Dynasty and the Western Regions will collapse, and we will face more troubles in the future."

Nangong Yizhi was extremely frustrated, "Then we just watch that wicked woman leave like this?"

He was really annoyed, "That Mo Junyao, although she didn't take Mu'er away with her own hands, she is inseparable from Mu'er's disappearance, she deserves her divorce, but let her go like this, I... ..."

"Wait." Shangguan Shaochen suddenly thought of something, "You just said, how many big boxes do they have in their luggage?"

"That's right." Nangong Yizhi hadn't caught his voice yet, "It's a long journey from the Western Regions to the Celestial Dynasty. When Mo Junyao came to marry him, it was said that they were also those bags. Now that she is divorced, she will naturally bring If you take all the things that came here, is it possible that they will be left in vain for Su Ce who divorced her?"

"What I mean is, if Mu'er cannot be found in the capital, he may be taken away from the capital. The gates of the city have already been guarded by our people, and any entry and exit will be checked. But who will be in the team of the princesses of the Western Regions?" To investigate? Besides, Amu De hovered in the capital for a long time and refused to leave. Mo Junyao was humiliated and refused to take her away when she married into the Xian Wang's mansion, but this time Mo Junyao was divorced by Su Ce. Not only did De not take any action, but he even took her away from the capital directly, how is this possible?" Shangguan Shaochen's tone was very slow, and when he saw Nangong Yizhi suddenly realized, he immediately ordered.


"I understand. I'll go to the city gate now to see if the guards have checked their bags. They will also immediately make more efforts to search in the capital. If there is no capital, Mu'er was killed by Amu'er." Brought to the Western Regions, this is what Qin Ruochen said, we would never have thought of where Mu'er was taken! Cousin, wait for my news."

The surrounding area was icy cold, Ling Mu'er only felt that she was woken up from the cold.

The back of her head was dizzy, as if she had been taken some kind of drug, she opened her eyes with difficulty, but the light that entered her eyes irritated her and closed them reflexively.

She wanted to reach out her hand to block her sight, but found that her limbs seemed to be restrained and bound by something. Realizing this, she hurriedly opened her pupils against the piercing light, and in an instant, she gasped.

I saw that there were crystal clear ice bricks all around her, and she was lying on a steep ice stone at this time, her limbs were lying on it in a big shape and bound by iron chains. And under the feet, it was pitch black, like an abyss.

"where is this place?"

She opened her lips, and the first answer was her echo.

She immediately looked up, and she saw an extremely evil and evil face.

"Amud, it's you again!"

Papapa, Amu De clapped his hands three times in a row, "Welcome to the Western Regions. How about Ling Muer, are you satisfied with the prince's secret base?"

The corner of the mouth without the mask was raised, as if he was in a good mood, but he smiled so happily under such an ugly face, it only made people feel chills.

"You manipulated all of this just to get me here?"

Ling Mu'er looked around again, and she was sure that there was a vast abyss under her feet, and since Amu De tied her here, it was definitely not as simple as inviting her to enjoy the scenery.

This Amud, has his action already started?

"Hey, you can't say that, I don't have such great ability!"

Amu De shook his finger and shrugged meaninglessly, "It counts as I saved you this time."

Hearing this, Ling Muer recalled what happened in Prince Xian's Mansion. Before she could find Su Ce when she rushed into Prince Xian's Mansion, she was trapped by a burst of aphrodisiac powder. When she was about to dodge into the space, she seemed to see Su Ce's face. Shadow, it's a pity that she fainted before she could ask what happened and see if the person who came was Su Ce.

She wanted to reach out and touch the back of her head, but with her movement, the iron chain made a loud bang, Ling Muer frowned, "You sealed my blood with silver needles, made me faint, and then brought me here? "

"Don't look at me with such hostile eyes." Amu De's voice was very lazy, "In the end, I saved you. If I hadn't taken you away, you would have fallen into someone's scheme now, He Xian The palace is a joke in the capital, Shangguan Shaochen will be ridiculed by the world because of your shameless actions with the virtuous king, and the virtuous king will also be bestowed to death by the emperor, tell me how many of you I have saved."

"I bother!"

Ling Muer struggled and resisted, "Let me go!"

"Hush" Amu De put his index finger in the center of his lips to stop her from making any noise, "I'm afraid you haven't figured out your current situation, what you're standing on is an abyss, are you sure you want me to let you go?"

At this moment, she is on the huge stone ice on the slope. Once the iron chain is opened, she will fall down the abyss along the slope of the ice brick.

What a cruel method.

"Qin Ruochen asked someone to pretend to be Su Ce, deliberately showed me the picture of him being tied up in front of me, asked me to track down Su Ce's other courtyard, and then knocked me out, in order to ruin Su Ce and me, and you took the opportunity to kill Su Ce. I took it away, you think I don't know that you and Qin Ruochen are in the same group, all this is your conspiracy!" Ling Muer said indignantly, but because she was trapped on the ice bricks for a long time, she was naturally afraid of the cold , She was shivering a little from the cold, and even her voice trembled a little.

"What the hell is this place, kill me if you have the ability, what kind of ability is it to play tricks!"

"You don't need any special means, how can I feel sorry for you coming all the way to the Western Regions?" Amu De looked at her trembling appearance, and said with some distressed regret, "Tsk tsk tsk, do you feel cold now? Yes, you are not only wearing You are weak and pregnant. I heard that you are still afraid of the cold. Every time Shangguan Shaochen goes out, he will order someone to warm up your carriage before letting you in, right? Unfortunately, I am not your man, I will not be like him So kind to you!"

As the words fell, an ax suddenly appeared in Amu De's hand, and his originally lazy expression became evil and vicious, "Ling Mu'er, you are already on my territory, no one can escape the punishment of my ice brick , so, hand over what I have always wanted, and I will let you go, otherwise..."

"Kill me if you have the ability. If you don't, you will get nothing until you die!" Ling Muer ignored his viciousness.

His eyes looked around, thinking about the possibility of escaping.

She can only do simple close combat, and under the condition of not being able to do light work, she can't escape the huge ice bricks on this slope. Hiding in the space is only an expedient measure, because the space will not move, and Amu De knows the disadvantages of her space. If she sticks to it and spends it with her, she will be trapped in the space for the rest of her life.

"Toast, don't eat, eat fine wine!"

Amu De was furious, the ax in his hand suddenly dropped, and with a bang, the iron chain that bound Ling Mu'er's right hand was cut off suddenly.

Unprepared, the body was seriously unbalanced, and the whole person fell to one side.

"Amu De has the ability, you can give me a happy time!"

Ling Muer yelled, she admitted that she was a little scared.

If she was alone, she would have no fear, but the life in her belly was innocent, she could not act at will, let alone allow him to hurt innocent children.

"Don't think that someone will come to rescue you. This is my territory, surrounded by my organs, and Shangguan Shaochen has not known that you have been taken to the Western Regions by me so far. So, hand over what I want, My patience is limited!"

Amu De's anger has reached its peak.

Seeing his mad look, Ling Muer sneered, "Did someone tell you that you look really ugly?"

"court death!"

After the words were finished, the ax in Amu'er's hand followed the iron chains on her left hand and feet, slashed three times, and Ling Mu'er's body began to fall rapidly.

He originally planned to fly to rescue Ling Muer when she asked for help, so as to threaten her to hand over the treasure.

But at this moment, a man in black appeared from nowhere, and suddenly hooked Ling Muer who had fallen into the abyss.

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